Dapper又は"Distributed and Parallel Program Execution Runtime"は、大規模クラウドとグリッド・コンピューティングの複雑な開発を簡単にするためのツールで、本質的な要点(実行可能コード、データグラフの記述と共に)によりユーザが分散計算を実現できます。豊富な実行セマンティクス、気ままな開発、堅牢な制御プロトコル、実行時におけるデータフロー・グラフの編集、並びに直感的なユーザ·インターフェースをサポートしています。
The ServerLogic#closeIdleClients method has been changed to better match the user's intuitive notion of idleness. A user option for specifying the server's hostname has been added. Networking internals have been reworked to use new APIs. The build process has been updated to support both 32- and 64-bit Windows cross-compilation. The dapper.* hierarchy has been renamed to org.dapper.*.
The bipartite matching internals have been rewritten to use a different algorithm implementation. An API method exposing the number of pending computations has been introduced. The FlowListener callback interface has been removed and replaced with an event-based notification system. An Ubuntu package is now available.
The FlowListener abstraction has been added, and enables users to associate arbitrary metadata with dataflows and their nodes. A memory leak concerning defunct dataflows has been fixed. The build process is now fully integrated with Apache Ivy. Java 1.6 is now required to build and run. More complete documentation has been generated Doxygen and apiviz have been added.
A new, flexible logging infrastructure has been added. Initializers for logging structures have been moved out of the Server and Client classes and into drivers. Finite state machines have been updated to the new annotation-driven API. The source code has been normalized to have 8 spaces instead of tabs.
Command line options for the client and server are
now available, courtesy of the Apache Commons CLI
library. The client process lifecycle is now
defined as ending when a disconnect from the
server happens. Stem generation functionality has
moved from being a member method of
OutputHandleResource to being a static method of
CodeletUtilities. The FlowNodeFactory class is
used in favor of direct instantiation of
FlowNodes. Building of native components has
migrated to the CMake. Logging has migrated to
SLF4J. A README has been added to all