This release fixes two bugs. One bug related to
socket creation and would cause problems on some
systems (namely OpenSUSE 10.2). The other bug
related to server configuration creation when
using the Python configuration utilities. Users
don't need to upgrade to this release if they're
not experiencing problems or are not using the
Python configuration utilities.
このリリースでは(また、新しい専用のDebianパッケージに含まれる)はMac OS X 10.3以降および2つの新たなPythonの設定ユーティリティで、サーバーのサポートを追加します。ログイン手順ファイアウォールの背後使用を容易にするwell - knownポートを使用するよう変更されました。加えて、デフォルトの設定ファイルの位置情報は、ユーザーがサーバー上で自分のホームディレクトリを暗号化するために変更されます。ヒューズのAPIバージョン2.5.3が使用されます。これらの変更は、このリリース以前のリリースと互換性を確認します。
Major feature enhancements
This release adds server support on Mac OS X 10.3
and above and two new Python configuration
utilities (also contained in a new dedicated
Debian package). The login procedure was changed
to use a well-known port to ease use behind
firewalls. In addition, it changes the default
configuration files' location to help when users
want to encrypt their home directories on the
server. The FUSE API version 2.5.3 is used. Some
of these changes make this release incompatible
with previous releases.
This release fixes a potential denial of service
attack on the client by changing the login process
slightly and adding more security checks.
Therefore, it is advised to upgrade both servers
and clients. Configuration scripts have also been
improved and other bugfixes and tweaks have been
made throughout the source files and the
Makefiles. Work is underway to port the server to
other operating systems and to add new features.