[Slashdotjp-dev 913] [431] slash-backend, slash-frontend: change architecture to all


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2008年 1月 18日 (金) 17:43:25 JST

Revision: 431
Author:   tach
Date:     2008-01-18 17:43:25 +0900 (Fri, 18 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
slash-backend, slash-frontend: change architecture to all

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: slashjp/trunk/debian/control
--- slashjp/trunk/debian/control	2008-01-18 08:30:58 UTC (rev 430)
+++ slashjp/trunk/debian/control	2008-01-18 08:43:25 UTC (rev 431)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  Slash uses the combination apache+perl+mysql.
 Package: slash-backend
-Architecture: any
+Architecture: all
 Depends: slash-common, adduser, mysql-server-5.0 | mysql-server-4.1, libschedule-cron-perl, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}
 Description: The code that runs Slashdot - Backend server
  Slash -- Slashdot Like Automated Storytelling Homepage -- is an architecture
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
  Slash uses the combination apache+perl+mysql.
 Package: slash-frontend
-Architecture: any
+Architecture: all
 Depends: slash-common, adduser, libapache-mod-perl, libapache-request-perl, libgd-graph-perl, apache, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${perl:Depends}
 Description: The code that runs Slashdot - Frontend server settings
  Slash -- Slashdot Like Automated Storytelling Homepage -- is an architecture

Modified: slashjp/trunk/debian/rules
--- slashjp/trunk/debian/rules	2008-01-18 08:30:58 UTC (rev 430)
+++ slashjp/trunk/debian/rules	2008-01-18 08:43:25 UTC (rev 431)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	find . -name Makefile.old | xargs -r rm -f
+common-build-arch common-build-indep::
 	cd Slash && perl Makefile.PL
 	$(MAKE) -C Slash
 	set -e; for d in plugins/* tagboxes/*; do \
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 	  ) \
+common-install-arch common-install-indep::
 	$(MAKE) -C Slash install_vendor DESTDIR=$(DEB_DESTDIR)
 	for d in plugins/* tagboxes/*; do \
 	  test -f $$d/Makefile.PL \

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