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How to Use Subversion

At OSDN, you can manage source code with Subversion. The host name for the Subversion server is “svn.osdn.net”.

Client for Accessing Subversion Repository

In Unix/Linux environment, svn commands are generally used to access Subversion repository. Also, for Windows, there's a tool called TortoiseSVN that can be manipulated with GUI. If you want to learn how to use TortoiseSVN, read How to Use Subversion on Windows: Version Management Using TortoiseSVN.

For Non-Members of the Project to Get the Source Code

Even if you are not a member of the project, you could still get the source code, but the system is designed to ward off non-member's attempt of adding changes. So, you have to use http to check out.

svn checkout http://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/YOURPORJECT

Preplace “YOURPROJECT”, which is part of the command above, with the project's UNIX name. If you add a path right after YOURPROJECT, you can check out the path.

When you check out the project's root, you could end up with insanely huge amount of data. On ViewCVS, you may want to check the repository in advance for the necessary path.

For Project Members to Get the Source Code

If you are a member of the project, you can get the source code through the use of SSH or HTTPS.

Using SSH

The host keys for fingerprint are as follows.

SSH version 2 (RSA)SHA256:uKMD1XyGiRCd6QyzCpvlJ5ME79d939Z1Frdua9uZEUE
SSH version 2 (EDCSA)SHA256:9K7tpuAFYBPZdA0DhEJGTGbzDU63vXHVYdtgf7sEArc
SSH version 2 (ED25519)SHA256:Zvhg5QZkdPGUR7tOa+xG3txNwFTZCWpOhJKVMAs8H04

First, on “user Settings” page, register the SSH public key. You could use ssh2(rsa, edcas, ed25519). Be careful with the length of a key when you are pasting. It must fit in a line. Otherwise, the key will not be copied correctly. It will take about a few minutes to enable the registered key.

svn checkout svn+ssh://USERID@svn.osdn.net/svnroot/YOURPROJECT

Replace “USERID”, which is a part of the command above, with the OSDN user ID, and replace “YOURPROJECT” with the project's UNIX name. If you add a path right after YOURPROJECT, you can check out that path.


You do not have to register an SSH key. To check out, follow the instructions below.

Replace “USERID” and “YOURPROJECT” with the user name and the project's UNIX name, just like how it's done with SSH. Then, assign the path you want to check out by adding it after YOURPROJECT.

When you are asked for the password, enter the OSDN login password. (If you are not asked for the password, you may want to check and see if it is correctly handled as HTTP, and not HTTPS.)

svn checkout https://USERID@svn.osdn.net/svnroot/YOURPROJECT


If you check out the project root, you could end up getting unnecessarily huge amount of data. It's better to check for the necessary path on ViewCVS in advance.

How to Manage Subversion

Here, we'll explain how a project admin (developer) can manage Subversion repository on OSDN.

From CVS to Subversion

If a project is using CVS for the development but now wants to migrate to Subversion, the project admin will have to make a support request. Upon receiving the request, OSDN staff will convert it to Subversion. In this case, it will look something like below. But there are occasions where it could not be converted due to how CVS is being used.


If you want to migrate by using other commands, convert by using svn commands after the migration, or you can attach Subversion dump file (use cvs2svn to create) to the tracking. Make sure to inform us afterwards.