2011年 9月 14日 (水) 03:31:24 JST
electronic messaging service info****@pechk***** ICQ 624 657 171 BASE Europ (can offer any country separately) 430 000 000 - 1000 EUR Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 32 000 000 - 400 EUR Russia 19 000 000 - 200 EUR Ukraine 4 000 000 - 100 EUR Belorussia - 3 200 000 - 100 EUR Kazakhstan 700 000 - 50 EUR HIGH QUALITY MESSAGING!!! THE LOW PRICE!!! We have any base if you need. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...ダウンロード