このリリースの Subversion 1.7 サポートを追加します。特定のコミットによって変更されたファイルを検出するためには、コマンド ライン オプション拡散によってサポートされているすべてのバージョン管理システムで動作するように更新されているし、対応するメニュー項目になりました。このリリースがまた敏活の枝に作業するときに表示される、間違ったリビジョンの原因となったバグを修正と段階的なそしてステージしていないファイルの間を区別するために Git サポートを更新します。構文の強調表示の R ファイルが追加されました。
Minor feature enhancements
This release adds support for Subversion 1.7. The command line option for discovering files modified by a particular commit has been updated to work with all version control systems supported by Diffuse and now has a corresponding menu item. This release also fixes a bug that caused the wrong revision to be shown when working on a branch in Mercurial, and updates Git support to distinguish between staged and unstaged files. Syntax highlighting has been added for R files.
Diffuse now includes an Italian localization. Command line arguments to show a label instead of the actual file name (--label or -L) and an option to start the cursor at a given line (--line) have been added. Also new are menu items to go to the first and last tab, syntax highlighting for JSON files, and a preference to display the right margin. Diffuse now uses a patience diff-based algorithm to align lines. State information is now stored in ~/.local/share/diffuse. Several minor bugs were also fixed.
Diffuse now includes Korean and Russian localizations. Git support now recognizes conflicts that occur when re-applying the stash. The search dialog is automatically populated with the currently selected text. Shift-ScrollWheel can now be used to scroll horizontally. Pane headers now have tool tips allowing easy viewing of long file names. Several bugs were fixed that prevented Diffuse from working with files containing non-English characters in their paths.
Diffuse now recognizes detached Git repositories and files managed by RCS. The editor is now more aggressive in removing unnecessary blank edit lines and supports horizontal mouse scrolling. The first line of a file's contents is now used to help determine the appropriate syntax highlighting if it could not be determined from the file extension. A Spanish localization has been added.