このリリースで修正される不具合の数とxmlを含むいくつかの新しい機能:IDをサポートし、ElementTraversalサポート、強化されたDOMのビューア]ウィンドウで、公式のMavenの成果物は、別のMac OS Xの走り書きディスクイメージを配布しています。
Minor feature enhancements
This release fixes a number of bugs and includes a few new features, including xml:id support, ElementTraversal support, an enhanced DOM Viewer window, official Maven artifacts, and a separate Mac OS X Squiggle disk image distribution.
Major new features since the 1.6 release include
DOM Level 3 Core/Events/XPath support, a near
complete SMIL Animation implementation, a much
improved WMF transcode, and a few SVG 1.2