This minor release contains several high-priority fixes addressing CSS Query Selector regressions, plugs XSS vectors in the demos and components, and offers updated internationalization packages. All Dojo 1.3 users are advised to upgrade immediately.
これは、1.3ブランチの最初のリリースであり、いくつかの新しいDOM APIは、新しいCSSセレクタエンジン"Acmeの導入"とのNodeListで、大幅にパフォーマンスが向上イベント、およびウィジェット。このリリースでは、初期のInternet Explorer 8の互換性をカバーChromeとSafariの互換性、およびアドレスを700人以上の未解決のバグが向上します。
This is the initial release of the 1.3 branch, and introduces several new DOM APIs, a new CSS Selector engine "Acme", and significantly improved performance in NodeList, Events, and Widgets. This release covers initial Internet Explorer 8 compatibility, improves Chrome and Safari compatibility, and addresses over 700 outstanding bugs.
Critical, but low-risk, bugs were fixed. One
critical ContentPane regression was addressed.
i18n bundles were updated. DnD fixes were made.
Other minor test fixes and changes were made. A
safe migration path for the 1.2 branch is offered.
Neither 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 are published to the
various CDNs, and 1.2.3 is expected to be the last
dot-release on the 1.2 codebase.
This release contains critical, low-risk security and bug fixes for the 1.2 release, including several DataGrid issues in IE 7, internationalization updates, small drag and drop fixes, and a critical cross-domain RichText Editor fix. It addresses several Dijit performance issues.
This release adds major upgrades to Dijit (the UI
system), including
visual polish, an attribute manipulation API,
speed improvements in the
CSS selector engine, new widgets in DojoX,
advanced cross-domain Ajax
transports, charting events, GFX events, and
accessibility improvements.
Over 1,000 issues have been addressed across the
three projects. A
single-file download of dojo.js as a Base Utility
library is now