バグが、トラック、バグでテクスチャが最初の起動に白され、終了時にクラッシュが修正されました暗いです。このリリースではGCCの4.4()およびVisual Studio 2008 Express EditionはUbuntuの9.10を使用してコンパイルされます。
A bug where the truck is dark, a bug where textures are white on first launch, and a crash on exit were fixed. This release compiles with GCC 4.4 (using Ubuntu 9.10) and Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.
This version is ported to SDL, and most platform-specific
code (except network code and Direct Input) was removed.
It now compiles with gcc 3.3.1 and Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.