[Slashdotjp-dev 1137] [664] * Change mobile mode default charset from Shift_JIS to UTF-8


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2008年 6月 19日 (木) 16:19:43 JST

Revision: 664
Author:   tach
Date:     2008-06-19 16:19:42 +0900 (Thu, 19 Jun 2008)

Log Message:
 * Change mobile mode default charset from Shift_JIS to UTF-8
 * Fix to specify correct ssi include file for mobile mode

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: slashjp/branches/
--- slashjp/branches/	2008-06-18 12:03:31 UTC (rev 663)
+++ slashjp/branches/	2008-06-19 07:19:42 UTC (rev 664)
@@ -437,6 +437,7 @@
 	(my $dir = $gSkin->{rootdir}) =~ s|^(?:https?:)?//[^/]+||;
 	my $hostname = $gSkin->{hostname};
 	my $page = $options->{Page} || $user->{currentPage} || 'misc';
+	$dir = $constants->{mobile_urlpath} if ($user->{mobile});
 	# if there's a special .inc header for this page, use it, else it's
 	# business as usual.

Modified: slashjp/branches/
--- slashjp/branches/	2008-06-18 12:03:31 UTC (rev 663)
+++ slashjp/branches/	2008-06-19 07:19:42 UTC (rev 664)
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@
   * Add to killing orphaned slashd child process when keepalive
   * Fix next_prev_stories selection code
     - Make same as mainpage story list
+  * Change mobile mode default charset from Shift_JIS to UTF-8
+  * Fix to specify correct ssi include file for mobile mode
- -- Taku YASUI <tach****@osdn*****>  Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:00:34 +0000
+ -- Taku YASUI <tach****@osdn*****>  Thu, 19 Jun 2008 07:18:22 +0000
 slash ( unstable; urgency=low

Modified: slashjp/branches/
--- slashjp/branches/	2008-06-18 12:03:31 UTC (rev 663)
+++ slashjp/branches/	2008-06-19 07:19:42 UTC (rev 664)
@@ -1145,8 +1145,9 @@
 INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('topiclist_dont_show_nexuses','1','Do not show nexus topics on topic list');
 INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('mobile_enabled','0','Use mobile mode (1: enable, 0: disable)');
 INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('mobile_useragent_regex','','User-Agent regex to force mobile mode');
-INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('mobile_encoding','Shift_JIS','Content encoding for mobile webpages (static html files)');
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('mobile_encoding','utf8','Content encoding for mobile webpages (static html files)');
 INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('mobile_staticdir','','Path for mobile static html files (disabled if empty)');
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('mobile_urlpath','/m','URL path for mobile static html files');
 INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('enable_template_evalperl','0','Add "EVAL_PERL" to Template option to be able to use "PERL" and "RAWPERL" directives');
 INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('related_cid_disabled','0','If set, then disable inserting cid to related story list');
 UPDATE vars SET value='text/html; charset=UTF-8' WHERE name='content_type_webpage';

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