A fix was made for a bug which caused not setting "Posted" status to singlepart files. Counters are now always showing proper values, whether the program is posting or not. All header fields are now sent with proper codepage (subjects, filenames, etc.). A new counter was added (estimated time remaining). A very comfortable and useful toolbar was added with most-used functions. Automatic repair of damaged settings & queue file, pausable posting, a new ability to start posting automatically after startup of application, and a new ability to change number of lines in every part were all added.
Major fixes were made to the queue. The ability
to change the timeout value was added, and a
list of standard servers was added to the
settings window. Program settings are now saved
as XML. After posting, the time taken and
average transfer rate is now displayed. Parts
are now split at 5000 lines and cross-posting
was implemented.