Support for multiple catalogs was added through the CatalogueElement and CatalogueSpawn interfaces. A UUID generator is now used instead of an increment for better handling of multi-user environments. Hibernate was updated to 3.2.1 and eupersistence to 2.0. Previous database schemas must be deleted and replaced with the new one using the .sql script provided under the "installation" dir.
Delete operations were added. Reference problems
that would cause hibernate to have an inconsistent
state were fixed. Localization support for fields
and fieldvalues was added. The new
HiberRequestProcessor is used to allow long
transactions. Support for encoded parameters was
added. Catalogue operations were simplified by
removing init and disconnect methods. Hibernate
associations were improved to simplify Catalogue
operations. hibernate was updated to 3.1.3. c3p0
was updated to eupersistence was updated
to 1.1. eutools was updated to 1.1.