This release shortens long titles and descriptions to 50 characters,
joins lines that end in "\", adds parse_option loop optimizations,
adds an HtmlExtension option for defining the preferred extension,
adds a -H option for listing all available variables and where they
apply, and fixes an InlineFiles bug, a diff issue for Solaris, some
link color issues, and an AutoSlideTime problem.
Code was cleaned. Back arrows were added and positioned correctly. Comments starting with HTML code are now recognized. The doctype was changed so that Mozilla no longer renders small artifacts around tables. Automatic album generation (cthumb -c *.jpg) is now more robust as it generates only the parameters that are really needed, generating them in the right order. Minor bugfixes were added to increase stability.
This release features two new themes (oak, and ithumb), improved docs, Image Magick support, Exif support, improved support for FreeBSD and other Unix platforms, support for long stories for pictures, support for RedHat 7.2, and dates/times display improvements. It is really stable, and more configurable.
Automatic slide presentations have been added. These work on static pages, and are even suitable for CD-rom burning. A new theme, "spotlight", has been added, inlining headers and footers if they exist, instead of server includes. Many bugs have been fixed.