The PEER_GW_INTERNAL, QUICK_IDENT, and DISABLE_P2P Code was updated inside the Main Script. An IANA Reserved IPv4 blocked host list was implemented. SSH_ACCESS and SQUID_LOCAL code was updated to allow for mult-interfaces. ICMPUP, ICMPDOWN, P2P-UPTCP, and DOWNTCP code was updated for better P2P support. The Forward Rule for HTTPS was fixed in the Main Script. An SMTP_Allow list was implemented to control outbound SMTP. Sysctl options are now configurable from the main config file.
The PEER_GW_INTERNAL option inside the main config
and code in the min script were fixed. The FTP and
IRC IPTables module configuration in the main
config and main script was updated. The scripts
and configuration files in the contrib directory
were updated. The IANA reserved IPv4 blocked host
list in the main configuration was updated. The
hosting section in the main config was updated to
help people trying to set up port forwarding.
The way TTL STEATH'ing works in the Mangle Tables has been changed. TCP Clamp and PMTU have been changed to use the Mangle Tables instead of the Filter and Nat Tables. The order of the State rules in the User tables EXTIN and DOWNLOAD has been changed to be more effecient. The ability to only load the IRC and / or FTP modules has been added (handy for static kernels with FTP, IRC IPTables Conntrack, and NAT helpers included as modules, so the default port options can changed).