[Bbs2ch-cvs 76] CVS update: bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader


flyson flyso****@users*****
2005年 12月 14日 (水) 00:47:09 JST

Index: bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.xul
diff -u bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.xul:1.3 bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.xul:removed
--- bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.xul:1.3	Sat Sep 17 04:27:14 2005
+++ bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.xul	Wed Dec 14 00:47:09 2005
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-JP"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
-<window id="winMain" title="BBSMENU UPDATE [bbs2chreader]"
-	onload="startup()" onunload="shutdown()" width="450" height="300"
-	persist="width, height, screenX, screenY"
-	xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
-<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://bbs2chreader/content/global.js"/>
-<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://bbs2chreader/content/lib/downloader.js"/>
-<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://bbs2chreader/content/bbsmenu-update.js"/>
-<deck id="dckTop">
-	<hbox align="center" class="box-padded">
-		<label value="BBSMENU URL :"/>
-		<textbox id="txtBbsmenuURL" flex="1"/>
-		<button label="Update" oncommand="bbsmenuUpdate()"/>
-	</hbox>
-	<hbox align="center" class="box-padded">
-		<progressmeter id="prgrsMeter" flex="1"/>
-		<button label="Cancel" oncommand="bbsmenuUpdate()"/>
-	</hbox>
-<vbox id="boxOutputBox" collapsed="false" class="box-padded" flex="1">
-	<textbox id="txtOutput" multiline="true" flex="1"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.js
diff -u bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.js:1.5 bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.js:removed
--- bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.js:1.5	Sat Sep 17 04:27:14 2005
+++ bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-update.js	Wed Dec 14 00:47:09 2005
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-var bbsMenuFile;
-var bbsMenuDownloader;
-var oldBoardList;
-var newBoardList;
-var txtBbsmenuURL;
-function startup(){
-	txtBbsmenuURL = document.getElementById("txtBbsmenuURL");
-	bbsMenuFile = Bbs2chGlobal.getDataDir();
-	bbsMenuFile.appendRelativePath("bbsmenu.html");
-	oldBoardList = getBoardList();
-	txtBbsmenuURL.value = Bbs2chGlobal.getPrefValue("fls.bbs2chreader.bbsmenu_load_url");
-function shutdown(){
-	if(bbsMenuDownloader && bbsMenuDownloader.loading)
-		bbsMenuDownloader.abort(true);
-		// 更新しないで終了
-	if(!window.arguments[0].value) window.arguments[0].value = false;
-function output(aString){
-	document.getElementById("txtOutput").value += aString + "\n";
- * bbsmenu.html をダウンロードして板一覧を更新する
- */
-function bbsmenuUpdate(){
-	document.getElementById("boxOutputBox").collapsed = false;
-	var bbsmenuURL = txtBbsmenuURL.value;
-	var bbsmenuFilePath = bbsMenuFile.path;	
-	bbsMenuDownloader = new Bbs2chDownloader(bbsmenuURL, bbsmenuFilePath);
-	bbsMenuDownloader.onStart = function(aDownloader){
-		document.getElementById("dckTop").selectedIndex = 1;		
-		output("start: " + aDownloader.urlSpec);
-	};
-	bbsMenuDownloader.onStop = function(aDownloader, aStatus){
-		document.getElementById("dckTop").selectedIndex = 0;
-		output("Update Succeed.");
-		window.setTimeout("serverMovedCheck()", 0);
-	};
-	bbsMenuDownloader.onProgressChange = function(aDownloader, aPercentage){
-		document.getElementById("prgrsMeter").value = aPercentage;
-	};
-	bbsMenuDownloader.onError = function(aDownloader, aErrorCode){
-		alert("Download Error: " + aErrorCode + "\n" + aDownloader.urlSpec);
-	};
-	bbsMenuDownloader.download();
-function getBoardList(){
-	var result = new Array();
-	if(!bbsMenuFile.exists()) return result;
-	var threadReg	= /^<A HREF=([^> ]+)>([^<]+)<\/A>/i;
-	var threadReg2	= /^<A HREF=([^> ]+) TARGET=_blank>([^<]+)<\/A>/i;
-	var contentLines = Bbs2chGlobal.readFile(bbsMenuFile.path);
-	contentLines = Bbs2chGlobal.fromSJIS(contentLines).split("\n");
-		// ぐるぐる
-	for(var i=0; i<contentLines.length; i++){
-		var line = contentLines[i];
-		if(threadReg.test(line) || threadReg2.test(line)){
-			var title = RegExp.$2;
-			var url = RegExp.$1;
-			var type = Bbs2chGlobal.getBoardType(url);
-			if(type != Bbs2chGlobal.TYPE_PAGE) result[title] = url;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
- * 更新前と後の板リストを比較してサーバ移転があったらログを移動するメソッド
- */
-function serverMovedCheck(){
-	var serverMoved = false;
-	output("\nMoved Check.");
-	newBoardList = getBoardList();
-	for(var i in newBoardList){
-		if(oldBoardList.hasOwnProperty(i) && (oldBoardList[i] == newBoardList[i])){
-			delete oldBoardList[i];
-		}
-	}
-	for(i in oldBoardList){
-		var title = i;
-		var oldURL = oldBoardList[i];
-		var newURL = newBoardList[i];
-		var oldDir = Bbs2chGlobal.createLogFile(oldURL);
-		var newDir = Bbs2chGlobal.createLogFile(newURL);
-		if(oldDir.exists()){
-			try{
-				oldDir.moveTo(newDir.parent, "");
-			}catch(ex){}
-			serverMoved = true;
-			output(title +"\n    "+ oldURL +"  >  "+ newURL);
-		}
-	}	
-		// 更新して終了
-	output("OK");
-	window.arguments[0].value = true;
-	if(!serverMoved) window.setTimeout("window.close()", 500);
\ No newline at end of file
Index: bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.xul
diff -u bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.xul:1.14 bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.xul:removed
--- bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.xul:1.14	Sun Sep 25 22:50:14 2005
+++ bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.xul	Wed Dec 14 00:47:09 2005
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://bbs2chreader/skin/bbsmenu-page.css" type="text/css"?>
-<!DOCTYPE page [
-	<!ENTITY % bbsmenu-page-dtd SYSTEM "chrome://bbs2chreader/locale/bbsmenu-page.dtd">
-	%bbsmenu-page-dtd;
-<page id="pageMain" onload="startup()" onunload="shutdown()"
-	onmousedown="event.preventBubble()" onkeypress="event.preventBubble()"
-	xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
-	xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
-	<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://bbs2chreader/content/lib/clipboard.js"/>
-	<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://bbs2chreader/content/lib/rdf.js"/>
-	<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://bbs2chreader/content/bbsmenu-ds.js"/>
-	<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://bbs2chreader/content/bbsmenu-page.js"/>
-	<popup id="popBbsMenuContext"
-				onpopupshowing="return showBbsMenuContext(event)">
-		<menuitem label="&ctxtOpen.label;" oncommand="openBoard(false)"/>
-		<menuitem label="&ctxtOpenInNewTab.label;" oncommand="openBoard(true)"/>
-		<menuseparator/>
-		<menuitem label="&ctxtCopuURL.label;" oncommand="copyURL()"/>
-		<menuitem label="&ctxtCopuURLnTitle.label;" oncommand="copyTitleAndURL()"/>
-	</popup>
-<hbox align="center">
-	<textbox id="search-box" value="" flex="1" type="autocomplete"
-			autocompletesearch="form-history"
-			autocompletesearchparam="bbs2ch-bbsmenu-history"
-			onkeypress="searchTitle(event, this.value)"/>
-	<toolbarbutton id="btnHistory" label="&history.label;" type="menu">
-		<menupopup id="popHistory" onpopupshowing="updateHistoryMenu()"
-				onclick="popHistoryClick(event)"/>
-	</toolbarbutton>
-	<toolbarbutton label="&tools.label;" type="menu">
-		<menupopup>
-			<menuitem label="&bbsmenuUpdate.label;" oncommand="bbsmenuUpdate()"/>
-			<menuseparator/>
-			<menuitem label="&openLogsDirectory.label;" oncommand="openLogsDir()"/>
-			<menuitem label="&options.label;" oncommand="openSettings()"/>
-			<menuitem label="&about.label;" oncommand="openAbout()"/>
-			<menuseparator/>
-			<menu label="Tests">
-				<menupopup ref="urn:bbs2ch-test-menu:root"
-						datasources="chrome://bbs2chreader/content/test/test-menu.rdf"
-						oncommand="testMenuClick(event)">
-					<template>
-						<rule>
-							<menuitem uri="rdf:*" value="rdf:*"
-								opentype="rdf:http://bbs2ch.sourceforge.jp/#opentype"
-								label="rdf:http://bbs2ch.sourceforge.jp/#title"/>
-						</rule>
-					</template>
-				</menupopup>
-			</menu>
-		</menupopup>
-	</toolbarbutton>
-	<spacer class="small-margin"/>
-<tree id="treeBbsMenu" class="plain" flex="1"  context="popBbsMenuContext"
-		flags="dont-build-content" hidecolumnpicker="true"
-		onclick="treeBbsMenuClick(event)"
-		datasources="rdf:null" ref="urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:root">
-	<treecols>
-		<treecol id="colTitle" hideheader="true" flex="1" primary="true"/>
-	</treecols>
-	<template>
-		<rule>
-			<treechildren>
-				<treeitem uri="rdf:*">
-					<treerow>
-						<treecell label="rdf:http://bbs2ch.sourceforge.jp/#title"
-							properties="Name type-rdf:http://bbs2ch.sourceforge.jp/#type"/>
-					</treerow>
-				</treeitem>
-			</treechildren>
-		</rule>
-	</template>
-<!-- History Menu -->
-<tree flex="1" id="treeHiddenHistory" hidden="true" collapsed="true"
-	datasources="rdf:null" flags="dont-build-content" hidecolumnpicker="true">
-	<template>
-		<rule>
-			<treechildren>
-				<treeitem uri="rdf:*" rdf:type="rdf:http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type">
-					<treerow>
-						<treecell label="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Date"/>
-					</treerow>
-				</treeitem>
-			</treechildren>
-		</rule>
-	</template>
-	<treecols>
-		<treecol flex="1" id="ColHiddenHistoryTreeDate" hideheader="true" primary="true"
-			sort="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Date" sortActive="true" sortDirection="descending"/>
-	</treecols>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.js
diff -u bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.js:1.29 bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.js:removed
--- bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.js:1.29	Sun Nov 20 14:33:14 2005
+++ bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-page.js	Wed Dec 14 00:47:09 2005
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is bbs2chreader.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * flyson.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *    flyson <flyso****@users*****>
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-var gBbs2chService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/bbs2ch-service;1"]
-			.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBbs2chService);
-var gTreeBbsMenu;
-var gBbsmenuDS;
-var gHistoryRDF;
-function startup(){
-	gBbsmenuDS = new Bbs2chBbsMenuDS();
-	gHistoryRDF = new Bbs2chRDF();
-	gHistoryRDF.initWithRDFURL("rdf:history");
-	var btnHistory = document.getElementById("btnHistory");
-	btnHistory.hidden = !gBbs2chService.pref.getBoolPref("fls.bbs2chreader.bbsmenu_historymenu_show");
-	gTreeBbsMenu = document.getElementById("treeBbsMenu");
-	if(gBbsmenuDS.bbsMenuFile.exists()){
-		initTreeBbsMenu();
-	}else{	// bbsmenu.html が無いときは自動で取得
-		bbsmenuUpdate();
-	}
-function shutdown(){
-function initTreeBbsMenu(){
-		// 古いデータソースが存在するときは削除
-	var databases = gTreeBbsMenu.database.GetDataSources();
-	while(databases.hasMoreElements()){
-		try{
-			var ds = databases.getNext()
-						.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
-			if(ds.URI != "rdf:localstore")
-				gTreeBbsMenu.database.RemoveDataSource(ds);
-		}catch(ex){};
-	}
-	gTreeBbsMenu.hidden = true;
-	gBbsmenuDS.initDS();
-	gTreeBbsMenu.database.AddDataSource(gBbsmenuDS.ds);
-	gTreeBbsMenu.builder.rebuild();
-	gTreeBbsMenu.hidden = false;
-		// フォーカス
-	if(gTreeBbsMenu.treeBoxObject.view.selection){
-		gTreeBbsMenu.focus();
-		gTreeBbsMenu.treeBoxObject.view.selection.select(0);
-	}
- * 選択中の板をブラウザで開く
- * @param aAddTab boolean true なら新しいタブで開く
- */
-function openBoard(aAddTab){
-	if(gTreeBbsMenu.currentIndex == -1) return;
-	var resource = gTreeBbsMenu.view.getResourceAtIndex(gTreeBbsMenu.currentIndex);
-	var boardURL = resource.Value;
-	if(boardURL.indexOf("http://")!=0) return;
-	var boardType = gBbsmenuDS.rdf.getLiteralProperty(resource.Value, 
-									gBbs2chService.nameSpace + "type");
-	switch(parseInt(boardType)){
-		case gBbs2chService.BOARD_TYPE_2CH:
-		case gBbs2chService.BOARD_TYPE_BE2CH:
-		case gBbs2chService.BOARD_TYPE_JBBS:
-			boardURL = "bbs2ch:board:" + boardURL;
-			break;
-	}		
-	gBbs2chService.openURL(boardURL, null, aAddTab);
- * ツリーをクリックしたときに呼ばれる
- *
- * @param aEvent event
- */
-function treeBbsMenuClick(aEvent){
-	var row = {}
-	var obj = {};
-	gTreeBbsMenu.treeBoxObject.getCellAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY, row, {}, obj);
-	if(row.value == -1) return;	// ツリーのアイテム以外をクリック
-	var eButton = aEvent.button;
-	var eDetail = aEvent.detail;
-	var objName = obj.value;
-	var isContainer = gTreeBbsMenu.view.isContainer(row.value);
-	if(eButton==0 && eDetail==1 && objName=="twisty"){
-			// twisty ボタンを使ったコンテナのオープン
-		closeAllOpendContainers(row.value);
-		return;
-	}else if(eDetail==2 && objName!="twisty" && isContainer){
-			// ダブルクリックによるコンテナのオープン
-		closeAllOpendContainers(row.value);
-		return;
-	}
-	var openAction = gBbs2chService.pref.getIntPref("fls.bbs2chreader.bbsmenu_open_action");
-	if(eButton==0 && eDetail==1 && !isContainer){
-			// クリック
-	}else if(eButton==0 && eDetail==2 && !isContainer){
-			// ダブルクリック
-			openBoard(openAction == 1);
-	}else if(eButton==1 && eDetail==1 && !isContainer){
-			// ミドルクリック
-			openBoard(openAction == 0);
-	}
- * ツリーのコンテキストメニューが表示されるときに呼ばれる
- */
-function showBbsMenuContext(aEvent){
-	var row = {}
-	var obj = {};
-	gTreeBbsMenu.treeBoxObject.getCellAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY, row, {}, obj);
-		// ツリーのアイテム以外をクリック
-	if(row.value == -1) return false;
-		// コンテナの場合はコンテキストメニューを出さない
-	return !gTreeBbsMenu.view.isContainer(row.value);
- * 選択中の板の URL をクリップボードにコピー
- */
-function copyURL(){
-	if(gTreeBbsMenu.currentIndex == -1) return;
-	var resource = gTreeBbsMenu.view.getResourceAtIndex(gTreeBbsMenu.currentIndex);
-	var boardURL = resource.Value;
-	if(boardURL.indexOf("http://")!=0) return;
-	Bbs2chClipboard.setString(boardURL);
- * 選択中の板の URL とタイトルをクリップボードにコピー
- */
-function copyTitleAndURL(){
-	if(gTreeBbsMenu.currentIndex == -1) return;
-	var resource = gTreeBbsMenu.view.getResourceAtIndex(gTreeBbsMenu.currentIndex);
-	var title = gBbsmenuDS.rdf.getLiteralProperty(resource.Value, 
-						gBbs2chService.nameSpace + "title");
-	var boardURL = resource.Value;
-	if(boardURL.indexOf("http://")!=0) return;
-	Bbs2chClipboard.setString(title +"\n"+ boardURL);
- * ログフォルダを開く
- */
-function openLogsDir(){
-	var logDir = gBbs2chService.getDataDir();
-	try{
-		logDir.reveal();
-	}catch(ex){
-			// for Unix
-		var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
-				.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-	    var protocolService = Components.classes
-	    		["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1"]
-    				.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExternalProtocolService);
-		var logDirURI = ioService.newFileURI(logDir);
-		protocolService.loadUrl(logDirURI);
-	}
- * 設定ダイアログを開く
- */
-function openSettings(){
-	var settingDialogURL = "chrome://bbs2chreader/content/settings/settings.xul";
-	window.openDialog(settingDialogURL, "_blank", "chrome, modal, resizable");
- * エクステンションマネージャを使った About の表示
- */
-function openAbout(){
-	var ExtensionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"]
-								.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager);
-	var emDS = ExtensionManager.datasource;
-	var ExtensionID = "";
-	if(gBbs2chService.geckoVersionCompare("1.8") <= 0){
-		ExtensionID = "urn:mozilla:item:{0B9D558E-6983-486b-9AAD-B6CBCD2FC807}";
-	}else{
-		ExtensionID = "urn:mozilla:extension:{0B9D558E-6983-486b-9AAD-B6CBCD2FC807}";
-	}
-	window.openDialog("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/about.xul", "",
-				"chrome, modal", ExtensionID, emDS);
- * About ダイアログがホームページを開く時に利用するメソッド
- */
-function openURL(aURLSpec){
-	gBbs2chService.openURL(aURLSpec, null, true);
- * 開いているすべてのツリーコンテナを閉じる
- * @param aExceptIndex number 閉じないコンテナのインデックス
- */
-function closeAllOpendContainers(aExceptIndex){
-	if(!gTreeBbsMenu.view.isContainerOpen(aExceptIndex)) return;
-	if(!gBbs2chService.pref.getBoolPref("fls.bbs2chreader.bbsmenu_toggle_open_container")) return;
-		// 閉じないコンテナのリソースを取得しておく
-	var exceptResource = gTreeBbsMenu.builder.getResourceAtIndex(aExceptIndex);
-	var rootContainer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"]
-				.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
-	rootContainer.Init(gTreeBbsMenu.database,
-			gBbsmenuDS.rdf.getResource("urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:root"));
-	var containers = rootContainer.GetElements();
-	while(containers.hasMoreElements()){
-		var container = containers.getNext()
-							.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-		var index = gTreeBbsMenu.builder.getIndexOfResource(container);
-		if(exceptResource == container) continue;
-		if(container.Value.indexOf("urn:bbs2ch:") == -1) continue;
-		if(!gTreeBbsMenu.view.isContainerOpen(index)) continue;
-		if(index != -1) gTreeBbsMenu.view.toggleOpenState(index);
-	}	
-		// 閉じないコンテナが表示されるようにスクロール
-	aExceptIndex = gTreeBbsMenu.builder.getIndexOfResource(exceptResource);
-	gTreeBbsMenu.boxObject.ensureRowIsVisible(aExceptIndex);
- * 履歴を読んで History メニューを更新する
- */
-function updateHistoryMenu(){
-	const NS_NC_NAME = "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name";
-	var popHistory = document.getElementById("popHistory");
-	while(popHistory.hasChildNodes()){
-		popHistory.removeChild(popHistory.firstChild);
-	}
-	var treeHiddenHistory = document.getElementById("treeHiddenHistory");
-	if(treeHiddenHistory.hidden){
-		treeHiddenHistory.hidden = false;
-		treeHiddenHistory.database.AddDataSource(gHistoryRDF.ds);
-	}
-	treeHiddenHistory.ref = "find:datasource=history&match=URL&method=startswith&text=bbs2ch:board:";
-	var boardCount = treeHiddenHistory.treeBoxObject.view.rowCount;
-	var boardMax = gBbs2chService.pref.getIntPref("fls.bbs2chreader.bbsmenu_historymenu_board_max");
-	if(boardMax > 15) boardMax = 15;
-	if(boardCount > boardMax) boardCount = boardMax;
-	if(boardCount > 0){
-		for(var i=0; i<boardCount; i++){
-			try{
-				var url = treeHiddenHistory.builder.getResourceAtIndex(i).Value;
-				var title = gHistoryRDF.getLiteralProperty(url, NS_NC_NAME);
-				title = title.replace(" [bbs2chreader]", "");
-				var menuNode = document.createElement("menuitem");
-				menuNode.setAttribute("label", title);
-				menuNode.setAttribute("value", url);
-				menuNode.setAttribute("tooltiptext", url);
-				popHistory.appendChild(menuNode);
-			}catch(ex){}
-		}
-	}
-	treeHiddenHistory.ref = "find:datasource=history&match=URL&method=startswith&text=bbs2ch:thread:";
-	var threadCount = treeHiddenHistory.treeBoxObject.view.rowCount;
-	var threadMax = gBbs2chService.pref.getIntPref("fls.bbs2chreader.bbsmenu_historymenu_thread_max");
-	if(threadMax > 15) threadMax = 15;
-	if(threadCount > threadMax) threadCount = threadMax;
-	if(threadCount > 0){
-		if(boardCount > 0) popHistory.appendChild(document.createElement("menuseparator"));
-		for(i=0; i<threadCount; i++){
-			try{
-				url = treeHiddenHistory.builder.getResourceAtIndex(i).Value;
-				title = gHistoryRDF.getLiteralProperty(url, NS_NC_NAME);
-				title = title.replace(" [bbs2chreader]", "");
-				menuNode = document.createElement("menuitem");
-				menuNode.setAttribute("label", title);
-				menuNode.setAttribute("value", url);
-				menuNode.setAttribute("tooltiptext", url);
-				popHistory.appendChild(menuNode);
-			}catch(ex){}
-		}
-	}
- * History メニューアイテムをクリックしたときの処理
- * @param aEvent event イベントオブジェクト
- */
-function popHistoryClick(aEvent){
-	var target = aEvent.originalTarget;
-	if(target.localName != "menuitem" || !(target.value)) return;
-	if(aEvent.button == 0){
-		gBbs2chService.openURL(target.value, null, false);
-	}else if(aEvent.button == 1){
-		target.parentNode.hidePopup();
-		gBbs2chService.openURL(target.value, null, true);	
-	}
- * Tests メニューアイテムをクリックしたときの処理
- * @param aEvent event イベントオブジェクト
- */
-function testMenuClick(aEvent){
-	var target = aEvent.originalTarget;
-	var url = target.getAttribute("value");
-	var openType = target.getAttribute("opentype");
-	if(openType == "dialog"){
-		window.openDialog(url, "", "chrome,resizable");
-	}else{
-		gBbs2chService.openURL(url, null, true);
-	}
- * 板タイトルを検索して、結果をツリーに表示
- * aSearchString が空ならツリーを元に戻す
- * @param aEvent event イベントオブジェクト
- * @param aSearchString string 検索文字列
- */
-function searchTitle(aEvent, aSearchString){
-		// keypress イベント時にエンター以外が押された
-	if((aEvent.type == "keypress") &&
-		((aEvent.keyCode != KeyEvent.DOM_VK_ENTER) &&
-			(aEvent.keyCode != KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN)))
-				return;
-	if(aSearchString){
-			// フォーム履歴に検索文字列を追加		
-		var formHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/satchel/form-history;1"]
-							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFormHistory);
-		formHistory.addEntry("bbs2ch-bbsmenu-history", aSearchString);
-		gBbsmenuDS.searchTitle(aSearchString);
-		gTreeBbsMenu.ref = "urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:search";
-	}else{
-		gTreeBbsMenu.ref = "urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:root";
-	}
- * bbsmenu.html をダウンロードして板一覧を更新する
- */
-function bbsmenuUpdate(){
-	var updateDialogURL = "chrome://bbs2chreader/content/bbsmenu-update.xul";
-	var updated = {};
-	window.openDialog(updateDialogURL, "", "chrome, modal", updated);
-	if(updated.value) initTreeBbsMenu();
Index: bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-ds.js
diff -u bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-ds.js:1.13 bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-ds.js:removed
--- bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-ds.js:1.13	Sat Nov  5 01:20:01 2005
+++ bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/bbsmenu-ds.js	Wed Dec 14 00:47:09 2005
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is bbs2chreader.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * flyson.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- *    flyson <flyso****@users*****>
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-function Bbs2chBbsMenuDS(){
-	this.init();
-Bbs2chBbsMenuDS.prototype = {
-// ********** ********* プロパティ ********** **********
-	/**
-	 * 板一覧用の RDF
-	 * @return Bbs2chRDF
-	 */
-	get rdf(){
-		return this._rdf;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * 板一覧の RDF データソース
-	 * @return nsIRDFDataSource
-	 */
-	get ds(){
-		return this.rdf.ds;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * データフォルダ内の bbsmenu.html
-	 * @return nsILocalFile
-	 */
-	get bbsMenuFile(){
-		return this._bbsMenuFile;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * データフォルダ内の bbsmenu.rdf
-	 * @return nsILocalFile
-	 */
-	get bbsMenuRDFFile(){
-		return this._bbsMenuRDFFile;
-	},
-	/**
-	 * データフォルダ内の outside.txt
-	 * @return nsILocalFile
-	 */
-	get outsideFile(){
-		return this._outsideFile;
-	},
-// ********** ********* メソッド ********** **********
-	init: function(){
-		this._rdf = new Bbs2chRDF();
-		this._bbs2chService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/bbs2ch-service;1"]
-					.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBbs2chService);
-		this._ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
-					.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-		this._bbsMenuFile = this._bbs2chService.getDataDir();
-		this._bbsMenuFile.appendRelativePath("bbsmenu.html");
-		this._bbsMenuRDFFile = this._bbs2chService.getDataDir();
-		this._bbsMenuRDFFile.appendRelativePath("bbsmenu.rdf");
-		this._outsideFile = this._bbs2chService.getDataDir();
-		this._outsideFile.appendRelativePath("outside.txt");
-	},
-	initDS: function(){
-		const NS_BBS2CH = this._bbs2chService.nameSpace;
-		var categoryReg = /<BR><B>([^<]+)<\/B><BR>/i;
-		var threadReg	= /^<A HREF=([^> ]+)>([^<]+)<\/A>/i;
-		var threadReg2	= /^<A HREF=([^> ]+) TARGET=_blank>([^<]+)<\/A>/i;
-			// bbsmenu.html が無いときは終了
-		if(!this.bbsMenuFile.exists()) return;
-		if(this.bbsMenuRDFFile.exists() && this.outsideFile.exists()){
-			var rdfLMTime = this.bbsMenuRDFFile.lastModifiedTime;
-			var bbsmenuLMTime = this.bbsMenuFile.lastModifiedTime;
-			var outsideLMTime = this.outsideFile.lastModifiedTime;
-			if((rdfLMTime > bbsmenuLMTime) && (rdfLMTime > outsideLMTime)){
-				var rdfURL = this._ioService.newFileURI(this.bbsMenuRDFFile);
-				this.rdf.initWithRDFURL(rdfURL.spec);
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-			// ルートコンテナの作成
-		var rootContainer = this.rdf.makeSeqContainer("urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:root");
-			// 外部板コンテナの作成
-		var outsideContainer = this.rdf.makeSeqContainer("urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:outside-board");
-		this.rdf.setLiteralProperty(outsideContainer.Resource, NS_BBS2CH + "title", "OUTSIDE");
-			// 外部板リストが存在しないときはテンプレートから作る
-		if(!this.outsideFile.exists()){
-			var templateContent = this._bbs2chService.readLocalURI(
-						"chrome://bbs2chreader/content/res/outside.txt");
-			this._bbs2chService.writeFile(this.outsideFile.path, templateContent, false);
-		}
-		var outsideLines = this._bbs2chService.readFile(this.outsideFile.path);
-		outsideLines = this._bbs2chService.fromSJIS(outsideLines).split("\n");
-		var regOutsideLine = /^(http:\/\/.*)\t(.+)\t(type-.+)/;
-		var typeHash = new Array();
-		typeHash["type-2ch"]    = 0;
-		typeHash["type-old2ch"] = 1;
-		typeHash["type-be2ch"]  = 2;
-		typeHash["type-jbbs"]   = 3;
-		typeHash["type-machi"]  = 4;
-		typeHash["type-page"]   = 5;
-		for(var i=0; i<outsideLines.length; i++){
-			var line = outsideLines[i];
-			if(regOutsideLine.test(line)){
-				if(RegExp.$3 in typeHash){
-					var board = this.rdf.appendResource(RegExp.$1, outsideContainer);
-					var type = typeHash[RegExp.$3];
-					this.rdf.setLiteralProperty(board, NS_BBS2CH + "title", RegExp.$2);
-					this.rdf.setLiteralProperty(board, NS_BBS2CH + "type", type);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		rootContainer.AppendElement(outsideContainer.Resource);
-			// bbsmenu.html を読み込んで、行を配列に格納
-		var content = this._bbs2chService.readFile(this.bbsMenuFile.path);
-		content = this._bbs2chService.fromSJIS(content);
-			// 改行位置がおかしい部分の修正
-		content = content.replace(/<\/B><BR><A HREF/igm, "</B><BR>\n<A HREF")
-		var contentLines = content.split("\n");
-		content = null;
-		var currentCategory;
-			// ぐるぐる
-		for(i=0; i<contentLines.length; i++){
-			line = contentLines[i];
-			if(categoryReg.test(line)){
-					// カテゴリのコンテナを作成
-				currentCategory = this.rdf.makeSeqContainer("urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:category:" + RegExp.$1);
-				this.rdf.setLiteralProperty(currentCategory.Resource, 
-											NS_BBS2CH + "title", RegExp.$1);
-				rootContainer.AppendElement(currentCategory.Resource);
-			}else if((threadReg.test(line) || threadReg2.test(line)) && currentCategory){
-					// 板一覧のリソース作成
-				board = this.rdf.appendResource(RegExp.$1, currentCategory);
-				this.rdf.setLiteralProperty(board, NS_BBS2CH + "title", RegExp.$2);
-				this.rdf.setLiteralProperty(board, NS_BBS2CH + "type",
-											this._bbs2chService.getBoardType(RegExp.$1));
-			}
-		}
-			// RDF をキャッシュとして保存		
-		var rdfSource = this.rdf.getXmlSource("bbs2ch", NS_BBS2CH);
-		this._bbs2chService.writeFile(this.bbsMenuRDFFile.path, rdfSource, false);
-	},
-	/**
-	 * aSearchString とマッチするタイトルをもつリソースを
-	 * コンテナ urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:search 以下に追加する
-	 * @param aSearchString string 検索する文字列
-	 */
-	searchTitle: function(aSearchString){
-			// サーチコンテナの作成
-		this.rdf.clearContainer("urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:search");
-		var searchContainer = this.rdf.getContainer("urn:bbs2ch:bbsmenu:search");
-		var resources = this.ds.GetAllResources();
-		while(resources.hasMoreElements()){
-			var resource = resources.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-			var title = this.rdf.getLiteralProperty(resource, this._bbs2chService.nameSpace + "title");
-			if(title && (title.toUpperCase().indexOf(aSearchString.toUpperCase()) != -1))
-				searchContainer.AppendElement(resource);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file

bbs2ch-cvs メーリングリストの案内