

CloudI is an open-source private cloud computing framework for efficient, secure, and internal data processing. CloudI provides scaling for previously unscalable source code with efficient fault-tolerant execution of ATS, C/C++, Erlang/Elixir, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript/node.js, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, or Rust services.

The bare essentials for efficient fault-tolerant processing on a cloud!



リリース時刻: 2017-03-30 09:16
cloudi 1.7.0 (2 個のファイル 非表示)


  • backwards compatibility difference:
    • The C CloudI API (not the C++ CloudI API) had a small change to facilitate the use of thread local data with the callback function arguments order changing to match the other programming languages that lack (or avoid) state objects (C, Erlang, Go, Haskell, OCaml). All CloudI API callback functions have the arguments: Type, Name, Pattern, RequestInfo, Request, Timeout, Priority, TransId, Source (in this order). The programming languages with state objects have the two arguments: State, API, before the common arguments with State as a state object (normally not present as a function argument). The programming languages without state objects have the two arguments (State, API) after the common arguments. The C examples have been updated to show the changes (http://cloudi.org/tutorials.html#cloudi_examples). More function argument discussion is at http://cloudi.org/faq.html#1_Reactive
    • The CloudI API implementations had the function request_http_qs_parse name change to info_key_value_parse
  • The Go CloudI API was added (requires the configure argument --enable-go-support and Go (gc) >= 1.6)
  • The Haskell CloudI API was added (requires the configure argument --enable-haskell-support and GHC >= 7.10.3, cabal-install >= 1.22)
  • The OCaml CloudI API was added (requires the configure argument --enable-ocaml-support and OCaml >= 4.03.0)
  • The CloudI Service API function logging_stdout_set was added to allow all CloudI logging to be sent to stdout
  • The count integration test was added to show how thread local state works in all supported programming languages (http://cloudi.org/tutorials.html#cloudi_examples).
  • A bug with CloudI Service API services_update usage on external services was fixed, to allow the service configuration values: timeout_async, timeout_sync, and the service configuration options: priority_default, request_timeout_adjustment, to dynamically change during runtime if no new OS process is created (to utilize the new values).
  • A bug was fixed to make the use of the service configuration option count_process_dynamic more dependable for external services written in Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby.
  • lager was removed; hut is now used for exometer logging. Erlang logging integration was added to the modules cloudi_logger_lager and cloudi_logger_hut (to use CloudI logging instead of lager or with hut)
  • The default external service configuration buffer_size setting changed from 16384 to 65536 (to match the same Linux localhost MTU change)
  • UTF8 is now logged properly from Erlang source code
  • Bugs were fixed and other improvements were added (see the ChangeLog for more detail)

