[Slashdotjp-dev 1578] [1109] * Enable to select adding "rel=nofollow" to anchor or not using regex by


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2009年 4月 6日 (月) 17:37:42 JST

Revision: 1109
Author:   tach
Date:     2009-04-06 17:37:42 +0900 (Mon, 06 Apr 2009)

Log Message:
 * Enable to select adding "rel=nofollow" to anchor or not using regex by
   constants "nofollow_exclude_regex"

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Data/Data.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Data/Data.pm	2009-04-06 07:40:25 UTC (rev 1108)
+++ slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Data/Data.pm	2009-04-06 08:37:42 UTC (rev 1109)
@@ -2547,10 +2547,20 @@
 sub noFollow {
 	my($html) = @_;
-	$html =~ s/(<a href=.+?)>/$1 rel="nofollow">/gis;
+	$html =~ s/(<a\s+(?:[^>]*?\s)?href=[^>]+?)>/&_noFollowStr($1)/geis;
 	return $html;
+sub _noFollowStr {
+	my($str) = @_;
+	next unless ($str =~ /href="?(.*?)(?:"|\s|$)/);
+	my $url = $1;
+	my $regex = getCurrentStatic('nofollow_exclude_regex');
+	if (!$regex || $url !~ $regex) {
+		$str .= ' rel="nofollow"';
+	}
+	return $str . '>';
 # DOCUMENT after we remove some of this in favor of

Modified: slashjp/trunk/debian/changelog
--- slashjp/trunk/debian/changelog	2009-04-06 07:40:25 UTC (rev 1108)
+++ slashjp/trunk/debian/changelog	2009-04-06 08:37:42 UTC (rev 1109)
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@
     - prevent to send all runtask messages
   * Force to add "rel=nofollow" to anchor on displayJournal() when constants
     "journal_force_nofollow" has set.
+  * Enable to select adding "rel=nofollow" to anchor or not using regex by
+    constants "nofollow_exclude_regex"
- -- Taku YASUI <tach****@osdn*****>  Mon,  6 Apr 2009 04:57:59 +0000
+ -- Taku YASUI <tach****@osdn*****>  Mon,  6 Apr 2009 07:42:30 +0000
 slash ( unstable; urgency=low

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