[Freeciv-tickets] [freeciv] #45762: New city list for the "Esperant" nation

OSDN Ticket System norep****@osdn*****
Tue Oct 4 17:29:55 JST 2022

#45762: New city list for the "Esperant" nation

  Open Date: 2022-10-03 06:56
Last Update: 2022-10-04 11:29

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Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket:
2022-10-04 11:29 Updated by: cazfi
 * Milestone Update from (None) to 3.1.0
 * Component Update from (None) to Rulesets


Where should we target this? I don't think there is any compatibility concerns at all (listed city names are just suggestions after all, i.e., someone could have used the very same names in their game already). Setting 3.1 for now, as sort of compromise between the extremes (master-only / release branch S3_0)

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: carbsrule
         Owner: (None)
          Type: Patches
        Status: Open
      Priority: 5 - Medium
     MileStone: 3.1.0
     Component: Rulesets
      Severity: 5 - Medium
    Resolution: None

Ticket details:

The city names for the "Esperant" nation seem to be somewhat random gibberish.
I've updated the list to be international cities important in the history of Esperanto.
Zamenhof's birth city (Białystok = Bjalistoko)
The city of first Esperanto club (Nürnberg/Nuremberg = Nurenbergo)
The city where the UEA was founded (Genève/Geneva = Ĝenevo)
Cities where the Universala Kongreso has been held (Bulonjo ĉe maro, Kembriĝo ... Lisbono. Only one city per country has been included, for greater international flavour)
I've also added some other city names using Esperanto cultural stuff (Interna Ideo ... Fina Venko).
I've kept and refined a handful of the original city names (Novurbo onwards).
Patch as follows:
Author: Benno Lang <trans****@gmail*****>
Date:   Mon Oct 3 14:15:20 2022 +1030

    Update city list for the Esperant nation
    Includes cities important in Esperanto history, Esperanto cultural
    references, as well as some cities from the original list

diff --git a/data/nation/esperant.ruleset b/data/nation/esperant.ruleset
index e8872be11a..c57b44d06a 100644
--- a/data/nation/esperant.ruleset
+++ b/data/nation/esperant.ruleset
@@ -27,53 +27,63 @@ init_units=""
 civilwar_nations = "volapukan"
 cities =
- "Esperanturbo",
+ "Bjalistoko",
+ "Nurenbergo",
+ "Bulonjo ĉe maro",
+ "Ĝenevo",
+ "Kembriĝo",
+ "Barcelono",
+ "Vaŝingtono",
+ "Antverpeno",
+ "Hago",
+ "Prago",
+ "Helsinko",
+ "Vieno",
+ "Budapeŝto",
+ "Stokholmo",
+ "Romo",
+ "Zagrebo",
+ "Kopenhago",
+ "Sofio",
+ "Tokio",
+ "Beogrado",
+ "Ateno",
+ "Rejkjaviko",
+ "Varno",
+ "Braziljo",
+ "Vankuvero",
+ "Pekino",
+ "Havano",
+ "Bergeno",
+ "Seulo",
+ "Adelajdo",
+ "Tel-Avivo",
+ "Vilno",
+ "Hanojo",
+ "Bonaero",
+ "Nitro",
+ "Lisbono",
+ "Interna Ideo",
+ "Fundamento",
+ "Guto Malgranda",
+ "Krestomatio",
+ "La Espero",
+ "Verda Standardo",
+ "Homaranismo",
+ "Streĉita Kordo",
+ "Interrompita Kanto",
+ "Verda Koro",
+ "Faka Forumo",
+ "Gufujo",
+ "Aligatorejo",
+ "Fina Venko",
  "Sabla Plaĝo (ocean)",
- "Nordaj Montetoj (mountains)",
- "Venta Valo (plains, grassland)",
- "Herbejorojo",
- "Sunleviĝo",
- "Ferorivereto (river)",
+ "Akvo de l' Rivero (river)",
- "Montriĉa (mountains)",
- "Genuo de Mortigicerv",
- "Piedo de Urso",
- "Lama Cervo",
- "Monto de la Lupo (mountains)",
- "Malakra Tranĉilo",
- "Eta Grandkorno",
- "Blua Akvo (ocean)",
- "Betulara Ravino",
- "Arbarlago (forest)",
+ "Sovaĝa Arbaro (forest)",
  "Blankŝtona Monteto (hills)",
- "Lago de l' Morta Bubalo",
- "Blankbirda Rojo (river)",
- "Klar-akvo (ocean)",
- "Granda Truo",
- "Pinara Kresto",
- "Paco",
- "Espero",
- "Pafilfumo",
- "Flugmonaĥino",
- "Sankta Johano",
- "Sankta Petro",
- "Sankta Mateo",
- "Sankta Andreo",
- "Sankta Paŭlo",
- "Sankta Jakvo",
- "Granda Monto",
- "Sankta Georgo",
- "Sankta Baptisto",
- "Verda Arbaro",
- "Blua Lago (river)",
- "Ruĝa Lago (river)",
- "Nigra Monto",
- "Neĝa Monto",
- "Blankŝtona Monteto",
- "Birda Rojo",
- "Granda Rojo",
- "Banburgo-ĉe-Rivero (river)",
- "Granda Rivero (river)",
- "Novburgo-ĉe-Maro (ocean)"
+ "Pacejo",
+ "Esperejo",
+ "Neĝa Monto (mountains)"

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