Missing Backquotes in your queries
In your generated SQL the are missing. So no INSERTS or UPDATES are possible, if the column is named "my column" for example.
please execute UPDATE table SET my column = 'something'; instead of UPDATE table SET my column = 'something';
Please deactivate WikiSyntax for this Bugreport to see the Back quote that is missing.
Kind Regars and sorry for my bad english. Stephan
In your generated SQL the are missing. So no INSERTS or UPDATES are possible, if the column is named "my column" for example.
please execute UPDATE table SET my column = 'something'; instead of UPDATE table SET my column = 'something';
Please deactivate WikiSyntax for this Bugreport to see the Back quote that is missing.
Kind Regars and sorry for my bad english. Stephan