[Slashdotjp-dev 1002] [529] merged from upstream/ branch


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2008年 3月 4日 (火) 18:26:33 JST

Revision: 529
Author:   tach
Date:     2008-03-04 18:26:32 +0900 (Tue, 04 Mar 2008)

Log Message:
merged from upstream/ branch

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: slashjp/trunk/Slash/Hook/Hook.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/Slash/Hook/Hook.pm	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/Slash/Hook/Hook.pm	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 use DBIx::Password;
 use Slash;
 use Slash::DB;
-use Slash::Utility;
+use Slash::Utility::Environment; # avoid cross-caller issues
 use vars qw($VERSION);
 # Arrrr Matey...

Modified: slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Comments/Comments.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Comments/Comments.pm	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Comments/Comments.pm	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@
 use strict;
 use Fcntl;
-use Slash::Display;
 use Slash::Utility::Access;
 use Slash::Utility::Data;
 use Slash::Utility::Display;
 use Slash::Utility::Environment;
-use Slash::Constants qw(:strip :people);
+use Slash::Display;
+use Slash::Hook;
+use Slash::Constants qw(:strip :people :messages);
 use base 'Exporter';
 use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT);
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@
 	constrain_score dispComment displayThread printComments
 	jsSelectComments commentCountThreshold commentThresholds discussion2
 	tempUofmLinkGenerate tempUofmCipherObj selectComments
-	getPoints preProcessComment postProcessComment prevComment
+	getPoints preProcessComment postProcessComment prevComment saveComment
@@ -333,8 +334,6 @@
 sub jsSelectComments {
-	# XXXd2 selectComments() is being called twice in same request ... compare and consolidate
-	# also consolidate code with ajax.pl:fetchComments
 	# version 0.9 is broken; 0.6 and 1.00 seem to work -- pudge 2006-12-19
 	require Data::JavaScript::Anon;
 	my($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form, $gSkin) = @_;
@@ -366,7 +365,7 @@
 		$comments = _get_thread($comments, $pid);
-	my @roots = $pid ? $pid : grep { $_ && !$comments->{$_}{pid} } keys %$comments;
+	my @roots = $pid ? $pid : @{$comments->{$pid}{kids}};
 	my %roots_hash = ( map { $_ => 1 } @roots );
 	my $thresh_totals;
@@ -1331,6 +1330,12 @@
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
 	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
+	$discussion->{type} = isDiscussionOpen($discussion);
+	if ($discussion->{type} eq 'archived') {
+		$$error_message = getError('archive_error');
+		return -1;
+	}
 	my $tempSubject = strip_notags($comm->{postersubj});
 	my $tempComment = $comm->{postercomment};
@@ -1466,7 +1471,214 @@
 	return $previewForm;
+sub saveComment {
+	my($comm, $comment, $user, $discussion, $error_message) = @_; # probably $comm = $form
+	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
+	$comm->{nobonus}  = $user->{nobonus}	unless $comm->{nobonus_present};
+	$comm->{postanon} = $user->{postanon}	unless $comm->{postanon_present};
+	$comm->{nosubscriberbonus} = $user->{nosubscriberbonus}
+						unless $comm->{nosubscriberbonus_present};
+#print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " $$ E header_emitted=$header_emitted do_emit_html=$do_emit_html redirect_to=" . (defined($redirect_to) ? $redirect_to : "undef") . "\n";
+	# Set starting points to the AC's starting points, by default.
+	# If the user is posting under their own name, we'll reset this
+	# value (and add other modifiers) in a moment.
+	my $pts = getCurrentAnonymousCoward('defaultpoints');
+	my $karma_bonus = 0;
+	my $subscriber_bonus = 0;
+	my $tweak = 0;
+	if (!$comm->{anon}) {
+		$pts = $user->{defaultpoints};
+		if ($constants->{karma_posting_penalty_style} == 0) {
+			$pts-- if $user->{karma} < 0;
+			$pts-- if $user->{karma} < $constants->{badkarma};
+                } else {
+			$tweak-- if $user->{karma} < 0;
+			$tweak-- if $user->{karma} < $constants->{badkarma};
+		}
+		# Enforce proper ranges on comment points.
+		my($minScore, $maxScore) =
+			($constants->{comment_minscore}, $constants->{comment_maxscore});
+		$pts = $minScore if $pts < $minScore;
+		$pts = $maxScore if $pts > $maxScore;
+		$karma_bonus = 1 if $pts >= 1 && $user->{karma} > $constants->{goodkarma}
+			&& !$comm->{nobonus};
+		$subscriber_bonus = 1 if $constants->{plugin}{Subscribe}
+			&& $user->{is_subscriber}
+			&& (!$comm->{nosubscriberbonus} || $comm->{nosubscriberbonus} ne 'on');
+	}
+#print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " $$ F header_emitted=$header_emitted do_emit_html=$do_emit_html\n";
+	my $clean_comment = {
+		subject		=> $comment->{subject},
+		comment		=> $comment->{comment},
+		sid		=> $comment->{sid},
+		pid		=> $comment->{pid},
+		ipid		=> $user->{ipid},
+		subnetid	=> $user->{subnetid},
+		uid		=> $comment->{uid},
+		points		=> $pts,
+		tweak		=> $tweak,
+		tweak_orig	=> $tweak,
+		karma_bonus	=> $karma_bonus ? 'yes' : 'no',
+	};
+	if ($constants->{plugin}{Subscribe}) {
+		$clean_comment->{subscriber_bonus} = $subscriber_bonus ? 'yes' : 'no';
+	}
+	my $maxCid = $slashdb->createComment($clean_comment);
+	if ($constants->{comment_karma_disable_and_log}) {
+		my $post_str = "";
+		$post_str .= "NO_ANON " if $user->{state}{commentkarma_no_anon};
+		$post_str .= "NO_POST " if $user->{state}{commentkarma_no_post};
+		if (isAnon($comment->{uid}) && $user->{state}{commentkarma_no_anon}) {
+			$slashdb->createCommentLog({
+				cid	=> $maxCid,
+				logtext	=> "COMMENTKARMA ANON: $post_str"
+			});
+		} elsif (!isAnon($comment->{uid}) && $user->{state}{commentkarma_no_post}) {
+			$slashdb->createCommentLog({
+				cid	=> $maxCid,
+				logtext	=> "COMMENTKARMA USER: $post_str"
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	if ($constants->{comment_is_troll_disable_and_log}) {
+		$slashdb->createCommentLog({
+			cid	=> $maxCid,
+			logtext	=> "ISTROLL"
+		});
+	}
+#print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " $$ G maxCid=$maxCid\n";
+	# make the formkeys happy
+	$comm->{maxCid} = $maxCid;
+	$slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, {
+		'-expiry_comm'	=> 'expiry_comm-1',
+	}) if allowExpiry();
+	if ($maxCid == -1) {
+		$$error_message = getError('submission error');
+		return -1;
+	} elsif (!$maxCid) {
+		# This site has more than 2**32 comments?  Wow.
+		$$error_message = getError('maxcid exceeded');
+		return -1;
+	}
+	my $saved_comment = $slashdb->getComment($maxCid);
+	slashHook('comment_save_success', { comment => $saved_comment });
+	my $moddb = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}");
+	if ($moddb) {
+		my $text = $moddb->checkDiscussionForUndoModeration($comm->{sid});
+		# XXX
+		print $text if $text;
+	}
+	my $tc = $slashdb->getVar('totalComments', 'value', 1);
+	$slashdb->setVar('totalComments', ++$tc);
+	if ($discussion->{sid}) {
+		$slashdb->setStory($discussion->{sid}, { writestatus => 'dirty' });
+	}
+	$slashdb->setUser($clean_comment->{uid}, {
+		-totalcomments => 'totalcomments+1',
+	}) if !isAnon($clean_comment->{uid});
+	my($messages, $reply, %users);
+	my $kinds = $reader->getDescriptions('discussion_kinds');
+	if ($comm->{pid}
+		|| $kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } =~ /^journal/
+		|| $constants->{commentnew_msg}) {
+		$messages = getObject('Slash::Messages');
+		$reply = $slashdb->getCommentReply($comm->{sid}, $maxCid);
+	}
+	$clean_comment->{pointsorig} = $clean_comment->{points};
+	# reply to comment
+	if ($messages && $comm->{pid}) {
+		my $parent = $slashdb->getCommentReply($comm->{sid}, $comm->{pid});
+		my $users  = $messages->checkMessageCodes(MSG_CODE_COMMENT_REPLY, [$parent->{uid}]);
+		if (_send_comment_msg($users->[0], \%users, $pts, $clean_comment)) {
+			my $data  = {
+				template_name	=> 'reply_msg',
+				subject		=> { template_name => 'reply_msg_subj' },
+				reply		=> $reply,
+				parent		=> $parent,
+				discussion	=> $discussion,
+			};
+			$messages->create($users->[0], MSG_CODE_COMMENT_REPLY, $data);
+			$users{$users->[0]}++;
+		}
+	}
+	# reply to journal
+	if ($messages && $kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } =~ /^journal/) {
+		my $users  = $messages->checkMessageCodes(MSG_CODE_JOURNAL_REPLY, [$discussion->{uid}]);
+		if (_send_comment_msg($users->[0], \%users, $pts, $clean_comment)) {
+			my $data  = {
+				template_name	=> 'journrep',
+				subject		=> { template_name => 'journrep_subj' },
+				reply		=> $reply,
+				discussion	=> $discussion,
+			};
+			$messages->create($users->[0], MSG_CODE_JOURNAL_REPLY, $data);
+			$users{$users->[0]}++;
+		}
+	}
+	# comment posted
+	if ($messages && $constants->{commentnew_msg}) {
+		my $users = $messages->getMessageUsers(MSG_CODE_NEW_COMMENT);
+		my $data  = {
+			template_name	=> 'commnew',
+			subject		=> { template_name => 'commnew_subj' },
+			reply		=> $reply,
+			discussion	=> $discussion,
+		};
+		my @users_send;
+		for my $usera (@$users) {
+			next if $users{$usera};
+			push @users_send, $usera;
+			$users{$usera}++;
+		}
+		$messages->create(\@users_send, MSG_CODE_NEW_COMMENT, $data) if @users_send;
+	}
+	if ($constants->{validate_html}) {
+		my $validator = getObject('Slash::Validator');
+		my $test = parseDomainTags($comment->{comment});
+		$validator->isValid($test, {
+			data_type	=> 'comment',
+			data_id		=> $maxCid,
+			message		=> 1
+		}) if $validator;
+	}
+	return $saved_comment;
 =head2 dispComment(COMMENT)
@@ -1742,7 +1954,7 @@
 			op	=> 'Reply',
 			subject	=> 'Reply to This',
 			subject_only => 1,
-			#onclick	=> ($discussion2 ? "replyTo($comment->{cid}); return false;" : '')
+			onclick	=> (($discussion2 && $user->{test_code}) ? "replyTo($comment->{cid}); return false;" : '')
 		}) unless $user->{state}{discussion_archived};
 		push @link, linkComment({
@@ -2181,6 +2393,40 @@
+# Decide whether or not to send a given message to a given user
+sub _send_comment_msg {
+	my($uid, $uids, $pts, $C) = @_;
+	my $constants	= getCurrentStatic();
+	my $reader	= getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
+	my $user	= getCurrentUser();
+	return unless $uid;			# no user
+	return if $uids->{$uid};		# user not already being msgd
+	return if $user->{uid} == $uid;		# don't msg yourself
+	my $otheruser = $reader->getUser($uid);
+	# use message_threshold in vars, unless user has one
+	# a message_threshold of 0 is valid, but "" is not
+	my $message_threshold = length($otheruser->{message_threshold})
+		? $otheruser->{message_threshold}
+		: length($constants->{message_threshold})
+			? $constants->{message_threshold}
+			: undef;
+	my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
+	my $newpts = getPoints($C, $otheruser,
+		$constants->{comment_minscore}, $constants->{comment_maxscore},
+		$reader->countUsers({ max => 1 }), $mod_reader->getReasons,
+	);
+	# only if reply pts meets message threshold
+	return if defined $message_threshold && $newpts < $message_threshold;
+	return 1;
 # Troll Detection: checks to see if this IP or UID has been
 # abusing the system in the last 24 hours.
 # 1=Troll 0=Good Little Goober

Modified: slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Environment/Environment.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Environment/Environment.pm	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/Slash/Utility/Environment/Environment.pm	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -1696,6 +1696,8 @@
 		$user->{state}{lostprivs} = 1;
+	$user->{test_code} ||= $constants->{test_code};
 	if ($constants->{plugin}{Tags}) {
 		my $max_uid;
 		my $write = $constants->{tags_stories_allowwrite} || 0;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -2065,18 +2065,16 @@
 	$data->{neverdisplay} = $form->{display} ? '' : 1;
+#	if ($data->{neverdisplay}) {
+#		print STDERR "Setting sid: $form->{sid} to neverdisplay\n";
+#		use Data::Dumper;
+#		print STDERR Dumper($form);
+#		print STDERR Dumper($data);
+#	}
-	# If brief_sectional_mainpage is set, and this story has only
-	# nexuses in getMainpageDisplayableNexuses(), all below
-	# the sectional weight, and not the mainpage nexus itself,
-	# then the current getStoriesEssentials code will pick up
-	# this story (for one-liner display) even though we don't
-	# want it picked up.  The kludge is to mark the story, in
-	# that case, as 'offmainpage'. - Jamie 2008-01-28
-	$data->{offmainpage} = 0 if ($story->{offmainpage});
 	if ($constants->{brief_sectional_mainpage}) {
+		$data->{offmainpage} = undef;
 		my $sectional_weight = $constants->{topics_sectional_weight} || 10;
-		my $rendered_hr = $slashdb->renderTopics($chosen_hr);
 		if (!$rendered_hr->{ $constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid} }) {
 			my $mdn_ar = $slashdb->getMainpageDisplayableNexuses();
 			my $mdn_hr = { map { ($_, 1) } @$mdn_ar };
@@ -2092,12 +2090,6 @@
 #print STDERR "admin.pl before updateStory data: " . Dumper($data);
-#	if ($data->{neverdisplay}) {
-#		print STDERR "Setting sid: $form->{sid} to neverdisplay\n";
-#		use Data::Dumper;
-#		print STDERR Dumper($form);
-#		print STDERR Dumper($data);
-#	}
 	if (!$slashdb->updateStory($form->{sid}, $data)) {
 		titlebar('100%', getTitle('story_update_failed'));

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/PLUGIN
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/PLUGIN	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/PLUGIN	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@
 		if ($ops->{$op}{reskey_type} eq 'createuse') {
-		} else {
+		} elsif ($ops->{$op}{reskey_type} eq 'touch') {
+			$rkey->touch;
+		} else  {
 		if (!$rkey->success) {
@@ -266,6 +268,71 @@
 # comments
+sub submitReply {
+	my($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form, $options) = @_;
+	my $pid = $form->{pid} || 0;
+	my $sid = $form->{sid} or return;
+sub previewReply {
+	my($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form, $options) = @_;
+	my $pid = $form->{pid} || 0;
+	my $sid = $form->{sid} or return;
+	$user->{state}{ajax_accesslog_op} = 'comments_preview_reply';
+	my $discussion = $slashdb->getDiscussion($sid);
+	my $comment = preProcessComment($form, $user, $discussion);
+	my $preview = postProcessComment({ %$comment, %$user }, 0, $discussion);
+	my $html = prevComment($preview, $user);
+	$options->{content_type} = 'application/json';
+	my %to_dump = (html => { "replyto_preview_$pid" => $html });
+#use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper \%to_dump; 
+	return Data::JavaScript::Anon->anon_dump(\%to_dump);
+sub replyForm {
+	my($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form, $options) = @_;
+	my $pid = $form->{pid} || 0;
+	my $sid = $form->{sid} or return;
+	$user->{state}{ajax_accesslog_op} = 'comments_reply_form';
+	my($reply, $pid_reply);
+	$reply = $slashdb->getCommentReply($sid, $pid) if $pid;
+	$pid_reply = prepareQuoteReply($reply) if $pid && $reply;
+	my $reskey = getObject('Slash::ResKey');
+	my $rkey = $reskey->key('comments', { nostate => 1 });
+	$rkey->create;
+	my %to_dump;
+	if ($rkey->success) {
+		my $reply_html = slashDisplay('edit_comment', {
+			sid    => $sid,
+			pid    => $pid,
+			reply  => $reply,
+			rkey   => $rkey
+		}, { Return => 1 });
+		%to_dump = (html => { "replyto_$pid" => $reply_html });
+	} else {
+		%to_dump = (html => { "replyto_$pid" => $rkey->errstr });
+	}
+	$options->{content_type} = 'application/json';
+	$to_dump{eval_first} = "comment_body_reply[$pid] = '$pid_reply';" if $pid_reply;
+#use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper \%to_dump; 
+	return Data::JavaScript::Anon->anon_dump(\%to_dump);
 sub readRest {
 	my($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form) = @_;
 	my $cid = $form->{cid} or return;
@@ -550,90 +617,103 @@
 			{ Return => 1 }
 	} elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'sectional') {
-               getSectionPrefsHTML($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form);
+	       getSectionPrefsHTML($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form);
-        } elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'slashboxes') {
-                my $section_descref = { };
-                my $box_order;
-                my $sections_description = $slashdb->getSectionBlocks();
-                my $slashboxes_hr = { };
-                my $slashboxes_textlist = $user->{slashboxes};
-                my $userspace = $user->{mylinks} || "";
+	} elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'slashboxes') {
+		my $section_descref = { };
+		my $box_order;
+		my $sections_description = $slashdb->getSectionBlocks();
+		my $slashboxes_hr = { };
+		my $slashboxes_textlist = $user->{slashboxes};
+		my $userspace = $user->{mylinks} || "";
-                if (!$slashboxes_textlist) {
-                        my($boxes, $skinBoxes) = $slashdb->getPortalsCommon();
-                        $slashboxes_textlist = join ",", @{$skinBoxes->{$constants->{mainpage_skid}}};
-                }
+		if (!$slashboxes_textlist) {
+			my($boxes, $skinBoxes) = $slashdb->getPortalsCommon();
+			$slashboxes_textlist = join ",", @{$skinBoxes->{$constants->{mainpage_skid}}};
+		}
-                for my $bid (map { /^'?([^']+)'?$/; $1 } split(/,/, $slashboxes_textlist)) {
-                        $slashboxes_hr->{$bid} = 1;
-                }
+		for my $bid (map { /^'?([^']+)'?$/; $1 } split(/,/, $slashboxes_textlist)) {
+			$slashboxes_hr->{$bid} = 1;
+		}
-                for my $ary (sort { lc $a->[1] cmp lc $b->[1]} @$sections_description) {
-                        my($bid, $title, $boldflag) = @$ary;
-                        push @$box_order, $bid;
-                        $section_descref->{$bid}{checked} = $slashboxes_hr->{$bid} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-                        $title =~ s/<(.*?)>//g;
-                        $section_descref->{$bid}{title} = $title;
-                }
+		for my $ary (sort { lc $a->[1] cmp lc $b->[1]} @$sections_description) {
+			my($bid, $title, $boldflag) = @$ary;
+			push @$box_order, $bid;
+			$section_descref->{$bid}{checked} = $slashboxes_hr->{$bid} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
+			$title =~ s/<(.*?)>//g;
+			$section_descref->{$bid}{title} = $title;
+		}
-                return
-                        slashDisplay('prefs_slashboxes', {
-                                box_order         => $box_order,
-                                section_descref   => $section_descref,
-                                userspace         => $userspace,
-                                tabbed            => $form->{'tabbed'},
-                        },
-                        { Return => 1 }
-                );
+		return
+			slashDisplay('prefs_slashboxes', {
+				box_order	  => $box_order,
+				section_descref	  => $section_descref,
+				userspace	  => $userspace,
+				tabbed		  => $form->{'tabbed'},
+			},
+			{ Return => 1 }
+		);
-        } elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'authors') {
+	} elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'authors') {
-                my $author_hr = $slashdb->getDescriptions('authors');
-                my @aid_order = sort { lc $author_hr->{$a} cmp lc $author_hr->{$b} } keys %$author_hr;
-                my %story_never_author;
-                map { $story_never_author{$_} = 1 } keys %$author_hr;
-                map { $story_never_author{$_} = 0 } split(/,/, $user->{story_never_author});
+		my $author_hr = $slashdb->getDescriptions('authors');
+		my @aid_order = sort { lc $author_hr->{$a} cmp lc $author_hr->{$b} } keys %$author_hr;
+		my %story_never_author;
+		map { $story_never_author{$_} = 1 } keys %$author_hr;
+		map { $story_never_author{$_} = 0 } split(/,/, $user->{story_never_author});
-                return
-                        slashDisplay('prefs_authors', {
-                                aid_order          => \@aid_order,
-                                author_hr          => $author_hr,
-                                story_never_author => \%story_never_author,
-                                tabbed             => $form->{'tabbed'},
-                        },
-                        { Return => 1 }
-                );
+		return
+			slashDisplay('prefs_authors', {
+				aid_order	   => \@aid_order,
+				author_hr	   => $author_hr,
+				story_never_author => \%story_never_author,
+				tabbed		   => $form->{'tabbed'},
+			},
+			{ Return => 1 }
+		);
-        } elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'admin') {
-                return if !$user->{is_admin};
+	} elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'admin') {
+		return if !$user->{is_admin};
-                return
-                        slashDisplay('prefs_admin', {
-                                user   => $user,
-                                tabbed => $form->{'tabbed'},
-                        },
-                        { Return => 1 }
-                );
+		return
+			slashDisplay('prefs_admin', {
+				user   => $user,
+				tabbed => $form->{'tabbed'},
+			},
+			{ Return => 1 }
+		);
-        } elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'fh') {
+	} elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'fh') {
-                my $firehose = getObject("Slash::FireHose");
-                my $opts = $firehose->getAndSetOptions();
-                $opts->{firehose_usermode} = $user->{firehose_usermode} if $user->{is_admin};
+		my $firehose = getObject("Slash::FireHose");
+		my $opts = $firehose->getAndSetOptions();
+		$opts->{firehose_usermode} = $user->{firehose_usermode} if $user->{is_admin};
-                return
-                        slashDisplay('fhadvprefpane', {
-                                options => $opts,
-                                user    => $user,
-                        },
-                        { Return => 1 }
-                );
-        } else {
-                return
+		return
+			slashDisplay('fhadvprefpane', {
+				options => $opts,
+				user	=> $user,
+			},
+			{ Return => 1 }
+		);
+	} elsif ($form->{'section'} eq 'ifh') {
+		my $firehose = getObject("Slash::FireHose");
+		my $opts = $firehose->getAndSetOptions();
+		$opts->{firehose_usermode} = $user->{firehose_usermode} if $user->{is_admin};
+		return
+			slashDisplay('fhadvprefpane', {
+				options => $opts,
+				user	=> $user,
+			},
+			{ Page => 'misc', Skin => 'idle', Return => 1 }
+		);
+	} else {
+		return
 			slashDisplay('prefs_' . $form->{'section'}, {
 				user   => $user,
                                 tabbed => $form->{'tabbed'},
@@ -701,229 +781,230 @@
-        # Generic user
-        if ($params{'formname'} eq 'user') {
-                my $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($params{uid});
-                my $gSkin = getCurrentSkin();
+	# Generic user
+	if ($params{'formname'} eq 'user') {
+		my $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($params{uid});
+		my $gSkin = getCurrentSkin();
-                # Real Email
-                if ($user_edit->{realemail} ne $params{realemail}) {
-                        if ($slashdb->existsEmail($params{realemail})) {
-                                $params{realemail} = $user_edit->{realemail};
-                        }
-                }
+		# Real Email
+		if ($user_edit->{realemail} ne $params{realemail}) {
+			if ($slashdb->existsEmail($params{realemail})) {
+				$params{realemail} = $user_edit->{realemail};
+			}
+		}
-                # Homepage
-                my $homepage = $params{homepage};
-                $homepage = '' if $homepage eq 'http://';
-                $homepage = fudgeurl($homepage);
-                $homepage = URI->new_abs($homepage, $gSkin->{absolutedir})
-                               ->canonical
-                               ->as_string if $homepage ne '';
-                $homepage = substr($homepage, 0, 100) if $homepage ne '';
+		# Homepage
+		my $homepage = $params{homepage};
+		$homepage = '' if $homepage eq 'http://';
+		$homepage = fudgeurl($homepage);
+		$homepage = URI->new_abs($homepage, $gSkin->{absolutedir})
+			       ->canonical
+			       ->as_string if $homepage ne '';
+		$homepage = substr($homepage, 0, 100) if $homepage ne '';
-                # Calendar
-                my $calendar_url = $params{calendar_url};
-                if (length $calendar_url) {
-                        $calendar_url =~ s/^webcal/http/i;
-                        $calendar_url = fudgeurl($calendar_url);
-                        $calendar_url = URI->new_abs($calendar_url, $gSkin->{absolutedir})
-                                           ->canonical
-                                           ->as_string if $calendar_url ne '';
-                        $calendar_url =~ s|^http://||i;
-                        $calendar_url = substr($calendar_url, 0, 200) if $calendar_url ne '';
-                }
+		# Calendar
+		my $calendar_url = $params{calendar_url};
+		if (length $calendar_url) {
+			$calendar_url =~ s/^webcal/http/i;
+			$calendar_url = fudgeurl($calendar_url);
+			$calendar_url = URI->new_abs($calendar_url, $gSkin->{absolutedir})
+					   ->canonical
+					   ->as_string if $calendar_url ne '';
+			$calendar_url =~ s|^http://||i;
+			$calendar_url = substr($calendar_url, 0, 200) if $calendar_url ne '';
+		}
-                my(%extr, $err_message, %limit);
-                $limit{sig} = 120;
-                $limit{bio} = $constants->{users_bio_length} || 1024;
+		my(%extr, $err_message, %limit);
+		$limit{sig} = 120;
+		$limit{bio} = $constants->{users_bio_length} || 1024;
-                for my $key (keys %limit) {
-                        my $dat = chopEntity($params{$key}, $limit{$key});
-                        $dat = strip_html($dat);
-                        $dat = balanceTags($dat, { deep_nesting => 2, length => $limit{$key} });
-                        $dat = addDomainTags($dat) if $dat;
+		for my $key (keys %limit) {
+			my $dat = chopEntity($params{$key}, $limit{$key});
+			$dat = strip_html($dat);
+			$dat = balanceTags($dat, { deep_nesting => 2, length => $limit{$key} });
+			$dat = addDomainTags($dat) if $dat;
-                        if ($key eq 'sig' && defined($dat) && length($dat) > 200) {
-                                $extr{sig} = undef;
-                        }
+			if ($key eq 'sig' && defined($dat) && length($dat) > 200) {
+				$extr{sig} = undef;
+			}
-                        if ((length($dat) > 1 && !filterOk('comments', 'postersubj', $dat, \$err_message)) ||
-                            (!compressOk('comments', 'postersubj', $dat))) {
-                                $extr{$key} = undef;
-                        }
-                        else {
-                                $extr{$key} = $dat;
-                        }
-                }
+			if ((length($dat) > 1 && !filterOk('comments', 'postersubj', $dat, \$err_message)) ||
+			    (!compressOk('comments', 'postersubj', $dat))) {
+				$extr{$key} = undef;
+			}
+			else {
+				$extr{$key} = $dat;
+			}
+		}
-                $user_edits_table = {
-                        homepage            => $homepage,
-                        realname            => $params{realname},
-                        calendar_url        => $calendar_url,
-                        yahoo               => $params{yahoo},
-                        jabber              => $params{jabber},
-                        aim                 => $params{aim},
-                        aimdisplay          => $params{aimdisplay},
-                        icq                 => $params{icq},
-                        mobile_text_address => $params{mobile_text_address},
-                };
+		$user_edits_table = {
+			homepage	    => $homepage,
+			realname	    => $params{realname},
+			calendar_url	    => $calendar_url,
+			yahoo		    => $params{yahoo},
+			jabber		    => $params{jabber},
+			aim		    => $params{aim},
+			aimdisplay	    => $params{aimdisplay},
+			icq		    => $params{icq},
+			mobile_text_address => $params{mobile_text_address},
+		};
-                for (keys %extr) {
-                        $user_edits_table->{$_} = $extr{$_} if defined $extr{$_};
-                }
+		for (keys %extr) {
+			$user_edits_table->{$_} = $extr{$_} if defined $extr{$_};
+		}
-                for (keys %$user_edits_table) {
-                        $user_edits_table->{$_} = '' unless defined $user_edits_table->{$_};
-                }
+		for (keys %$user_edits_table) {
+			$user_edits_table->{$_} = '' unless defined $user_edits_table->{$_};
+		}
-                if ($user_edit->{realemail} ne $params{realemail}) {
-                        $user_edits_table->{realemail} = chopEntity($params{realemail}, 50);
-                        my $new_fakeemail = '';
+		if ($user_edit->{realemail} ne $params{realemail}) {
+			$user_edits_table->{realemail} = chopEntity($params{realemail}, 50);
+			my $new_fakeemail = '';
-                        if ($user->{emaildisplay}) {
-                                $new_fakeemail = getArmoredEmail($params{uid}, $user_edits_table->{realemail}) if $user->{emaildisplay} == 1;
-                                $new_fakeemail = $user_edits_table->{realemail} if $user->{emaildisplay} == 2;
-                        }
-                        $user_edits_table->{fakeemail} = $new_fakeemail;
-                }
+			if ($user->{emaildisplay}) {
+				$new_fakeemail = getArmoredEmail($params{uid}, $user_edits_table->{realemail}) if $user->{emaildisplay} == 1;
+				$new_fakeemail = $user_edits_table->{realemail} if $user->{emaildisplay} == 2;
+			}
+			$user_edits_table->{fakeemail} = $new_fakeemail;
+		}
-                my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
-                my $otherparams  = $reader->getDescriptions('otherusersparam');
-                for my $param (keys %$otherparams) {
-                        if (exists $params{$param}) {
-                                $user_edits_table->{$param} = $user->{$param} = $params{$param} || undef;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
+		my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
+		my $otherparams	 = $reader->getDescriptions('otherusersparam');
+		for my $param (keys %$otherparams) {
+			if (exists $params{$param}) {
+				$user_edits_table->{$param} = $user->{$param} = $params{$param} || undef;
+			}
+		}
+	}
-        # Sections
-        if ($params{'formname'} eq "sectional") {
-                setSectionNexusPrefs($slashdb, $constants, $user, \%params);
-        }
+	# Sections
+	if ($params{'formname'} eq "sectional") {
+		setSectionNexusPrefs($slashdb, $constants, $user, \%params);
+	}
-        # Homepage
-        if ($params{'formname'} eq "home") {
-                $user_edits_table = {
-                        maxstories      => 30,
-                        lowbandwidth    => ($params{lowbandwidth}    ? 1 : 0),
-                        simpledesign    => ($params{simpledesign}    ? 1 : 0),
-                        noicons         => ($params{noicons}         ? 1 : 0),
-                        willing         => ($params{willing}         ? 1 : 0),
-                        tags_turnedoff  => ($params{showtags}        ? undef : 1),
-                        opt_osdn_navbar => ($params{opt_osdn_navbar} ? 1 : 0),
-                };
+	# Homepage
+	if ($params{'formname'} eq "home") {
+		$user_edits_table = {
+			maxstories	=> 30,
+			lowbandwidth	=> ($params{lowbandwidth}    ? 1 : 0),
+			simpledesign	=> ($params{simpledesign}    ? 1 : 0),
+			noicons		=> ($params{noicons}	     ? 1 : 0),
+			willing		=> ($params{willing}	     ? 1 : 0),
+			tags_turnedoff	=> ($params{showtags}	     ? undef : 1),
+			opt_osdn_navbar => ($params{opt_osdn_navbar} ? 1 : 0),
+		};
-                if (defined $params{tzcode} && defined $params{tzformat}) {
-                        $user_edits_table->{tzcode} = $params{tzcode};
-                        $user_edits_table->{dfid}   = $params{tzformat};
-                        $user_edits_table->{dst}    = $params{dst};
-                }
+		if (defined $params{tzcode} && defined $params{tzformat}) {
+			$user_edits_table->{tzcode} = $params{tzcode};
+			$user_edits_table->{dfid}   = $params{tzformat};
+			$user_edits_table->{dst}    = $params{dst};
+		}
-                if (!isAnon($params{uid}) && !$params{willing}) {
-                        $slashdb->setUser($params{uid}, { points => 0 });
-                }
-        }
+		if (!isAnon($params{uid}) && !$params{willing}) {
+			$slashdb->setUser($params{uid}, { points => 0 });
+		}
+	}
-        if ($params{'formname'} eq "slashboxes") {
-                my $slashboxes = $user->{slashboxes};
-                my($boxes, $skinBoxes) = $slashdb->getPortalsCommon();
-                my $default_slashboxes_textlist = join ",",
-                        @{$skinBoxes->{$constants->{mainpage_skid}}};
+	if ($params{'formname'} eq "slashboxes") {
+		my $slashboxes = $user->{slashboxes};
+		my($boxes, $skinBoxes) = $slashdb->getPortalsCommon();
+		my $default_slashboxes_textlist = join ",",
+			@{$skinBoxes->{$constants->{mainpage_skid}}};
-                $slashboxes = $default_slashboxes_textlist if !$slashboxes;
-                my @slashboxes = split /,/, $slashboxes;
-                my %slashboxes = ( );
+		$slashboxes = $default_slashboxes_textlist if !$slashboxes;
+		my @slashboxes = split /,/, $slashboxes;
+		my %slashboxes = ( );
-                for my $i (0..$#slashboxes) {
-                        $slashboxes{$slashboxes[$i]} = $i;
-                }
+		for my $i (0..$#slashboxes) {
+			$slashboxes{$slashboxes[$i]} = $i;
+		}
-                for my $key (sort grep /^showbox_/, keys %params) {
-                        my($bid) = $key =~ /^showbox_(\w+)$/;
-                        next if length($bid) < 1 || length($bid) > 30 || $bid !~ /^\w+$/;
-                        if (! exists $slashboxes{$bid}) {
-                                $slashboxes{$bid} = 999;
-                        }
-                }
+		for my $key (sort grep /^showbox_/, keys %params) {
+			my($bid) = $key =~ /^showbox_(\w+)$/;
+			next if length($bid) < 1 || length($bid) > 30 || $bid !~ /^\w+$/;
+			if (! exists $slashboxes{$bid}) {
+				$slashboxes{$bid} = 999;
+			}
+		}
-                for my $bid (@slashboxes) {
-                        delete $slashboxes{$bid} unless $params{"showbox_$bid"};
-                }
+		for my $bid (@slashboxes) {
+			delete $slashboxes{$bid} unless $params{"showbox_$bid"};
+		}
-                @slashboxes = sort { $slashboxes{$a} <=> $slashboxes{$b} || $a cmp $b } keys %slashboxes;
-                $#slashboxes = 19 if $#slashboxes > 19;
-                $slashboxes = join ",", @slashboxes;
-                $slashboxes = "" if ($slashboxes eq $default_slashboxes_textlist);
+		@slashboxes = sort { $slashboxes{$a} <=> $slashboxes{$b} || $a cmp $b } keys %slashboxes;
+		$#slashboxes = 19 if $#slashboxes > 19;
+		$slashboxes = join ",", @slashboxes;
+		$slashboxes = "" if ($slashboxes eq $default_slashboxes_textlist);
-                $slashboxes =~ s/[^\w,-]//g;
-                my @items = grep { $_ } split /,/, $slashboxes;
-                $slashboxes = join ",", @items;
+		$slashboxes =~ s/[^\w,-]//g;
+		my @items = grep { $_ } split /,/, $slashboxes;
+		$slashboxes = join ",", @items;
-                if (length($slashboxes) > 1024) {
-                        $slashboxes = substr($slashboxes, 0, 1024);
-                        $slashboxes =~ s/,?\w*$//g;
-                } elsif (length($slashboxes) < 1) {
-                        $slashboxes = '';
-                }
+		if (length($slashboxes) > 1024) {
+			$slashboxes = substr($slashboxes, 0, 1024);
+			$slashboxes =~ s/,?\w*$//g;
+		} elsif (length($slashboxes) < 1) {
+			$slashboxes = '';
+		}
-                $user_edits_table->{slashboxes} = $slashboxes;
+		$user_edits_table->{slashboxes} = $slashboxes;
-                $user_edits_table->{mylinks} = balanceTags(strip_html(
-                        chopEntity($params{mylinks} || '', 255)
-                ), { deep_nesting => 2, length => 255 });
+		$user_edits_table->{mylinks} = balanceTags(strip_html(
+			chopEntity($params{mylinks} || '', 255)
+		), { deep_nesting => 2, length => 255 });
-                $user_edits_table->{mylinks} = '' unless defined $user_edits_table->{mylinks};
+		$user_edits_table->{mylinks} = '' unless defined $user_edits_table->{mylinks};
-        }
+	}
-        if ($params{'formname'} eq "authors") {
-                my $author_hr = $slashdb->getDescriptions('authors');
-                my ($story_author_all, @story_never_author);
+	if ($params{'formname'} eq "authors") {
+		my $author_hr = $slashdb->getDescriptions('authors');
+		my ($story_author_all, @story_never_author);
-                for my $aid (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$author_hr) {
-                        my $key = "aid$aid";
-                        $story_author_all++;
-                        push(@story_never_author, $aid) if (!$params{$key});
-                }
+		for my $aid (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$author_hr) {
+			my $key = "aid$aid";
+			$story_author_all++;
+			push(@story_never_author, $aid) if (!$params{$key});
+		}
-                $#story_never_author = 299 if $#story_never_author  > 299;
+		$#story_never_author = 299 if $#story_never_author  > 299;
-                my $story_never_author = join(",", @story_never_author);
-                $story_never_author =~ s/[^\w,-]//g;
-                my @items = grep { $_ } split /,/, $story_never_author;
-                $story_never_author = join ",", @items;
+		my $story_never_author = join(",", @story_never_author);
+		$story_never_author =~ s/[^\w,-]//g;
+		my @items = grep { $_ } split /,/, $story_never_author;
+		$story_never_author = join ",", @items;
-                my $len ||= $constants->{checklist_length} || 255;
-                if (length($story_never_author) > $len) {
-                        $story_never_author = substr($story_never_author, 0, $len);
-                        $story_never_author =~ s/,?\w*$//g;
-                } elsif (length($story_never_author) < 1) {
-                        $story_never_author = '';
-                }
+		my $len ||= $constants->{checklist_length} || 255;
+		if (length($story_never_author) > $len) {
+			$story_never_author = substr($story_never_author, 0, $len);
+			$story_never_author =~ s/,?\w*$//g;
+		} elsif (length($story_never_author) < 1) {
+			$story_never_author = '';
+		}
-                $user_edits_table = {
-                        story_never_author => $story_never_author,
-                };
+		$user_edits_table = {
+			story_never_author => $story_never_author,
+		};
-        }
+	}
-        if ($params{'formname'} eq "admin") {
-               return if !$user->{is_admin};
+	if ($params{'formname'} eq "admin") {
+		return if !$user->{is_admin};
-              $user_edits_table = {
-                     playing           => $params{playing},
-                     no_spell          => ($params{'no_spell'} ? 1 : undef),
-                     mod_with_comm     => ($params{'mod_with_comm'} ? 1 : undef),
-                     m2_with_mod       => ($params{'m2_with_mod'} ? 1 : undef),
-                     m2_with_comm_mod  => ($params{'m2_with_mod_on_comm'} ? 1 : undef),
-              };
-        }
+		$user_edits_table = {
+			test_code         => ($params{'test_code'} ? 1 : undef),
+			playing           => $params{playing},
+			no_spell          => ($params{'no_spell'} ? 1 : undef),
+			mod_with_comm     => ($params{'mod_with_comm'} ? 1 : undef),
+			m2_with_mod       => ($params{'m2_with_mod'} ? 1 : undef),
+			m2_with_comm_mod  => ($params{'m2_with_mod_on_comm'} ? 1 : undef),
+		};
+	}
         # Everything but Sections is saved here.
-        if ($params{'formname'} ne "sectional") {
-                $slashdb->setUser($params{uid}, $user_edits_table);
-        }
+	if ($params{'formname'} ne "sectional") {
+		$slashdb->setUser($params{uid}, $user_edits_table);
+	}
 # comments
@@ -961,6 +1042,21 @@
 	my %mainops = (
+		comments_submit_reply  => {
+			function        => \&previewReply,
+			reskey_name     => 'comments',
+			reskey_type     => 'use',
+		},
+		comments_preview_reply  => {
+			function        => \&previewReply,
+			reskey_name     => 'comments',
+			reskey_type     => 'touch',
+		},
+		comments_reply_form     => {
+			function        => \&replyForm,
+			reskey_name     => 'ajax_base',
+			reskey_type     => 'createuse',
+		},
 		comments_read_rest      => {
 			function        => \&readRest,
 			reskey_name     => 'ajax_base',

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -1211,6 +1211,10 @@
+function firehose_slider_set_color(color) {
+	fh_colorslider.setValue(fh_ticksize * fh_colors_hash[color] , 1);
 function firehose_change_section_anon(section) {
 	window.location.href= window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/firehose.pl?section=" + encodeURIComponent(section) + "&tabtype=tabsection";
@@ -1227,7 +1231,7 @@
 function vendorStoryPopup() {
 	id = vendor_popup_id;
-	var title = "<a href='//intel.vendors.slashdot.org' onclick=\"javascript:urchinTracker('/vendor_intel-popup/intel_popup_title');\">Intel's Opinion Center</a>";
+	var title = "<a href='//intel.vendors.slashdot.org' onclick=\"javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/vendor_intel-popup/intel_popup_title');\">Intel's Opinion Center</a>";
 	var buttons = createPopupButtons("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"closePopup('vendorStory-" + id + "-popup')\">[X]</a>");
 	title = title + buttons;
 	var closepopup = function (e) {
@@ -1252,7 +1256,7 @@
 function vendorStoryPopup2() {
 	id = vendor_popup_id;
-	var title = "<a href='//intel.vendors.slashdot.org' onclick=\"javascript:urchinTracker('/vendor_intel-popup/intel_popup_title');\">Intel's Opinion Center</a>";
+	var title = "<a href='//intel.vendors.slashdot.org' onclick=\"javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/vendor_intel-popup/intel_popup_title');\">Intel's Opinion Center</a>";
 	var buttons = createPopupButtons("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"closePopup('vendorStory-" + id + "-popup')\">[X]</a>");
 	title = title + buttons;
 	var closepopup = function (e) {

Copied: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/edit_comment;ajax;default (from rev 528, slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/templates/edit_comment;ajax;default)

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_admin;ajax;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_admin;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_admin;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
                         <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="[% user.uid %]">
                         <input type="hidden" name="name" value="[% user.nickname | strip_attribute %]">
+                        <input type="checkbox" name="test_code"[% constants.markup_checked_attribute IF user.test_code %]>&nbsp;<b>Enable Test Code</b>
                         [% IF constants.slashbox_whatsplaying %]
                                 <h3>User Info</h3>
                                 <b>What I'm Playing For</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="playing" value="[% user.playing | strip_attribute %]" size="40">

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2;ajax;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
                 IF user.discussion2 == 'slashdot';
                         d2_check = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
                 END %]
-                <input type="checkbox" name="discussion2"[% d2_check %] onclick="javascript:void(document.forms['modal_prefs'].refreshable.value=1);">&nbsp;<b>Enable Dynamic Discussions</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_discussions');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="discussion2"[% d2_check %] onclick="javascript:void(document.forms['modal_prefs'].refreshable.value=1);">&nbsp;<b>Enable Dynamic Discussions</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_discussions');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_discussions" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Toggle between Discussion 2 and the classic discussion system.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
                         Retrieve [% comment_q_name = (user.is_subscriber || user.is_admin) ? 'd2_comment_q_all' : 'd2_comment_q';
                            comment_q = Slash.db.getDescriptions(comment_q_name);
-                           Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_q', comment_q, user.d2_comment_q, 1) %] Comments&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_sortorder');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                           Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_q', comment_q, user.d2_comment_q, 1) %] Comments&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_sortorder');" class="help">?</a>
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
-                <input type="checkbox" name="nosigs"[% s_check %]>&nbsp;<b>Disable Sigs</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_sigs');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="nosigs"[% s_check %]>&nbsp;<b>Disable Sigs</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_sigs');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_sigs" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Strip sig quotes from comments.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
                 IF user.noscores;
                         n_check = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
                 END %]
-                <input type="checkbox" name="noscores"[% n_check %]>&nbsp;<b>Do Not Display Scores</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_scores');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="noscores"[% n_check %]>&nbsp;<b>Do Not Display Scores</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_scores');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_scores" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Hide scores. They still <b>apply</b>, but you just don't see them.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
                 [% UNLESS user.domaintags.defined; user.domaintags = 2; END %]
                 [% domaintags.${user.domaintags} = constants.markup_checked_attribute -%]
-                <b>Display Link Domains?</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_domains');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <b>Display Link Domains?</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_domains');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_domains" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Show the actual domain of any link in brackets.

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2_posting;ajax;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2_posting;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2_posting;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
                         b_check = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
                 END %]
                 <input type="hidden" name="nobonus_present" value="1">
-                <b><input type="checkbox" name="nobonus"[% b_check %]>&nbsp;No Karma Bonus</b><a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_karma');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <b><input type="checkbox" name="nobonus"[% b_check %]>&nbsp;No Karma Bonus</b><a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_karma');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_karma" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Normally users with high karma post at Score: 2, but you can choose to post down in the Score: 1 gutters with the rest of the user population with this option.
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
                         sb_check = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
                 END %]
                 <input type="hidden" name="nosubscriberbonus_present" value="1">
-                <b><input type="checkbox" name="nosubscriberbonus"[% sb_check %]>&nbsp;No Subscriber Bonus</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_subscriber');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <b><input type="checkbox" name="nosubscriberbonus"[% sb_check %]>&nbsp;No Subscriber Bonus</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_subscriber');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_subscriber" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Our paying subscribers are allowed to post at Score: 2, but if you think that this is unnecessary, then you can turn it off.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
         [% END %]
-        <b>Comment Box Size</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_textarea');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+        <b>Comment Box Size</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_textarea');" class="help">?</a>
         <div id="modalprefhelp_textarea" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                 Also applies to other large text boxes.
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
-        <b>Comment Post Mode</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_postmode');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+        <b>Comment Post Mode</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_postmode');" class="help">?</a>
         <div id="modalprefhelp_postmode" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                 Posting modes determine how the text that you enter for a comment is interpreted and thus how it will be displayed to the reader. The posting modes are:<br>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_home;ajax;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_home;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_home;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-                <input type="checkbox" name="simpledesign"[% sd_check %]> <b>Simple Design</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_simpledesign');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="simpledesign"[% sd_check %]> <b>Simple Design</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_simpledesign');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_simpledesign" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Simplifies the design of [% constants.sitename %] to strip away some of the excesses of the UI.
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
-                <input type="checkbox" name="lowbandwidth"[% lb_check %]> <b>Low Bandwidth</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_lowbandwidth');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="lowbandwidth"[% lb_check %]> <b>Low Bandwidth</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_lowbandwidth');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_lowbandwidth" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Reduces the size of pages for people with slower network connections
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
-                <input type="checkbox" name="noicons"[% i_check %]> <b>No Icons</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_noicons');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="noicons"[% i_check %]> <b>No Icons</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_noicons');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_noicons" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Disable topic icon images on stories.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
-                <b>Maximum Stories</b> <input type="text" name="maxstories" size="3" value="[% user.maxstories %]">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_maxstories');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <b>Maximum Stories</b> <input type="text" name="maxstories" size="3" value="[% user.maxstories %]">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_maxstories');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_maxstories" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         The default is 30.  The main column displays 1/3rd of these at minimum, and all of today's stories at maximum.
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
-                <input type="checkbox" name="willing"[% w_check %]> <b>Willing to Moderate</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_moderate');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="willing"[% w_check %]> <b>Willing to Moderate</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_moderate');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_moderate" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         By default all users are willing to Moderate. Uncheck this if you aren't interested.
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
-                <input type="checkbox" name="showtags"[%tag_check %]> <b>Show Tags</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_showtags');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="showtags"[%tag_check %]> <b>Show Tags</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_showtags');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_showtags" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Turn this off to ignore all tags.
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
-                <input type="checkbox" name="opt_osdn_navbar"[% osdn_navbar_check %]> <b>OSTG Navbar</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_ostg');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="opt_osdn_navbar"[% osdn_navbar_check %]> <b>OSTG Navbar</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_ostg');" class="help">?</a>
                 <div id="modalprefhelp_ostg" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                         Turn this on to display the OSTG nav bar at the top of the screen.

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_main;ajax;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_main;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_main;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 [% END %]
-<h3><a href="/users.pl?op=edituser" onclick="javascript:getModalPrefs('user', 'User', 1); return false" style="text-decoration: none;">User Info</a>&nbsp;<a href="/users.pl?op=edituser" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_userinfo'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a></h3>
+<h3><a href="/users.pl?op=edituser" onclick="javascript:getModalPrefs('user', 'User', 1); return false" style="text-decoration: none;">User Info</a>&nbsp;<a href="/users.pl?op=edituser" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_userinfo'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" class="help">?</a></h3>
 <div style="padding-left: 10px;">
         <div id="modalprefhelp_userinfo" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-<h3><a href="/users.pl?op=edithome" onclick="javascript:getModalPrefs('home', 'Homepage', 1); return false" style="text-decoration: none;">Index</a>&nbsp;<a href="/users.pl?op=edithome" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_index'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a></h3>
+<h3><a href="/users.pl?op=edithome" onclick="javascript:getModalPrefs('home', 'Homepage', 1); return false" style="text-decoration: none;">Index</a>&nbsp;<a href="/users.pl?op=edithome" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_index'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" class="help">?</a></h3>
 <div style="padding-left: 10px;">
         <div id="modalprefhelp_index" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
-<h3><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/my/comments"[% IF discussion2 == 'slashdot' %] onclick="getModalPrefs('d2', 'Discussion 2', 1); return false"[% END %] style="text-decoration: none;">Discussions</a>&nbsp;<a href="/users.pl?op=editcomm" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_discussions'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a></h3>
+<h3><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/my/comments"[% IF discussion2 == 'slashdot' %] onclick="getModalPrefs('d2', 'Discussion 2', 1); return false"[% END %] style="text-decoration: none;">Discussions</a>&nbsp;<a href="/users.pl?op=editcomm" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_discussions'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" class="help">?</a></h3>
 <div style="padding-left: 10px;">
         <div id="modalprefhelp_discussions" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_user;ajax;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_user;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_user;ajax;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-                        <b>Email Address</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="realemail" value="[% user.realemail | strip_attribute %]" size="40">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_email');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                        <b>Email Address</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="realemail" value="[% user.realemail | strip_attribute %]" size="40">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_email');" class="help">?</a>
                         <div id="modalprefhelp_email" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                                 Required but never displayed publicly, unless you specify so in your comment preferences. This is where your passwd is mailed. If you change this address, a notification will be sent, and you will need to follow the enclosed instructions to re-register.
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
-                        <b>Homepage</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="homepage" value="[% user.homepage | strip_attribute %]" size="40">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_homepage');" style="text-decoration: none;" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                        <b>Homepage</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="homepage" value="[% user.homepage | strip_attribute %]" size="40">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_homepage');" class="help">?</a>
                         <div id="modalprefhelp_homepage" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                                 You must enter a fully qualified URL for your homepage.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
-                        <b>Public Calendar</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="calendar_url" value="[% user.calendar_url | strip_attribute %]" size="40">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_calendar');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                        <b>Public Calendar</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="calendar_url" value="[% user.calendar_url | strip_attribute %]" size="40">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_calendar');" class="help">?</a>
                         <div id="modalprefhelp_calendar" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                                 You must enter a fully qualified URL for your iCal calendar.
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
-                        <b>Mobile Text Address</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="mobile_text_address" value="[% user.mobile_text_address | strip_attribute %]" size="40">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_mobile');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                        <b>Mobile Text Address</b>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="mobile_text_address" value="[% user.mobile_text_address | strip_attribute %]" size="40">&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_mobile');" class="help">?</a>
                         <div id="modalprefhelp_mobile" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                                 Set this if you plan to have Messages sent to your mobile device.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
-                        <b>Sig</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_sig');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                        <b>Sig</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_sig');" class="help">?</a>
                         <div id="modalprefhelp_sig" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                                 Appended to the end of comments you post. The maximum is 120 characters.
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
-                        <b>Bio</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_bio');" style="text-decoration: none;">[?]</a>
+                        <b>Bio</b>&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_bio');" class="help">?</a>
                         <div id="modalprefhelp_bio" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
                                 This information is publicly displayed on your user page. The maximum is 255 characters.

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/UI.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/UI.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/UI.shtml	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -7,14 +7,21 @@
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 <h2><a name="ui100" id="ui100">I want a Slashbox that does X</a></h2>
         <p>The policy for Slashboxes is as follows:</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/accounts.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/accounts.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/accounts.shtml	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -6,13 +6,22 @@
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 <h2><a name="ac050">Why should I log in?</a></h2>
         <p>Logged in users have a variety of benefits on Slashdot that are unavailable to users who don't bother logging in. Among these benefits are:</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/advertising.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/advertising.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/advertising.shtml	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -6,13 +6,22 @@
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 <h2><a name="ad100">Can I advertise on Slashdot?</a></h2>
         <p>Yes! You too can have banner ads at the top of Slashdot. Impress your friends! Terrify your competitors!</p>
         <p>Visit the <a href="http://web.sourceforge.com/media_kit.php">Advertising</a> page to learn how.</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/badges.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/badges.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/badges.shtml	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -7,14 +7,19 @@
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 <h2>Put a Piece of Slashdot on Your Page</h2>
 <p>You can add a badge or link to your page (or for a blog, to your page template,

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/com-mod.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/com-mod.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/com-mod.shtml	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -6,13 +6,22 @@
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 <h2><a name="cm100" id="cm100">What's up with flat/threaded/nested comments?</a></h2>
         <p>These are just different ways of displaying what can be a rather long list of comments. Here's the rundown:</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/editorial.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/editorial.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
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 <h2><a name="ed100" id="ed100">How do I submit stories to Slashdot?</a></h2>
         <p>You can submit a story by using the <a href="/submit.pl">Submissions Bin</a>. When you submit a story, please remember to include appropriate links. Also, you'll have a better chance of getting our attention if you use a clear and specific subject line.</p>
         <p>Before you submit a story, <strong>please</strong> take a minute to make sure it's not a duplicate of a story we've posted already. Check the <a href="/">main Slashdot page</a> and make sure it hasn't already been posted. If it's not breaking news, you might also run a <a href="/search.pl">search</a> to see if it's something that might have been posted on a previous day. Roughly ten percent of all our story submissions are duplicates of stories we've already posted.</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/faq-meta.shtml
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 <h2><a name="fm100" id="fm100">What is this document?</a></h2>
         <p>This is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file for Slashdot. As its name implies, it is intended to address questions that the Slashdot crew are asked repeatedly.</p>
         <p>This particular edition is version 1.2.</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/feeds.shtml
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 <h2><a name="fe100">Where can I get Slashdot's main feed?</a></h2>
 	<p>The syndication feed for the Slashdot front page is available in <a href="http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot/to">RSS 0.9</a>, <a href="http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot">RSS 1.0</a>, and <a href="http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdotatom">Atom 1.0</a> formats.  Please do not request feeds more than once every 30 minutes.</p>

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--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/firehose.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
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 <h2><a name="fh100">What is the Slashdot Firehose?</a></h2>
 	<p>The Slashdot Firehose is a way for you to participate in the Slashdot editorial
 process.  You are able to

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         <h2><strong><a href="/faq/faq-meta.shtml">FAQ Meta</a></strong></h2>
                 <li><strong><a href="/faq/faq-meta.shtml#fm100">What is this document?</a></strong></li>

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 <h2><a name="int1000" id="int1000">How many questions can I ask?</a></h2>
         <p>You can ask as many questions as you'd like!</p>
         <p>But please, only ask one question per submitted comment.</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/metamod.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/metamod.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
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 <h2><a name="mm100" id="mm100">What do "M1" and "M2" mean?</a></h2>
         <p>M1 and M2 are Slashdot shorthand for "moderation" and "metamoderation," respectively. We also use these with suffixes For example, if you see the term "M2ed," it means "metamoderated." Likewise, the term "M1er" means "Moderator."</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/slashmeta.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/slashmeta.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
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 <h2><a name="sm100" id="sm100">Who does this?</a></h2>
         <p>Slashdot was originally created in September of 1997 by <a href="mailto:malda****@slash*****">Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda</a>. Today it is owned by <a href="http://www.ostg.com">OSTG</a>, which, in turn is owned by <a href="http://www.vasoftware.com">VA Software</a>.</p>
         <p>Slashdot is run primarily by me and by <a href="http://Hemos.net">Jeff "Hemos" Bates</a>, who posts stories and manages other sites for OSTG.</p>

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 <h2><a name="ss100" id="ss100">Why does Slashdot have subscriptions?</a></h2>
         <p>Read <a href="http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/03/01/1352200&amp;mode=nocomment">CmdrTaco's story</a> to learn why Slashdot implemented a subscription system.</p>

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--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/suggestions.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
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 <h2><a name="su100" id="su100">How about an NNTP news gateway?</a></h2>
         <p>I'd love to, but there are several problems that complicate this: first is the time to program it. An NNTP gateway is definitely on the TO-DO list, but it's lower on the priority list then many other things. Second is advertising: Slashdot costs a lot to run each month, and our performance is measured in terms of dollars and pages. If we can figure out a way to put advertising (and don't worry, it'd be reasonably minimal) into the NNTP comments cleanly, we'd be all set. Finally, the moderation system really doesn't have a counterpart in NNTP.</p>
         <p>So you put it all together and you have something that would be pretty nifty, but it has several problems. It'll happen someday, but not tomorrow.</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/tags.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/tags.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
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@@ -9,16 +9,22 @@
 ($VERSION) = '$Id$' =~ /^\$Id: \S+ (\S+)/
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-<br><a name="tags100" id="tags100"></a>
+<a name="tags100" id="tags100"></a>
 <h2>What is this crazy tags thing?</h2>
 <p> Slashdot is currently experimenting with tagging articles.  You are
 encouraged to use this feature to submit a handful of tags: brief labels

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/tech.shtml
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FAQSlashdot/faq/tech.shtml	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
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 <h2><a name="te050" id="te050">What kind of hardware does Slashdot run on?</a></h2>
         <p>[ <em>Note: This writeup originally appeared as a Slashdot post. You can see the original post, complete with comments, <a href="http://slashdot.org/articles/00/05/18/1427203.shtml">here</a>.</em> ]</p>
         <p>At the request of countless users, we're happy to finally present a summary of the new setup over at Exodus. It's the result of over 6 months of work from a lot of people, so shout-outs to Adam, Kurt, and Scoop, Team P: Pudge, PatG &amp; Pater for the code, and Martin, BSD-Pat, and Liz for getting the hardware and co-loc taken care of.</p>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -1003,6 +1003,7 @@
 	$options->{content_type} = 'application/json';
 	my $firehose = getObject("Slash::FireHose");
 	my $opts = $firehose->getAndSetOptions();
 	my $html = {};
 	$html->{fhtablist} = slashDisplay("firehose_tabs", { nodiv => 1, tabs => $opts->{tabs}, options => $opts, section => $form->{section}  }, { Return => 1});
 	$html->{fhoptions} = slashDisplay("firehose_options", { nowrapper => 1, options => $opts }, { Return => 1});
@@ -1017,7 +1018,14 @@
 	my $eval_first = "";
 	for my $o (qw(startdate mode fhfilter orderdir orderby startdate duration color)) {
-		$eval_first .= Data::JavaScript::Anon->var_dump("firehose_settings.$o", $opts->{$o});
+		my $value = $opts->{$o};
+		if ($o eq 'orderby' && $value eq 'editorpop') {
+			$value = 'popularity';
+		}
+		if ($o eq 'startdate') {
+			$value =~ s/-//g;
+		}
+		$eval_first .= "firehose_settings.$o = " . Data::JavaScript::Anon->anon_dump("$value") . "; ";
 	return Data::JavaScript::Anon->anon_dump({
@@ -1771,20 +1779,24 @@
 		$options->{orderdir} = "DESC";
 		$options->{orderby} = "createtime";
 		$options->{color} = "black";
+		$form->{color} = "black";
 	} elsif ($tabtype eq 'tabrecent') {
 		$form->{fhfilter} = "-story";
 		$options->{orderby} = "createtime";
 		$options->{orderdir} = "DESC";
 		$options->{color} = "indigo";
+		$form->{color} = "indigo";
 	} elsif ($tabtype eq 'tabpopular') {
 		$form->{fhfilter} = "-story";
 		$options->{orderby} = "popularity";
 		$options->{orderdir} = "DESC";
 		$options->{color} = "black";
+		$form->{color} = "black";
 	} elsif ($tabtype eq 'tabuser') {
 		$form->{fhfilter} = "\"user:$user->{nickname}\"";
 		$options->{orderby} = "popularity";
 		$options->{color} = "black";
+		$form->{color} = "black";
 		$options->{orderdir} = "DESC";
 		$options->{orderby} = "createtime";
 	} elsif ($tabtype eq 'aretama') {
@@ -2129,7 +2141,6 @@
 	if ($form->{not_id} && $form->{not_id} =~ /^\d+$/) {
 		$options->{not_id} = $form->{not_id};
 	return $options;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/fhadvprefpane;misc;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/fhadvprefpane;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/fhadvprefpane;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
-<input type="checkbox" name="nodates" onchange="firehose_set_options('nodates', !this.checked)" [% IF !options.nodates; constants.markup_checked_attribute; END %]> <b>Dates</b> <a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_nodates'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" style="text-decoration: none; color: #055;">[?]</a>
+<input type="checkbox" name="nodates" onchange="firehose_set_options('nodates', !this.checked)" [% IF !options.nodates; constants.markup_checked_attribute; END %]> <b>Dates</b> <a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_nodates'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" class="help">?</a>
 <div style="padding-left: 10px;">
         <div id="modalprefhelp_nodates" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
-<input type="checkbox" name="nobylines" onchange="firehose_set_options('nobylines', !this.checked)" [% IF !options.nobylines; constants.markup_checked_attribute; END %]> <b>Bylines</b> <a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_nobylines'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" style="text-decoration: none; color: #055;">[?]</a>
+<input type="checkbox" name="nobylines" onchange="firehose_set_options('nobylines', !this.checked)" [% IF !options.nobylines; constants.markup_checked_attribute; END %]> <b>Bylines</b> <a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_nobylines'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" class="help">?</a>
 <div style="padding-left: 10px;">
         <div id="modalprefhelp_nobylines" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
-<input type="checkbox" name="nothumbs" onchange="firehose_set_options('nothumbs', !this.checked)" [% IF !options.nothumbs; constants.markup_checked_attribute; END %]> <b>Thumbs</b> <a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_nothumbs'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" style="text-decoration: none; color: #055;">[?]</a>
+<input type="checkbox" name="nothumbs" onchange="firehose_set_options('nothumbs', !this.checked)" [% IF !options.nothumbs; constants.markup_checked_attribute; END %]> <b>Thumbs</b> <a href="#" onclick="displayModalPrefHelp('modalprefhelp_nothumbs'); return false" title="Click To Expand Help" class="help">?</a>
 <div style="padding-left: 10px;">
         <div id="modalprefhelp_nothumbs" class="modalprefhelp" style="display: none;">

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 <script type="text/javascript">
 	[% FOR opt = [ 'startdate', 'mode', 'fhfilter', 'orderdir', 'orderby', 'startdate', 'duration', 'color'] %]
 		[%- opt_value = options.$opt -%]
-		[% IF opt == startdate %]
+		[% IF opt == 'startdate' %]
 			[% opt_value = opt_value.replace('-',''); %]
 		[%- END -%]
 		firehose_settings.[% opt %] = [% firehose.js_anon_dump(opt_value) %];

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -565,14 +565,79 @@
 	return $ar;
+# Given a tagnameid, return what clid type should be used for it
+# (0 = unknown).
+{ # closure
+my($reason_names, $upvoteid, $downvoteid) = (undef, undef, undef);
+sub getTagnameidClid {
+	my($self, $tagnameid) = @_;
+	if ($tagnameid !~ /^\d+$/) {
+		warn "non-numeric tagnameid passed to getTagnameCloutType: $tagnameid";
+		return 0;
+	}
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $mcd = $self->getMCD();
+	my $mcdkey = undef;
+	if ($mcd) {
+		$mcdkey = "$self->{_mcd_keyprefix}:tanc:";
+		my $value = $mcd->get("$mcdkey$tagnameid");
+		return $value if defined $value;
+	}
+	my $clid = 0;
+	my $tn_data = undef;
+	my $types = $self->getCloutTypes();
+	# Is it a vote?
+	if ($types->{vote}) {
+		if (!$clid) {
+			$upvoteid   ||= $self->getTagnameidCreate($constants->{tags_upvote_tagname}   || 'nod');
+			$clid = $types->{vote} if $tagnameid == $upvoteid;
+		}
+		if (!$clid) {
+			$downvoteid ||= $self->getTagnameidCreate($constants->{tags_downvote_tagname} || 'nix');
+			$clid = $types->{vote} if $tagnameid == $downvoteid;
+		}
+	}
+	# Is it descriptive?
+	if ($types->{describe} && !$clid) {
+		$tn_data = $self->getTagnameDataFromId($tagnameid);
+		$clid = $types->{describe} if $tn_data->{descriptive};
+	}
+	# Is it a moderation?
+	if ($types->{moderate} && $constants->{m1} && $constants->{m1_pluginname}) {
+		if (!$clid) {
+			if (!$reason_names) {
+				my $mod_db = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
+				my $reasons = $mod_db->getReasons();
+				$reason_names = {
+					map { (lc($reasons->{$_}{name}), 1) }
+					keys %$reasons
+				};
+			}
+			$tn_data ||= $self->getTagnameDataFromId($tagnameid);
+			$clid = $types->{moderate} if $reason_names->{ $tn_data->{tagname} };
+		}
+	}
+	$mcd->set("$mcdkey$tagnameid", $clid, $constants->{memcached_exptime_tags}) if $mcd;
+	return $clid;
+} # end closure
 # Given an arrayref of hashrefs representing tags, such as that
 # returned by getTagsByNameAndIdArrayref, add three fields to each
 # hashref:  tag_clout, tagname_clout, user_clout.  Values default
 # to 1.  "Rounded" means round to 3 decimal places.
 sub addRoundedCloutsToTagArrayref {
-	my($self, $ar, $clout_type) = @_;
-	$self->addCloutsToTagArrayref($ar, $clout_type);
+	my($self, $ar) = @_;
+	$self->addCloutsToTagArrayref($ar);
 	for my $tag_hr (@$ar) {
 		$tag_hr->{tag_clout}     = sprintf("%.3f", $tag_hr->{tag_clout});
 		$tag_hr->{tagname_clout} = sprintf("%.3f", $tag_hr->{tagname_clout});
@@ -582,10 +647,9 @@
 sub addCloutsToTagArrayref {
-	my($self, $ar, $clout_type) = @_;
+	my($self, $ar) = @_;
-if (!$clout_type) { use Carp; Carp::cluck("no clout_type for addCloutsToTagArrayref"); }
-	return if !$ar || !@$ar || !$clout_type;
+	return if !$ar || !@$ar;
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
 	# Pull values from tag params named 'tag_clout'
@@ -596,55 +660,36 @@
 		"tagid IN ($tagids_in_str) AND name='tag_clout'");
 	# Pull values from tagname params named 'tag_clout'
+	my $tagname_clout_hr = { };
 	my %tagnameid = map { ($_->{tagnameid}, 1) } @$ar;
-	my @tagnameids = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %tagnameid;
-	my $tagnameids_in_str = join(',', @tagnameids);
-	my $tagname_clout_hr = $self->sqlSelectAllKeyValue(
-		'tagnameid, value', 'tagname_params',
-		"tagnameid IN ($tagnameids_in_str) AND name='tag_clout'");
+	for my $tagnameid (keys %tagnameid) {
+		my $tn_data = $self->getTagnameDataFromId($tagnameid);
+		$tagname_clout_hr->{$tagnameid} = $tn_data->{tag_clout} || 1;
+	}
-	# Pull values from users_clout
+	# Record which clout type each tagname uses
+	my $tagname_clid_hr = { };
+	for my $tagnameid (keys %tagnameid) {
+		my $clid = $self->getTagnameidClid($tagnameid);
+		$tagname_clid_hr->{$tagnameid} = $clid;
+	}
+	# Tagnames with unspecified clout type get a reduced form
+	# of some other clout type.
+	my $default_clout_clid = $constants->{tags_unknowntype_default_clid} || 1;
+	my $default_clout_mult = $constants->{tags_unknowntype_default_mult} || 0.3;
+	# Get clouts for all users referenced.
+	my $user_clout_hr = { };
 	my %uid = map { ($_->{uid}, 1) } @$ar;
-	my @uids = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %uid;
-	my $uids_in_str = join(',', @uids);
-	my $clid = $self->getCloutTypes()->{$clout_type};
-if (!$clid) { use Carp; Carp::cluck("no clid for addCloutsToTagArrayref '$clout_type'"); }
-	my $clout_info = $self->getCloutInfo()->{$clid};
-if (!$clout_info) { use Carp; Carp::cluck("getCloutInfo returned false for clid=$clid") }
-	my $uid_info_hr = $self->sqlSelectAllHashref(
-		'uid',
-		'users.uid AS uid, seclev, karma, tag_clout,
-			UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created_at) AS created_at_ut,
-		 clout',
-		"users,
-		 users_info LEFT JOIN users_clout
-			ON (users_info.uid=users_clout.uid AND clid=$clid)",
-		"users.uid=users_info.uid AND users.uid IN ($uids_in_str)");
-#print STDERR "uids_in_str='$uids_in_str'\n";
-	my $uid_clout_hr = { };
-	for my $uid (keys %$uid_info_hr) {
-		if (defined $uid_info_hr->{$uid}{clout}) {
-			$uid_clout_hr->{$uid} = $uid_info_hr->{$uid}{clout};
-		} else {
-			# There's a default clout for users who don't have
-			# the clout type in question.  Use it.
-			my %user_stub = %{ $uid_info_hr->{$uid} };
-#			my $user_stub = {
-#				uid		=> $uid,
-#				seclev		=> $uid_info_hr->{$uid}{seclev},
-#				karma		=> $uid_info_hr->{$uid}{karma},
-#				tag_clout	=> $uid_info_hr->{$uid}{tag_clout},
-#				created_at_ut	=> $uid_info_hr->{$uid}{created_at_ut},
-#			}
-			# XXX this stub is good enough for now but we may
-			# need the whole actual getUser() user at some
-			# future time
-			my $clout = getObject($clout_info->{class}, { db_type => 'reader' });
-			$uid_clout_hr->{$uid} = $clout->getUserClout(\%user_stub);
-		}
+	for my $uid (keys %uid) {
+		# XXX getUser($foo, 'clout') does not work at the moment,
+		# so getUser($foo)->{clout} is used instead
+		$user_clout_hr->{$uid} = $self->getUser($uid)->{clout};
+	my $clout_types = $self->getCloutTypes();
 	for my $tag_hr (@$ar) {
 		$tag_hr->{tag_clout}     = defined($tag_clout_hr    ->{$tag_hr->{tagid}})
 						 ? $tag_clout_hr    ->{$tag_hr->{tagid}}
@@ -652,8 +697,14 @@
 		$tag_hr->{tagname_clout} = defined($tagname_clout_hr->{$tag_hr->{tagnameid}})
 						 ? $tagname_clout_hr->{$tag_hr->{tagnameid}}
 						 : 1;
-		$tag_hr->{user_clout}    =	   $uid_clout_hr    ->{$tag_hr->{uid}};
-#print STDERR "uc='$tag_hr->{user_clout}' for uid '$tag_hr->{uid}' for " . Dumper($tag_hr) if !defined $tag_hr->{user_clout};
+		my $mult = 1;
+		my $tagname_clid = $tagname_clid_hr->{$tag_hr->{tagnameid}};
+		if (!$tagname_clid) {
+			$mult = $default_clout_mult;
+			$tagname_clid = $default_clout_clid;
+		}
+		my $tagname_clout_name = $clout_types->{ $tagname_clid };
+		$tag_hr->{user_clout}    = $mult * $user_clout_hr   ->{$tag_hr->{uid}}{$tagname_clout_name};
 		$tag_hr->{total_clout} = $tag_hr->{tag_clout} * $tag_hr->{tagname_clout} * $tag_hr->{user_clout};
@@ -787,7 +838,7 @@
 sub getAllObjectsTagname {
-	my($self, $name, $clout_type, $options) = @_;
+	my($self, $name, $options) = @_;
 #	my $mcd = undef;
 #	my $mcdkey = undef;
 #	if (!$options->{include_private}) {
@@ -807,7 +858,7 @@
 		"tagnameid=$id AND inactivated IS NULL $private_clause",
 		'ORDER BY tagid');
-	$self->addCloutsToTagArrayref($hr_ar, $clout_type);
+	$self->addCloutsToTagArrayref($hr_ar);
 #	if ($mcd) {
 #		my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
 #		my $secs = $constants->{memcached_exptime_tags_brief} || 300;
@@ -824,6 +875,29 @@
+sub getWorstAdminCmdtype {
+	my($self, $tagnameid, $globjid) = @_;
+	$globjid ||= 0;
+	my $ar = $self->getTagnameAdmincmds($tagnameid, $globjid);
+	my $worst = '';
+	my $worst_count = 0;
+	for my $hr (@$ar) {
+		my $cmdtype = $hr->{cmdtype};
+		     if ($cmdtype eq '_' && $worst_count == 0) {
+			$worst = '_';
+		} elsif ($cmdtype =~ /^[*)]$/ && $worst eq '') {
+			$worst = $cmdtype;
+		} elsif ($cmdtype =~ /^\#+$/) {
+			my $count = $cmdtype =~ tr/#/#/;
+			if ($count > $worst_count) {
+				$worst = $cmdtype;
+				$worst_count = $count;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return $worst;
 sub getTagnameAdmincmds {
 	my($self, $tagnameid, $globjid) = @_;
 	return [ ] if !$tagnameid;
@@ -1255,8 +1329,22 @@
 	$summ->{n_viewed} = scalar grep { $_->{tagname} eq $viewed_tagname } @$tags_ar;
 	$tags_ar = [ grep { $_->{tagname} ne $viewed_tagname } @$tags_ar ];
-	$tags_reader->addRoundedCloutsToTagArrayref($tags_ar, 'describe');
+	$tags_reader->addRoundedCloutsToTagArrayref($tags_ar);
+	my $clout_types = $tags_reader->getCloutTypes();
+	for my $tag (@$tags_ar) {
+		my $clid = $tags_reader->getTagnameidClid($tag->{tagnameid});
+		$tag->{clout_code} = $clid
+			? uc( substr( $clout_types->{$clid}, 0, 1) )
+			: '';
+		my $cmd = $tags_reader->getWorstAdminCmdtype($tag->{tagnameid}, $tag->{globjid});
+		if (!$tag->{clout_code}) {
+			$tag->{clout_code} = $cmd;
+		} elsif ($cmd) {
+			$tag->{clout_code} = "$tag->{clout_code} $cmd";
+		}
+	}
 	my $tagboxdb = getObject('Slash::Tagbox');
 	if (@$tags_ar && $globjid && $tagboxdb) {
 		my $fhs = getObject('Slash::Tagbox::FireHoseScores');
@@ -1593,7 +1681,7 @@
 sub listTagnamesActive {
-	my($self, $clout_type, $options) = @_;
+	my($self, $options) = @_;
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
 	my $max_num =         $options->{max_num}         || 100;
 	my $seconds =         $options->{seconds}         || (3600*6);
@@ -1643,7 +1731,7 @@
 		 AND IF(tagname_params.value IS NULL, 1, tagname_params.value) > 0
 	return [ ] unless $ar && @$ar;
-	$self->addCloutsToTagArrayref($ar, $clout_type);
+	$self->addCloutsToTagArrayref($ar);
 	# Sum up the clout for each tagname, and the median time it
 	# was seen within the interval in question.
@@ -1701,7 +1789,7 @@
 sub listTagnamesRecent {
-	my($self, $clout_type, $options) = @_;
+	my($self, $options) = @_;
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
 	my $seconds =         $options->{seconds}         || (3600*6);
 	my $include_private = $options->{include_private} || 0;
@@ -1908,7 +1996,7 @@
 		"tagnameid IN ($tagnameids_of_interest_str)
 		 AND created_at >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $secsback SECOND)");
-	$self->addCloutsToTagArrayref($tags_ar, 'describe');
+	$self->addCloutsToTagArrayref($tags_ar);
 	my %tagnameid_weightsum = ( );
 	my %t_globjid_weightsum = ( );
 	# Admins will care less about new tagnames applied to data types other

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/mysql_dump.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/mysql_dump.sql	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/mysql_dump.sql	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_stories_lastscanned', '0', 'The last tagid scanned to update stories');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_stories_top_minscore', '2', 'Minimum score a tag must have to make it into the top tags for a story');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_udc_daysback', '182', 'Days back to crunch numbers for tags_udc related tables, should be a multiple of 7');
+INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_unknowntype_default_clid', '1', 'For tags of unknown type, which clout id do we pretend they are?');
+INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_unknowntype_default_mult', '0.3', 'For tags of unknown type, what multiplier do we give to the tagging user clout or type tags_unknowntype_default_clid?');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_urls_examples_pre', 'plus minus binspam', 'Example tags for urls');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_urls_examples', '', 'Example tags for urls');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_urls_lastscanned', '0', 'The last tagid scanned to update urls');

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/taghistory;misc;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/taghistory;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/taghistory;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -27,16 +27,17 @@
 <table class="data">
 [% toggle = 1 %]
 [% IF tags.size > 0 %]
-	<tr class="data_hl0"><td colspan="6">Viewed by [% summary.n_viewed %]</td></tr>
-	<tr class="data_hl0"><td colspan="6">
+	<tr class="data_hl0"><td colspan="7">Viewed by [% summary.n_viewed %]</td></tr>
+	<tr class="data_hl0"><td colspan="7">
 		[% constants.tags_upvote_tagname %]: [% summary.up_count %] [% summary.up_pop %]
 		(ed: [% summary.up_count_ed %])</td></tr>
-	<tr class="data_hl0"><td colspan="6">
+	<tr class="data_hl0"><td colspan="7">
 		[% constants.tags_downvote_tagname %]: [% summary.down_count %] [% summary.down_pop %]
 		(ed: [% summary.down_count_ed %])</td></tr>
 	[% FOREACH tag = tags %]
 		<tr class="data_hl[% toggle %]">
 			[% nickname = Slash.db.getUser(tag.uid, "nickname") %]
+			<td align=left>[% tag.clout_code %]</td>
 			<td>[% tag.tagname %]</td>
 			<td align=left>[% tag.tag_clout %]</td>
 			<td align=left>[% tag.tagname_clout %]</td>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cur_performance_stats_lastid', '0', 'accesslogid to start searching at');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cur_performance_stats_weeks', '8', 'number of weeks back to compare current stats to');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('currentqid',1,'The Current Question on the homepage pollbooth');
-INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode','T_2_5_0_195','The current cvs tag that the code was updated to - this does not affect site behavior but may be useful for your records');
+INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode','T_2_5_0_196','The current cvs tag that the code was updated to - this does not affect site behavior but may be useful for your records');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('datadir','/usr/local/slash/www.example.com','What is the root of the install for Slash');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('db_auto_increment_increment','1','If your master DB uses auto_increment_increment, i.e. multiple master replication, echo its value into this var');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('dbsparklines_disp','0','Display dbsparklines in the currentAdminUsers box?');

Modified: slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades
--- slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -5129,10 +5129,6 @@
 # 2008-02-07
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_193' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
 ALTER TABLE users MODIFY newpasswd varchar(32) default '', ADD COLUMN newpasswd_ts datetime DEFAULT NULL AFTER newpasswd;
 UPDATE users SET newpasswd=MD5(newpasswd), newpasswd_ts=NOW() WHERE newpasswd IS NOT NULL;
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('mailpass_valid_days','3','A mailed newpasswd is expired after this many days');
@@ -5140,6 +5136,8 @@
 # 2008-02-13
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_194' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
 # For sites *without* plugins/Tags
 DELETE FROM clout_types;
@@ -5149,3 +5147,12 @@
 # 2008-02-20
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_195' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
+# for plugins/Tags
+INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_unknowntype_default_clid', '1', 'For tags of unknown type, which clout id do we pretend they are?');
+INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tags_unknowntype_default_mult', '0.3', 'For tags of unknown type, what multiplier do we give to the tagging user clout or type tags_unknowntype_default_clid?');
+# 2008-02-28
+UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_196' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';

Modified: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/Top.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/Top.pm	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/Top.pm	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
 		$options->{days_back} = $days_back;
 	my $tag_ar = $tagsdb->getTagsByGlobjid($affected_id, $options);
-	$tagsdb->addCloutsToTagArrayref($tag_ar, 'describe');
+	$tagsdb->addCloutsToTagArrayref($tag_ar);
 	main::tagboxLog("Top->run called for $affected_id, " . scalar(@$tag_ar) . " tags");
 	# Generate the space-separated list of the top 5 scoring tags.

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/comments.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/comments.pl	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/comments.pl	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -532,299 +532,6 @@
-# Validate comment, looking for errors
-sub validateComment {
-	my($comm, $subj, $error_message, $preview, $wsfactor) = @_;
-	$wsfactor ||= 1;
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $moddb = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}");
-	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my $form_success = 1;
-	my $message = '';
-	if (!dbAvailable("write_comments")) {
-		$$error_message = getError('comment_db_down');
-		$form_success = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	my $srcids_to_check = $user->{srcids};
-	# We skip the UID test for anonymous users (anonymous posting
-	# is banned by setting nopost for the anonymous uid, and we
-	# want to check that separately elsewhere).  Note that
-	# checking the "post anonymously" checkbox doesn't eliminate
-	# a uid check for a logged-in user.
-	delete $srcids_to_check->{uid} if $user->{is_anon};
-	# If the user is anonymous, or has checked the 'post anonymously'
-	# box, check to see whether anonymous posting is turned off for
-	# this srcid.
-	my $read_only = 0;
-	$read_only = 1 if ($user->{is_anon} || $form->{postanon})
-		&& $reader->checkAL2($srcids_to_check, 'nopostanon');
-	# Whether the user is anonymous or not, check to see whether
-	# all posting is turned off for this srcid.
-	$read_only ||= $reader->checkAL2($srcids_to_check, 'nopost');
-	# If posting is disabled, return the error message.
-	if ($read_only) {
-		$$error_message = getError('readonly');
-		$form_success = 0;
-		# editComment('', $$error_message), return unless $preview;
-		return;
-	}
-	# New check (March 2004):  depending on the settings of
-	# a var and whether the user is posting anonymous, we
-	# might scan the IP they're coming from to see if we can use
-	# some commonly-used proxy ports to access our own site.
-	# If we can, they're coming from an open HTTP proxy, which
-	# we don't want to allow to post.
-	if ($constants->{comments_portscan}
-		&& ( $constants->{comments_portscan} == 2
-			|| $constants->{comments_portscan} == 1 && $user->{is_anon} )
-	) {
-		my $is_trusted = $slashdb->checkAL2($user->{srcids}, 'trusted');
-		if (!$is_trusted) {
-#use Time::HiRes; my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time;
-			my $is_proxy = $slashdb->checkForOpenProxy($user->{hostip});
-#my $elapsed = sprintf("%.3f", Time::HiRes::time - $start_time); print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " comments.pl cfop returned '$is_proxy' for '$user->{hostip}' in $elapsed secs\n";
-			if ($is_proxy) {
-				$$error_message = getError('open proxy', {
-					unencoded_ip	=> $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR},
-					port		=> $is_proxy,
-				});
-				$form_success = 0;
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	# New check (July 2002):  there is a max number of posts per 24-hour
-	# period, either based on IPID for anonymous users, or on UID for
-	# logged-in users.  Logged-in users get a max number of posts that
-	# is related to their karma.  The comments_perday_bykarma var
-	# controls it (that var is turned into a hashref in MySQL.pm when
-	# the vars table is read in, whose keys we loop over to find the
-	# appropriate level).
-	# See also comments_maxposts in formkeyErrors - Jamie 2005/05/30
-	my $min_cid_1_day_old = $slashdb->getVar('min_cid_last_1_days','value', 1) || 0;
-	if (($user->{is_anon} || $form->{postanon}) && $constants->{comments_perday_anon}
-		&& !$user->{is_admin}) {
-		my($num_comm, $sum_mods) = $reader->getNumCommPostedAnonByIPID(
-			$user->{ipid}, 24, $min_cid_1_day_old);
-		my $num_allowed = $constants->{comments_perday_anon};
-		if ($sum_mods - $num_comm + $num_allowed <= 0) {
-			$$error_message = getError('comments post limit daily', {
-				limit => $constants->{comments_perday_anon}
-			});
-			$form_success = 0;
-			return;
-		}
-	} elsif (!$user->{is_anon} && $constants->{comments_perday_bykarma}
-		&& !$user->{is_admin}) {
-		my($num_comm, $sum_mods) = $reader->getNumCommPostedByUID(
-			$user->{uid}, 24, $min_cid_1_day_old);
-		my $num_allowed = 9999;
-		K_CHECK: for my $k (sort { $a <=> $b }
-			keys %{$constants->{comments_perday_bykarma}}) {
-			if ($user->{karma} <= $k) {
-				$num_allowed = $constants->{comments_perday_bykarma}{$k};
-				last K_CHECK;
-			}
-		}
-		if ($sum_mods - $num_comm + $num_allowed <= 0) {
-			$$error_message = getError('comments post limit daily', {
-				limit => $num_allowed
-			});
-			$form_success = 0;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if (isTroll()) {
-		if ($constants->{comment_is_troll_disable_and_log}) {
-			$user->{state}{is_troll} = 1;
-		} else {
-			$$error_message = getError('troll message', {
-				unencoded_ip => $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}      
-			});
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if ($user->{is_anon} || $form->{postanon}) {
-		my $uid_to_check = $user->{uid};
-		if (!$user->{is_anon}) {
-			$uid_to_check = getCurrentAnonymousCoward('uid');
-		}
-		if (!$slashdb->checkAllowAnonymousPosting($uid_to_check)) {
-			$$error_message = getError('anonymous disallowed');
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!$user->{is_anon} && $form->{postanon} && $user->{karma} < 0) {
-		$$error_message = getError('postanon_option_disabled');
-		return;
-	}
-	my $post_restrictions = $reader->getNetIDPostingRestrictions("subnetid", $user->{subnetid});
-	if ($user->{is_anon} || $form->{postanon}) {
-		if ($post_restrictions->{no_anon}) {
-			my $logged_in_allowed = !$post_restrictions->{no_post};
-			$$error_message = getError('troll message', {
-				unencoded_ip 		=> $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR},
-				logged_in_allowed 	=> $logged_in_allowed      
-			});
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!$user->{is_admin} && $post_restrictions->{no_post}) {
-		$$error_message = getError('troll message', {
-			unencoded_ip 		=> $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR},
-		});
-		return;
-	}
-	$$subj =~ s/\(Score(.*)//i;
-	$$subj =~ s/Score:(.*)//i;
-	$$subj =~ s/&(#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+);?/approveCharref($1)/sge;
-	for ($$comm, $$subj) {
-		my $d = decode_entities($_);
-		$d =~ s/&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;//g;	# remove entities we don't know
-		if ($d !~ /\w/) {		# require SOME non-whitespace
-			$$error_message = getError('no body');
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	unless (defined($$comm = balanceTags($$comm, { deep_nesting => 1 }))) {
-		# only time this should return an error is if the HTML is busted
-		$$error_message = getError('broken html');
-		return ;
-	}
-	my $dupRows = $slashdb->findCommentsDuplicate($form->{sid}, $$comm);
-	if ($dupRows) {
-		$$error_message = getError('duplication error');
-		$form_success = 0;
-		return unless $preview;
-	}
-	my $kickin = $constants->{comments_min_line_len_kicks_in};
-	if ($constants->{comments_min_line_len} && length($$comm) > $kickin) {
-		my $max_comment_len = $constants->{default_maxcommentsize};
-		my $check_prefix = substr($$comm, 0, $max_comment_len);
-		my $check_prefix_len = length($check_prefix);
-		my $min_line_len_max = $constants->{comments_min_line_len_max}
-			|| $constants->{comments_min_line_len}*2;
-		my $min_line_len = $constants->{comments_min_line_len}
-			+ ($min_line_len_max - $constants->{comments_min_line_len})
-				* ($check_prefix_len - $kickin)
-				/ ($max_comment_len - $kickin); # /
-		my $check_notags = strip_nohtml($check_prefix);
-		# Don't count & or other chars used in entity tags;  don't count
-		# chars commonly used in ascii art.  Not that it matters much.
-		# Do count chars commonly used in source code.
-		my $num_chars = $check_notags =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9?!(){}[]+='"@$-//;
-		# Note that approveTags() has already been called by this point,
-		# so all tags present are legal and uppercased.
-		my $breaktags = $constants->{'approvedtags_break'}
-		my $breaktags_1_regex = "<(?:" . join("|", @$breaktags) . ")>";
-		my $breaktags_2_regex = "<(?:" . join("|", grep /^(P|BLOCKQUOTE)$/, @$breaktags) . ")>";
-		my $num_lines = 0;
-		$num_lines++ while $check_prefix =~ /$breaktags_1_regex/gi;
-		$num_lines++ while $check_prefix =~ /$breaktags_2_regex/gi;
-		if ($num_lines > 3) {
-			my $avg_line_len = $num_chars/$num_lines;
-			if ($avg_line_len < $min_line_len) {
-				$$error_message = getError('low chars-per-line', {
-					ratio 	=> sprintf("%0.1f", $avg_line_len),
-				});
-				$form_success = 0;
-				return unless $preview;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	# Test comment and subject using filterOk and compressOk.
-	# If the filter is matched against the content, or the comment
-	# compresses too well, display an error with the particular
-	# message for the filter that was matched.
-	my $fields = {
-			postersubj 	=> 	$$subj,
-			postercomment 	=>	$$comm,
-	};
-	for (keys %$fields) {
-		# run through filters
-		if (! filterOk('comments', $_, $fields->{$_}, \$message)) {
-			$$error_message = getError('filter message', {
-					err_message	=> $message,
-			});
-			return unless $preview;
-			$form_success = 0;
-			last;
-		}
-		# run through compress test
-		if (! compressOk('comments', $_, $fields->{$_}, $wsfactor)) {
-			# blammo luser
-			$$error_message = getError('compress filter', {
-					ratio	=> $_,
-			});
-			return unless $preview;
-			$form_success = 0;
-			last;
-		}
-	}
-	if (	    $constants->{m1}
-		&& !$user->{is_anon}
-		&& !$form->{postanon}
-		&& !$form->{gotmodwarning}
-		&& !( $constants->{authors_unlimited}
-			&& $user->{seclev} >= $constants->{authors_unlimited} )
-		&& !$user->{acl}{modpoints_always}
-		&&  $moddb
-		&&  $moddb->countUserModsInDiscussion($user->{uid}, $form->{sid}) > 0
-	) {
-		$$error_message = getError("moderations to be lost");
-		$form_success = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	$$error_message ||= '';
-	# Return false if error condition...
-	return if ! $form_success;
-	# ...otherwise return true.
-	return 1;
 # Previews a comment for submission
 sub previewForm {
 	my($error_message, $discussion) = @_;
@@ -834,6 +541,7 @@
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
 	my $comment = preProcessComment($form, $user, $discussion, $error_message) or return;
+	return $$error_message if $comment eq '-1';
 	my $preview = postProcessComment({ %$comment, %$user }, 0, $discussion);
 	if ($constants->{plugin}{Subscribe}) {
@@ -856,25 +564,16 @@
 	my($form, $slashdb, $user, $constants, $discussion) = @_;
 	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	$form->{nobonus}  = $user->{nobonus}	unless $form->{nobonus_present};
-	$form->{postanon} = $user->{postanon}	unless $form->{postanon_present};
-	$form->{nosubscriberbonus} = $user->{nosubscriberbonus}
-						unless $form->{nosubscriberbonus_present};
 	my $header_emitted = 0;
-	my $sid = $form->{sid};
-	# Couple of rules on how to treat the discussion depending on how mode is set -Brian
-	$discussion->{type} = isDiscussionOpen($discussion);
-	if ($discussion->{type} eq 'archived') {
+	my $error_message;
+	my $comment = preProcessComment($form, $user, $discussion, \$error_message);
+	if ($comment eq '-1') { # die!
 		header('Comments', $discussion->{section}) or return;
-		print getError('archive_error');
+		print $$error_message;
-	my $error_message;
-	my $comment = preProcessComment($form, $user, $discussion, $error_message);
 	if (!$comment) {
 		# The comment did not validate.  We're not actually going to
 		# post the comment this time around, we are (probaly) just
@@ -903,232 +602,28 @@
 		titlebar("100%", getData('submitted_comment'));
-#print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " $$ E header_emitted=$header_emitted do_emit_html=$do_emit_html redirect_to=" . (defined($redirect_to) ? $redirect_to : "undef") . "\n";
+	my $saved_comment = saveComment($form, $comment, $user, $discussion, \$error_message);
-	# Set starting points to the AC's starting points, by default.
-	# If the user is posting under their own name, we'll reset this
-	# value (and add other modifiers) in a moment.
-	my $pts = getCurrentAnonymousCoward('defaultpoints');
-	my $karma_bonus = 0;
-	my $subscriber_bonus = 0;
-	my $tweak = 0;
-	if (!$user->{is_anon} && !$form->{postanon}) {
-		$pts = $user->{defaultpoints};
-		if ($constants->{karma_posting_penalty_style} == 0) {
-			$pts-- if $user->{karma} < 0;
-			$pts-- if $user->{karma} < $constants->{badkarma};
-                } else {
-			$tweak-- if $user->{karma} < 0;
-			$tweak-- if $user->{karma} < $constants->{badkarma};
-		}
-		# Enforce proper ranges on comment points.
-		my($minScore, $maxScore) =
-			($constants->{comment_minscore}, $constants->{comment_maxscore});
-		$pts = $minScore if $pts < $minScore;
-		$pts = $maxScore if $pts > $maxScore;
-		$karma_bonus = 1 if $pts >= 1 && $user->{karma} > $constants->{goodkarma}
-			&& !$form->{nobonus};
-		$subscriber_bonus = 1 if $constants->{plugin}{Subscribe}
-			&& $user->{is_subscriber}
-			&& (!$form->{nosubscriberbonus} || $form->{nosubscriberbonus} ne 'on');
+	if (!$saved_comment) {
+ 		if (!$header_emitted) {
+ 			header('Comments', $discussion->{section}) or return;
+ 		}
+ 		print $error_message if $error_message;
+ 		return;
-	my $posters_uid = $user->{uid};
-	if ($form->{postanon}
-		&& $reader->checkAllowAnonymousPosting()
-		&& $user->{karma} > -1
-		&& ($discussion->{commentstatus} eq 'enabled'
-			||
-		    $discussion->{commentstatus} eq 'logged_in')) {
-		$posters_uid = getCurrentAnonymousCoward('uid');
-	}
-#print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " $$ F header_emitted=$header_emitted do_emit_html=$do_emit_html\n";
-	my $clean_comment = {
-		subject		=> $comment->{subject},
-		comment		=> $comment->{comment},
-		sid		=> $comment->{sid},
-		pid		=> $comment->{pid},
-		ipid		=> $user->{ipid},
-		subnetid	=> $user->{subnetid},
-		uid		=> $posters_uid,
-		points		=> $pts,
-		tweak		=> $tweak,
-		tweak_orig	=> $tweak,
-		karma_bonus	=> $karma_bonus ? 'yes' : 'no',
-	};
-	if ($constants->{plugin}{Subscribe}) {
-		$clean_comment->{subscriber_bonus} = $subscriber_bonus ? 'yes' : 'no';
-	}
-	my $maxCid = $slashdb->createComment($clean_comment);
-	if ($constants->{comment_karma_disable_and_log}) {
-		my $post_str = "";
-		$post_str .= "NO_ANON " if $user->{state}{commentkarma_no_anon};
-		$post_str .= "NO_POST " if $user->{state}{commentkarma_no_post};
-		if ($posters_uid == $constants->{anonymous_coward_uid} && $user->{state}{commentkarma_no_anon}) {
-			$slashdb->createCommentLog({
-				cid	=> $maxCid,
-				logtext	=> "COMMENTKARMA ANON: $post_str"
-			});
-		} elsif ($posters_uid != $constants->{anonymous_coward_uid} && $user->{state}{commentkarma_no_post}) {
-			$slashdb->createCommentLog({
-				cid	=> $maxCid,
-				logtext	=> "COMMENTKARMA USER: $post_str"
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	if ($constants->{comment_is_troll_disable_and_log}) {
-		$slashdb->createCommentLog({
-			cid	=> $maxCid,
-			logtext	=> "ISTROLL"
-		});
-	}
-#print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " $$ G maxCid=$maxCid\n";
-	# make the formkeys happy
-	$form->{maxCid} = $maxCid;
-	$slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, {
-		'-expiry_comm'	=> 'expiry_comm-1',
-	}) if allowExpiry();
-	if ($maxCid == -1) {
-		# What vars should be accessible here?
-		if (!$header_emitted) {
-			header('Comments', $discussion->{section}) or return;
-		}
-		print getError('submission error');
-		return(0);
-	} elsif (!$maxCid) {
-		# This site has more than 2**32 comments.  Wow.
-		if (!$header_emitted) {
-			header('Comments', $discussion->{section}) or return;
-		}
-		print getError('maxcid exceeded');
-		return(0);
-	}
 	if ($do_emit_html) {
 		slashDisplay('comment_submit', {
 			metamod_elig => metamod_elig($user),
-	}
-	my $saved_comment = $slashdb->getComment($maxCid);
+ 		print $error_message if $error_message;
-	slashHook('comment_save_success', { comment => $saved_comment });
-	my $moddb = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}");
-	if ($moddb) {
-		my $text = $moddb->checkDiscussionForUndoModeration($sid);
-		print $text if $text;
-	}
-	if ($do_emit_html) {
-		printComments($discussion, $maxCid, $maxCid,
+		printComments($discussion, $saved_comment->{cid}, $saved_comment->{cid},
 			{ force_read_from_master => 1, just_submitted => 1 }
-	my $tc = $slashdb->getVar('totalComments', 'value', 1);
-	$slashdb->setVar('totalComments', ++$tc);
-	# This is for stories. If a sid is only a number
-	# then it belongs to discussions, if it has characters
-	# in it then it belongs to stories and we should
-	# update to help with stories/hitparade.
-	# -Brian
-	if ($discussion->{sid}) {
-		$slashdb->setStory($discussion->{sid}, { writestatus => 'dirty' });
-	}
-	$slashdb->setUser($clean_comment->{uid}, {
-		-totalcomments => 'totalcomments+1',
-	}) if !isAnon($clean_comment->{uid});
-	my($messages, $reply, %users);
-	my $kinds = $reader->getDescriptions('discussion_kinds');
-	if ($form->{pid}
-		|| $kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } =~ /^journal/
-		|| $constants->{commentnew_msg}) {
-		$messages = getObject('Slash::Messages');
-		$reply = $slashdb->getCommentReply($form->{sid}, $maxCid);
-	}
-	$clean_comment->{pointsorig} = $clean_comment->{points};
-	# reply to comment
-	if ($messages && $form->{pid}) {
-		my $parent = $slashdb->getCommentReply($sid, $form->{pid});
-		my $users  = $messages->checkMessageCodes(MSG_CODE_COMMENT_REPLY, [$parent->{uid}]);
-		if (_send_comment_msg($users->[0], \%users, $pts, $clean_comment)) {
-			my $data  = {
-				template_name	=> 'reply_msg',
-				subject		=> { template_name => 'reply_msg_subj' },
-				reply		=> $reply,
-				parent		=> $parent,
-				discussion	=> $discussion,
-			};
-			$messages->create($users->[0], MSG_CODE_COMMENT_REPLY, $data);
-			$users{$users->[0]}++;
-		}
-	}
-	# reply to journal
-	if ($messages && $kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } =~ /^journal/) {
-		my $users  = $messages->checkMessageCodes(MSG_CODE_JOURNAL_REPLY, [$discussion->{uid}]);
-		if (_send_comment_msg($users->[0], \%users, $pts, $clean_comment)) {
-			my $data  = {
-				template_name	=> 'journrep',
-				subject		=> { template_name => 'journrep_subj' },
-				reply		=> $reply,
-				discussion	=> $discussion,
-			};
-			$messages->create($users->[0], MSG_CODE_JOURNAL_REPLY, $data);
-			$users{$users->[0]}++;
-		}
-	}
-	# comment posted
-	if ($messages && $constants->{commentnew_msg}) {
-		my $users = $messages->getMessageUsers(MSG_CODE_NEW_COMMENT);
-		my $data  = {
-			template_name	=> 'commnew',
-			subject		=> { template_name => 'commnew_subj' },
-			reply		=> $reply,
-			discussion	=> $discussion,
-		};
-		my @users_send;
-		for my $usera (@$users) {
-			next if $users{$usera};
-			push @users_send, $usera;
-			$users{$usera}++;
-		}
-		$messages->create(\@users_send, MSG_CODE_NEW_COMMENT, $data) if @users_send;
-	}
-	if ($constants->{validate_html}) {
-		my $validator = getObject('Slash::Validator');
-		my $test = parseDomainTags($comment->{comment});
-		$validator->isValid($test, {
-			data_type	=> 'comment',
-			data_id		=> $maxCid,
-			message		=> 1
-		}) if $validator;
-	}
 	# OK -- if we make it all the way here, and there were
 	# no errors so no header has been emitted, and we were
 	# asked to redirect to a new URL, NOW we can finally
@@ -1148,40 +643,6 @@
-# Decide whether or not to send a given message to a given user
-sub _send_comment_msg {
-	my($uid, $uids, $pts, $C) = @_;
-	my $constants	= getCurrentStatic();
-	my $reader	= getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my $user	= getCurrentUser();
-	return unless $uid;			# no user
-	return if $uids->{$uid};		# user not already being msgd
-	return if $user->{uid} == $uid;		# don't msg yourself
-	my $otheruser = $reader->getUser($uid);
-	# use message_threshold in vars, unless user has one
-	# a message_threshold of 0 is valid, but "" is not
-	my $message_threshold = length($otheruser->{message_threshold})
-		? $otheruser->{message_threshold}
-		: length($constants->{message_threshold})
-			? $constants->{message_threshold}
-			: undef;
-	my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my $newpts = getPoints($C, $otheruser,
-		$constants->{comment_minscore}, $constants->{comment_maxscore},
-		$reader->countUsers({ max => 1 }), $mod_reader->getReasons,
-	);
-	# only if reply pts meets message threshold
-	return if defined $message_threshold && $newpts < $message_threshold;
-	return 1;
 sub moderate {
 	my($form, $slashdb, $user, $constants, $discussion) = @_;
 	my $moddb = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}");

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/images/comments.js
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/images/comments.js	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/images/comments.js	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -92,6 +92,15 @@
 //		if (doshort)
 		setShortSubject(cid, mode, cl);
 		existingdiv.className = existingdiv.className.replace(/full|hidden|oneline/, mode);
+		if (adTimerUrl) {
+			var addiv = fetchEl('comment_ad_' + cid);
+			if (addiv) {
+				if (mode == 'hidden')
+					addiv.style.display = 'none';
+				else
+					addiv.style.display = 'block';
+			}
+		}
 	if (placeholder)
@@ -771,6 +780,7 @@
 							this_id.className = this_id.className.replace(' newcomment', ' oldcomment');
+				last_updated_comments_index = last_updated_comments.length - 1;
 				for (var i = 0; i < update.new_cids_order.length; i++) {
 					var this_cid = update.new_cids_order[i];
@@ -809,8 +819,14 @@
 			if (do_update && highlight && last_updated_comments.length) {
-				last_updated_comments_index = last_updated_comments_index + 1;
-				setFocusComment(last_updated_comments[last_updated_comments_index], 1);
+				for (var i = last_updated_comments_index + 1; i < last_updated_comments.length; i++) {
+					last_updated_comments_index = i;
+					if (highlight > 1 && last_updated_comments.length > i && !isUnread(last_updated_comments[i]))
+						continue;
+					setFocusComment(last_updated_comments[i], 1);
+					break;
+				}
@@ -941,12 +957,76 @@
 	return false;
-// not used yet
-function replyTo(cid) {
-	var replydiv = fetchEl('replyto_' + cid);
+function editReply(pid) {
+	var replydiv = fetchEl('replyto_' + pid);
+	var reply = fetchEl('replyto_reply_' + pid);
+	var preview = fetchEl('replyto_preview_' + pid);
+	if (!replydiv || !reply || !preview)
+		return false;
-	replydiv.innerHTML = '';
+	preview.style.display = 'none';
+	reply.style.display   = 'block';
+	fetchEl('submit_' + pid).style.display  = 'none';
+	fetchEl('preview_' + pid).style.display = 'inline';
+function previewReply(pid) {
+	var replydiv = fetchEl('replyto_' + pid);
+	var reply = fetchEl('replyto_reply_' + pid);
+	var preview = fetchEl('replyto_preview_' + pid);
+	var msg = fetchEl('replyto_msg_' + pid);
+	var this_reskey = fetchEl('reskey_reply_' + pid);
+	var postercomment = fetchEl('postercomment_' + pid);
+	var postersubj = fetchEl('postersubj_' + pid);
+	if (!replydiv || !reply || !preview || !msg || !this_reskey)
+		return false;
+	var params = [];
+	params['op']  = 'comments_preview_reply';
+	params['pid'] = pid;
+	params['sid'] = discussion_id;
+	params['postersubj'] = postersubj.value;
+	params['postercomment'] = postercomment.value;
+	params['reskey'] = this_reskey.value;
+	// XXX disable Reply to This link 
+	msg.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
+	var handlers = {
+		onComplete: function(transport) {
+			msg.innerHTML = '';
+			json_handler(transport);
+			reply.style.display   = 'none';
+			preview.style.display = 'block';
+			// depends on error result
+			fetchEl('submit_' + pid).style.display  = 'inline';
+			fetchEl('preview_' + pid).style.display = 'none';
+		}
+	};
+	ajax_update(params, '', handlers);
+function replyTo(pid) {
+	var replydiv = fetchEl('replyto_' + pid);
+	if (!replydiv)
+		return false; // seems we shouldn't be here ...
+	var params = [];
+	params['op']  = 'comments_reply_form';
+	params['pid'] = pid;
+	params['sid'] = discussion_id;
+	replydiv.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
+	var handlers = {
+		onComplete: json_handler
+	};
+	ajax_update(params, '', handlers);
 	return false;
@@ -1090,7 +1170,7 @@
 	last_updated_comments = last_updated_comments.sort(numsort);
-	root_comments = root_comments.sort(numsort);
+	//root_comments = root_comments.sort(numsort);
 	if (1 || user_is_admin) {
 		if (window.addEventListener) // DOM method for binding an event
@@ -1377,8 +1457,8 @@
 function commentIsInWindow(cid) {
 	var in_window = isInWindow(fetchEl('comment_' + cid));
-	if (in_window && fetchEl('comment_body_' + cid))
-		in_window = isInWindow(fetchEl('comment_body_' + cid));
+	if (in_window && fetchEl('comment_sub_' + cid))
+		in_window = isInWindow(fetchEl('comment_sub_' + cid));
 	return in_window;
@@ -1770,6 +1850,7 @@
 next thread: S, K
 prev comm chrono: Q
 next comm chrono: E
+next unread comm: F
 var validkeys = {
@@ -1778,7 +1859,8 @@
 	W: { thread : 1, prev: 1 },
 	S: { thread : 1, next: 1 },
 	Q: { chrono : 1, prev: 1, comment: 1 },
-	E: { chrono : 1, next: 1, comment: 1 }
+	E: { chrono : 1, next: 1, comment: 1 },
+	F: { thread : 1, next: 1, comment: 1, unread: 1 },
 validkeys['H'] = validkeys['A'];
@@ -1854,9 +1936,18 @@
 					if (noSeeFirstComment(current_cid))
 						next_cid = current_cid;
 					else {
-						if (keyo['comment'])
+						if (keyo['unread'])
+							getNextUnread = 1;
+						if (keyo['comment']) {
 							next_cid = commTreeNextComm(current_cid, 0, getNextUnread);
-						else
+							if (!next_cid) {
+								if (ajaxCommentsWait())
+									return;
+								update = 2;
+								var highlight = 1 + getNextUnread;
+								ajaxFetchComments(0, 1, '', highlight);
+							}
+						} else
 							next_cid = commTreeNextComm(comments[current_cid].pid, current_cid, getNextUnread);
@@ -1901,7 +1992,7 @@
 		var this_cid;
 		if (!old_cid)
 			this_cid = kids[i];
-		else if (kids[i] == old_cid)
+		else if (kids[i] >= old_cid)
 			this_cid = kids[i+1];
 		if (this_cid) {
@@ -1959,12 +2050,13 @@
 function isUnread(cid) {
 	var this_id  = fetchEl('comment_top_' + cid);
 	if (this_id)
-		if (this_id.className.match(' oldcomment'))
+		if (this_id.className.match(' newcomment'))
+			return 1;
+		else
 			return 0;
-		else
-			return 1;
+// XXX should we climb all the way back up the tree if we find nothing?
 function getNextUnreadCid(cid) {
 	if (isUnread(cid))
 		return cid;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispLinkComment;misc;default
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispLinkComment;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispLinkComment;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 				op	=> 'Reply',
 				subject	=> 'Reply to This',
 				subject_only => 1,
-				#onclick	=> (discussion2 ? "return replyTo($cid)" : '')
+				onclick	=> ((discussion2 && user.test_code) ? "replyTo($cid); return false;" : '')
 			}) %]
 		[% END %]

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/help_anon;misc;default
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/help_anon;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/help_anon;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
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--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/help_main;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:05:15 UTC (rev 528)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/help_main;misc;default	2008-03-04 09:26:32 UTC (rev 529)
@@ -24,32 +24,32 @@
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@@ -61,43 +61,43 @@
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