For some operations, the database is now up to 10% faster. The compatibility with MySQL has been improved. A performance problem with CLOB and BLOB data has been fixed.
JaQu(JavaのLINQの実装)かなり改善されています。 Javaは7ではサポートされています。インデックスが特定のLIKE条件を使用した。 0または1つの要素を持つ配列リテラルが正しく解析されませんでした。サブクエリを使用する条件は、時には非常にパフォーマンスの悪いはるかに簡単な条件の前に評価された。鉄道図は改善されています。 MS SQL ServerのとSQLiteとの互換性が改善されました。
LINQ Java7
JaQu (the Java LINQ implementation) has been improved a lot. Java 7 is now supported. No index was used for certain LIKE conditions. Array literals with zero or one element were not parsed correctly. Conditions using subqueries were sometimes evaluated before much simpler conditions, which was very bad for performance. The railroad diagrams have been improved. Compatibility with MS SQL Server and SQLite has been improved.
The browser based console tool now supports a database URL as a command line option. User defined functions can now have parameters of any class. The compatibility with SQLite has been improved by supporting the pseudo-column _ROWID_. Concurrency problems with prepared statements and blob / clob objects have been fixed.
The CSV tool has been improved. Reading input streams (CSV files, SQL scripts) from the classpath is now supported. Oracle support has been improved for linked tables. The performance of large compressed read-only databases (databases in a zip file) has been improved. A new scan-resistant cache is now available.