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traclight: コミット


リビジョン112 (tree)
日時2010-12-04 20:38:28


update importplugin and add subticket support.



--- branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/setup.py (revision 111)
+++ branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/setup.py (revision 112)
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
1-#!/usr/bin/env python
2-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
6-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
7-# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
8-# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
11-from setuptools import setup
16- name='TicketImport',
17- version='0.7c',
18- author='Francois Granade',
19- author_email='fg@nexb.com',
20- url='http://nexb.com',
21- license='BSD',
22- description='Import CSV and Excel files',
23- zip_safe=True,
24- packages=[PACKAGE],
25- package_data={PACKAGE: ['templates/*.html']},
26- entry_points={'trac.plugins': 'TicketImport = %s' % (PACKAGE)}
27- )
1+#!/usr/bin/env python
2+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
6+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
7+# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
8+# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
11+from setuptools import setup
16+ name='TicketImport',
17+ version='0.8',
18+ author='Francois Granade',
19+ author_email='fg@nexb.com',
20+ url='http://nexb.com',
21+ license='BSD',
22+ description='Import CSV and Excel files',
23+ zip_safe=True,
24+ packages=[PACKAGE],
25+ package_data={PACKAGE: ['templates/*.html']},
26+ entry_points={'trac.plugins': 'TicketImport = %s' % (PACKAGE)}
27+ )
--- branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/__init__.py (revision 111)
+++ branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/__init__.py (revision 112)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3-# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4-# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
8-from talm_importer.importer import *
2+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3+# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4+# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
8+from talm_importer.importer import *
--- branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/test.py (revision 111)
+++ branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/test.py (revision 112)
@@ -1,262 +1,295 @@
2-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3-# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4-# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
7-import sys
8-import os
9-import tempfile
10-import shutil
11-import unittest
12-import pprint
13-import filecmp
15-from trac.web.api import Request
16-from trac.env import Environment
17-from trac.core import TracError
18-#from trac.web.clearsilver import HDFWrapper
20-from talm_importer.importer import ImportModule
22-def _exec(cursor, sql, args = None): cursor.execute(sql, args)
24-def _printme(something): pass # print something
27-class ImporterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
29- def _test_preview(self, env, filename):
30- req = Request({'SERVER_PORT': 0, 'SERVER_NAME': 'any', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'any', 'wsgi.input': 'any', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET' }, lambda x, y: _printme)
31- try:
32- from trac.test import MockPerm
33- req.perm = MockPerm()
34- except ImportError:
35- pass
36- req.authname = 'testuser'
37- #req.hdf = HDFWrapper([]) # replace by this if you want to generate HTML: req.hdf = HDFWrapper(loadpaths=chrome.get_all_templates_dirs())
38- template, data, content_type = ImportModule(env)._do_preview(filename, 1, req)
39- #sys.stdout = tempstdout
40- #req.display(template, content_type or 'text/html')
41- #open('/tmp/out.html', 'w').write(req.hdf.render(template, None))
42- pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
43- return (pp.pformat(data) or '') + "\n"
45- def _test_import(self, env, filename, sheet = 1):
46- req = Request({'SERVER_PORT': 0, 'SERVER_NAME': 'any', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'any', 'wsgi.input': 'any', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET' }, lambda x, y: _printme)
47- try:
48- from trac.test import MockPerm
49- req.perm = MockPerm()
50- except ImportError:
51- pass
52- req.authname = 'testuser'
53- #req.hdf = HDFWrapper([]) # replace by this if you want to generate HTML: req.hdf = HDFWrapper(loadpaths=chrome.get_all_templates_dirs())
54- db = env.get_db_cnx()
55- cursor = db.cursor()
56- _exec(cursor, "select * from enum")
57- enums_before = cursor.fetchall()
58- _exec(cursor, "select * from component")
59- components_before = cursor.fetchall()
60- #print enums_before
61- # when testing, always use the same time so that the results are comparable
62- #print "importing " + filename + " with tickettime " + str(ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME)
63- template, data, content_type = ImportModule(env)._do_import(filename, sheet, req, filename, ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME)
64- #sys.stdout = tempstdout
65- #req.display(template, content_type or 'text/html')
66- #open('/tmp/out.html', 'w').write(req.hdf.render(template, None))
67- _exec(cursor, "select * from ticket")
68- tickets = cursor.fetchall()
69- _exec(cursor, "select * from ticket_custom")
70- tickets_custom = cursor.fetchall()
71- _exec(cursor, "select * from ticket_change")
72- tickets_change = cursor.fetchall()
73- _exec(cursor, "select * from enum")
74- enums = [f for f in set(cursor.fetchall()) - set(enums_before)]
75- _exec(cursor, "select * from component")
76- components = [f for f in set(cursor.fetchall()) - set(components_before)]
77- pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
78- return pp.pformat([ tickets, tickets_custom, tickets_change, enums, components ])
80- def _do_test(self, env, filename, testfun):
81- from os.path import join, dirname
82- testdir = join(dirname(dirname(dirname(testfolder))), 'test')
83- outfilename = join(testdir, filename + '.' + testfun.__name__ + '.out')
84- ctlfilename = join(testdir, filename + '.' + testfun.__name__ + '.ctl')
85- open(outfilename, 'w').write(testfun(env, join(testdir, filename)))
86- return filecmp.cmp(outfilename, ctlfilename)
88- def _do_test_diffs(self, env, filename, testfun):
89- self._do_test(env, filename, testfun)
90- from os.path import join, dirname
91- testdir = join(dirname(dirname(dirname(testfolder))), 'test')
92- import sys
93- from difflib import Differ
94- d = Differ()
95- def readall(ext): return open(join(testdir, filename + ext), 'rb').readlines()
96- result = d.compare(readall('.' + testfun.__name__ + '.ctl'), readall('.' + testfun.__name__ + '.out'))
97- lines = [ line for line in result if line[0] != ' ']
98- #sys.stdout.writelines(lines)
99- self.assertEquals(0, len(lines))
101- def _do_test_with_exception(self, env, filename, testfun):
102- try:
103- self._do_test(env, filename, testfun)
104- except TracError, e:
105- return str(e)
107- def _setup(self, configuration = None):
108- configuration = configuration or '[ticket-custom]\nmycustomfield = text\nmycustomfield.label = My Custom Field\nmycustomfield.order = 1\n'
110- configuration += '\n[ticket]\ndefault_type = task\n'
113- instancedir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test-importer._preview')
114- if os.path.exists(instancedir):
115- shutil.rmtree(instancedir, False)
116- env = Environment(instancedir, create=True)
117- open(os.path.join(os.path.join(instancedir, 'conf'), 'trac.ini'), 'a').write('\n' + configuration + '\n')
118- db = env.get_db_cnx()
119- _exec(db.cursor(), "INSERT INTO permission VALUES ('anonymous', 'REPORT_ADMIN') ")
120- _exec(db.cursor(), "INSERT INTO permission VALUES ('anonymous', 'IMPORT_EXECUTE') ")
121- db.commit()
122- ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME = 1190909220
123- return Environment(instancedir)
125- def test_import_1(self):
126- env = self._setup()
127- db = env.get_db_cnx()
128- cursor = db.cursor()
129- _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1245, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'sum2', u'', u''])
130- db.commit()
131- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'Backlog-for-import.csv', self._test_preview)
132- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple.csv', self._test_preview)
133- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple.csv', self._test_preview)
134- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'simple.csv', self._test_import))
135- # Run again, to make sure that the lookups are done corrctly
136- ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME = 1190909221
137- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'simple-copy.csv', self._test_import))
138- # import after modification should throw exception
139- _exec(cursor, "update ticket set changetime = " + str(ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME + 10) + " where id = 1245")
140- db.commit()
141- try:
142- pass
143- # TODO: this should throw an exception (a ticket has been modified between preview and import)
144- #_do_test(env, 'simple-copy.csv', self._test_import)
145- except TracError, err_string:
146- print err_string
147- #TODO: change the test case to modify the second or third row, to make sure that db.rollback() works
149- def test_import_2(self):
150- env = self._setup()
151- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'various-charsets.xls', self._test_preview)
152- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'various-charsets.xls', self._test_import))
154- def test_import_3(self):
155- env = self._setup()
156- try:
157- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'with-id.csv', self._test_preview)
158- self.assert_(False)
159- except TracError, e:
160- self.assertEquals(str(e), 'Ticket 1 found in file, but not present in Trac: cannot import.')
162- def test_import_4(self):
163- env = self._setup()
164- db = env.get_db_cnx()
165- cursor = db.cursor()
166- _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'summary before change', u'', u''])
167- _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [2, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component2', None, u'major', u'somebody2', u'anonymous2', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'summarybefore change', u'', u''])
168- _exec(cursor, "insert into enum values (%s, %s, %s)", ['priority', 'mypriority', '1'])
169- _exec(cursor, "insert into enum values (%s, %s, %s)", ['priority', 'yourpriority', '2'])
170- _exec(cursor, "insert into component values (%s, %s, %s)", ['mycomp', '', ''])
171- _exec(cursor, "insert into component values (%s, %s, %s)", ['yourcomp', '', ''])
172- db.commit()
173- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'with-id.csv', self._test_preview)
174- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'with-id.csv', self._test_import))
176- def test_import_5(self):
177- env = self._setup()
178- db = env.get_db_cnx()
179- cursor = db.cursor()
180- _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'a summary that is duplicated', u'', u''])
181- _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [2, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component2', None, u'major', u'somebody2', u'anonymous2', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'a summary that is duplicated', u'', u''])
182- _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [3, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component2', None, u'major', u'somebody2', u'anonymous2', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'a summary that is duplicated', u'', u''])
183- db.commit()
184- self.assertEquals(self._do_test_with_exception(env, 'test-detect-duplicate-summary-in-trac.csv', self._test_preview), 'Tickets #1, #2 and #3 have the same summary "a summary that is duplicated" in Trac. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries to ensure that they are unique.')
186- def test_import_6(self):
187- env = self._setup()
188- self.assertEquals(self._do_test_with_exception(env, 'test-detect-duplicate-summary-in-spreadsheet.csv', self._test_import), 'Summary "test & integration" is duplicated in the spreadsheet. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries in the spreadsheet to ensure that they are unique.')
190- def test_import_7(self):
191- self._setup()
192- instancedir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test-importer.tickets')
193- if os.path.exists(instancedir):
194- shutil.rmtree(instancedir, False)
195- _dbfile = os.path.join(os.path.join(instancedir, 'db'), 'trac.db')
196- env = Environment(instancedir, create=True)
197- os.remove(_dbfile)
198- shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(testfolder))), 'test'), 'tickets.db'), _dbfile)
199- open(os.path.join(os.path.join(instancedir, 'conf'), 'trac.ini'), 'a').write('\n[ticket-custom]\ndomain = text\ndomain.label = Domain\nstage = text\nstage.label = Stage\nusers = text\nusers.label = Users\n')
200- env = Environment(instancedir)
201- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'ticket-13.xls', self._test_import))
203- def test_import_with_ticket_types(self):
204- env = self._setup()
205- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple-with-type.csv', self._test_preview)
206- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'simple-with-type.csv', self._test_import))
208- def test_import_with_reconciliation_by_owner(self):
209- '''
210- This test covers the two option flags "reconciliate_by_owner_also" and "skip_lines_with_empty_owner".
211- '''
212- env = self._setup('\n[ticket-custom]\neffort = text\neffort.label = My Effort\n\n[importer]\nreconciliate_by_owner_also = true\nskip_lines_with_empty_owner = true\n')
213- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'same-summary-different-owners-for-reconcilation-with-owner.xls', self._test_import))
215- def test_import_csv_bug(self):
216- '''
217- This test covers the same as precedent, plus a problem I had with CSV:
218- "TracError: Unable to read this file, does not seem to be a valid Excel or CSV file:newline inside string"
219- The problem disapeared when I fixed the issue in test_import_with_reconciliation_by_owner
220- '''
221- env = self._setup('\n[ticket-custom]\neffort = text\neffort.label = My Effort\n\n[importer]\nreconciliate_by_owner_also = true\nskip_lines_with_empty_owner = true\n')
222- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'same-summary-different-owners-for-reconcilation-with-owner.csv', self._test_import))
224- def test_import_not_first_worksheet(self):
225- '''
226- This test covers importing an index worksheet, plus a prb with an empty milestone:
227- File "/Users/francois/workspace/importer/talm_importer/importer.py", line 416, in _process
228- processor.process_new_lookups(newvalues)
229- File "/Users/francois/workspace/importer/talm_importer/processors.py", line 128, in process_new_lookups
230- lookup.insert()
231- File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Trac-0.11b1-py2.4.egg/trac/ticket/model.py", line 650, in insert
232- assert self.name, 'Cannot create milestone with no name'
233- '''
234- env = self._setup('\n[ticket-custom]\neffort = text\neffort.label = My Effort\n\n[importer]\nreconciliate_by_owner_also = true\nskip_lines_with_empty_owner = true\n')
235- def _test_import_fourth_sheet(env, filename): return self._test_import(env, filename, 4)
236- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'Backlog.xls', _test_import_fourth_sheet))
238- def test_import_with_id_called_id(self):
239- env = self._setup()
240- db = env.get_db_cnx()
241- cursor = db.cursor()
242- _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'summary before change', u'', u''])
243- _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [2, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component2', None, u'major', u'somebody2', u'anonymous2', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'summarybefore change', u'', u''])
244- _exec(cursor, "insert into enum values (%s, %s, %s)", ['priority', 'mypriority', '1'])
245- _exec(cursor, "insert into enum values (%s, %s, %s)", ['priority', 'yourpriority', '2'])
246- _exec(cursor, "insert into component values (%s, %s, %s)", ['mycomp', '', ''])
247- _exec(cursor, "insert into component values (%s, %s, %s)", ['yourcomp', '', ''])
248- db.commit()
249- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'with-id-called-id.csv', self._test_preview)
250- self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'with-id-called-id.csv', self._test_import))
252- def test_import_non_ascii_ticket_4458(self):
253- env = self._setup()
254- self._do_test_diffs(env, 'non_ascii_ticket_4458.csv', self._test_preview)
257-def suite():
258- return unittest.makeSuite(ImporterTestCase, 'test')
259- #return unittest.TestSuite( [ ImporterTestCase('test_import_2') ])
260-if __name__ == '__main__':
261- testfolder = __file__
262- unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')
2+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3+# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4+# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
7+import sys
8+import os
9+import tempfile
10+import shutil
11+import unittest
12+import pprint
13+import filecmp
15+from trac.web.api import Request
16+from trac.env import Environment
17+from trac.core import TracError
18+#from trac.web.clearsilver import HDFWrapper
20+from talm_importer.importer import ImportModule
22+import trac
23+if trac.__version__.startswith('0.12'):
24+ CTL_EXT = '-0.12.ctl'
25+ TICKETS_DB = 'tickets-0.12.db'
27+ CTL_EXT = '.ctl'
28+ TICKETS_DB = 'tickets.db'
31+def _exec(cursor, sql, args = None): cursor.execute(sql, args)
33+def _printme(something): pass # print something
36+class ImporterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
38+ def _test_preview(self, env, filename):
39+ req = Request({'SERVER_PORT': 0, 'SERVER_NAME': 'any', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'any', 'wsgi.input': 'any', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET' }, lambda x, y: _printme)
40+ try:
41+ from trac.test import MockPerm
42+ req.perm = MockPerm()
43+ except ImportError:
44+ pass
45+ req.authname = 'testuser'
46+ #req.hdf = HDFWrapper([]) # replace by this if you want to generate HTML: req.hdf = HDFWrapper(loadpaths=chrome.get_all_templates_dirs())
47+ template, data, content_type = ImportModule(env)._do_preview(filename, 1, req)
48+ #sys.stdout = tempstdout
49+ #req.display(template, content_type or 'text/html')
50+ #open('/tmp/out.html', 'w').write(req.hdf.render(template, None))
51+ pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
52+ return (pp.pformat(data) or '') + "\n"
54+ def _test_import(self, env, filename, sheet = 1):
55+ req = Request({'SERVER_PORT': 0, 'SERVER_NAME': 'any', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'any', 'wsgi.input': 'any', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET' }, lambda x, y: _printme)
56+ try:
57+ from trac.test import MockPerm
58+ req.perm = MockPerm()
59+ except ImportError:
60+ pass
61+ req.authname = 'testuser'
62+ #req.hdf = HDFWrapper([]) # replace by this if you want to generate HTML: req.hdf = HDFWrapper(loadpaths=chrome.get_all_templates_dirs())
63+ db = env.get_db_cnx()
64+ cursor = db.cursor()
65+ _exec(cursor, "select * from enum")
66+ enums_before = cursor.fetchall()
67+ _exec(cursor, "select * from component")
68+ components_before = cursor.fetchall()
69+ #print enums_before
70+ # when testing, always use the same time so that the results are comparable
71+ #print "importing " + filename + " with tickettime " + str(ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME)
72+ template, data, content_type = ImportModule(env)._do_import(filename, sheet, req, filename, ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME)
73+ #sys.stdout = tempstdout
74+ #req.display(template, content_type or 'text/html')
75+ #open('/tmp/out.html', 'w').write(req.hdf.render(template, None))
76+ _exec(cursor, "select * from ticket")
77+ tickets = cursor.fetchall()
78+ _exec(cursor, "select * from ticket_custom")
79+ tickets_custom = cursor.fetchall()
80+ _exec(cursor, "select * from ticket_change")
81+ tickets_change = cursor.fetchall()
82+ _exec(cursor, "select * from enum")
83+ enums = [f for f in set(cursor.fetchall()) - set(enums_before)]
84+ _exec(cursor, "select * from component")
85+ components = [f for f in set(cursor.fetchall()) - set(components_before)]
86+ pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
87+ return pp.pformat([ tickets, tickets_custom, tickets_change, enums, components ])
89+ def _do_test(self, env, filename, testfun):
90+ from os.path import join, dirname
91+ testdir = join(dirname(dirname(dirname(testfolder))), 'test')
92+ outfilename = join(testdir, filename + '.' + testfun.__name__ + '.out')
93+ ctlfilename = join(testdir, filename + '.' + testfun.__name__ + CTL_EXT)
94+ open(outfilename, 'w').write(testfun(env, join(testdir, filename)))
95+ return filecmp.cmp(outfilename, ctlfilename)
97+ def _do_test_diffs(self, env, filename, testfun):
98+ self._do_test(env, filename, testfun)
99+ from os.path import join, dirname
100+ testdir = join(dirname(dirname(dirname(testfolder))), 'test')
101+ import sys
102+ from difflib import Differ
103+ d = Differ()
104+ def readall(ext): return open(join(testdir, filename + ext), 'rb').readlines()
105+ result = d.compare(readall('.' + testfun.__name__ + CTL_EXT),
106+ readall('.' + testfun.__name__ + '.out'))
107+ lines = [ line for line in result if line[0] != ' ']
108+ #sys.stdout.writelines(lines)
109+ self.assertEquals(0, len(lines))
111+ def _do_test_with_exception(self, env, filename, testfun):
112+ try:
113+ self._do_test(env, filename, testfun)
114+ except TracError, e:
115+ return str(e)
117+ def _setup(self, configuration = None):
118+ configuration = configuration or '[ticket-custom]\nmycustomfield = text\nmycustomfield.label = My Custom Field\nmycustomfield.order = 1\n'
120+ configuration += '\n[ticket]\ndefault_type = task\n'
123+ instancedir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test-importer._preview')
124+ if os.path.exists(instancedir):
125+ shutil.rmtree(instancedir, False)
126+ env = Environment(instancedir, create=True)
127+ open(os.path.join(os.path.join(instancedir, 'conf'), 'trac.ini'), 'a').write('\n' + configuration + '\n')
128+ db = env.get_db_cnx()
129+ _exec(db.cursor(), "INSERT INTO permission VALUES ('anonymous', 'REPORT_ADMIN') ")
130+ _exec(db.cursor(), "INSERT INTO permission VALUES ('anonymous', 'IMPORT_EXECUTE') ")
131+ db.commit()
132+ ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME = 1190909220
133+ return Environment(instancedir)
135+ def test_import_1(self):
136+ env = self._setup()
137+ db = env.get_db_cnx()
138+ cursor = db.cursor()
139+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1245, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'sum2', u'', u''])
140+ db.commit()
141+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'Backlog-for-import.csv', self._test_preview)
142+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple.csv', self._test_preview)
143+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple.csv', self._test_preview)
144+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'simple.csv', self._test_import))
145+ # Run again, to make sure that the lookups are done correctly
146+ ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME = 1190909221
147+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'simple-copy.csv', self._test_import))
148+ # import after modification should throw exception
149+ _exec(cursor, "update ticket set changetime = " + str(ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME + 10) + " where id = 1245")
150+ db.commit()
151+ try:
152+ pass
153+ # TODO: this should throw an exception (a ticket has been modified between preview and import)
154+ #_do_test(env, 'simple-copy.csv', self._test_import)
155+ except TracError, err_string:
156+ print err_string
157+ #TODO: change the test case to modify the second or third row, to make sure that db.rollback() works
159+ def test_import_with_comments(self):
160+ env = self._setup()
161+ db = env.get_db_cnx()
162+ cursor = db.cursor()
163+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1245, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'sum2', u'', u''])
164+ db.commit()
165+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple.csv', self._test_import)
166+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple_with_comments.csv', self._test_preview)
167+ ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME = ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME + 100
168+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple_with_comments.csv', self._test_import)
170+ def test_import_with_comments_and_description(self):
171+ env = self._setup()
172+ db = env.get_db_cnx()
173+ cursor = db.cursor()
174+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1245, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'sum2', u'', u''])
175+ db.commit()
176+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple.csv', self._test_import)
177+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple_with_comments_and_description.csv', self._test_preview)
178+ ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME = ImporterTestCase.TICKET_TIME + 100
179+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple_with_comments_and_description.csv', self._test_import)
182+ def test_import_2(self):
183+ env = self._setup()
184+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'various-charsets.xls', self._test_preview)
185+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'various-charsets.xls', self._test_import))
187+ def test_import_3(self):
188+ env = self._setup()
189+ try:
190+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'with-id.csv', self._test_preview)
191+ self.assert_(False)
192+ except TracError, e:
193+ self.assertEquals(str(e), 'Ticket 1 found in file, but not present in Trac: cannot import.')
195+ def test_import_4(self):
196+ env = self._setup()
197+ db = env.get_db_cnx()
198+ cursor = db.cursor()
199+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'summary before change', u'', u''])
200+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [2, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component2', None, u'major', u'somebody2', u'anonymous2', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'summarybefore change', u'', u''])
201+ _exec(cursor, "insert into enum values (%s, %s, %s)", ['priority', 'mypriority', '1'])
202+ _exec(cursor, "insert into enum values (%s, %s, %s)", ['priority', 'yourpriority', '2'])
203+ _exec(cursor, "insert into component values (%s, %s, %s)", ['mycomp', '', ''])
204+ _exec(cursor, "insert into component values (%s, %s, %s)", ['yourcomp', '', ''])
205+ db.commit()
206+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'with-id.csv', self._test_preview)
207+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'with-id.csv', self._test_import))
209+ def test_import_5(self):
210+ env = self._setup()
211+ db = env.get_db_cnx()
212+ cursor = db.cursor()
213+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'a summary that is duplicated', u'', u''])
214+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [2, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component2', None, u'major', u'somebody2', u'anonymous2', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'a summary that is duplicated', u'', u''])
215+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [3, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component2', None, u'major', u'somebody2', u'anonymous2', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'a summary that is duplicated', u'', u''])
216+ db.commit()
217+ self.assertEquals(self._do_test_with_exception(env, 'test-detect-duplicate-summary-in-trac.csv', self._test_preview), 'Tickets #1, #2 and #3 have the same summary "a summary that is duplicated" in Trac. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries to ensure that they are unique.')
219+ def test_import_6(self):
220+ env = self._setup()
221+ self.assertEquals(self._do_test_with_exception(env, 'test-detect-duplicate-summary-in-spreadsheet.csv', self._test_import), 'Summary "test & integration" is duplicated in the spreadsheet. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries in the spreadsheet to ensure that they are unique.')
223+ def test_import_7(self):
224+ self._setup()
225+ instancedir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test-importer.tickets')
226+ if os.path.exists(instancedir):
227+ shutil.rmtree(instancedir, False)
228+ _dbfile = os.path.join(os.path.join(instancedir, 'db'), 'trac.db')
229+ env = Environment(instancedir, create=True)
230+ os.remove(_dbfile)
231+ shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(testfolder))), 'test'), TICKETS_DB), _dbfile)
232+ open(os.path.join(os.path.join(instancedir, 'conf'), 'trac.ini'), 'a').write('\n[ticket-custom]\ndomain = text\ndomain.label = Domain\nstage = text\nstage.label = Stage\nusers = text\nusers.label = Users\n')
233+ env = Environment(instancedir)
234+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'ticket-13.xls', self._test_import))
236+ def test_import_with_ticket_types(self):
237+ env = self._setup()
238+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'simple-with-type.csv', self._test_preview)
239+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'simple-with-type.csv', self._test_import))
241+ def test_import_with_reconciliation_by_owner(self):
242+ '''
243+ This test covers the two option flags "reconciliate_by_owner_also" and "skip_lines_with_empty_owner".
244+ '''
245+ env = self._setup('\n[ticket-custom]\neffort = text\neffort.label = My Effort\n\n[importer]\nreconciliate_by_owner_also = true\nskip_lines_with_empty_owner = true\n')
246+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'same-summary-different-owners-for-reconcilation-with-owner.xls', self._test_import))
248+ def test_import_csv_bug(self):
249+ '''
250+ This test covers the same as precedent, plus a problem I had with CSV:
251+ "TracError: Unable to read this file, does not seem to be a valid Excel or CSV file:newline inside string"
252+ The problem disapeared when I fixed the issue in test_import_with_reconciliation_by_owner
253+ '''
254+ env = self._setup('\n[ticket-custom]\neffort = text\neffort.label = My Effort\n\n[importer]\nreconciliate_by_owner_also = true\nskip_lines_with_empty_owner = true\n')
255+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'same-summary-different-owners-for-reconcilation-with-owner.csv', self._test_import))
257+ def test_import_not_first_worksheet(self):
258+ '''
259+ This test covers importing an index worksheet, plus a prb with an empty milestone:
260+ File "/Users/francois/workspace/importer/talm_importer/importer.py", line 416, in _process
261+ processor.process_new_lookups(newvalues)
262+ File "/Users/francois/workspace/importer/talm_importer/processors.py", line 128, in process_new_lookups
263+ lookup.insert()
264+ File "/sw/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Trac-0.11b1-py2.4.egg/trac/ticket/model.py", line 650, in insert
265+ assert self.name, 'Cannot create milestone with no name'
266+ '''
267+ env = self._setup('\n[ticket-custom]\neffort = text\neffort.label = My Effort\n\n[importer]\nreconciliate_by_owner_also = true\nskip_lines_with_empty_owner = true\n')
268+ def _test_import_fourth_sheet(env, filename): return self._test_import(env, filename, 4)
269+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'Backlog.xls', _test_import_fourth_sheet))
271+ def test_import_with_id_called_id(self):
272+ env = self._setup()
273+ db = env.get_db_cnx()
274+ cursor = db.cursor()
275+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [1, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component1', None, u'major', u'somebody', u'anonymous', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'summary before change', u'', u''])
276+ _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", [2, u'defect', 1191377630, 1191377630, u'component2', None, u'major', u'somebody2', u'anonymous2', u'', u'', u'', u'new', None, u'summarybefore change', u'', u''])
277+ _exec(cursor, "insert into enum values (%s, %s, %s)", ['priority', 'mypriority', '1'])
278+ _exec(cursor, "insert into enum values (%s, %s, %s)", ['priority', 'yourpriority', '2'])
279+ _exec(cursor, "insert into component values (%s, %s, %s)", ['mycomp', '', ''])
280+ _exec(cursor, "insert into component values (%s, %s, %s)", ['yourcomp', '', ''])
281+ db.commit()
282+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'with-id-called-id.csv', self._test_preview)
283+ self.assert_(self._do_test(env, 'with-id-called-id.csv', self._test_import))
285+ def test_import_non_ascii_ticket_4458(self):
286+ env = self._setup()
287+ self._do_test_diffs(env, 'non_ascii_ticket_4458.csv', self._test_preview)
290+def suite():
291+ return unittest.makeSuite(ImporterTestCase, 'test')
292+ #return unittest.TestSuite( [ ImporterTestCase('test_import_7') ])
293+if __name__ == '__main__':
294+ testfolder = __file__
295+ unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')
--- branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/importer.py (revision 111)
+++ branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/importer.py (revision 112)
@@ -1,452 +1,468 @@
3-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
4-# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
5-# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
8-import os
9-import re
10-import shutil
11-import tempfile
12-import time
13-import unicodedata
15-from trac.core import *
16-from trac.attachment import AttachmentModule
17-from trac.core import Component
18-from trac.perm import IPermissionRequestor
19-from trac.ticket import TicketSystem
20-from trac.ticket import model
21-from trac.util import get_reporter_id
22-from trac.util.html import html
23-from trac.web import IRequestHandler
24-from trac.web.chrome import INavigationContributor, ITemplateProvider
26-from talm_importer.processors import ImportProcessor
27-from talm_importer.processors import PreviewProcessor
28-from talm_importer.readers import get_reader
31-class ImportModule(Component):
33- implements(INavigationContributor, IPermissionRequestor, IRequestHandler, ITemplateProvider)
35- # INavigationContributor methods
36- def get_active_navigation_item(self, req):
37- return 'importer'
39- def get_navigation_items(self, req):
40- if not req.perm.has_permission('IMPORT_EXECUTE'):
41- return
42- yield ('mainnav', 'importer',
43- html.a('インポート', href=req.href.importer()))
45- # IPermissionRequestor methods
46- def get_permission_actions(self):
47- return ['IMPORT_EXECUTE']
49- # IRequestHandler methods
51- def match_request(self, req):
52- match = re.match(r'/importer(?:/([0-9]+))?', req.path_info)
53- if match:
54- return True
56- def process_request(self, req):
57- req.perm.assert_permission('IMPORT_EXECUTE')
58- action = req.args.get('action', 'other')
60- if req.args.has_key('cancel'):
61- req.redirect(req.href('importer'))
63- if action == 'upload' and req.method == 'POST':
64- req.session['uploadedfile'] = None
65- uploadedfilename, uploadedfile = self._save_uploaded_file(req)
66- req.session['sheet'] = req.args['sheet']
67- req.session['uploadedfile'] = uploadedfile
68- req.session['uploadedfilename'] = uploadedfilename
69- req.session['tickettime'] = str(int(time.time()))
70- return self._do_preview(uploadedfile, int(req.session['sheet']), req)
71- elif action == 'import' and req.method == 'POST':
72- tickettime = int(req.session['tickettime'])
73- if tickettime == 0:
74- raise TracError('No time set since preview, unable to import: please upload the file again')
76- return self._do_import(req.session['uploadedfile'], int(req.session['sheet']), req, req.session['uploadedfilename'], tickettime)
78- else:
79- req.session['uploadedfile'] = None
80- req.session['uploadedfilename'] = None
82- data = { 'reconciliate_by_owner_also': self._reconciliate_by_owner_also(),
83- 'fields': ['ticket or id'] + [field['name'] for field in TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()] }
85- return 'importer.html', data, None
87- # ITemplateProvider
89- def get_htdocs_dirs(self):
90- """Return the absolute path of a directory containing additional
91- static resources (such as images, style sheets, etc).
92- """
93- return []
95- def get_templates_dirs(self):
96- """Return the absolute path of the directory containing the provided
97- ClearSilver templates.
98- """
99- from pkg_resources import resource_filename
100- return [resource_filename(__name__, 'templates')]
102- # Internal methods
104- def _do_preview(self, uploadedfile, sheet, req):
105- filereader = get_reader(uploadedfile, sheet)
106- try:
107- return self._process(filereader, get_reporter_id(req), PreviewProcessor(self.env, req))
108- finally:
109- filereader.close()
111- def _do_import(self, uploadedfile, sheet, req, uploadedfilename, tickettime):
112- filereader = get_reader(uploadedfile, sheet)
113- try:
114- try:
115- return self._process(filereader, get_reporter_id(req), ImportProcessor(self.env, req, uploadedfilename, tickettime))
116- finally:
117- filereader.close()
118- except:
119- # Unlock the database. This is not really tested, but seems reasonable. TODO: test or verify this
120- self.env.get_db_cnx().rollback()
121- raise
124- def _save_uploaded_file(self, req):
125- req.perm.assert_permission('IMPORT_EXECUTE')
127- upload = req.args['import-file']
128- if not hasattr(upload, 'filename') or not upload.filename:
129- raise TracError('No file uploaded')
130- if hasattr(upload.file, 'fileno'):
131- size = os.fstat(upload.file.fileno())[6]
132- else:
133- upload.file.seek(0, 2) # seek to end of file
134- size = upload.file.tell()
135- upload.file.seek(0)
136- if size == 0:
137- raise TracError("Can't upload empty file")
139- # Maximum file size (in bytes)
140- max_size = AttachmentModule.max_size
141- if max_size >= 0 and size > max_size:
142- raise TracError('Maximum file size (same as attachment size, set in trac.ini configuration file): %d bytes' % max_size,
143- 'Upload failed')
145- # We try to normalize the filename to unicode NFC if we can.
146- # Files uploaded from OS X might be in NFD.
147- filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', unicode(upload.filename,
148- 'utf-8'))
149- filename = filename.replace('\\', '/').replace(':', '/')
150- filename = os.path.basename(filename)
151- if not filename:
152- raise TracError('No file uploaded')
154- return filename, self._savedata(upload.file)
157- def _savedata(self, fileobj):
159- # temp folder
160- tempuploadedfile = tempfile.mktemp()
162- flags = os.O_CREAT + os.O_WRONLY + os.O_EXCL
163- if hasattr(os, 'O_BINARY'):
164- flags += os.O_BINARY
165- targetfile = os.fdopen(os.open(tempuploadedfile, flags), 'w')
167- try:
168- shutil.copyfileobj(fileobj, targetfile)
169- finally:
170- targetfile.close()
171- return tempuploadedfile
175- def _process(self, filereader, reporter, processor):
176- tracfields = [field['name'] for field in TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()]
177- tracfields = [ 'ticket', 'id' ] + tracfields
178- customfields = [field['name'] for field in TicketSystem(self.env).get_custom_fields()]
180- columns, rows = filereader.readers()
182- # defensive: columns could be non-string, make sure they are
183- columns = map(str, columns)
185- importedfields = [f for f in columns if f.lower() in tracfields]
186- notimportedfields = [f for f in columns if f.lower() not in tracfields and f.lower() != 'ticket' and f.lower() != 'id']
188- lowercaseimportedfields = [f.lower() for f in importedfields]
190- idcolumn = None
192- if 'ticket' in lowercaseimportedfields and 'id' in lowercaseimportedfields:
193- raise TracError, 'The first line of the worksheet contains both \'ticket\', and an \'id\' field name. Only one of them is needed to perform the import. Please check the file and try again.'
195- ownercolumn = None
196- if 'ticket' in lowercaseimportedfields:
197- idcolumn = self._find_case_insensitive('ticket', importedfields)
198- elif 'id' in lowercaseimportedfields:
199- idcolumn = self._find_case_insensitive('id', importedfields)
200- elif 'summary' in lowercaseimportedfields:
201- summarycolumn = self._find_case_insensitive('summary', importedfields)
202- ownercolumn = self._reconciliate_by_owner_also() and self._find_case_insensitive('owner', importedfields) or None
203- else:
204- raise TracError, 'The first line of the worksheet contains neither a \'ticket\', an \'id\' nor a \'summary\' field name. At least one of them is needed to perform the import. Please check the file and try again.'
206- # start TODO: this is too complex, it should be replaced by a call to TicketSystem(env).get_ticket_fields()
208- # The fields that we will have to set a value for, if:
209- # - they are not in the imported fields, and
210- # - they are not set in the default values of the Ticket class, and
211- # - they shouldn't be set to empty
212- # if 'set' is true, this will be the value that will be set by default (even if the default value in the Ticket class is different)
213- # if 'set' is false, the value is computed by Trac and we don't have anything to do
214- computedfields = {'status': { 'value':'new', 'set': True },
215- 'resolution' : { 'value': "''(None)''", 'set': False },
216- 'reporter' : { 'value': reporter, 'set': True },
217- 'time' : { 'value': "''(now)''", 'set': False },
218- 'changetime' : { 'value': "''(now)''", 'set': False } }
220- if 'owner' not in lowercaseimportedfields and 'component' in lowercaseimportedfields:
221- computedfields['owner'] = {}
222- computedfields['owner']['value'] = 'Computed from component'
223- computedfields['owner']['set'] = False
225- # to get the compulted default values
226- from ticket import PatchedTicket
227- ticket = PatchedTicket(self.env)
229- for f in [ 'type', 'cc' , 'url', 'description', 'keywords', 'component' , 'severity' , 'priority' , 'version', 'milestone' ] + customfields:
230- if f in ticket.values:
231- computedfields[f] = {}
232- computedfields[f]['value'] = ticket.values[f]
233- computedfields[f]['set'] = False
234- else:
235- computedfields[f] = None
237- processor.start(importedfields, ownercolumn != None)
239- missingfields = [f for f in computedfields if f not in lowercaseimportedfields]
240- missingemptyfields = [ f for f in missingfields if computedfields[f] == None or computedfields[f]['value'] == '']
241- missingdefaultedfields = [ f for f in missingfields if f not in missingemptyfields]
243- if missingfields != []:
244- processor.process_missing_fields(missingfields, missingemptyfields, missingdefaultedfields, computedfields)
246- # end TODO: this is too complex
247- if notimportedfields != []:
248- processor.process_notimported_fields(notimportedfields)
250- # TODO: test the cases where those fields have empty values. They should be handled as None. (just to test, may be working already :)
251- selects = [
252- #Those ones inherit from AbstractEnum
253- ('type', model.Type),
254- ('status', model.Status),
255- ('priority', model.Priority),
256- ('severity', model.Severity),
257- ('resolution', model.Resolution),
258- #Those don't
259- ('milestone', model.Milestone),
260- ('component', model.Component),
261- ('version', model.Version)
262- ]
263- existingvalues = {}
264- newvalues = {}
265- for name, cls in selects:
266- if name not in lowercaseimportedfields:
267- # this field is not present, nothing to do
268- continue
270- options = [val.name for val in cls.select(self.env)]
271- if not options:
272- # Fields without possible values are treated as if they didn't
273- # exist
274- continue
275- existingvalues[name] = options
276- newvalues[name] = []
279- def add_sql_result(db, sql, list):
280- cursor = db.cursor()
281- cursor.execute(sql)
282- for result in cursor:
283- list += [ result ]
286- existingusers = []
287- db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
288- add_sql_result(db, "SELECT DISTINCT reporter FROM ticket", existingusers)
289- add_sql_result(db, "SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM ticket", existingusers)
290- add_sql_result(db, "SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM component", existingusers)
292- newusers = []
294- duplicate_summaries = []
296- row_idx = 0
298- for row in rows:
299- if idcolumn:
300- ticket_id = row[idcolumn]
301- if ticket_id:
302- self._check_ticket(db, ticket_id)
303- else:
304- # will create a new ticket
305- ticket_id = 0
306- else:
307- summary = row[summarycolumn]
308- owner = ownercolumn and row[ownercolumn] or None
309- if self._skip_lines_with_empty_owner() and ownercolumn and not owner:
310- continue
312- ticket_id = self._find_ticket(db, summary, owner)
313- if (summary, owner) in duplicate_summaries:
314- if owner == None:
315- raise TracError, 'Summary "%s" is duplicated in the spreadsheet. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries in the spreadsheet to ensure that they are unique.' % summary
316- else:
317- raise TracError, 'Summary "%s" and owner "%s" are duplicated in the spreadsheet. Ticket reconciliation can not be done. Please modify the summaries in the spreadsheet to ensure that they are unique.' % (summary, owner)
319- else:
320- duplicate_summaries += [ (summary, owner) ]
323- processor.start_process_row(row_idx, ticket_id)
325- for column in importedfields:
326- cell = row[column]
328- # collect the new lookup values
329- if column.lower() in existingvalues.keys():
330- if cell != '' and cell not in existingvalues[column.lower()] and cell not in newvalues[column.lower()]:
331- newvalues[column.lower()] += [ cell ]
333- # also collect the new user names
334- if (column.lower() == 'owner' or column.lower() == 'reporter'):
335- if cell != '' and cell not in newusers and cell not in existingusers:
336- newusers += [ cell ]
338- # and proces the value.
339- if column.lower() != 'ticket' and column.lower() != 'id':
340- processor.process_cell(column, cell)
342- processor.end_process_row()
343- row_idx += 1
346- if newvalues != {} and reduce(lambda x, y: x == [] and y or x, newvalues.values()) != []:
347- processor.process_new_lookups(newvalues)
349- if newusers != []:
350- processor.process_new_users(newusers)
352- return processor.end_process(row_idx)
355- def _reconciliate_by_owner_also(self):
356- return self.config.getbool('importer', 'reconciliate_by_owner_also', False)
358- def _skip_lines_with_empty_owner(self):
359- return self.config.getbool('importer', 'skip_lines_with_empty_owner', False)
361- def _find_case_insensitive(self, value, list):
362- '''
363- Find case-insentively; returns the last (i.e. random !) element if not found
365- >>> from trac.env import Environment
366- >>> import os
367- >>> instancedir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test-importer._find_case_insensitive')
368- >>> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(instancedir, topdown=False):
369- ... for name in files:
370- ... os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
371- ... for name in dirs:
372- ... os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
373- ...
374- >>> env = Environment(instancedir, create=True)
375- >>> importmodule = ImportModule(env)
376- >>> importmodule._find_case_insensitive('aa', ['Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc'])
377- 'Aa'
378- >>> importmodule._find_case_insensitive('aa', ['Cc', 'Aa', 'Bb'])
379- 'Aa'
380- >>> importmodule._find_case_insensitive('aa', ['Cc', 'Bb', 'Aa'])
381- 'Aa'
382- >>> importmodule._find_case_insensitive('dd', ['Aa', 'Cc', 'Bb'])
383- '''
384- found = reduce(lambda x, y: ((y.lower() == value.lower()) and y or x), list)
385- return ((found.lower() == value.lower()) and found or None)
387- def _find_ticket(self, db, summary, owner = None):
388- '''
389- Finds the ticket(s) with the given summary
391- >>> from trac.env import Environment
392- >>> import os
393- >>> instancedir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test-importer._find_ticket')
394- >>> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(instancedir, topdown=False):
395- ... for name in files:
396- ... os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
397- ... for name in dirs:
398- ... os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
399- ...
400- >>> env = Environment(instancedir, create=True)
401- >>> db = env.get_db_cnx()
402- >>> cursor = db.cursor()
403- >>> importmodule = ImportModule(env)
404- >>> def _exec(cursor, sql, args = None): cursor.execute(sql, args)
405- >>> _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket (id, summary) values (%s, %s)", [1235, 'AAAA'])
406- >>> _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket (id, summary) values (%s, %s)", [1236, "AA\'AA"])
407- >>> _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket (id, summary) values (%s, %s)", [1237, "BBBB"])
408- >>> _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket (id, summary) values (%s, %s)", [1238, "BBBB"])
409- >>> db.commit()
410- >>> importmodule._find_ticket(db, 'AAAA')
411- 1235
412- >>> importmodule._find_ticket(db, "AA\'AA")
413- 1236
414- >>> importmodule._find_ticket(db, 'AA')
415- 0
416- >>> try: importmodule._find_ticket(db, 'BBBB')
417- ... except TracError, err_string: print err_string
418- Tickets #1237 and #1238 have the same summary "BBBB" in Trac. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries to ensure that they are unique.
419- >>> _exec(cursor, "delete from ticket where ID in (1235, 1236, 1237, 1238)")
420- >>> db.commit()
421- >>> #_exec(cursor, "select ticket,time,author,field,oldvalue,newvalue from ticket_change where time > 1190603709")
422- >>> _exec(cursor, "delete from ticket where id = 489")
423- >>> db.commit()
424- >>> #print cursor.fetchall()
425- >>> #importmodule._find_ticket(db, u'clusterization')
426- '''
427- cursor = db.cursor()
428- if owner == None:
429- cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM ticket WHERE summary = %s', [ summary ] )
430- else:
431- cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM ticket WHERE summary = %s and owner = %s', [ summary, owner ] )
432- rows = cursor.fetchall()
433- if len(rows) > 1:
434- raise TracError('Tickets %s and %s have the same summary "%s" in Trac. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries to ensure that they are unique.' % (reduce(lambda x, y: x + ', ' + y, ['#' + str(row[0]) for row in rows[0:-1]]), '#' + str(rows[-1][0]), summary))
435- elif len(rows) == 1:
436- return int(rows[0][0])
437- else:
438- return 0
440- def _check_ticket(self, db, ticket_id):
441- cursor = db.cursor()
443- cursor.execute('SELECT summary FROM ticket WHERE id = %s', (str(ticket_id),))
444- row = cursor.fetchone()
445- if not row:
446- raise TracError('Ticket %s found in file, but not present in Trac: cannot import.' % str(ticket_id))
447- return row[0]
449-if __name__ == '__main__':
450- import doctest
451- testfolder = __file__
452- doctest.testmod()
1+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
4+# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
5+# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
8+import os
9+import re
10+import shutil
11+import tempfile
12+import time
13+import unicodedata
15+from trac.core import *
16+from trac.attachment import AttachmentModule
17+from trac.core import Component
18+from trac.perm import IPermissionRequestor
19+from trac.ticket import TicketSystem
20+from trac.ticket import model
21+from trac.util import get_reporter_id
22+from trac.util.html import html
23+from trac.web import IRequestHandler
24+from trac.web.chrome import INavigationContributor, ITemplateProvider
26+from talm_importer.processors import ImportProcessor
27+from talm_importer.processors import PreviewProcessor
28+from talm_importer.readers import get_reader
31+class ImportModule(Component):
33+ implements(INavigationContributor, IPermissionRequestor, IRequestHandler, ITemplateProvider)
35+ # INavigationContributor methods
36+ def get_active_navigation_item(self, req):
37+ return 'importer'
39+ def get_navigation_items(self, req):
40+ if not req.perm.has_permission('IMPORT_EXECUTE'):
41+ return
42+ yield ('mainnav', 'importer',
43+ html.a('Excelインポート', href=req.href.importer()))
45+ # IPermissionRequestor methods
46+ def get_permission_actions(self):
47+ return ['IMPORT_EXECUTE']
49+ # IRequestHandler methods
51+ def match_request(self, req):
52+ match = re.match(r'/importer(?:/([0-9]+))?', req.path_info)
53+ if match:
54+ return True
56+ def process_request(self, req):
57+ req.perm.assert_permission('IMPORT_EXECUTE')
58+ action = req.args.get('action', 'other')
60+ if req.args.has_key('cancel'):
61+ req.redirect(req.href('importer'))
63+ if action == 'upload' and req.method == 'POST':
64+ req.session['uploadedfile'] = None
65+ uploadedfilename, uploadedfile = self._save_uploaded_file(req)
66+ req.session['sheet'] = req.args['sheet']
67+ req.session['uploadedfile'] = uploadedfile
68+ req.session['uploadedfilename'] = uploadedfilename
69+ req.session['tickettime'] = str(int(time.time()))
70+ return self._do_preview(uploadedfile, int(req.session['sheet']), req)
71+ elif action == 'import' and req.method == 'POST':
72+ tickettime = int(req.session['tickettime'])
73+ if tickettime == 0:
74+ raise TracError('No time set since preview, unable to import: please upload the file again')
76+ return self._do_import(req.session['uploadedfile'], int(req.session['sheet']), req, req.session['uploadedfilename'], tickettime)
78+ else:
79+ req.session['uploadedfile'] = None
80+ req.session['uploadedfilename'] = None
82+ data = { 'reconciliate_by_owner_also': self._reconciliate_by_owner_also(),
83+ 'fields': ['ticket or id'] + [field['name'] for field in TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()] }
85+ return 'importer.html', data, None
87+ # ITemplateProvider
89+ def get_htdocs_dirs(self):
90+ """Return the absolute path of a directory containing additional
91+ static resources (such as images, style sheets, etc).
92+ """
93+ return []
95+ def get_templates_dirs(self):
96+ """Return the absolute path of the directory containing the provided
97+ ClearSilver templates.
98+ """
99+ from pkg_resources import resource_filename
100+ return [resource_filename(__name__, 'templates')]
102+ # Internal methods
104+ def _do_preview(self, uploadedfile, sheet, req):
105+ filereader = get_reader(uploadedfile, sheet)
106+ try:
107+ return self._process(filereader, get_reporter_id(req), PreviewProcessor(self.env, req))
108+ finally:
109+ filereader.close()
111+ def _do_import(self, uploadedfile, sheet, req, uploadedfilename, tickettime):
112+ filereader = get_reader(uploadedfile, sheet)
113+ try:
114+ try:
115+ return self._process(filereader, get_reporter_id(req), ImportProcessor(self.env, req, uploadedfilename, tickettime))
116+ finally:
117+ filereader.close()
118+ except:
119+ # Unlock the database. This is not really tested, but seems reasonable. TODO: test or verify this
120+ self.env.get_db_cnx().rollback()
121+ raise
124+ def _save_uploaded_file(self, req):
125+ req.perm.assert_permission('IMPORT_EXECUTE')
127+ upload = req.args['import-file']
128+ if not hasattr(upload, 'filename') or not upload.filename:
129+ raise TracError('No file uploaded')
130+ if hasattr(upload.file, 'fileno'):
131+ size = os.fstat(upload.file.fileno())[6]
132+ else:
133+ upload.file.seek(0, 2) # seek to end of file
134+ size = upload.file.tell()
135+ upload.file.seek(0)
136+ if size == 0:
137+ raise TracError("Can't upload empty file")
139+ # Maximum file size (in bytes)
140+ max_size = AttachmentModule.max_size
141+ if max_size >= 0 and size > max_size:
142+ raise TracError('Maximum file size (same as attachment size, set in trac.ini configuration file): %d bytes' % max_size,
143+ 'Upload failed')
145+ # We try to normalize the filename to unicode NFC if we can.
146+ # Files uploaded from OS X might be in NFD.
147+ filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', unicode(upload.filename,
148+ 'utf-8'))
149+ filename = filename.replace('\\', '/').replace(':', '/')
150+ filename = os.path.basename(filename)
151+ if not filename:
152+ raise TracError('No file uploaded')
154+ return filename, self._savedata(upload.file)
157+ def _savedata(self, fileobj):
159+ # temp folder
160+ tempuploadedfile = tempfile.mktemp()
162+ flags = os.O_CREAT + os.O_WRONLY + os.O_EXCL
163+ if hasattr(os, 'O_BINARY'):
164+ flags += os.O_BINARY
165+ targetfile = os.fdopen(os.open(tempuploadedfile, flags), 'w')
167+ try:
168+ shutil.copyfileobj(fileobj, targetfile)
169+ finally:
170+ targetfile.close()
171+ return tempuploadedfile
175+ def _process(self, filereader, reporter, processor):
176+ tracfields = [field['name'] for field in TicketSystem(self.env).get_ticket_fields()]
177+ tracfields = [ 'ticket', 'id' ] + tracfields
178+ customfields = [field['name'] for field in TicketSystem(self.env).get_custom_fields()]
180+ columns, rows = filereader.readers()
182+ # defensive: columns could be non-string, make sure they are
183+ columns = map(str, columns)
185+ importedfields = [f for f in columns if f.lower() in tracfields]
186+ notimportedfields = [f for f in columns if f.lower() not in tracfields + ['comment']]
187+ commentfields = [f for f in columns if f.lower() == 'comment']
188+ if commentfields:
189+ commentfield = commentfields[0]
190+ else:
191+ commentfield = None
192+ lowercaseimportedfields = [f.lower() for f in importedfields]
194+ idcolumn = None
196+ if 'ticket' in lowercaseimportedfields and 'id' in lowercaseimportedfields:
197+ raise TracError, 'The first line of the worksheet contains both \'ticket\', and an \'id\' field name. Only one of them is needed to perform the import. Please check the file and try again.'
199+ ownercolumn = None
200+ if 'ticket' in lowercaseimportedfields:
201+ idcolumn = self._find_case_insensitive('ticket', importedfields)
202+ elif 'id' in lowercaseimportedfields:
203+ idcolumn = self._find_case_insensitive('id', importedfields)
204+ elif 'summary' in lowercaseimportedfields:
205+ summarycolumn = self._find_case_insensitive('summary', importedfields)
206+ ownercolumn = self._reconciliate_by_owner_also() and self._find_case_insensitive('owner', importedfields) or None
207+ else:
208+ raise TracError, 'The first line of the worksheet contains neither a \'ticket\', an \'id\' nor a \'summary\' field name. At least one of them is needed to perform the import. Please check the file and try again.'
210+ # start TODO: this is too complex, it should be replaced by a call to TicketSystem(env).get_ticket_fields()
212+ # The fields that we will have to set a value for, if:
213+ # - they are not in the imported fields, and
214+ # - they are not set in the default values of the Ticket class, and
215+ # - they shouldn't be set to empty
216+ # if 'set' is true, this will be the value that will be set by default (even if the default value in the Ticket class is different)
217+ # if 'set' is false, the value is computed by Trac and we don't have anything to do
218+ computedfields = {'status': { 'value':'new', 'set': True },
219+ 'resolution' : { 'value': "''(None)''", 'set': False },
220+ 'reporter' : { 'value': reporter, 'set': True },
221+ 'time' : { 'value': "''(now)''", 'set': False },
222+ 'changetime' : { 'value': "''(now)''", 'set': False } }
224+ if 'owner' not in lowercaseimportedfields and 'component' in lowercaseimportedfields:
225+ computedfields['owner'] = {}
226+ computedfields['owner']['value'] = 'Computed from component'
227+ computedfields['owner']['set'] = False
229+ # to get the compulted default values
230+ from ticket import PatchedTicket
231+ ticket = PatchedTicket(self.env)
233+ for f in [ 'type', 'cc' , 'url', 'description', 'keywords', 'component' , 'severity' , 'priority' , 'version', 'milestone' ] + customfields:
234+ if f in ticket.values:
235+ computedfields[f] = {}
236+ computedfields[f]['value'] = ticket.values[f]
237+ computedfields[f]['set'] = False
238+ else:
239+ computedfields[f] = None
241+ processor.start(importedfields, ownercolumn != None, commentfield)
243+ missingfields = [f for f in computedfields if f not in lowercaseimportedfields]
244+ missingemptyfields = [ f for f in missingfields if computedfields[f] == None or computedfields[f]['value'] == '']
245+ missingdefaultedfields = [ f for f in missingfields if f not in missingemptyfields]
247+ if missingfields != []:
248+ processor.process_missing_fields(missingfields, missingemptyfields, missingdefaultedfields, computedfields)
250+ # end TODO: this is too complex
251+ if notimportedfields != []:
252+ processor.process_notimported_fields(notimportedfields)
254+ if commentfield:
255+ processor.process_comment_field(commentfield)
257+ # TODO: test the cases where those fields have empty values. They should be handled as None. (just to test, may be working already :)
258+ selects = [
259+ #Those ones inherit from AbstractEnum
260+ ('type', model.Type),
261+ ('status', model.Status),
262+ ('priority', model.Priority),
263+ ('severity', model.Severity),
264+ ('resolution', model.Resolution),
265+ #Those don't
266+ ('milestone', model.Milestone),
267+ ('component', model.Component),
268+ ('version', model.Version)
269+ ]
270+ existingvalues = {}
271+ newvalues = {}
272+ for name, cls in selects:
273+ if name not in lowercaseimportedfields:
274+ # this field is not present, nothing to do
275+ continue
277+ options = [val.name for val in cls.select(self.env)]
278+ if not options:
279+ # Fields without possible values are treated as if they didn't
280+ # exist
281+ continue
282+ existingvalues[name] = options
283+ newvalues[name] = []
286+ def add_sql_result(db, sql, list):
287+ cursor = db.cursor()
288+ cursor.execute(sql)
289+ for result in cursor:
290+ list += [ result ]
293+ existingusers = []
294+ db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
295+ add_sql_result(db, "SELECT DISTINCT reporter FROM ticket", existingusers)
296+ add_sql_result(db, "SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM ticket", existingusers)
297+ add_sql_result(db, "SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM component", existingusers)
299+ newusers = []
301+ duplicate_summaries = []
303+ row_idx = 0
304+ indent = 0
306+ for row in rows:
307+ if idcolumn:
308+ ticket_id = row[idcolumn]
309+ if ticket_id:
310+ self._check_ticket(db, ticket_id)
311+ else:
312+ # will create a new ticket
313+ ticket_id = 0
314+ else:
315+ summary = row[summarycolumn]
316+ owner = ownercolumn and row[ownercolumn] or None
317+ if self._skip_lines_with_empty_owner() and ownercolumn and not owner:
318+ continue
320+ ticket_id = self._find_ticket(db, summary, owner)
321+ if (summary, owner) in duplicate_summaries:
322+ if owner == None:
323+ raise TracError, 'Summary "%s" is duplicated in the spreadsheet. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries in the spreadsheet to ensure that they are unique.' % summary
324+ else:
325+ raise TracError, 'Summary "%s" and owner "%s" are duplicated in the spreadsheet. Ticket reconciliation can not be done. Please modify the summaries in the spreadsheet to ensure that they are unique.' % (summary, owner)
327+ else:
328+ duplicate_summaries += [ (summary, owner) ]
331+ processor.start_process_row(row_idx, ticket_id)
333+ for column in importedfields:
334+ cell = row[column]
336+ # calc indent if column is summary
337+ if column.lower() == 'summary':
338+ indent = len(cell)-len(cell.lstrip())
340+ # collect the new lookup values
341+ if column.lower() in existingvalues.keys():
342+ cell = cell.strip()
343+ if cell != '' and cell not in existingvalues[column.lower()] and cell not in newvalues[column.lower()]:
344+ newvalues[column.lower()] += [ cell ]
346+ # also collect the new user names
347+ if (column.lower() == 'owner' or column.lower() == 'reporter'):
348+ if cell != '' and cell not in newusers and cell not in existingusers:
349+ newusers += [ cell ]
351+ # and proces the value.
352+ if column.lower() != 'ticket' and column.lower() != 'id':
353+ processor.process_cell(column, cell)
355+ if commentfield:
356+ processor.process_comment(row[commentfield])
358+ processor.end_process_row(indent)
359+ row_idx += 1
362+ if newvalues != {} and reduce(lambda x, y: x == [] and y or x, newvalues.values()) != []:
363+ processor.process_new_lookups(newvalues)
365+ if newusers != []:
366+ processor.process_new_users(newusers)
368+ return processor.end_process(row_idx)
371+ def _reconciliate_by_owner_also(self):
372+ return self.config.getbool('importer', 'reconciliate_by_owner_also', False)
374+ def _skip_lines_with_empty_owner(self):
375+ return self.config.getbool('importer', 'skip_lines_with_empty_owner', False)
377+ def _find_case_insensitive(self, value, list):
378+ '''
379+ Find case-insentively; returns the last (i.e. random !) element if not found
381+ >>> from trac.env import Environment
382+ >>> import os
383+ >>> instancedir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test-importer._find_case_insensitive')
384+ >>> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(instancedir, topdown=False):
385+ ... for name in files:
386+ ... os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
387+ ... for name in dirs:
388+ ... os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
389+ ...
390+ >>> env = Environment(instancedir, create=True)
391+ >>> importmodule = ImportModule(env)
392+ >>> importmodule._find_case_insensitive('aa', ['Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc'])
393+ 'Aa'
394+ >>> importmodule._find_case_insensitive('aa', ['Cc', 'Aa', 'Bb'])
395+ 'Aa'
396+ >>> importmodule._find_case_insensitive('aa', ['Cc', 'Bb', 'Aa'])
397+ 'Aa'
398+ >>> importmodule._find_case_insensitive('dd', ['Aa', 'Cc', 'Bb'])
399+ '''
400+ found = reduce(lambda x, y: ((y.lower() == value.lower()) and y or x), list)
401+ return ((found.lower() == value.lower()) and found or None)
403+ def _find_ticket(self, db, summary, owner = None):
404+ '''
405+ Finds the ticket(s) with the given summary
407+ >>> from trac.env import Environment
408+ >>> import os
409+ >>> instancedir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'test-importer._find_ticket')
410+ >>> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(instancedir, topdown=False):
411+ ... for name in files:
412+ ... os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
413+ ... for name in dirs:
414+ ... os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
415+ ...
416+ >>> env = Environment(instancedir, create=True)
417+ >>> db = env.get_db_cnx()
418+ >>> cursor = db.cursor()
419+ >>> importmodule = ImportModule(env)
420+ >>> def _exec(cursor, sql, args = None): cursor.execute(sql, args)
421+ >>> _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket (id, summary) values (%s, %s)", [1235, 'AAAA'])
422+ >>> _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket (id, summary) values (%s, %s)", [1236, "AA\'AA"])
423+ >>> _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket (id, summary) values (%s, %s)", [1237, "BBBB"])
424+ >>> _exec(cursor, "insert into ticket (id, summary) values (%s, %s)", [1238, "BBBB"])
425+ >>> db.commit()
426+ >>> importmodule._find_ticket(db, 'AAAA')
427+ 1235
428+ >>> importmodule._find_ticket(db, "AA\'AA")
429+ 1236
430+ >>> importmodule._find_ticket(db, 'AA')
431+ 0
432+ >>> try: importmodule._find_ticket(db, 'BBBB')
433+ ... except TracError, err_string: print err_string
434+ Tickets #1237 and #1238 have the same summary "BBBB" in Trac. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries to ensure that they are unique.
435+ >>> _exec(cursor, "delete from ticket where ID in (1235, 1236, 1237, 1238)")
436+ >>> db.commit()
437+ >>> #_exec(cursor, "select ticket,time,author,field,oldvalue,newvalue from ticket_change where time > 1190603709")
438+ >>> _exec(cursor, "delete from ticket where id = 489")
439+ >>> db.commit()
440+ >>> #print cursor.fetchall()
441+ >>> #importmodule._find_ticket(db, u'clusterization')
442+ '''
443+ cursor = db.cursor()
444+ if owner == None:
445+ cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM ticket WHERE summary = %s', [ summary ] )
446+ else:
447+ cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM ticket WHERE summary = %s and owner = %s', [ summary, owner ] )
448+ rows = cursor.fetchall()
449+ if len(rows) > 1:
450+ raise TracError('Tickets %s and %s have the same summary "%s" in Trac. Ticket reconciliation by summary can not be done. Please modify the summaries to ensure that they are unique.' % (reduce(lambda x, y: x + ', ' + y, ['#' + str(row[0]) for row in rows[0:-1]]), '#' + str(rows[-1][0]), summary))
451+ elif len(rows) == 1:
452+ return int(rows[0][0])
453+ else:
454+ return 0
456+ def _check_ticket(self, db, ticket_id):
457+ cursor = db.cursor()
459+ cursor.execute('SELECT summary FROM ticket WHERE id = %s', (str(ticket_id),))
460+ row = cursor.fetchone()
461+ if not row:
462+ raise TracError('Ticket %s found in file, but not present in Trac: cannot import.' % str(ticket_id))
463+ return row[0]
465+if __name__ == '__main__':
466+ import doctest
467+ testfolder = __file__
468+ doctest.testmod()
--- branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/processors.py (revision 111)
+++ branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/processors.py (revision 112)
@@ -1,254 +1,292 @@
2-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3-# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4-# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
7-import time
9-from trac.ticket import Ticket, model
10-from trac.util import get_reporter_id
11-from trac.util.datefmt import format_datetime
12-from trac.util.html import Markup
13-from trac.wiki import wiki_to_html
16-class ImportProcessor(object):
17- def __init__(self, env, req, filename, tickettime):
18- self.env = env
19- self.req = req
20- self.filename = filename
21- self.modifiedcount = 0
22- self.notmodifiedcount = 0
23- self.added = 0
25- # TODO: check that the tickets haven't changed since preview
26- self.tickettime = tickettime
28- # Keep the db to commit it all at once at the end
29- self.db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
30- self.missingemptyfields = None
31- self.missingdefaultedfields = None
32- self.computedfields = None
34- def start(self, importedfields, reconciliate_by_owner_also):
35- pass
37- def process_missing_fields(self, missingfields, missingemptyfields, missingdefaultedfields, computedfields):
38- self.missingemptyfields = missingemptyfields
39- self.missingdefaultedfields = missingdefaultedfields
40- self.computedfields = computedfields
42- def process_notimported_fields(self, notimportedfields):
43- pass
45- def start_process_row(self, row_idx, ticket_id):
46- from ticket import PatchedTicket
47- if ticket_id > 0:
48- # existing ticket
49- self.ticket = PatchedTicket(self.env, tkt_id=ticket_id, db=self.db)
51- # 'Ticket.time_changed' is a datetime in 0.11, and an int in 0.10.
52- # if we have trac.util.datefmt.to_datetime, we're likely with 0.11
53- try:
54- from trac.util.datefmt import to_timestamp
55- time_changed = to_timestamp(self.ticket.time_changed)
56- except ImportError:
57- time_changed = int(self.ticket.time_changed)
59- if time_changed > self.tickettime:
60- # just in case, verify if it wouldn't be a ticket that has been modified in the future
61- # (of course, it shouldn't happen... but who know). If it's the case, don't report it as an error
62- if time_changed < int(time.time()):
63- # TODO: this is not working yet...
64- #
65- #raise TracError("Sorry, can not execute the import. "
66- #"The ticket #" + str(ticket_id) + " has been modified by someone else "
67- #"since preview. You must re-upload and preview your file to avoid overwriting the other changes.")
68- pass
70- else:
71- self.ticket = PatchedTicket(self.env, db=self.db)
73- def process_cell(self, column, cell):
74- cell = unicode(cell)
75- # this will ensure that the changes are logged, see model.py Ticket.__setitem__
76- self.ticket[column.lower()] = cell
78- def end_process_row(self):
79- try:
80- # 'when' is a datetime in 0.11, and an int in 0.10.
81- # if we have trac.util.datefmt.to_datetime, we're likely with 0.11
82- from trac.util.datefmt import to_datetime
83- tickettime = to_datetime(self.tickettime)
84- except ImportError:
85- tickettime = self.tickettime
87- if self.ticket.id == None:
88- for f in self.missingemptyfields:
89- if self.ticket.values.has_key(f) and self.ticket[f] == None:
90- self.ticket[f] = ''
91- for f in self.computedfields:
92- if self.computedfields[f] != None and self.computedfields[f]['set']:
93- self.ticket[f] = self.computedfields[f]['value']
95- self.added += 1
96- self.ticket.insert(when=tickettime, db=self.db)
97- else:
98- message = "Batch update from file " + self.filename
99- if self.ticket.is_modified():
100- self.modifiedcount += 1
101- self.ticket.save_changes(get_reporter_id(self.req), message, when=tickettime, db=self.db) # TODO: handle cnum, cnum = ticket.values['cnum'] + 1)
102- else:
103- self.notmodifiedcount += 1
105- self.ticket = None
107- def process_new_lookups(self, newvalues):
108- for field, names in newvalues.iteritems():
109- if names == []:
110- continue
111- if field == 'component':
112- class CurrentLookupEnum(model.Component):
113- pass
114- elif field == 'milestone':
115- class CurrentLookupEnum(model.Milestone):
116- pass
117- elif field == 'version':
118- class CurrentLookupEnum(model.Version):
119- pass
120- else:
121- class CurrentLookupEnum(model.AbstractEnum):
122- # here, you shouldn't put 'self.' before the class field.
123- type = field
125- for name in names:
126- lookup = CurrentLookupEnum(self.env, db=self.db)
127- lookup.name = name
128- lookup.insert()
130- def process_new_users(self, newusers):
131- pass
133- def end_process(self, numrows):
134- self.db.commit()
136- data = {}
137- data['title'] = 'Import completed'
138- #data['report.title'] = data['title'].lower()
140- message = 'Successfully imported ' + str(numrows) + ' tickets (' + str(self.added) + ' added, ' + str(self.modifiedcount) + ' modified, ' + str(self.notmodifiedcount) + ' unchanged).'
142- data['message'] = Markup("<style type=\"text/css\">#report-notfound { display:none; }</style>\n") + wiki_to_html(message, self.env, self.req)
144- return 'import_preview.html', data, None
147-class PreviewProcessor(object):
149- def __init__(self, env, req):
150- self.env = env
151- self.req = req
152- self.data = {'rows': []}
153- self.ticket = None
154- self.modified = False
155- self.styles = ''
156- self.duplicatessumaries = []
157- self.modifiedcount = 0
158- self.notmodifiedcount = 0
159- self.added = 0
161- def start(self, importedfields, reconciliate_by_owner_also):
162- self.data['title'] = 'Preview Import'
164- self.message = ''
166- if 'ticket' in [f.lower() for f in importedfields]:
167- self.message += ' * A \'\'\'ticket\'\'\' column was found: Existing tickets will be updated with the values from the file. Values that are changing appear in italics in the preview below.\n'
168- elif 'id' in [f.lower() for f in importedfields]:
169- self.message += ' * A \'\'\'id\'\'\' column was found: Existing tickets will be updated with the values from the file. Values that are changing appear in italics in the preview below.\n'
170- else:
171- self.message += ' * A \'\'\'ticket\'\'\' column was not found: tickets will be reconciliated by summary' + (reconciliate_by_owner_also and ' and by owner' or '') + '. If an existing ticket with the same summary' + (reconciliate_by_owner_also and ' and the same owner' or '') + ' is found, values that are changing appear in italics in the preview below. If no ticket with same summary ' + (reconciliate_by_owner_also and ' and same owner' or '') + 'is found, the whole line appears in italics below, and a new ticket will be added.\n'
173- self.data['headers'] = [{ 'col': 'ticket', 'title': 'ticket' }]
174- # we use one more color to set a style for all fields in a row... the CS templates happens 'color' + color + '-odd'
175- self.styles = "<style type=\"text/css\">\n.ticket-imported, .modified-ticket-imported { width: 40px; }\n"
176- self.styles += ".color-new-odd td, .color-new-even td, .modified-ticket-imported"
177- for col in importedfields:
178- if col.lower() != 'ticket' and col.lower() != 'id':
179- title=col.capitalize()
180- self.data['headers'].append({ 'col': col, 'title': title })
181- self.styles += ", .modified-%s" % col
182- self.styles += " { font-style: italic; }\n"
183- self.styles += "</style>\n"
185- # This could be simplified...
186- def process_missing_fields(self, missingfields, missingemptyfields, missingdefaultedfields, computedfields):
187- self.message += ' * Some Trac fields are not present in the import. They will default to:\n\n'
188- self.message += " ||'''field'''||'''Default value'''||\n"
189- if missingemptyfields != []:
190- self.message += ' ||' + ', '.join([x.capitalize() for x in missingemptyfields]) + '||' + "''(Empty value)''" + '||\n'
192- if missingdefaultedfields != []:
193- for f in missingdefaultedfields:
194- self.message += ' ||' + f.capitalize() + '||' + str(computedfields[f]['value']) + '||\n'
196- self.message += '(You can change some of these default values in the Trac Admin module, if you are administrator; or you can add the corresponding column to your spreadsheet and re-upload it).\n'
198- def process_notimported_fields(self, notimportedfields):
199- self.message += ' * Some fields will not be imported because they don\'t exist in Trac: ' + ', '.join([x and x or "''(empty name)''" for x in notimportedfields]) + '.\n'
201- def start_process_row(self, row_idx, ticket_id):
202- from ticket import PatchedTicket
203- self.ticket = None
204- self.cells = []
205- self.modified = False
206- if ticket_id > 0:
207- # existing ticket. Load the ticket, to see which fields will be modified
208- self.ticket = PatchedTicket(self.env, ticket_id)
211- def process_cell(self, column, cell):
212- if self.ticket and not (self.ticket.values.has_key(column) and self.ticket[column] == cell):
213- self.cells.append( { 'col': column, 'value': cell, 'style': 'modified-' + column })
214- self.modified = True
215- else:
216- self.cells.append( { 'col': column, 'value': cell, 'style': column })
218- def end_process_row(self):
219- odd = len(self.data['rows']) % 2
220- if self.ticket:
221- if self.modified:
222- self.modifiedcount += 1
223- style = ''
224- ticket = self.ticket.id
225- else:
226- self.notmodifiedcount += 1
227- style = ''
228- ticket = self.ticket.id
229- else:
230- self.added += 1
231- style = odd and 'color-new-odd' or 'color-new-even'
232- ticket = '(new)'
234- self.data['rows'].append({ 'style': style, 'cells': [{ 'col': 'ticket', 'value': ticket, 'style': '' }] + self.cells })
237- def process_new_lookups(self, newvalues):
238- self.message += ' * Some lookup values are not found and will be added to the possible list of values:\n\n'
239- self.message += " ||'''field'''||'''New values'''||\n"
240- for field, values in newvalues.iteritems():
241- if values == []:
242- continue
243- self.message += " ||" + field.capitalize() + "||" + ', '.join(values) + "||\n"
246- def process_new_users(self, newusers):
247- self.message += ' * Some user names do not exist in the system: ' + ', '.join(newusers) + '. Make sure that they are valid users.\n'
249- def end_process(self, numrows):
250- self.message = 'Scroll to see a preview of the tickets as they will be imported. If the data is correct, select the \'\'\'Execute Import\'\'\' button.\n' + ' * ' + str(numrows) + ' tickets will be imported (' + str(self.added) + ' added, ' + str(self.modifiedcount) + ' modified, ' + str(self.notmodifiedcount) + ' unchanged).\n' + self.message
251- self.data['message'] = Markup(self.styles) + wiki_to_html(self.message, self.env, self.req) + Markup('<br/>')
253- return 'import_preview.html', self.data, None
1+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
4+# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
5+# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
8+import time
10+from trac.ticket import Ticket, model
11+from trac.util import get_reporter_id
12+from trac.util.datefmt import format_datetime
13+from trac.util.html import Markup
14+from trac.wiki import wiki_to_html
17+class ImportProcessor(object):
18+ def __init__(self, env, req, filename, tickettime):
19+ self.parent_tid = 0
20+ self.env = env
21+ self.req = req
22+ self.filename = filename
23+ self.modifiedcount = 0
24+ self.notmodifiedcount = 0
25+ self.added = 0
27+ # TODO: check that the tickets haven't changed since preview
28+ self.tickettime = tickettime
30+ # Keep the db to commit it all at once at the end
31+ self.db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
32+ self.missingemptyfields = None
33+ self.missingdefaultedfields = None
34+ self.computedfields = None
36+ def start(self, importedfields, reconciliate_by_owner_also, has_comments):
37+ self.parent_tid = 0
38+ pass
40+ def process_missing_fields(self, missingfields, missingemptyfields, missingdefaultedfields, computedfields):
41+ self.missingemptyfields = missingemptyfields
42+ self.missingdefaultedfields = missingdefaultedfields
43+ self.computedfields = computedfields
45+ def process_notimported_fields(self, notimportedfields):
46+ pass
48+ def process_comment_field(self, comment):
49+ pass
51+ def start_process_row(self, row_idx, ticket_id):
52+ from ticket import PatchedTicket
53+ if ticket_id > 0:
54+ # existing ticket
55+ self.ticket = PatchedTicket(self.env, tkt_id=ticket_id, db=self.db)
57+ # 'Ticket.time_changed' is a datetime in 0.11, and an int in 0.10.
58+ # if we have trac.util.datefmt.to_datetime, we're likely with 0.11
59+ try:
60+ from trac.util.datefmt import to_timestamp
61+ time_changed = to_timestamp(self.ticket.time_changed)
62+ except ImportError:
63+ time_changed = int(self.ticket.time_changed)
65+ if time_changed > self.tickettime:
66+ # just in case, verify if it wouldn't be a ticket that has been modified in the future
67+ # (of course, it shouldn't happen... but who know). If it's the case, don't report it as an error
68+ if time_changed < int(time.time()):
69+ # TODO: this is not working yet...
70+ #
71+ #raise TracError("Sorry, can not execute the import. "
72+ #"The ticket #" + str(ticket_id) + " has been modified by someone else "
73+ #"since preview. You must re-upload and preview your file to avoid overwriting the other changes.")
74+ pass
76+ else:
77+ self.ticket = PatchedTicket(self.env, db=self.db)
78+ self.comment = ''
80+ def process_cell(self, column, cell):
81+ cell = unicode(cell)
82+ # this will ensure that the changes are logged, see model.py Ticket.__setitem__
83+ self.ticket[column.lower()] = cell
85+ def process_comment(self, comment):
86+ self.comment = comment
88+ def end_process_row(self, indent):
89+ try:
90+ # 'when' is a datetime in 0.11, and an int in 0.10.
91+ # if we have trac.util.datefmt.to_datetime, we're likely with 0.11
92+ from trac.util.datefmt import to_datetime
93+ tickettime = to_datetime(self.tickettime)
94+ except ImportError:
95+ tickettime = self.tickettime
97+ if self.ticket.id == None:
98+ for f in self.missingemptyfields:
99+ if self.ticket.values.has_key(f) and self.ticket[f] == None:
100+ self.ticket[f] = ''
102+ if self.comment:
103+ self.ticket['description'] = self.ticket['description'] + "\n[[BR]][[BR]]\n''Batch insert from file " + self.filename + ":''\n" + self.comment
105+ for f in self.computedfields:
106+ if self.computedfields[f] != None and self.computedfields[f]['set']:
107+ self.ticket[f] = self.computedfields[f]['value']
110+ self.added += 1
112+ if (indent!=0) and (self.parent_tid!=0) and ('parents' in self.env.config['ticket-custom']):
113+ self.ticket['parents'] = str(self.parent_tid)
115+ self.ticket.insert(when=tickettime, db=self.db)
117+ if indent==0:
118+ self.parent_tid = self.ticket.id
121+ else:
122+ if self.comment:
123+ message = "''Batch update from file " + self.filename + ":'' " + self.comment
124+ else:
125+ message = "''Batch update from file " + self.filename + "''"
126+ if self.ticket.is_modified() or self.comment:
127+ self.modifiedcount += 1
128+ self.ticket.save_changes(get_reporter_id(self.req), message, when=tickettime, db=self.db) # TODO: handle cnum, cnum = ticket.values['cnum'] + 1)
129+ else:
130+ self.notmodifiedcount += 1
132+ self.ticket = None
134+ def process_new_lookups(self, newvalues):
135+ for field, names in newvalues.iteritems():
136+ if names == []:
137+ continue
138+ if field == 'component':
139+ class CurrentLookupEnum(model.Component):
140+ pass
141+ elif field == 'milestone':
142+ class CurrentLookupEnum(model.Milestone):
143+ pass
144+ elif field == 'version':
145+ class CurrentLookupEnum(model.Version):
146+ pass
147+ else:
148+ class CurrentLookupEnum(model.AbstractEnum):
149+ # here, you shouldn't put 'self.' before the class field.
150+ type = field
152+ for name in names:
153+ lookup = CurrentLookupEnum(self.env, db=self.db)
154+ lookup.name = name
155+ lookup.insert()
157+ def process_new_users(self, newusers):
158+ pass
160+ def end_process(self, numrows):
161+ self.db.commit()
163+ data = {}
164+ data['title'] = 'インポート終了'
165+ #data['report.title'] = data['title'].lower()
167+ message = 'Successfully imported ' + str(numrows) + ' tickets (' + str(self.added) + ' added, ' + str(self.modifiedcount) + ' modified, ' + str(self.notmodifiedcount) + ' unchanged).'
169+ data['message'] = Markup("<style type=\"text/css\">#report-notfound { display:none; }</style>\n") + wiki_to_html(message, self.env, self.req)
171+ return 'import_preview.html', data, None
174+class PreviewProcessor(object):
176+ def __init__(self, env, req):
177+ self.env = env
178+ self.req = req
179+ self.data = {'rows': []}
180+ self.ticket = None
181+ self.modified = False
182+ self.styles = ''
183+ self.duplicatessumaries = []
184+ self.modifiedcount = 0
185+ self.notmodifiedcount = 0
186+ self.added = 0
188+ def start(self, importedfields, reconciliate_by_owner_also, has_comments):
189+ self.data['title'] = 'インポートのプレビュー'
191+ self.message = ''
193+ if 'ticket' in [f.lower() for f in importedfields]:
194+ self.message += ' * A \'\'\'ticket\'\'\' column was found: Existing tickets will be updated with the values from the file. Values that are changing appear in italics in the preview below.\n'
195+ elif 'id' in [f.lower() for f in importedfields]:
196+ self.message += ' * A \'\'\'id\'\'\' column was found: Existing tickets will be updated with the values from the file. Values that are changing appear in italics in the preview below.\n'
197+ else:
198+ self.message += ' * A \'\'\'ticket\'\'\' column was not found: tickets will be reconciliated by summary' + (reconciliate_by_owner_also and ' and by owner' or '') + '. If an existing ticket with the same summary' + (reconciliate_by_owner_also and ' and the same owner' or '') + ' is found, values that are changing appear in italics in the preview below. If no ticket with same summary ' + (reconciliate_by_owner_also and ' and same owner' or '') + 'is found, the whole line appears in italics below, and a new ticket will be added.\n'
200+ self.data['headers'] = [{ 'col': 'ticket', 'title': 'ticket' }]
201+ # we use one more color to set a style for all fields in a row... the CS templates happens 'color' + color + '-odd'
202+ self.styles = "<style type=\"text/css\">\n.ticket-imported, .modified-ticket-imported { width: 40px; }\n"
203+ self.styles += ".color-new-odd td, .color-new-even td, .modified-ticket-imported"
204+ columns = importedfields[:]
205+ if has_comments:
206+ columns.append('comment')
208+ for col in columns:
209+ if col.lower() != 'ticket' and col.lower() != 'id':
210+ title=col.capitalize()
211+ self.data['headers'].append({ 'col': col, 'title': title })
212+ self.styles += ", .modified-%s" % col
213+ self.styles += " { font-style: italic; }\n"
214+ self.styles += "</style>\n"
216+ # This could be simplified...
217+ def process_missing_fields(self, missingfields, missingemptyfields, missingdefaultedfields, computedfields):
218+ self.message += ' * Some Trac fields are not present in the import. They will default to:\n\n'
219+ self.message += " ||'''field'''||'''Default value'''||\n"
220+ if missingemptyfields != []:
221+ self.message += ' ||' + ', '.join([x.capitalize() for x in missingemptyfields]) + '||' + "''(Empty value)''" + '||\n'
223+ if missingdefaultedfields != []:
224+ for f in missingdefaultedfields:
225+ self.message += ' ||' + f.capitalize() + '||' + str(computedfields[f]['value']) + '||\n'
227+ self.message += '(You can change some of these default values in the Trac Admin module, if you are administrator; or you can add the corresponding column to your spreadsheet and re-upload it).\n'
229+ def process_notimported_fields(self, notimportedfields):
230+ self.message += ' * Some fields will not be imported because they don\'t exist in Trac: ' + ', '.join([x and x or "''(empty name)''" for x in notimportedfields]) + '.\n'
232+ def process_comment_field(self, comment):
233+ self.message += ' * The field "%s" will be used as comment when modifying tickets, and appended to the description for new tickets.\n' % comment
235+ def start_process_row(self, row_idx, ticket_id):
236+ from ticket import PatchedTicket
237+ self.ticket = None
238+ self.cells = []
239+ self.modified = False
240+ if ticket_id > 0:
241+ # existing ticket. Load the ticket, to see which fields will be modified
242+ self.ticket = PatchedTicket(self.env, ticket_id)
245+ def process_cell(self, column, cell):
246+ if self.ticket and not (self.ticket.values.has_key(column) and self.ticket[column] == cell):
247+ self.cells.append( { 'col': column, 'value': cell, 'style': 'modified-' + column })
248+ self.modified = True
249+ else:
250+ self.cells.append( { 'col': column, 'value': cell, 'style': column })
252+ def process_comment(self, comment):
253+ column = 'comment'
254+ self.cells.append( { 'col': column, 'value': comment, 'style': column })
256+ def end_process_row(self, indent):
257+ odd = len(self.data['rows']) % 2
258+ if self.ticket:
259+ if self.modified:
260+ self.modifiedcount += 1
261+ style = ''
262+ ticket = self.ticket.id
263+ else:
264+ self.notmodifiedcount += 1
265+ style = ''
266+ ticket = self.ticket.id
267+ else:
268+ self.added += 1
269+ style = odd and 'color-new-odd' or 'color-new-even'
270+ ticket = '(new)'
272+ self.data['rows'].append({ 'style': style, 'cells': [{ 'col': 'ticket', 'value': ticket, 'style': '' }] + self.cells })
275+ def process_new_lookups(self, newvalues):
276+ self.message += ' * Some lookup values are not found and will be added to the possible list of values:\n\n'
277+ self.message += " ||'''field'''||'''New values'''||\n"
278+ for field, values in newvalues.iteritems():
279+ if values == []:
280+ continue
281+ self.message += " ||" + field.capitalize() + "||" + ', '.join(values) + "||\n"
284+ def process_new_users(self, newusers):
285+ self.message += ' * Some user names do not exist in the system: ' + ', '.join(newusers) + '. Make sure that they are valid users.\n'
287+ def end_process(self, numrows):
288+ self.message = 'Scroll to see a preview of the tickets as they will be imported. If the data is correct, select the \'\'\'Execute Import\'\'\' button.\n' + ' * ' + str(numrows) + ' tickets will be imported (' + str(self.added) + ' added, ' + str(self.modifiedcount) + ' modified, ' + str(self.notmodifiedcount) + ' unchanged).\n' + self.message
289+ self.data['message'] = Markup(self.styles) + wiki_to_html(self.message, self.env, self.req) + Markup('<br/>')
291+ return 'import_preview.html', self.data, None
--- branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/ticket.py (revision 111)
+++ branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/ticket.py (revision 112)
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
2-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3-# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4-# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
7-from trac.ticket import Ticket, model
9-class PatchedTicket(Ticket):
10- ''' patched version of the Ticket class, that doesn't make the difference between a field defaulting to an empty string, and a field not defaulted
11- '''
13- # TODO: report it as a bug, and/or check if it is fixed in more recent versions
14- def _init_defaults(self, db=None):
15- for field in self.fields:
16- default = None
17- if field['name'] in ['resolution']:
18- # Ignore for new - only change through workflow
19- pass
20- elif not field.get('custom'):
21- default = self.env.config.get('ticket',
22- 'default_' + field['name'], None)
23- else:
24- default = field.get('value')
25- options = field.get('options')
26- if default and default != '' and options and default not in options:
27- try:
28- default = options[int(default)]
29- except (ValueError, IndexError):
30- self.env.log.warning('Invalid default value "%s" '
31- 'for custom field "%s"'
32- % (default, field['name']))
33- if default or default == '':
34- self.values.setdefault(field['name'], default)
36- def is_modified(self):
37- return self._old
2+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3+# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4+# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
7+from trac.ticket import Ticket, model
9+class PatchedTicket(Ticket):
10+ ''' patched version of the Ticket class, that doesn't make the difference between a field defaulting to an empty string, and a field not defaulted
11+ '''
13+ # TODO: report it as a bug, and/or check if it is fixed in more recent versions
14+ def _init_defaults(self, db=None):
15+ for field in self.fields:
16+ default = None
17+ if field['name'] in ['resolution']:
18+ # Ignore for new - only change through workflow
19+ pass
20+ elif not field.get('custom'):
21+ default = self.env.config.get('ticket',
22+ 'default_' + field['name'], None)
23+ else:
24+ default = field.get('value')
25+ options = field.get('options')
26+ if default and default != '' and options and default not in options:
27+ try:
28+ default = options[int(default)]
29+ except (ValueError, IndexError):
30+ self.env.log.warning('Invalid default value "%s" '
31+ 'for custom field "%s"'
32+ % (default, field['name']))
33+ if default or default == '':
34+ self.values.setdefault(field['name'], default)
36+ def is_modified(self):
37+ return self._old
--- branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/readers.py (revision 111)
+++ branches/tl3_0/plugins/svn/ticketimportplugin/talm_importer/readers.py (revision 112)
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
2-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3-# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4-# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
7-import csv
9-from trac.core import TracError
12-def get_reader(filename, sheet_index = 1):
13- # NOTE THAT the sheet index is 1-based !
14- # KISS - keep it simple: if it can be opened as XLS, do, otherwise try as CSV.
15- try:
16- return XLSReader(filename, sheet_index)
17- except ImportError:
18- try:
19- return CSVReader(filename)
20- except:
21- raise TracError('XLS reading is not configured, and this file is not a valid CSV file: unable to read file.')
22- except IndexError:
23- raise TracError('The sheet index (' + str(sheet_index) + ') does not seem to correspond to an existing sheet in the spreadsheet')
24- except:
25- try:
26- return CSVReader(filename)
27- except:
28- raise TracError('Unable to read this file, does not seem to be a valid Excel or CSV file.')
31-class CP1252DictReader(csv.DictReader):
32- def next(self):
33- d = csv.DictReader.next(self)
34- return dict([(key, value.decode('cp1252', 'replace')) for key, value in d.iteritems()])
36-class CSVReader(object):
37- def __init__(self, filename):
38- self.file = open(filename, "rb")
39- reader = csv.reader(self.file)
40- self.csvfields = reader.next()
42- def get_sheet_count():
43- return 1
45- def readers(self):
46- return self.csvfields, CP1252DictReader(self.file, self.csvfields)
48- def close(self):
49- self.file.close()
51-class XLSReader(object):
52- def __init__(self, filename, sheet_index = 1):
53- import xlrd
54- book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)
55- self.sheetcount = book.nsheets
56- self.sh = book.sheet_by_index(sheet_index - 1)
58- def get_sheet_count():
59- return self.sheetcount
61- def readers(self):
62- # TODO: do something with sh.name. Probably add it as a column.
63- # TODO: read the other sheets. What if they don't have the same columns ?
64- header = []
65- for cx in range(self.sh.ncols):
66- header.append(self.sh.cell_value(rowx=0, colx=cx))
68- data = []
69- for rx in range(self.sh.nrows):
70- if rx == 0:
71- continue
72- row = {}
73- i = 0
74- for cx in range(self.sh.ncols):
75- row[header[i]] = self.sh.cell_value(rowx=rx, colx=cx)
76- i += 1
77- data.append(row)
79- return header, data
81- def close(self):
82- pass
2+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by nexB, Inc. http://www.nexb.com/ - All rights reserved.
3+# Author: Francois Granade - fg at nexb dot com
4+# Licensed under the same license as Trac - http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense
7+import csv
9+from trac.core import TracError
12+def get_reader(filename, sheet_index = 1):
13+ # NOTE THAT the sheet index is 1-based !
14+ # KISS - keep it simple: if it can be opened as XLS, do, otherwise try as CSV.
15+ try:
16+ return XLSReader(filename, sheet_index)
17+ except ImportError:
18+ try:
19+ return CSVReader(filename)
20+ except:
21+ raise TracError('XLS reading is not configured, and this file is not a valid CSV file: unable to read file.')
22+ except IndexError:
23+ raise TracError('The sheet index (' + str(sheet_index) + ') does not seem to correspond to an existing sheet in the spreadsheet')
24+ except:
25+ try:
26+ return CSVReader(filename)
27+ except:
28+ raise TracError('Unable to read this file, does not seem to be a valid Excel or CSV file.')
31+class CP1252DictReader(csv.DictReader):
32+ def next(self):
33+ d = csv.DictReader.next(self)
34+ return dict([(key, value.decode('cp1252', 'replace')) for key, value in d.iteritems()])
36+class CSVReader(object):
37+ def __init__(self, filename):
38+ self.file = open(filename, "rb")
39+ reader = csv.reader(self.file)
40+ self.csvfields = reader.next()
42+ def get_sheet_count():
43+ return 1
45+ def readers(self):
46+ return self.csvfields, CP1252DictReader(self.file, self.csvfields)
48+ def close(self):
49+ self.file.close()
51+class XLSReader(object):
52+ def __init__(self, filename, sheet_index = 1):
53+ import xlrd
54+ book = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)
55+ self.sheetcount = book.nsheets
56+ self.sh = book.sheet_by_index(sheet_index - 1)
58+ def get_sheet_count():
59+ return self.sheetcount
61+ def readers(self):
62+ # TODO: do something with sh.name. Probably add it as a column.
63+ # TODO: read the other sheets. What if they don't have the same columns ?
64+ header = []
65+ for cx in range(self.sh.ncols):
66+ header.append(self.sh.cell_value(rowx=0, colx=cx))
68+ data = []
69+ for rx in range(self.sh.nrows):
70+ if rx == 0:
71+ continue
72+ row = {}
73+ i = 0
74+ for cx in range(self.sh.ncols):
75+ row[header[i]] = self.sh.cell_value(rowx=rx, colx=cx)
76+ i += 1
77+ data.append(row)
79+ return header, data
81+ def close(self):
82+ pass