#57672: S3_1: can't compile qt6 client Open Date: 2024-04-20 00:24 Last Update: 2024-05-01 09:58 URL for this Ticket: https://osdn.net//projects/freeciv/ticket/57672 RSS feed for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/ticket/ticket_rss.php?group_id=12505&tid=57672 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket: 2024-05-01 09:58 Updated by: cazfi * Status Update from Open to Closed * Owner Update from (None) to cazfi * Resolution Update from None to Rejected --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket Status: Reporter: bard Owner: cazfi Type: Bugs Status: Closed Priority: 5 - Medium MileStone: (None) Component: Qt-client Severity: 5 - Medium Resolution: Rejected --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticket details: I can't compile qt6 client of S3_1, on kubuntu 22.04 with qt6 v6.2.4. Make fails with the error: meta_fc_client.cpp:15:2: error: #error "This file was generated using the moc from 5.12.8. It" meta_fc_client.cpp:16:2: error: #error "cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt." meta_fc_client.cpp:17:2: error: #error "(The moc has changed too much.)" meta_fc_client.cpp:28:5: error: ‘Q_STATIC_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_HEADER_INITIALIZER_WITH_OFFSET’ was not declared in this scope I do can compile qt5 (--with-qtver=qt5) and all gtk clients. -- Ticket information of Freeciv project Freeciv Project is hosted on OSDN Project URL: https://osdn.net/projects/freeciv/ OSDN: https://osdn.net URL for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/projects/freeciv/ticket/57672 RSS feed for this Ticket: https://osdn.net/ticket/ticket_rss.php?group_id=12505&tid=57672