Branch/conditional coverage is greatly improved. A
"maxmemory" attribute was added to the ant tasks.
Support for Maven and similar environments was
improved. Various bugs were fixed.
New features include showing the total number of lines and branches in the HTML report, support for Groovy, allowing multiple JVMs to cleanly write to the same data file, and more robust instrumentation of archives (including archives inside of archives).
The merge task was fixed. Changes that allow
Cobertura to work alongside AspectJ were also
made. A possible bug when using instrumented
classes in Tomcat was fixed.
The instrumenting and reporting tasks now both support using multiple filesets to specify classes and source code, respectively. There were also a few minor bugfixes.
You can now instrument classes inside of a jar, war, ear, etc. The "cobertura-check" Ant task has been greatly improved. The "cobertura-merge" task and various other bugs have been fixed.