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2022-01-04 04:15
  1. for number in {101..113} {201..213} {301..313} {401..413} {101..113} {201..213} {301..313} {401..413} ; do echo $number ; done | shuf -n 30
  2. # bash map two decks of 52 cards to numbers and select a certain number of them randomly
  3. # This is helpful for some solitaries. If one doesn't want to use real cards but pen and paper, having a mapping on numbers helps.
  4. # Example with rummikub (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rummikub).
  5. # Picking a certain number of cards at random, is it possible to place them in legal combinations.
  6. # If yes, how many cards cannot be combined? Can they all be combined?
  7. # There are many other possible puzzles/solitaires to solve with cards, and thus those can be mapped to numbers are well.
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