[Slashdotjp-dev 1472] [1003] add ad-hoc comments. js changing script and fix js for IE to enable D2


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2009年 2月 12日 (木) 20:58:09 JST

Revision: 1003
Author:   tach
Date:     2009-02-12 20:58:09 +0900 (Thu, 12 Feb 2009)

Log Message:
add ad-hoc comments.js changing script and fix js for IE to enable D2

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: images/trunk/Makefile
--- images/trunk/Makefile	2009-02-12 11:56:12 UTC (rev 1002)
+++ images/trunk/Makefile	2009-02-12 11:58:09 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@
 		sed -e "s/params\['postercomment'\] = \$$dom('postercomment_' + pid).value;/&\n\tparams\['posttype'\] = \$$dom('posttype_' + pid).value; var nobonus = \$$dom('nobonus_' + pid); if (nobonus \&\& nobonus.checked) params\['nobonus'\] = nobonus.value; params\['nobonus_present'\] = '1';/" | \
 		sed -e "s/'top' : 'left';/'上の' : '左の';/" | \
 		sed -e 's/hidden comment</個の隠れコメント</' | \
-		sed -e 's/hidden comments</個の隠れコメント</' >> $@
+		sed -e 's/hidden comments</個の隠れコメント</' | \
+		perl fix-comments.js.pl >> $@
 	echo >> $@
 	if [ -f $@.jp ]; then cat $@.jp >> $@; fi

Modified: images/trunk/comments.js
--- images/trunk/comments.js	2009-02-12 11:56:12 UTC (rev 1002)
+++ images/trunk/comments.js	2009-02-12 11:58:09 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -2271,38 +2271,34 @@
 	pinToRange:             pinToRange
-	abbrev_comments \
-	adTimerUrl \
-	comment_body_reply \
-	comments \
-	currents \
-	d2_comment_order \
-	d2_keybindings_disable \
-	d2_keybindings_off \
-	d2_reverse_shift \
-	d2_seen \
-	discussion_id \
-	init_hiddens \
-	more_comments_num \
-	noshow_comments \
-	pieces_comments \
-	placeholder_no_update \
-	base_comment \
-	root_comment \
-	root_comments \
-	root_comments_hash \
-	thresh_totals \
-	user_d2asp \
-	user_highlightthresh \
-	user_is_admin \
-	user_is_anon \
-	user_is_subscriber \
-	user_threshold \
-	user_uid \
-	', function(){
-	packageObj[this] = eval('(function(v){ if (v===undefined) return '+this+'; '+this+'=v;})');
+packageObj['abbrev_comments'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return abbrev_comments; abbrev_comments = v;}
+packageObj['adTimerUrl'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return adTimerUrl; adTimerUrl = v;}
+packageObj['comment_body_reply'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return comment_body_reply; comment_body_reply = v;}
+packageObj['comments'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return comments; comments = v;}
+packageObj['currents'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return currents; currents = v;}
+packageObj['d2_comment_order'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return d2_comment_order; d2_comment_order = v;}
+packageObj['d2_keybindings_disable'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return d2_keybindings_disable; d2_keybindings_disable = v;}
+packageObj['d2_keybindings_off'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return d2_keybindings_off; d2_keybindings_off = v;}
+packageObj['d2_reverse_shift'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return d2_reverse_shift; d2_reverse_shift = v;}
+packageObj['d2_seen'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return d2_seen; d2_seen = v;}
+packageObj['discussion_id'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return discussion_id; discussion_id = v;}
+packageObj['init_hiddens'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return init_hiddens; init_hiddens = v;}
+packageObj['more_comments_num'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return more_comments_num; more_comments_num = v;}
+packageObj['noshow_comments'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return noshow_comments; noshow_comments = v;}
+packageObj['pieces_comments'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return pieces_comments; pieces_comments = v;}
+packageObj['placeholder_no_update'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return placeholder_no_update; placeholder_no_update = v;}
+packageObj['base_comment'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return base_comment; base_comment = v;}
+packageObj['root_comment'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return root_comment; root_comment = v;}
+packageObj['root_comments'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return root_comments; root_comments = v;}
+packageObj['root_comments_hash'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return root_comments_hash; root_comments_hash = v;}
+packageObj['thresh_totals'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return thresh_totals; thresh_totals = v;}
+packageObj['user_d2asp'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return user_d2asp; user_d2asp = v;}
+packageObj['user_highlightthresh'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return user_highlightthresh; user_highlightthresh = v;}
+packageObj['user_is_admin'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return user_is_admin; user_is_admin = v;}
+packageObj['user_is_anon'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return user_is_anon; user_is_anon = v;}
+packageObj['user_is_subscriber'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return user_is_subscriber; user_is_subscriber = v;}
+packageObj['user_threshold'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return user_threshold; user_threshold = v;}
+packageObj['user_uid'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return user_uid; user_uid = v;}
 	named: 'Slash.Discussion',

Added: images/trunk/fix-comments.js.pl
--- images/trunk/fix-comments.js.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ images/trunk/fix-comments.js.pl	2009-02-12 11:58:09 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# ad-hoc comments.js fix script for IE
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my $inq = 0;
+my $alt = "";
+while (my $l = <>) {
+	if (!$inq && $l =~ /^Slash\.Util\.qw\.each\('\\$/) {
+		$inq = 1;
+	} elsif ($inq && $l =~ /^\}\);$/) {
+		$inq = 0;
+		print $alt;
+	} elsif ($inq && $l =~ /\t(\w+)\s+\\$/) {
+		$alt .= "packageObj['$1'] = function(v){if (v===undefined) return $1; $1 = v;}\n";
+	} elsif (!$inq) {
+		print $l;
+	}

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