Multi-threaded evaluation of individuals and
fitness assignment were added, as well as an
experimental implementation of distributed
(networked) evaluation. An implementation of a
recently published clustering application and
other minor improvements were included.
The code was restructured to allow for different
type of individuals. Multi-tree individuals were
implemented. The code was migrated form Ptolemy
Plot to JChart2D (GPL). The code is now easier to
customize, since fitness, selector, population,
and ranking classes can be directly specified in a
configuration file. Several new utility methods
were implemented in the Common class. New nodes
were added. Bugs were fixed.
New features include several new selection
methods, a new way to specify available nodes and
their settings at startup (without recompiling),
easier custom node creation, an option not to
reevaluate trees that haven't changed from the
previous generation was added, some new nodes, a
basic (but functional) tree parser, and better
configuration documentation.