フォーラム: Announcements (スレッド #45126)

ANNOUNCING THE FIRST NEW VERSIONS OF ESCUELAS LINUX IN 2022 (2022-02-06 21:18 by escuelaslinux #88666)

To offer the best apps to be used in educational environments, the Escuelas Linux distribution announces the release of its 7.3 version (64-bit) and 6.17 (32-bit).

These are the novelties in both releases.


-Balena Etcher 1.7.3

Process your ISO images -including the Escuelas Linux ones ;-) with this superb app.

-Chrome 98 (64-bit) / Chromium 97 (32-bit)

These web browser releases bring better tools for deleting stored website data and nicer-looking web apps.

-IBM Java 8.0-7.0

Our default Development and Runtime is updated to provide a fast and stable environment for Java-based apps.

-Firefox 96

Among several new features, this web browser made significant improvements in noise suppression and auto-gain control to provide a better experience in videoconferencing.

-GCompris 2.0

The venerable and long-standing educational suite has reached its second version. It continues to be the best app for kids.

-LanguageTool 5.5.1

Since some time ago, this extraordinary grammar checker has been included in the LibreOffice used in Escuelas Linux. Now we offer it in its most recent version, with many novelties for several languages.

-LibreOffice 7.3

This new release features several improvements:

On Calc, Auto-completion is now enabled in rows: it can predict possible string matches from the data in the same column. The cell highlighter color is now based on system highlight color instead of font color, which looks fantastic!

On Writer, the shapes in your documents can have hyperlinks, and the track change module, which is used for document reviews, got a massive update.

As now usual, you'll have a recent version of LibreOffice (7.5.2) for the 32-bit architecture, due to our own efforts to compile and package it.

-Moksha 0.3.4-10

This release of the Bodhi desktop environment comes with a lot of goodies! Our favorite one is a long-awaited feature: you can now drag a window to the left or right, and it will maximize on half screen!

This feature is already enabled by default on new installations, but if you are upgrading from our previous Escuelas Linux release, open menu → Settings → Settings Panel → Windows → Window Geometry → Maximization, and choose “Snap windows to the screen edge”. Next, open menu → Applications → System → Commit Desktop Changes, if you're using a locked desktop.

-Terminology 1.11

Our default terminal emulator is back, with focus reporting escape codes support.

-Wine 7.0

An incredible array of 9,100 improvements are in the news release. If you still need to run some Windows apps inside Linux, there is a high chance that this version will let you do that!


-Audacity 3.1.3

Significant stability improvements in the best Linux audio editor.

-Blender 3.0

Are you into 3D modeling and animation? There are so many features on this new 3.0 version that you have to try it and amaze yourself! Don't miss Blender, an industry default.

-DigiKam 7.5

An update on the image organizer and editor, with dozens of bug fixes and support for astrophoto FITS and MPO image formats.

-FFmpeg 4.4

The suite of libraries and apps for handling video and audio gets updated in Escuelas Linux.

-GIMP 2.10.30

This beloved image editor comes with many fixes and incremental improvements, especially on support to AVIF, HEIF, PSD, DDS, RGBE, and PBM file formats.

-Kdenlive 21.12.1

Multicam Editing! Slip trimming mode! Advanced motion tracking! Auto-magical noise reduction filter! Multiple project bins! These are only some of the new features of this fantastic video editor.

-Kernel 5.15

For the first time, Escuelas Linux includes a recent release of the Linux kernel, and this time it is the 5.15.15 kernel as tested, patched and packed by System76. Yes! This kernel comes from the cool US company that produces desktop and laptop computers with Linux preinstalled, so they know how to optimize Linux on real hardware.

We hope that this decision will help avoid compatibility headaches, especially on newer computers.

Remember that now it is an unsigned kernel, which means that now you really need to turn off Secure Boot to install Escuelas Linux. Check our Installation Manual if you have doubts about doing that on your own computer.

-OBS Studio 27.1.3

Record and broadcast video with this powerful app! This release adds YouTube integration and custom settings for each stream.

-Scribus 1.5.8

The new release of the desktop publishing app brings improvements for file import (IDML, PDF, PNG, TIFF, SVG), PDF export, and the Story Editor.

-Zoom 5.9

Back at home because of COVID? Suppose your company or school uses Zoom for videoconferencing or classes. In that case, you will have it available and ready to be used on Escuelas Linux.



Fillable forms, launching of any of the included apps in a new window, document comparison and content controls are just some of the new features of the 7th release of this incredible office suite.


Last but not least, We also updated the apps included on our optional Escuelas Linux Developer Pack, all of them configured and ready to be used:

* Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1

* Apache NetBeans IDE 12.6

* Eclipse IDE 2021-12

* PseInt 20210906

* And a full LAMP environment


- In GParted was not possible to format a USB memory as FAT32, which is usual in this type of medium.

- When choosing ONLYOFFICE to open an office file from PCManFM (our default file manager), in the end, the file was ignored and, therefore, it did not open.

- The Mixxx app could be seen listed in the wrong places at the Applications menu.

- The ePulse app was no longer listed in the Applications menu.

- Was not possible to open Audacity projects from the File Manager.

- PCManFM file manager did not show thumbnails of video files.


Escuelas Linux 7.3 64-bit and 6.17 32-bit are available for download right now at:


Once there, download the .z01 and .zip files for the architecture and language that you'd like to use:

-32-bit for relatively old computers with more than 700 MB of RAM and less than 3 GB, or 64-bit for computers equal to or more than 3 GB of RAM and/or UEFI-based ones.

-Your preferred language (English or Spanish).


-On Windows and Escuelas Linux systems, uncompress with the file manager ONLY the .zip file to generate the ISO image.

-On macOS (Intel), you should install The Unarchiver app and uncompress ONLY the .z01 file to generate the ISO image.

-On Linux distributions that cannot handle the uncompression of split zip files in their file manager, open a terminal and type the following commands:

cd {path and folder name where the zip and z01 files are} (enter)

zip -s- escuelaslinux*zip -O todo.zip (enter)

unzip todo.zip (enter)

If you have computers between 512 and 700 MB of RAM, then download Escuelas Linux 6.17 LowMem! Check the Installation Manual to know how to setup it.

The 7.3 and 6.17 Installation Manual is available in English and Spanish languages:

