This release exports data for use in reports, allows you to rearrange tabs, and lets you tweak the zoom level of a screenshot or webcam snapshot. The show_all_commands option is now on by default, giving you more feedback on your attacks
This release fixes several bugs, adds an option to get more feedback when launching exploits, tries all known credentials to log in to a service, and highlights messages posted to the event log when it's inactive. You may now open tabs in their own windows too.
This release adds a smart payload configuration helper for client-side exploits. This allows users to use Metasploit 4's HTTP and HTTPS stagers through Armitage. This release fixes several bugs as well.
This release gives you the ability to apply post-exploitation to multiple hosts at once. Shift+click closes all tabs with the same name. This release also improves the activity logging feature.
This release adds a post-exploitation module recommendation feature. This release also adds a Crack Passwords button to the Credentials tab. Armitage requires the latest Metasploit SVN version to function with these new features.