Windows Vistaでは修正されてビルドします。 Mac OS Xインストーラのドキュメントを改善しました。 IntelのFortranコンパイラをLinux上でコンパイルを修正しました。 SunOS上でのインストールのバグが修正された。 Visual Studioのサポートが改善されました。トンボのBSDとGNU HURDのためのサポートが追加されました。多くのマイナーなバグが修正されました。
Major bugfixes
The Windows Vista build was fixed. Documentation in the Mac OS X installer was improved. Compilation on Linux with Intel's Fortran compiler was fixed. Installation bugs on SunOS were fixed. Visual Studio support was improved. Support for Dragonfly BSD and GNU HURD was added. Many minor bugs were fixed.
Many major bugfixes were made, including fixing
several memory overruns and infinite loops.
Several new commands were added. New build tests
have been included. Speed improvements were made
across the board. Support was added for Fortran,
XCode 2.2, Dart2, and Java 1.5. Darwin support was
added. AIX and Windows support was fixed.