Users can now save and restore games. Versions 3 and 4 of the Z-machine standard are supported. Tighter integration with Firefox lets users load games directly from Web sites. Several small bugs were fixed.
This version features support for Z-code versions 7 and
8, command history (use the up and down arrows to
access recent commands), a more readable display, an
uninstaller in Firebird, optional installation to the profile
directory (allowing non-root users to install under Unix),
and lots of other fixes and features. As of this release,
most Version-5 games (with the notable exception of
"Beyond Zork") should be playable and reasonably
このリリースでは能力別のエンコーダを使用せずに通常のz5ファイルを読み込むために追加します。 Unicodeをすぐに英語以外の言語でゲームをプレイがサポートされます。 Mozilla Firebirdとの互換性が追加されました。画面の処理を改善しました。小さなバグ修正の多くが行われた。今ではほとんどすべてのバージョン5("上級")ゲームをプレイすることが可能です。
Major feature enhancements
This release adds the ability to load ordinary z5
files without using a separate encoder. Unicode is
now supported for playing games in languages other
than English. Compatibility with Mozilla Firebird
was added. Screen handling was improved. Lots of
little bugfixes were made. It should now be
possible to play almost all version 5 ("Advanced")
This release has a new screen handler which can render Z-machine displays much more faithfully than the old system. Many more of the standard opcodes have been implemented, and so it is able to play many more games.
In this version, files load correctly under Mozilla 1.3. Various small errors in numeric comparisons were fixed. The interpreter engine was rewritten for efficiency. A simple debugger was also implemented.