新しいデフォルトでは、ユーザーがローカルの変更を保持することができる、新しい〜/。tcshrc.localファイルのプロンプトを追加しました。 F11キーを押しbindkeyユーザビリティの問題のために削除されました。補完ファイルtcshを6.13.00から、バグの補完が削除された(を含むとmake - co *は)、および一般的なクリーンアップをしたが更新されました。
Minor feature enhancements
A new default prompt and a new ~/.tcshrc.local file that allows users to keep local changes were added. The F11 bindkey was removed due to usability issues. The completions file was updated from tcsh 6.13.00, buggy completions were removed (including make and -co*), and a general cleanup was made.
Changes include accumulated user submissions, updated complete.tcsh, a working 'make install'/tcsh_config, and "bindkey" for Linux and FreeBSD. The terminal bar shows the current directory successfully, and more.
This release adds systemwide and personal installation options, a tcsh_config installation script, and "short" aliases (example: .. invokes "cd ..", / invokes "cd /" and so on). Automatic man help has been enabled. If the command line is "find /usr" and the user presses F1, the man page of "find" is shown. When exiting from "man", the command line is not affected. The complete=enhance option has been enabled. Documentation (PDF/PS/HTML) has been updated, and there are installation instructions.
The existing help files have been converted into .sgml format, making PDF/PS/DVI/HTML help available. F1 through F5 now work under X. F1 now shows help using "whatis" for the current command.