[Slashdotjp-dev 986] [513] add tag


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2008年 2月 26日 (火) 19:37:12 JST

Revision: 513
Author:   tach
Date:     2008-02-26 19:37:12 +0900 (Tue, 26 Feb 2008)

Log Message:
add tag

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Copied: slashjp/tags/ (from rev 506, slashjp/trunk)

Deleted: slashjp/tags/
--- slashjp/trunk/INSTALL	2008-02-16 07:19:52 UTC (rev 506)
+++ slashjp/tags/	2008-02-26 10:37:12 UTC (rev 513)
@@ -1,1468 +0,0 @@
-    INSTALL - Slash Installation
-    This document describes how to install Slash, versions 2.2 and
-    pre-releases of 2.3 and 2.5. For instructions on installation or upgrade
-    of previous versions of Slash, see the INSTALL document included with
-    those distributions.
-    These instructions have only been tested on Linux. Installation under
-    BSD and other Unix OSes is doable, with minor glitches (see "BSD
-    Systems" below). Windows is not supported.
-    Slash can always be downloaded from SourceForge.net, from the FTP site,
-    and via CVS.
-            http://sf.net/projects/slashcode/
-            ftp://ftp.slashcode.com//pub/slashcode/
-            http://cvs.slashcode.com/
-    See the SourceForge.net page for patches and bug reports.
-  Which version should I use?
-    First of all: if you are using Slash 2.2.5 or before, including all
-    2.1.x, 2.0.x, and 1.x versions, you should upgrade to the latest version
-    in the 2.2 tree, 2.2.6, as soon as possible. There are security issues
-    with previous versions. You should not install previous versions.
-    As of this writing (August 2006), our last official release (2.2.6) was
-    long ago, and many features have been added since. All development has
-    been in CVS. If you are installing a new Slash site, you don't want to
-    use 2.2.6. And while you probably don't want to use the very latest CVS,
-    you almost certainly do want to use the latest "R_" tag available in
-    CVS. See "VERSIONS", "CVS tags", below, for advice on choosing and
-    maintaining a CVS installation.
-  Read, then install
-    We know you want to get right into the installation, but you must first
-    read, carefully, these sections of this INSTALL file:
-    *   REQUIREMENTS, to make sure you have the right hardware and software
-    *   "CVS tags," in VERSIONS, to make sure you have the right version of
-        this code
-    *   SECURITY NOTES, to keep your system safe
-    *   INSTALLATION (the longest section), to make sure you will be able to
-        finish what you start
-    And it's a good idea to at least skim:
-    Read those sections before you begin actually performing the steps in
-    This document also contains information on upgrading a Slash site (which
-    can be tricky), and uninstalling (which is easy).
-  Updates to this file
-    This INSTALL file you are currently reading may not be the latest.
-    Again, you probably don't want to upgrade your whole Slash checkout to
-    the very latest CVS. But if you encounter problems, it might not be a
-    bad idea to look over the very latest version of this INSTALL file,
-    which you can find at:
-    http://slashcode.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/slashcode/slash/INSTALL
-    The version of this file that you are currently reading is:
-    $Id$
-    If there are more recent versions of this file, you can find a list of
-    those changes at:
-    http://slashcode.cvs.sourceforge.net/slashcode/slash/INSTALL
-  Installation Note
-    All of the installation steps below should be executed as root. If this
-    is a problem, then Slash is probably not for you (see "Non-Root" below,
-    under "INSTALLATION OPTIONS"). Type carefully. Now's a good time to back
-    up anything important.
-  Installation Procedure
-    There are eight steps to installation. Anything already done can be
-    skipped -- but only if you have the correct version and configuration,
-    particularly with Apache/mod_perl.
-    1.  Install MySQL.
-        If it is already installed, doublecheck that its version is at least
-        the minimum required (see "REQUIREMENTS"). If you have questions
-        about the installation process, please refer to MySQL documentation.
-        Slash requires that your MySQL server run in the GMT timezome. Find
-        your global my.cnf file (probably "/etc/my.cnf" or
-        "/etc/mysql/my.cnf"), locate the "[mysqld_safe]" (or
-        "[safe_mysqld]") group, and add this line to it:
-                timezone = GMT
-        Start MySQL (it must be running for the installation of Slash and
-        some perl modules). Or, if it is already running, restart MySQL (if
-        you have other services using MySQL, you should probably stop and
-        start them -- make sure they are timezone-agnostic!).
-        Create a database to be used by Slash. Our default name is 'slash':
-                CREATE DATABASE slash;
-        Create a username/password that can access that database, and ensure
-        that user has at least privileges to select, insert, update, delete,
-        lock, create, drop, index and alter. For example, if your whole site
-        (slashd daemon and apache) will run on the same machine as your
-        mysql server, and you wanted to use the mysql username 'slash', you
-        might:
-                INDEX, ALTER, PROCESS ON slash.* TO 'slash'@'localhost'
-                IDENTIFIED BY (quoted password);
-        In this case, 'slash' would also be the name of your MySQL user as
-        described in "Types of Users" below. You'll have to give your MySQL
-        user to DBIx::Password when you install and configure it, so don't
-        forget it.
-    2.  Install perl.
-        Perl is likely already installed on your machine; doublecheck that
-        its version is at least the minimum required (see "REQUIREMENTS").
-        Also, check the "Libraries" (or "Debian libraries") section under
-        "REQUIREMENTS", below. You may need to install dev packages for not
-        only perl but mysql and expat as well and now's a good time to take
-        care of that.
-    3.  Install Apache and mod_perl.
-        You MUST install mod_perl and Apache as directed here. OK, that is
-        not strictly true, but unless you really know what you're doing,
-        just assume it's true. If you already have mod_perl installed, it is
-        probably not configured properly to work with Slash and you will
-        have to rebuild it.
-        If you are using the provided httpd.conf file from the slash
-        distribution, and find that Apache is giving you errors, chances are
-        mod_perl is not installed correctly, and you need to build it from
-        scratch. Not following this direction is one of the most common
-        reasons we see for a Slash install not working.
-        Of course, if you have your own Apache modules or build options, you
-        will need to modify the instructions here appropriately.
-        First, untar apache and mod_perl. Then, go to the mod_perl
-        directory, and have mod_perl build and install apache for you:
-                perl Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../where_you_have_apache/src \
-                        DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 PERL_MARK_WHERE=1 EVERYTHING=1 \
-                        APACHE_PREFIX=/where_apache_will_be_installed
-                make
-                make test
-                make install
-        NOTE: You may be unsuccessful with "make test" if the perl modules
-        are not yet installed. However, some perl modules will not install
-        without Apache and mod_perl installed. If you wish, skip "make
-        test", run "make install", install the perl modules in step 4, and
-        then come back and run "make test" here again to make sure
-        everything is OK.
-        NOTE: If you know what you're doing, Slash will work with a DSO
-        Apache. Be sure you're on the latest versions of Apache and mod_perl
-        and remember PERL_MARK_WHERE=1 and EVERYTHING=1.
-        NOTE: See also "Other requirements" under "REQUIREMENTS".
-        Ubuntu NOTE: In mid-2006 Ubuntu 6.x switched sh to point to dash
-        instead of bash, which apparently breaks the above step (because
-        dash's 'echo -E' isn't compliant enough for apache's 'configure').
-        We're looking into it, but for now apparently (temporarily) linking
-        /bin/sh to /bin/bash during this step is a workaround.
-        "dash-as-bin-sh" in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec (Update: this
-        appears to no longer be a problem, but if you encounter problems on
-        Ubuntu, check where your /bin/sh points.)
-    4.  Install the perl modules.
-        Slash is powerful and complex, and, rather than reinvent the wheel,
-        it often relies on CPAN modules. Open-source code reuse has many
-        advantages. One disadvantage is that installing all those modules
-        can be tricky, as you may be about to find out.
-        You could install each module in Bundle/Slash.pm by hand, but this
-        would be time-consuming. Instead, you'll want to install the bundle
-        "Bundle::Slash" using CPAN.
-            IMPORTANT NOTES (read through these first! really!):
-            Overall comment about CPAN module failure
-                It is possible that upon typing "install Bundle::Slash", you
-                will have one or more modules fail to install on the first
-                try. The rest of the modules will be successfully installed
-                but some won't. In that case you will want to fix the
-                problems and retype "install Bundle::Slash" to make sure
-                everything proceeds smoothly. Once that command gives you
-                just a long list of "Foo::Bar is up to date," you are done.
-                Until that point, you are not done; you must resolve the
-                errors.
-            Old Version of Bundle::Slash
-                If you have previously installed Bundle::Slash, you will
-                want to install it again, but you will need to delete the
-                existing version. Go to your .cpan/Bundle directory (usually
-                ~/.cpan/Bundle/) and remove Slash.pm.
-            Overactive CPAN
-                With some versions of the CPAN module, the module will try
-                to download and install the latest version of perl. Watch
-                what the module is doing; if it begins to download an entire
-                perl distribution, interrupt it (hit ctrl-C) until it stops,
-                then try again with the CPAN module. This should not be an
-                issue in the latest version of Bundle::Slash.
-            Uninstalling Old Modules
-                Sometimes, you will be installing a newer version of a
-                module that exists elsewhere on the system. You probably
-                want to tell the CPAN module to automatically remove older
-                files. To do that from the CPAN shell, type:
-                        cpan> o conf make_install_arg UNINST=1
-                And if you want that to be CPAN's default from now on, add:
-                        cpan> o conf commit
-            Automatically Installing Dependencies
-                Some of the modules in Bundle::Slash require other modules.
-                We have not put some of those other modules in Bundle::Slash
-                because, if those requirements change in the future, we
-                don't want to make future Slash sites install more than they
-                have to.
-                If you see this:
-                        ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during [FOO/Bar-1.23.tar.gz] -----
-                            Foobar::Baz
-                        Shall I follow them and prepend them to the queue
-                        of modules we are processing right now? [yes]
-                That's normal; just hit return.
-                If it annoys you to have to do this, edit the
-                "prerequisites_policy" field of your CPAN/Config.pm file.
-                Or, just do this to change it to automatically follow
-                dependencies and commit the change:
-                        cpan> o conf prerequisites_policy follow
-                        cpan> o conf commit
-            Additional Libraries
-                You must have certain libraries existing on your system
-                before building, for Compress::Zlib, XML::Parser, DBI and
-                DBD::mysql. See "Libraries" under "REQUIREMENTS", below.
-            BSD Systems
-                If running BSD, also install the BSD::Resource module. We
-                have heard reports of minor problems running Slash on BSD,
-                but you are welcome to try. See SLASH_PREFIX below, and
-                after the install, doublecheck the init scripts. If you have
-                to make changes to get it to work, send us patches or
-                detailed bug reports please: we want to support the BSDs.
-            DBIx::Password
-                When installing DBIx::Password, you will be asked for
-                various information, the same information used to create the
-                database and database user in Step 1. First, you'll be asked
-                for a virtual user name, which will be the identifier for
-                all of this data. You can just use the name of your site, or
-                any other alphanumeric string. This string will be your
-                "DBIx::Password virtual user" as described in "Types of
-                Users" below -- you will use this in other places, so don't
-                forget it.
-                Then you'll be asked for your DBI driver (mysql), the name
-                of the database you CREATEd in Step 1, its machine (maybe
-                'localhost' or an IP number) and port, and then the MySQL
-                user name you GRANTed privileges to in Step 1 and its
-                password.
-                Some perl modules you can hit return for defaults and
-                they'll work. This isn't one of them. If you don't
-                understand what you're doing here, don't fake it -- that's a
-                common reason for Slash installations failing.
-            Documentation
-                To read the README for any module, before or after
-                installing:
-                        cpan> readme MODULE
-                To read the documentation of any of the modules, once they
-                have been installed, type "perldoc MODULE" at the command
-                line.
-                See perlmodinstall for more information on installing perl
-                modules.
-        Now that you have read the above notes, you're ready to install the
-        perl modules.
-        To use the CPAN module, invoke the CPAN shell:
-                perl -MCPAN -e shell
-        (Or, you may have the program "cpan" already available, which does
-        the same thing.)
-        If this is the first time you've invoked CPAN, you will be asked to
-        configure it. Note that CPAN works best if most or all of these
-        helper programs are installed: bzip2 gzip tar unzip make curl lynx
-        wget ncftpget ncftp ftp gpg. If your OS installation is very anemic
-        and you lack most of them, you might ^C its questions, install the
-        missing programs, and then re-invoke the CPAN shell to restart
-        configuration.
-        It's probably a good idea here to install the latest version of the
-        CPAN module itself, along with all the helper modules it requires.
-        This is an optional step but may make the rest of module
-        installation easier:
-                cpan> install Bundle::CPAN
-        If you chose to do that, then afterwards, "exit" the CPAN and
-        reinvoke it. (The plain shell command "cpan" will probably now
-        work.)
-        Next, install some important networking modules. This is also
-        optional but, if there are problems with these modules, you'll want
-        to resolve them before moving on to the rest of the installation:
-                cpan> install Bundle::LWP
-        Make sure all those modules are installed and up to date before
-        proceeding. Note that Net::Cmd has a history of being a little
-        broken in its tests; if it fails on tests 8 and 9 of t/require, then
-        it's OK; just do "force install Net::Cmd" and repeat "install
-        Bundle::LWP".
-        Assuming you chose to install the LWP, then after it's been
-        configured successfully, again, "exit" the CPAN and reinvoke it.
-        Finally, you must install Bundle::Slash:
-                cpan> install Bundle::Slash
-        This will be a long process. Several modules will ask to be
-        configured during this process. Here are some tips:
-        DBI Don't worry about the threading warning. Slash doesn't use
-            threads.
-        DBIx::Password
-            See "DBIx::Password" under IMPORTANT NOTES above.
-        Apache::Test and Apache::Cookie
-            You will need "httpd" and "apxs" in your $PATH, and even if they
-            are there, you will probably see the lengthy error that starts
-            "Apache cannot spawn child processes as 'root'". This is
-            because, ironically, Apache::Test's self-tests are a colossal
-            pain to actually run (I take the option to skip them). And
-            personally I just "force install Apache::Cookie" which is lame
-            but solves the problem.
-        Template
-            The Template Toolkit is a complex install. Try accepting all the
-            defaults and see if it works. It has 90 test scripts with over
-            2000 tests, and installation will be halted if just 1 of these
-            tests fails. Do a "look Template" and try your best to resolve
-            the issues. The README includes a URL to the mailing list
-            archives, where you may find help. If you're getting 100 errors,
-            you need to fix them, but if you're down to 1 or 2 you can't
-            fix, you might just make a note of what the failures were and
-            just "force install Template".
-        Other failures
-            We can't predict whether bugs will appear in CPAN modules in
-            future. Often the bugs are not in the software proper, but in
-            its too-strictly coded test suites, which don't allow for
-            changed but still-legitimate output. When this happens, the
-            module itself is fine but it will not install unless forced. As
-            of October 2006, we've noticed the following module throw
-            spurious errors, requiring a "force install":
-                    HTML::CalendarMonth 1.18
-        If you have problems, feel free to re-run "install Bundle::Slash".
-        It will safely skip anything already installed.
-        Again: once you are able to do "install Bundle::Slash" and see
-        nothing but a long list of modules that are "up to date," you are
-        done. Until you see that, you are not done with this step!
-        If you wish to take full advantage of Slash, there are some plugins
-        not installed and vars not turned on by default, which provide
-        additional features, improve performance, or help in testing, which
-        require additional perl modules and sometimes non-perl libraries.
-        See the listing at the bottom of Bundle/Slash.pm, and see also the
-        tips in plugins/Admin/README, plugins/HumanConf/INSTALL-NOTES, and
-        plugins/Stats/README.
-    5.  Install Slash.
-        Unpack the distribution, go to the new directory that creates, and
-        type:
-                make
-                make install
-        Note: you will want the GNU versions of fileutils and make. Older
-        versions of install, and make and cp from other systems, might not
-        work.
-        There are a few options to "make" and "make install" you may want to
-        change.
-                option          default                 purpose
-                ==========================================================
-                SLASH_PREFIX    /usr/local/slash        Location for
-                                                        installed files
-                INIT            /etc or /etc/rc.d       Location for init
-                                                        scripts
-                USER            nobody                  User to own files
-                GROUP           nobody                  Group to own files
-                CP              cp                      Name of or path to
-                                                        alternate 'cp'
-                INSTALL         install                 Name of or path to
-                                                        alternate 'install'
-        (USER and GROUP can also be changed later on a per-site basis, in
-        step 6, while running "install-slashsite".)
-        So, for example, you might type (although the default SLASH_PREFIX
-        is *strongly* recommended):
-                make SLASH_PREFIX=/home/slash
-                make install SLASH_PREFIX=/home/slash
-        When done, a configuration file for Apache will be created at
-        $SLASH_PREFIX/httpd/slash.conf. You can put its contents into your
-        httpd.conf, or you can just "Include" it in your httpd.conf. You
-        must do one or the other!
-        WARNING!
-        Please be aware that if you include $SLASH_PREFIX/slash.conf or
-        $SLASH_PREFIX/sites/sitename/sitename.conf more than once, or if
-        this file shares contents with directives in httpd.conf, that your
-        Slash site WILL break. The directives in $SLASH_PREFIX/slash.conf
-        should be run only ONCE in any any site context. Read through
-        $SLASH_PREFIX/slash.conf to make sure it all looks proper.
-    6.  Install your Slash site.
-        At this point, you may want to (re)read "DBIx::Password" in
-        "SECURITY NOTES" at the end of this section, and consider the option
-        of installing your site with a custom unix system user and group for
-        added security. You will be prompted for user and group shortly.
-        Go to your installation directory (by default, /usr/local/slash) and
-        execute (where "VIRTUAL_USER" is the name of the virtual user given
-        in the DBIx::Password distribution):
-                bin/install-slashsite -u VIRTUAL_USER
-        The program will prompt for answers to several configuration
-        questions. Then it will install your site.
-        Another configuration file will be created at
-        $SLASH_PREFIX/$SITENAME/$SITENAME.conf, which will be "Include"'d in
-        $SLASH_PREFIX/httpd/slash.conf. You'll want to add an "Include" for
-        the latter in your Apache's httpd.conf if you haven't done so on a
-        previous site install.
-        If you are using virtual hosting by hostname, you may also need to
-        add a NameVirtualHost.
-        If you don't have your Slash site in the root of the web server
-        (e.g., http://www.example.com/mysite/ instead of the more usual
-        http://www.example.com/), you will need to adjust the rootdir,
-        rdfimage, imagedir, absolutedir, and cookiepath variables, and you
-        also need to change your Apache config appropriately. If you're
-        planning on having sections with more than two dots in the hostname
-        (e.g. your mainpage will be at http://division.company.com/ with a
-        section at http://newprojects.division.company.com/) you will also
-        want to set the cookiedomain var (e.g. to .division.company.com).
-        These are all in the vars table of your database.
-        NOTE: Read the message printed at the end of running
-        install_slashsite. Failure to pay attention here is another common
-        reason we see for Slash installations not working.
-    7.  Start it up.
-        After installation of the site is done, you'll need to start Apache.
-        Stop it if necessary, then start it:
-                apachectl stop
-                apachectl start
-        Use the apachectl script under the APACHE_PREFIX you specified in
-        step 3. Don't try its "restart" or "graceful" options, you'll need
-        to do a full stop and start.
-        Then run slashd. This should be done via the init script:
-                /etc/init.d/slash start
-        slashd is the daemon that runs routine maintenance on Slash sites,
-        including sending out daily mailings, cleaning up the database, and
-        updating stories. The init script above will start up an individual
-        slashd daemon process for each installed site (and while running,
-        they will spawn child processes, some of which may run for a long
-        time or until you stop slashd with "slash stop").
-        Now's a good time to (re)read the "SECURITY NOTES" section at the
-        end of this file.
-    8.  Stay in touch.
-        For as long as you are running a Slash site, you should stay on our
-        "slashcode-announce" mailing list, to receive notification of
-        security issues (and, rarely, other major news of interest to Slash
-        admins). You can sign up at:
-                https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/slashcode-announce
-        You may wish to subscribe to "slashcode-general", for discussion of
-        running Slash sites. This list probably averages 1-2 emails a day,
-        mostly on administration issues, and bugs and features in Slash.
-                https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/slashcode-general
-        You may also wish to create a user on slashcode.com and subscribe to
-        its daily newsletter. If/when news is posted to that site, you'll be
-        in the loop.
-        If you want to register your new site, feel free to do so at
-        http://slashcode.com/sites.pl.
-  Multiple Servers
-    You can, of course, have a separate database server from your Slash
-    server. Further, you can have multiple web servers for one Slash site,
-    and a good thing too because web server RAM/CPU will probably be your
-    first bottleneck as your site grows.
-    Slashdot has one primary server with all of the code (Apache, perl,
-    etc.) in /usr/local. That server runs slashd and NFS. Our slashd writes
-    directly to its /usr/local/slash. Each web server mounts /usr/local
-    read-only over NFS. (Yes, NFS has a reputation for being flaky, but
-    we've never had a problem with it, which we attribute both to good
-    sysadmins and to only exporting our filesystem read-only.)
-    Some notes:
-    *   Make sure the MySQL server allows the user to log in from each web
-        server, and the slashd server.
-    *   Make sure, if you use the same httpd tree on all machines, that the
-        httpd.conf is listening to the proper IP addresses. This can be done
-        by putting all of the IP addresses in the conf file, or by having a
-        separate Listen file on each machine. Similarly, make sure that each
-        web server's logfiles are unique to each machine, not written to the
-        NFS volume.
-  Virtual Hosts
-    Slash has support for virtual hosts, so you can have multiple Slash
-    sites on one machine. Simply execute step 6 in the install process for
-    each Slash site (after adding a new virtual user to DBIx::Password for
-    each).
-  SSL
-    In Slash, there are two variables for the root URL of the site.
-    absolutedir is the full URL, including protocol, while rootdir is the
-    URL without protocol:
-            absolutedir     http://slashcode.com
-            rootdir         //slashcode.com
-    absolutedir is used only for creating external links to the site (such
-    as in RSS files). rootdir is used for internal links; that way, you can
-    use the same HTML pages for SSL and non-SSL. You don't have to do
-    anything special to the code or preferences to allow it to work with SSL
-    by itself, SSL and non-SSL together, or non-SSL by itself.
-  Non-Root
-    It is theoretically possible to install and run everything here without
-    root.
-    It is not easy. If you don't know your flavor of unix intimately, we
-    don't recommend trying this.
-    Describing the process for a non-root install would take up significant
-    space and time, having to account for differences in various systems,
-    and all the workarounds necessary for it to work. We don't support it,
-    and we're not going to document it.
-    If you must have a non-root install, consult the various documentation
-    for Apache, MySQL, and perl about running and installing without root
-    access. Then, for Slash, you need to set the make variables PREFIX,
-    SLASH_PREFIX, and INIT appropriately for your needs.
-    Note: Slash sites (or, more accurately, Apache + mod_perl and MySQL)
-    take up a lot of system resources. It is *not advisable* for anyone to
-    run Slash on any system, without the permission of the administrator of
-    that system.
-  Memcached
-    Memcached is not required, but Slash includes optimizations that move
-    load from your (expensive) MySQL server to a (very cheap) memcached
-    server or servers. If you are concerned about performance, this is one
-    of the first options to install. You can probably install it using your
-    operating system's package management, and/or see
-    http://www.danga.com/memcached/.
-    A 64 or 128 MB memcached instance should be plenty for moderate-sized
-    Slash sites. Just set the vars 'memcached', 'memcached_keyprefix', and
-    'memcached_servers', and restart apache and slashd. That's it.
-    (As of August 2006, Slashdot uses a total of 2 GB of memcached, but
-    that's in small allocations spread across many servers because we like
-    redundancy. Last I checked the 2 GB wasn't even half full.)
-  Separate Image Server
-    Those of you with infinite RAM will have no problems hosting as many
-    Slash sites as you want on a single box running just Apache. Those whose
-    RAM is limited may be able to keep your MaxClients down to a reasonable
-    level to avoid going into swap, and still not lock clients out of your
-    website, by using a separate webserver process to deliver your images.
-    This is possible with any website, of course, not just a Slash site, but
-    because Slash's httpd clients all have mod_perl, a lot of perl modules,
-    and a lot of templates all compiled into RAM, they are especially heavy.
-    While serving an image may take only a few milliseconds, which would you
-    rather have tied up on your computer for those milliseconds, 25 MB of
-    RAM or 5 MB?
-    Slashdot, and some other Slash sites we're hosting, are currently using
-    boa 0.94.14rc17 (http://www.boa.org/) for images. Boa is fast and has a
-    small footprint. It's easy to build ("./configure && make") but you have
-    to install it yourself by copying the binary and mkdir'ing a little tree
-    wherever you want it. We did roughly this. Your mileage may vary. This
-    sets up an alternate server just for images on port 8080, and sets
-    Slash's imagedir var to point to it. Your apache will still serve images
-    at the old URLs if anyone requests them, but nobody will, because your
-    site's pages will all point to boa:
-            # Install boa and set up its files.
-            cd /usr/local/src/boa-0.94.14rc17
-            ./configure && make
-            mkdir /usr/local/boa
-            mkdir /usr/local/boa/bin
-            mkdir /usr/local/boa/htdocs
-            cp -a src/{boa,boa_indexer,webindex.pl} /usr/local/boa/bin/
-            ln -s /usr/local/slash/site/mysite/htdocs/images /usr/local/boa/htdocs/images.mysite.com
-            touch /usr/local/boa/htdocs/favicon.ico
-            # Set up and edit boa conf file.
-            cp examples/boa.conf /usr/local/boa/
-            # At this point we patched /usr/local/boa/boa.conf, changing
-            # Port to 8080, ServerName to www.mysite.com, DocumentRoot to
-            # /usr/local/boa/htdocs, and commenting out the DirectoryIndex,
-            # DirectoryMaker, Alias and ScriptAlias directives.
-            # Start boa.
-            /usr/local/boa/bin/boa
-            # In mysql client:
-            # UPDATE vars SET value='//www.mysite.com:8080/images.mysite.com' WHERE name='imagedir';
-            # INSERT IGNORE INTO story_dirty SELECT stoid FROM stories WHERE in_trash='no';
-            # Restart apache, slashd;  let slashd rewrite .shtml files both
-            # recent and archived.
-    You'll probably also want to create a script in your init.d and rcN.d
-    directories so boa runs at startup along with apache.
-    Some of these upgrade procedures are still in testing. Please read them
-    entirely before beginning. We are not responsible for any loss of data
-    or functionality.
-  Slash 1.0 -> Slash 2.2
-    You've got a site running Slash 1.0, from 2001? We're so sorry to hear
-    that.
-    Please read the complete documentation of utils/slash1toslash2.2. We
-    believe it will convert your database from Slash 1.0 to a new Slash 2.2
-    database, but it hasn't been tested in some time. The program
-    documentation (which can be read with perldoc) details exactly what
-    process it follows to do the conversion, so you can attempt to do it by
-    hand if you prefer.
-  Slash 2.0 -> Slash 2.2
-    Slash 2.2 is a major upgrade from Slash 2.0. It takes a little bit of
-    work to get it going.
-    2.  Install Bundle::Slash. If you have done so previously, follow the
-        instructions for removing the existing version of Bundle::Slash
-        before proceeding.
-    3.  Apply this patch to your installed Slash::Install module (probably
-        easiest to hand-edit the file):
-          --- Install.pm~ Wed May  9 15:02:34 2001
-          +++ Install.pm  Fri Sep 28 12:44:41 2001
-          @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
-           sub writeTemplateFile {
-                  my($self, $filename, $template) = @_;
-                  open(FILE, '>' . $filename) or die "$! unable to open file $filename to write to";
-          -       for (keys %$template) {
-          +       for (qw(section description title page lang name template seclev)) {
-                          next if ($_ eq 'tpid');
-                          print FILE "__${_}__\n";
-                          $template->{$_} =~ s/\015\012/\n/g;
-    4.  Run "template-check" on your site, and make a note of every change
-        you've made to the standard templates. You will need to make those
-        changes again, manually, later.
-        This is unfortunately unavoidable, because templates include code
-        that changes significantly between releases. It is recommended that
-        you compile your changes into a THEME so they may easily be updated
-        and applied.
-    5.  Stop Apache and slashd on the target machine(s).
-    6   Install Slash.
-        If installing on a different machine ...
-        1   Install slash 2.2 as normal. Do not yet run "install-slashsite".
-        2   Make sure that from this machine, you can access not only the
-            database used for this installation, but the one used for the
-            old installation. You may wish to, instead of accessing that
-            database directly if it on another machine, dumping it and
-            adding it to your new database server under a different name.
-        3   Add a virtual user to DBIx::Password for the old installation.
-        If installing on the same machine ...
-        1   Create a new database for the new installation. You cannot use
-            the same database for both installations.
-        2   Add a new virtual user to DBIx::Password for the new database,
-            and update (and flush) MySQL privileges appropriately. You
-            cannot use the same virtual user for both installations.
-        3   It is highly recommended that you move /usr/local/slash (or
-            whatever your installation directory is) to a new location, such
-            as /usr/local/slash-old, and install a clean slash 2.2
-            installation. However, this is not necessary to do; you may
-            install slash 2.2 on top of the slash 2.0 installation.
-            The reason to not move anything is that you can keep any
-            customizations done (images, additional scripts and plugins,
-            static files, etc.). The reason to move it is so that everything
-            is clean. It is highly recommended that you move it, and then
-            manually copy back the pieces you want.
-        4   In any event, either move the old directory, or don't, and then
-            install slash 2.2 as normal. Do not yet run "install-slashsite".
-    7.  If you have plugins or themes from the old installation to install,
-        copy them over now. Warning: some plugins and themes might need to
-        be ported first. You may wish to deal with them later if they are
-        not yet ported to slash 2.2.
-    8.  Run "install-slashsite". Use the new virtual user.
-    9.  Copy over any files (images, FAQs, etc.) that need to be copied, if
-        necessary.
-    10. Run update script, utils/slash2toslash2.2. Read its instructions!
-    11. Update templates.
-    12. Doublecheck Apache configs (httpd/slash.conf,
-        site/sitename/sitename.conf). These configs have changed from the
-        last version. Read the comments and set them up as desired.
-    13. Start Apache.
-    14. Start slashd.
-  Slash 2.2.x -> Slash 2.2.y
-    Read all of this section before doing any of it.
-    The first thing to do is to, as per the instructions below under
-    INSTALLATION, unpack the latest distribution and run make and make
-    install with the proper arguments.
-    Overwriting Changes
-        This process will overwrite any customizations of your installed
-        modules, or customizations of the installed scripts in
-        /usr/local/slash/themes/ and /usr/local/slash/plugins/ (for themes
-        and plugins that come with Slash). If you ran "install-slashsite"
-        with the default option of using symlinks, and made customizations
-        to the originals instead of breaking the symlink and copying the
-        file over, then this will overwrite your changes.
-        If you did modify the original instead of a copy, then break the
-        symlink, copy over the original (as modified), and then continue.
-        The original will be copied over by the new version, and your
-        modified copy will remain intact.
-    Templates
-        With every update, there are changes to templates. But most people
-        will modify their templates. A relatively simple way to see what has
-        changed is to use template-tool and template-check. This procedure
-        should help most users deal with the integration of new templates
-        into an existing site (it will only work with the slashcode theme,
-        but a simple modification to the code of template-check can fix
-        that).
-        Dump
-            Use template-tool to dump your templates into an empty
-            directory.
-                    % mkdir templates
-                    % cd templates
-                    % template-tool -u VIRTUAL_USER -d
-            (Defaults to current directory.)
-        Compare
-            Use template-check to compare installed templates in
-            /usr/local/slash/themes/slashcode/ and /usr/local/slash/plugins/
-            against the templates that have been dumped.
-                    % template-check -u VIRTUAL_USER
-            (Defaults to current directory.)
-            This will use diff to show you the differences. You can either
-            go into the templates with a text editor (in another window) and
-            change the dumped ones by hand, edit them by hand in the
-            Template Editor via the web browser, or take a note of every
-            template you want to copy over your existing template.
-            After each directory of templates is done, hit "q" to continue
-            to the next plugin/theme.
-        Sync
-            If you made changes by hand via the web, you are done.
-            Otherwise, take the list of templates to update, and pass the
-            full filenames to template-tool (this will either be the
-            templates you modified by hand in the dump directory, or the
-            unmodified ones in the installation directories). You might need
-            to put each filename in quotes because of the ";" character in
-            the filenames. This will overwrite your existing template with
-            the new template.
-                    % template-tool -u VIRTUAL_USER -s LIST
-  Slash 2.2.6 -> Slash CVS
-    Use the sql/mysql/upgrades file; see "VERSIONS", "CVS tags", below. This
-    file is human-readable and very long. You can upgrade a 2.2.6 to the
-    latest CVS by methodically applying every step in this file, but it is
-    tedious and requires an engaged human brain reading the comments (i.e.,
-    don't "mysql slash < upgrades", that will fail miserably).
-  Slash CVS -> later Slash CVS
-    Again, use the sql/mysql/upgrades file (and the caveat just mentioned
-    still applies). Start from the CVS tag you left off at, and proceed to
-    the CVS tag you upgraded to (which should be the end of the file). If
-    you're not sure which tag you left off at, you might check the var
-    'cvs_tag_currentcode', which will contain the right value if you last
-    updated after September 2005.
-    In general, you should stop apache and slashd, do a "make install",
-    apply the upgrades file a line at a time for each Slash site, run
-    "template-tool -U -u virtusename" and "symlink-tool -U -u virtusername"
-    for each Slash site, and then start slashd and apache back up.
-  Software Requirements
-    Below, we list the main software components needed. The recommended
-    version is given. Usually this is the version we have done extensive
-    testing on, typically a version we have used on Slashdot for some time.
-    In parentheses we include (but do not recommend or support) the earliest
-    version we believe could work.
-    Perl
-        Version 5.8.7 (5.6.1).
-                http://www.cpan.org/
-    MySQL
-        Version 5.0.22 (4.0.12).
-                http://www.mysql.com/
-        MySQL 3.23.x is no longer supported, as of CVS tag T_2_5_0_33
-        (October 18, 2004). MySQL 4.0.x is not being actively updated by
-        MySQL AB except for security issues (though as far as we know it
-        still works fine), so we would recommend that you upgrade to at
-        least 4.1.x. At some point in the future we will switch over to some
-        syntaxes which have been recommended for some time which will break
-        on 4.0.x, so you'll have to upgrade to at least 4.1.x eventually
-        anyway. (You probably have until 2007 before we spring this on you.)
-        Slashdot ran on 4.1.x for a long time with no problems, so we now
-        recommend either that or 5.0.x. We have been testing on 5.0.x for
-        months, and as of this writing (August 2006), Slashdot has been
-        running on 5.0.18 and 5.0.22 for some time with no problems. For
-        what it's worth, we have found the MySQL upgrade process, even
-        between major versions, to be about as painless as we could have
-        imagined.
-    Apache
-        Version 1.3.34 (1.3.33).
-                http://httpd.apache.org/
-        Since most of Apache 1.3.x's recent releases included security
-        fixes, we wouldn't recommend running an earlier version. Slash is
-        not compatible with Apache 2.x and we have no plans to port to 2.x
-        (though we aren't excluding the possibility).
-    mod_perl
-        Version 1.29.
-                http://perl.apache.org/
-    memcached
-        Version 1.1.12 (1.1.11).
-        See "Memcached" above.
-    Sendmail or other mail transport agent
-        Refer to your OS distribution.
-    Perl module distributions
-        The latest version of each perl module is recommended. To download
-        and install them, use CPAN -- see "INSTALLATION", item 4, "Install
-        the perl modules."
-    Libraries
-        For Compress::Zlib, the zlib development library is required. For
-        XML::Parser, the expat library is required. If they are not present
-        on the system already, download and install them before installing
-        the modules.
-                http://www.gzip.org/zlib/
-                http://sf.net/projects/expat/
-        The current list of required perl modules can be found in the
-        Bundle/Slash.pm file. At its end we also list optional modules,
-        which may be required depending on your setup.
-    Debian libraries
-        On Debian Linux, or Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu, the
-        above libraries can be installed with:
-                apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev libexpat1 libexpat1-dev
-        Also on Debian, as of the current writing (July 2006), you will want
-        libperl-dev. DBD::mysql requires mysql_config and mysql.h; on Debian
-        stable, try libmysqlclient12 (and -dev) for 4.0.x and/or
-        libmysqlclient14 (and -dev) for 4.1.x. On testing or unstable, try
-        libmysqlclient15off and libmysqlclient15-dev.
-  Hardware Requirements
-    There are no specific hardware requirements.
-    Slash is designed to work well on multi-machine setups, with one or more
-    webheads that are separate from one or more MySQL DB machines. But for
-    low-load sites (1-5 pages/sec or slower), it can probably be run OK on a
-    single machine.
-    Apache (with mod_perl) and MySQL both take up a lot of RAM. Running a
-    complete system with 128MB might be possible, if you do some tuning of
-    the configuration, but a practical minimum of 256MB is recommended, and
-    you will be much happier with at least 1GB of RAM. See "INSTALLATION
-    OPTIONS", "Separate Image Server" for tips on saving some RAM.
-    Disk space depends on how busy you expect the site to be. Slash keeps a
-    small database -- even Slashdot's DB compresses down to a few GB. The
-    disk files as installed are under 0.5 GB, and grow predictably as
-    stories and comments are added (keep an eye on the site/foo/logs/
-    directory, too). A minimum of 1 GB of disk is recommended.
-    Necessary processor speed is also dependent on how busy the site is. A
-    Pentium II/400 equivalent is recommended, but obviously, the faster the
-    better.
-    For the curious, Slashdot (as of September 2001) runs on nine machines:
-    nine webservers (each is Pentium III/600, 1GB RAM, 9GB hard drive), one
-    NFS server (600MHz PIII, 1GB RAM), and three database servers (quad
-    600MHz PIII, 4GB RAM). One database server is live, one is a replicated
-    backup, and a third is for doing live searches and performance-intensive
-    SELECTs by daemons etc.
-    However, this is certainly overkill for most sites (and possibly even
-    overkill for Slashdot). slashcode.com runs on two web servers and one
-    NFS/database server. Many sites can run fine on just one machine for
-    everything (we use a minimum of two web server machines on every site
-    for load balancing and redundancy).
-    If you're concerned about performance, the bin/mechmonkey script may
-    help provide load vaguely similar to real user patterns, though it
-    doesn't try simulating logged-in users. One more data point: my personal
-    machine is a 2.4 GHz Athlon with 1.5 GB RAM and an IDE disk, and it
-    easily handled the load when its Slash site got a mild Slashdotting (a
-    link in a non-major story, about 10 pages/sec).
-    Each version of slash has a code name, and the files on CVS for that
-    version are tagged with that name. The current release is always MAIN.
-    The versioning scheme is as Linux and perl are,
-    revision.version.subversion. version is even for releases, and odd for
-    development. The codename applies to the development version and
-    subsequent release.
-    For example, 1.0.11 is a normal release, while 1.1.0 is the first
-    development release for what will be the next release (either 1.2 or
-    2.0).
-    The CVS repository is tagged with version numbers, so to get release
-    1.0.3, use tag "v1_0_3_0". The last number (in this case a zero) will be
-    incremented during development ("v1_0_3_1", "v1_0_3_2", etc.) until the
-    next release. Non-release versions are tagged with a T_ or R_ prefix. We
-    are currently developing 2.5.x, so our CVS tags are T_2_5_0_x and
-    R_2_5_0_x (though there was no 2.4.0 release and to date has been no
-    2.5.0).
-  Codenames
-    v1.0
-        beast
-    v2.0
-        bender
-    v2.2
-        fry
-    v2.3
-        (never released)
-    v2.4
-        (never released)
-    v2.5
-        leela
-  Security note
-    We are no longer releasing bugfixes, even for security, for the 1.0 or
-    2.0 versions, and do not recommend their use. If we become aware of
-    security issues in the 2.2 tree, we will release another version. For
-    this reason, if you are using any version of Slash in 2.2.x or earlier,
-    we recommend you upgrade at the very least to the latest version of 2.2,
-    which as of this writing (August 2006) is 2.2.6.
-  CVS tags
-    Our development of 2.3/2.5 has gone on exceptionally long without a
-    tarball release of either 2.3.0 or 2.5.0. Most Slash hosting sites are
-    choosing to follow CVS instead of waiting, and we encourage this.
-    Installation of the latest CVS (as of August 2006) is almost identical
-    to the installation of 2.2.
-    You probably do not want to use the very latest CVS, as the Slash
-    developers are constantly updating it. If you wish to live on the edge,
-    try a T_2_5_0_x tag ("Testing in 2.5.0 branch" -- one or two of these
-    are added every week, Slashdot uses them, but they may have bugs). If
-    you are content with recent code that the developers believe is likely
-    to be free of major bugs, look for a recent R_2_5_0_x cvs tag ("Release
-    candidates for 2.5.0").
-    To upgrade from 2.2.x to the CVS tree, you will need to follow the
-    instructions in the sql/mysql/upgrades file. At the moment, these are
-    just SQL commands you will need to issue, but read carefully because you
-    may have to use judgement and issue command-line commands and so on. (We
-    are working on a tool to automate this process.) Once you are upgraded
-    to, or have installed, a given CVS tag, upgrading to later CVS tags is
-    simply a matter of following along in that file -- we append as we go,
-    and each T_* tag is clearly marked.
-    Here are some common errors reported by other site administrators.
-    *   Webpages show the error: "The server encountered an internal error
-        or misconfiguration..."
-        Check your Apache error logs for a more specific error.
-    *   "Can't locate Slash.pm in @INC..."
-        One possibility is that you didn't actually "make install" Slash in
-        step 5, which would be a pretty serious omission.
-        It's also possible that the apache or slashd process issuing this
-        error doesn't have permissions to read Slash.pm, or is using a
-        different version of perl than you expect with a different set of
-        @INC directories than you expect. Try, at the command line:
-                which perl
-                head -1 /usr/local/slash/sbin/slashd
-                perl -MSlash -le 'print $INC{"Slash.pm"}'
-        and see if it emits the perl binaries you expect and the location of
-        Slash.pm that you expect. Check file permissions and see "Multiple
-        perls installed" below.
-    *   I installed Slash twice and it didn't work.
-        Did you uninstall before reinstalling? See "UNINSTALLING" below. If
-        you intend to reinstall with the same database and site name, steps
-        4 and 7 are not optional.
-    *   "Can't locate MIME/Types.pm in @INC..."
-        This used to be required only for plugins/Blob and you probably
-        didn't follow its README after you installed it. Now it's in
-        Bundle::Slash; try reinstalling Bundle::Slash (and see "Old Version
-        of Bundle::Slash" above).
-    *   DBD::mysql will not install.
-        As of October 2006, its tests by default assume you have a running
-        mysqld on localhost, with a database named 'test', accessible to the
-        user 'root' with no password. If you don't have a database named
-        'test', create one with "CREATE DATABASE test;". If you don't run
-        mysqld on the same machine as you're installing the module, or if
-        you have a password for its 'root' user (good idea), almost all its
-        tests will fail. You can either override the failures with
-                cpan> force install DBD::mysql
-        or (better) run proper tests by telling it the actual mysqld host,
-        user, and password to connect to, with
-                cpan> look DBD::mysql
-                # perl Makefile.PL --usage
-                # perl Makefile.PL --testmycustomargs=foobar
-                # make && make test && make install
-    *   "Can't call method '(whatever)' on an undefined value at..."
-        Slash can't connect to your database server. (This manifests as the
-        variable $slashdb being undef. Which method happens to emit this
-        error depends on which code path first tries to use $slashdb.)
-        To start troubleshooting this, see "Database authentication issues"
-        below.
-    *   I created a new author but s/he doesn't show up in authors.pl and
-        can't post stories.
-        For performance reasons, Slash aggressively caches the list of which
-        users are authors. After you mark a user as an author and boost
-        their seclev (maybe to 100) in users.pl, go back to the command line
-        and run the refresh_authors.pl task by hand:
-                # /usr/local/slash/bin/runtask -u yourvirtuser refresh_authors
-        Then restart apache and slashd. That user will now be able to post
-        stories. The authors.pl listing will update some time after the
-        first story is actually posted.
-    *   Freshly-posted stories aren't showing up on the homepage.
-        Are you sure slashd is running? If a story appears on /index.pl but
-        not /index.shtml, and it's more than a few minutes old, check the
-        output of 'ps' for slashd, and check slashd.log for errors.
-    *   "Use of uninitialized value in..."
-        Just a harmless warning, ignore it. It helps us find errors, but you
-        don't need to worry about it.
-    Here are some other common reasons why Slash installations fail.
-    *   Failure to build mod_perl with PERL_MARK_WHERE=1 EVERYTHING=1.
-        We emphasize this in the instructions for a reason. Go back and
-        reread the Installation Procedure, step 3.
-    *   Perl module installation troubles.
-        If you have a unix-like system with CPAN properly installed and no
-        serious firewall issues, perl module installation will usually go
-        pretty smoothly. Some modules will have overactive testing code; for
-        example, if your system lacks "nslookup", some of the net-related
-        modules may complain and refuse to install themselves even though it
-        isn't strictly speaking necessary. If you're pretty sure you're a
-        victim of overactive testing, "force install Foo::Bar" for the
-        offending module and then try "install Bundle::Slash" again.
-        If you're having CPAN installation troubles, upgrading to the latest
-        version will make life easier. Note that you'll want to recompile
-        mod_perl/Apache after upgrading perl.
-    *   Multiple perls installed.
-        If you have more than one binary file named "perl", trouble awaits.
-        It's OK to have a /usr/bin/perl5.00503 even after installing 5.6.1,
-        say. But if your /usr/bin/perl is a different version from
-        /usr/local/bin/perl, you may be in for a world of hurt.
-    *   httpd.conf errors.
-        After you "install-slashsite", you're told that you probably want to
-        add "Include /usr/local/slash/httpd/slash.conf" to its httpd.conf.
-        Note that that file Include's your site-specific conf file at
-        /usr/local/slash/site/sitename/sitename.conf. One way or another
-        those site-specific directives have to be processed by Apache.
-        Are you doing virtual hosting? Make sure you've set it up correctly.
-    *   Database authentication issues.
-        For each dynamic page your Slash site delivers, an Apache httpd
-        child needs to connect to your MySQL server. There's a chain of
-        access to get from Apache to MySQL and a number of places where it
-        can break:
-        *   The Apache child httpd process needs to have read access to your
-            DBIx/Password.pm module file. That process is probably running
-            as "nobody:nobody" (or similar). If you don't know where
-            DBIx/Password.pm was installed, try:
-            # perl -MDBIx::Password -le 'print $INC{"DBIx/Password.pm"}'
-            If that fails, it's probably not installed; check also
-            # locate DBIx/Password.pm | grep perl
-            Make sure the module is installed and that "nobody:nobody" can
-            read its .pm file. If you've sharing that file over the network,
-            did you set up ownership correctly?
-        *   The DBIx/Password.pm file needs to be correctly configured. Open
-            it up with a text editor and make sure $virtual1 contains an
-            entry for your Slash virtual user that is correct in every
-            respect: driver, (MySQL) username, database, password, host, and
-            connect string. These are the values you typed in when you
-            installed the module but maybe you made a typo.
-            If you have only one machine for your whole setup, host can be
-            "localhost". Otherwise use an IP number.
-        *   Network connectivity.
-            Can the Apache machine connect to the MySQL machine?
-        *   MySQL permissions.
-            The username field in your DBIx/Password.pm file refers to a
-            MySQL user which you set up in step 1 of the Installation
-            Procedure. Make sure this user has permission to connect to the
-            Slash site's database you also set up in step 1 (and check it
-            from the Apache machine over the network too). If you don't
-            fully understand MySQL permissions, don't guess; start your
-            reading here:
-            http://www.mysql.com/documentation/mysql/bychapter/manual_MySQL_
-            Database_Administration.html#Privilege_system
-        *   mod_gzip
-            Are you finding that POST operations fail? Have you compiled in
-            mod_gzip? mod_gzip doesn't handle incoming POST very
-            well, with the result that our User.pm handler() gets called
-            twice, and the second time through, there's no more data on
-            STDIN, so your form is empty. We use this patch to make it
-            ignore POSTs:
-                    --- mod_gzip_BROKEN_FOR_POST.c  2003-09-26 14:26:36.000000000 -0700
-                    +++ mod_gzip.c                  2003-10-06 11:39:45.000000000 -0700
-                    @@ -2155,12 +2155,15 @@
-                         ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:UNHANDLED_REDIR"));
-                        }
-                      else
-                        {
-                         ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:INIT1"));
-                        }
-                    +   if ( r->method_number == M_POST ) {
-                    +       return DECLINED;
-                    +   }
-                      ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_input_size", ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"0"));
-                      ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_output_size",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"0"));
-                      ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_compression_ratio",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"0"));
-                      #endif
-            Or just use mod_gzip and omit POST from the list of
-            methods it handles, in your httpd.conf:
-                    mod_gzip_handle_methods GET
-    *   Types of Users
-        Make sure you don't confuse the different types of "users":
-        *   unix system user account -- given in httpd.conf User directive
-            and in the second field of slash.sites, defaults to 'nobody'
-            unless you changed it in Step 5;
-        *   DBIx::Password virtual user -- given in httpd.conf
-            SlashVirtualUser directive and in the first field of
-            slash.sites, you picked this in Step 4 when you installed
-            DBIx::Password;
-        *   MySQL user -- given as the DBIx::Password virtual user's
-            'username' hash value, points to the database user you picked in
-            Step 1.
-        If slashd doesn't seem to be working, check its log and make sure it
-        has permission to write its files. It is probably running as your
-        Apache user "nobody", and if that user doesn't have write permission
-        to your web directories and/or .shtml and .rss files and so on,
-        slashd's current behavior is to log an error and die. (If you want
-        to make slashd run as a different unix system user, edit the second
-        field in "/usr/local/slash/slash.sites".)
-    If you've doublechecked all this, you're sure you followed the
-    directions, and it still doesn't work, stop in IRC #slash on
-    irc.slashcode.com and ask your question. Someone there may know the
-    answer. Also, Shane, aka tf23, maintains an unofficial Slash FAQ which
-    you may find helpful:
-    http://slash.lottadot.com/faqster.pl?op=view&fid=1#c_Troubleshooting
-    If you are trying to install Slash from someone else's package, maybe a
-    BSD package, or an RPM that someone built, or by a Debian apt-get
-    command -- good luck to you, we hope it goes well, we love packages,
-    they're great when they work. But if installation fails, complain to the
-    package maintainers, not us. For those who download our tarball and
-    follow our instructions carefully, installation should go smoothly.
-    If you want to uninstall a site, there are two steps you must follow:
-    1.  Stop slashd with "/etc/init.d/slash stop" ("/etc/rc.d/init.d/slash
-        stop" for Red Hat systems). Then edit "/usr/local/slash/slash.sites"
-        to remove the line referencing the site you wish to uninstall. Then
-        if any lines remain, restart slashd with "/etc/init.d/slash start".
-    2.  Edit your Apache httpd.conf file so that the directives for the
-        site's VirtualHost are not included. If you did the standard
-        install, that file probably "Include"s
-        "/usr/local/slash/httpd/slash.conf", which "Include"s
-        "/usr/local/slash/yoursitename/yoursitename.conf", so you'll want to
-        delete or comment out the "Include" line in the file
-        "/usr/local/slash/httpd/slash.conf". Restart Apache with
-        "/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop ; sleep 10 ;
-        /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start".
-    There are also five optional steps you may follow:
-    3.  Back up your site's database, if it has anything you care about:
-        "mysqldump -umysqlusername -p sitedatabasename >
-        /some/dir/sitedb.sql".
-    4.  Drop your site's database: "echo DROP DATABASE sitedatabasename |
-        mysql -umysqlusername -p".
-    5.  Remove the virtual user for your site's database from the
-        DBIx::Password file, whose location you can probably find with:
-        # perl -MDBIx::Password -le 'print $INC{"DBIx/Password.pm"}'
-    6.  Back up your site's html documents, if you care about any of them:
-        "cp -pvR /usr/local/slash/site/yoursitename/htdocs
-        /some/dir/htdocs".
-    7.  Delete your site's directory tree: "rm -rf
-        /usr/local/slash/site/yoursitename".
-    Older Slash versions
-        Slash prior to versions 2.2.6 must be upgraded to 2.2.6. See the
-        section "UPGRADING", above.
-    DBIx::Password
-        DBIx::Password is essentially a keychain to give access to one or
-        more databases. The "key" that gives access to your Slash site(s) is
-        simply the ability to read its file, DBIx/Password.pm. By default,
-        this file is owned by root, and set world-readable (444), so any
-        process running on any of your web server or slashd machines will
-        have full read/write access to your Slash database.
-        In general, don't allow people you don't trust onto your systems.
-        Local exploits are far more common than remotes, and the properly
-        paranoid system administrator should probably assume that a
-        determined attacker who can log into an ordinary account can gain
-        root (which is of course a superset of gaining read/write access to
-        your Slash database).
-        But it doesn't hurt to try to prevent local attacks. We recommend
-        you chmod DBIx/Password.pm 440, assign it a group other than the
-        standard "nobody" or "nogroup", and configure your apache and slashd
-        to run as users which have that group. That way, users not in the
-        group will not be able to read your MySQL passwords in that file.
-        For example, on my personal sites, I create the unix group
-        "dbixpass", assign the users "apnobody" and "slnobody" to it, and
-        set Apache and the slashd daemon to use those users. On my Linux
-        system:
-                groupadd dbixpass
-                useradd -G dbixpass -s /bin/false apnobody
-                useradd -G dbixpass -s /bin/false slnobody
-                locate DBIx/Password.pm
-                perl -MDBIx::Password -le 'print $INC{"DBIx/Password.pm"}'
-                chgrp dbixpass /all/files/found/for/DBIx/Password.pm
-                chmod 440 /all/files/found/for/DBIx/Password.pm
-                vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
-                        (edit "User nobody" to "User apnobody")
-                        (then install-slashsite specifying "slnobody" as
-                         the user, or, if install-slashsite was already run
-                         with the default user...)
-                chown -R slnobody /usr/local/slash/site/mysite
-                vi /usr/local/slash/slash.sites
-                        (edit second field to "slnobody")
-    Memcached
-        Memcached grants full read/write access to any client able to
-        connect. If you enable memcached for Slash, you must configure your
-        network to reject any unauthorized connections. Any process running
-        on any of your web server or slashd machines can read, among other
-        things, all user data, including passwords, of any of your users,
-        including admins, who have logged in recently.
-        If your Slash site is running entirely on one machine, make sure
-        memcached is listening only on
-        Of course, that doesn't help you against attackers on that one
-        machine. Again, don't allow people you don't trust on your systems.
-        If you can't follow this rule, your only option is to not enable
-        memcached (do not set the var "memcached").
-    Slashcode-announce
-        Please subscribe to our "slashcode-announce" mailing list, and stay
-        subscribed as long as you run a Slash site. Any security
-        notifications that affect Slash sites will be sent to this mailing
-        list. If you don't subscribe, you may miss a notice, which may have
-        serious implications for the security of your website and its users.
-        This is a very low traffic list: in the past 4 years, we haven't had
-        to send out any notices. You can subscribe here:
-                https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/slashcode-announce
-    $Id$

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Slashdotjp-dev メーリングリストの案内