There are minor feature enhancements in AVR-Ada 0.4.1. As a result, the packeges for binutils and gcc/gnat were rebuilt. There are new packages for the AVR-Ada run time system and related examples.
All packages have been reworked and rebuilt inside
a new, private build
environment. Debian and Slackware installation
packages can now be built
(this is experimental and untested). This release
adds packages for
Insight Debugger, The Procyon AVRlib, The AVR
HALlib, and The Atmel AVR
Programmer Tools. Geany now comes with some
AVR-related default values.
This release includes GENtoHEX 0.2, HEXtoGEN
0.1, HexModify 1.0, AVRprog 0.2, and SP12 2.0.7.
The simulavr-ddd 1.0 package was added, which
describes how to use the AVR GDB with Simulavr
and DDD as a front-end.