IIJIMA Hiromitsu
2003年 6月 28日 (土) 00:35:33 JST
いいじまです。 zunda さんからご指摘いただいた点と、あとは自分で直した点と、和田研フォン トに関するライセンス条項と合わせて、再掲します。 ────1.──── The font is broadly used in a number of packages. →The font itself and many derivatives are broadly used in a number of packages, including: * GNU intlfonts, versions 1.1 and 1.2 (as Japanese.BIG/kanji32.bdf in 1.1 or Japanese.BIG/j83-32.bdf in 1.2) * Kochi Fonts (a free Japanese TrueType/PostScript font whose design is based on the "Watanabe font", and now widely used for Ghostscript and many other applications) ────2.──── Note that although this bitmap font is referred as "Watanabe font", named after Mr. Masatoshi Watanabe, HE DID NOT DO THIS UNAUTHORIZED COPY, BUT JUST CONVERTED A FONT WHICH HAD ALREADY BEEN IN PUBLIC DOMAIN, in order to use it with his JaWaTeX (a Japanized TeX system). ────3.──── <h2>Impacts</h2> <h3>GNU intlfonts</h3> 1. We are currently contacting Free Software Foundation to eliminate the 32x32 bitmap from GNU intlfonts package. 2. We would like you all to suspend the redistribution of files containing j83-32.bdf or kanji32.bdf, namely, intlfonts-1.1.tar.gz, intlfonts-1.2.tar.gz, 32dots.tar.gz and Japanese.BIG.tar.gz (note that the last two are in both intlfonts-1.1-split and intlfonts-1.2-split subdirectories), until the new version of intlfonts with that file eliminated is released. Note that * all the other Japanese fonts in intlfonts, such as 24-dot and 48-dot ones, are NOT AFFECTED by this issue, * 32dots.tar.gz contains only this font, and therefore it should be totally erased, and * the files in Japanese.BIG.tar.gz other than j83-32.bdf or kanji32.bdf are also available from 40dots.tar.gz or 48dots.tar.gz, therefore suspending Japanese.BIG.tar.gz will not leave the unaffected fonts unavailable. <h3>Kochi Fonts and its derivatives</h3> Redistribution of Kochi Fonts and their derivatives are now suspended and these fonts are about to be substituted by new ones based on the fonts developed in Professor Eiichi Wada's Laboratory, University of Tokyo (currently <a href="http://www.ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/">Information Processing Laboratory</a>). The original Wadalab fonts are available <a href= "ftp://ftp.ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Font/">from IPL's FTP server</a>. According to the <a href=""ftp://ftp.ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Font/">README file</a>, the following license terms are applied to the Wadalab fonts. <blockquote> If you as an individual use the distribution as font as such, or convert it, there is no necessity to inform the Wadalab group. But in case you redistribute it, we request you kindly to forward a note to <a href="ftp://ftp.ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Font/" >ftp.ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp</a> with the additional information of what has been altered. At that location we also plan to store the upgrade, to give the user the possibility to receive always the latest version. <p> In case you want to point out mistakes in the outline of Kanjis or are not satisfied with the poor design, please do not hesitate to contact tanak****@ipl***** <br> (Editor's note: current contact address is ktana****@ecc*****) </blockquote> あとは、intlfonts 1.2 の Japanese.BIG/README ファイルに記載されている |j83-32.bdf created from Watanabe-font |j83-48.bdf created from Watanabe-font という文面ですが、32 ドット版の渡辺フォントが盗作とわかった以上、 48 ドットのほうのフォントも念のため精査したほうがよさそうですね。 私としては、「jiskan24 を拡大して微調整しただけと思われるので問題なし」 という結論を期待したいのですが… ======================================================================== 飯嶋 浩光 / でるもんた・いいじま http://www.ht.sakura.ne.jp/~delmonta/ IIJIMA Hiromitsu, aka Delmonta mailto:delmo****@ht*****