[Slashdotjp-dev 1469] [1000] add nobonus setting for D2


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2009年 2月 12日 (木) 15:31:25 JST

Revision: 1000
Author:   tach
Date:     2009-02-12 15:31:25 +0900 (Thu, 12 Feb 2009)

Log Message:
add nobonus setting for D2

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: images/trunk/Makefile
--- images/trunk/Makefile	2009-02-12 05:49:58 UTC (rev 999)
+++ images/trunk/Makefile	2009-02-12 06:31:25 UTC (rev 1000)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 		sed -e 's/value="No Thanks"/value="やりません"/' | \
 		sed -e 's/>(Remember that you can always adjust these controls with the slider widget/>(コメントの--LEFTORTOP--に見えるスライダーで制御できますよ)/' | \
 		sed -e 's/visible to the --LEFTORTOP-- of the discussion.)</</' | \
-		sed -e "s/params\['postercomment'\] = \$$dom('postercomment_' + pid).value;/&\n\tparams\['posttype'\] = \$$dom('posttype_' + pid).value;/" | \
+		sed -e "s/params\['postercomment'\] = \$$dom('postercomment_' + pid).value;/&\n\tparams\['posttype'\] = \$$dom('posttype_' + pid).value; var nobonus = \$$dom('nobonus_' + pid); if (nobonus \&\& nobonus.checked) params\['nobonus'\] = nobonus.value; params\['nobonus_present'\] = '1';/" | \
 		sed -e "s/'top' : 'left';/'上の' : '左の';/" | \
 		sed -e 's/hidden comment</個の隠れコメント</' | \
 		sed -e 's/hidden comments</個の隠れコメント</' >> $@

Modified: images/trunk/comments.js
--- images/trunk/comments.js	2009-02-12 05:49:58 UTC (rev 999)
+++ images/trunk/comments.js	2009-02-12 06:31:25 UTC (rev 1000)
@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@
 	params['gotmodwarning'] = $dom('gotmodwarning_' + pid).value;
 	params['postersubj'] = $dom('postersubj_' + pid).value;
 	params['postercomment'] = $dom('postercomment_' + pid).value;
-	params['posttype'] = $dom('posttype_' + pid).value;
+	params['posttype'] = $dom('posttype_' + pid).value; var nobonus = $dom('nobonus_' + pid); if (nobonus && nobonus.checked) params['nobonus'] = nobonus.value; params['nobonus_present'] = '1';
 	var hcanswer = $dom('hcanswer_' + pid);
 	if (hcanswer)

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