The progam now supports additional blogging services, namely GreatestJournal, DeadJournal, and Xanga. Generic RSS and Atom feeds are now also supported.
This release fixes a few minor bugs and enhances the structure for future releases, as well featuring usability enhancements. The annoying theme bug is fixed as is the annoying userinfo bug. Internal structure is now more suited to having 3 or more feed types (which will be used in the 0.3 release). The Add form now is more self-explanatory as is the Display Order page.
This is a major release, adding several new features. Theme
support (using cascading style sheets) and other display
options are the major new features. Themes are in the form
of .css files placed in the blogbuddies directory. Themes are
defined on a global level and on a per-user level. Global
themes are applied to the login, logout, help, and about
pages. The other display options concern what order the
feeds are displayed in and how many entries are displayed
per feed.