Rework of the low-level graphics and input device interfaces. Support for interfacing with native window systems. As of this release, drivers are available for Xlib/GLX, Win32/WGL, and SDL. New drivers can be implemented through a class registration interface. Agar can be built without the SDL library, where SDL drivers are not needed. Improvements to the AG_Surface(3) interface. A widget "actions" interface. Many cosmetic improvements to the base widgets. The default theme now allows transparency in the color scheme.
Bindings for Ada were added. A math library was
added. Portability and compilation fixes were
made. Many improvements were made to the AG_Object
system; object classes are now dynamically
loadable. Error handling has been improved. The VG
library was mostly reimplemented and is now
documented officially. Important sizing,
clipping/culling, and rendering-related fixes were
made in the GUI library. New widgets include
Slider and Scrollview.
徹底的に監査し、そのスレッドのクリーンアップを安全コードです。現在のスレッドおよびOpenGLを結合しても安全です。テキストボックスに適切な行を編集する。新しいウィジェット:スライダー、編集可能な、およびグラフ。キーボードの処理や、さまざまなウィジェットの小柄な動作を修正されている。 Small-integer/floating-pointバインディングスクロールバーが追加されている。任意のウィジェットをすぐに表に埋め込むことができます。多くの化粧品の修正プログラムにはGUIに行われた。建物のMac OS X 10.5上で固定されている。
Major feature enhancements
A thorough audit and cleanup of the thread-safety code. It is now safe to combine threads and OpenGL. Proper multiline editing in Textbox. New widgets: Slider, Editable, and Graph. Keyboard handling and undersize behavior of various widgets have been fixed. Small-integer/floating-point bindings have been added to Scrollbar. Arbitrary widgets can now be embedded into Table. Numerous cosmetic fixes were made to the GUI. Building on Mac OS X 10.5 has been fixed.