After some changes to the server, parsing of cache logs no longer worked. This bugfix release cures the issue, and irons out some minor quirks (log-less caches and whole countries).
development release, Not for production use, New experimental features and bugfixes
This release contains several experimental new features. A few of them will, together with accumulated bugfixes, be incorporated into the next stable release.
This marks the final GeoToad release in the 3.14 series. It fixes documentation issues and adds another query type and selection by attributes. Past events are marked as unavailable, and coordinates are output with a maximum of six decimal places. Development will continue in the 3.15 series only. Version 3.15.5 (experimental, but already in wide use) has been released in parallel. It supports multiple accounts and cookie re-use, language and date format settings, freezing of cached descriptions, and better cleanup.
This is a maintenance release after the 2012-02-14 site update. It fixes the issue with text strings erroneously interpreted as "last found" dates. It allows output to multiple formats in a single run.
「早く難易度・地形・ cacheSize によるフィルタ リング」今再び作業。検索結果ページの数を今は限られています。国、州クエリが追加されたと構文については、readme ファイルに追加されました。時刻の形式と非-印刷可能な HTML エンティティをログに記録する小さな修正が行われました。
minor fixes, Feature Enhancements
"Early filtering" by Difficulty/Terrain/cacheSize Is now working again. The number of search result pages is now limited. Country/state queries were added, and information on the syntax was added to the README. Small fixes were made to log time format and non-printable HTML entities.