This release features 5 months worth of changes, including new features and enhancements to Wharf, WinList, Pager, window handling, configuration options, and further refinements to the desktop entries features.
This release includes many bugfixes, enhancements, and new features, as well as huge modifications to ASXML parsing. GTK colorscheming is now disabled by default. Support is now implemented for parsing module options from look and feel; only WinList does this for now. Major menu contents cleanup.
A bunch of memory leaks were fixed. Automatic
image reloading on colorscheme change was
implemented in Wharf. look.Abi was added. Urgent
window handling in WinList is done. Abuse of
USPosition by transient windows was countered.
Mousewheel events are supported in menus. Perl
bindings were added for libAfterImage. Support for
Window Opacity with xorg composite managers was
GTK and KDE application colorization is disabled by default. There has been quite a bit of code review, including fixing a couple of elusive segfaults and crashing X more than once. A segfault in application icon handling has been fixed. Window title handling has been fixed (Unicode). Several more bugs have been fixed.