[Slashdotjp-dev 1353] [884] merged from upstream T_2_5_0_235 tag


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2008年 12月 16日 (火) 12:30:11 JST

Revision: 884
Author:   tach
Date:     2008-12-16 12:30:11 +0900 (Tue, 16 Dec 2008)

Log Message:
merged from upstream T_2_5_0_235 tag

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/Slash/Apache/User/User.pm
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/Slash/Apache/User/User.pm	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/Slash/Apache/User/User.pm	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
 	if ($redirect_to_nonssl) {
-		# User is not authorized to connect to the SSL webserver.
-		# Redirect them to the non-SSL URL.
+		# User is not authorized to connect to the SSL webserver,
+		# so redirect them to the non-SSL URL.
 		my $newloc = $uri;
 		$newloc .= "?" . $r->args if $r->args;
 		$r->err_header_out(Location =>
@@ -540,6 +540,74 @@
+my %ops_my = (
+	inbox           => { args => 'op=list', uri => 'messages.pl' },
+	# XXX change messages to be same as /inbox, move this to /my/preferences/messages
+	messages        => { args => 'op=display_prefs', uri => 'messages.pl' },
+	comments        => { args => 'op=editcomm' },
+	homepage        => { args => 'op=edithome' },
+	password        => { args => 'op=changeprefs', uri => 'login.pl' },
+	logout          => { args => 'op=userclose', uri => 'login.pl' },
+	misc            => { args => 'op=editmiscopts' },
+	amigos          => { args => 'op=friendview', uri => 'journal.pl' },
+	bookmarks       => { args => 'op=showbookmarks' },
+	firehose        => { args => 'op=userfirehose' },
+	preferences     => { args => 'op=displayprefs', uri => 'preferences.pl' },
+	tags            => { args => 'op=showtags' },
+	journal         => { args => 'op=list', uri => 'journal.pl' },
+	friends         => { args => 'op=friends', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	fans            => { args => 'op=fans', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	freaks          => { args => 'op=freaks', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	foes            => { args => 'op=foes', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	zoo             => { args => 'op=all', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	default         => { args => 'op=edituser' }
+$ops_my{$_}{uri} ||= 'users.pl' for (keys %ops_my);
+my %ops_u = (
+	pubkey          => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__', uri  => 'pubkey.pl' },
+	submissions     => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=usersubmissions' },
+	comments        => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=usercomments' },
+	amigos          => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=friendview', uri  => 'journal.pl' },
+	bookmarks       => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=showbookmarks' },
+	firehose        => { args => 'uid=__UID__&op=userfirehose' },
+	journal         => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=display', uri => 'journal.pl' },
+	tags            => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=showtags' },
+	friends         => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=friends', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	fans            => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=fans', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	freaks          => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=freaks', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	foes            => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=foes', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	zoo             => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&op=all', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
+	default         => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__' },
+$ops_u{$_}{uri} ||= 'users.pl' for (keys %ops_u);
+my %ops_u2 = (
+	submissions     => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=submissions' },
+	comments        => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=comments' },
+	amigos          => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=journalfriends' },
+	bookmarks       => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=bookmarks' },
+	firehose        => { args => 'uid=__UID__&dp=firehose' },
+	admin           => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=admin' },
+	journal         => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=journal' },
+	tags            => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=tags&op=userinfo' },
+	friends         => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=friends' },
+	fans            => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=fans' },
+	freaks          => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=freaks' },
+	foes            => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=foes' },
+	zoo             => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__&dp=all' },
+	default         => { args => 'nick=__NICK__&uid=__UID__' }
+$ops_u2{$_}{uri} ||= 'users2.pl' for (keys %ops_u2);
 # XXX May want to rename this, since it's being used for a user's
 # prefs/info pages (/my/foo) and for the global handlers too (/foo).
@@ -616,129 +684,54 @@
 		my $logged_in = $r->header_in('Cookie') =~ $USER_MATCH;
 		my $try_login = !$logged_in && $logtoken;
-		my $found_the_op = 0;
+		my($r_args, $r_uri);
 		if ($logged_in || $try_login) {
+			my $r_op = $ops_my{$op};
+			$r_op ||= $ops_my{default};
+			($r_args, $r_uri) = @{$r_op}{qw(args uri)};
 			if ($op eq 'inbox') {
-				$found_the_op = 1;
-				my $args = 'op=list';
 				if ($extra =~ m{^ (rss|atom) /? $}x) {
-					$args .= '_rss';
-					$args .= "&logtoken=$logtoken" if $try_login;
-					$args .= "&content_type=$1";
+					$r_args .= '_rss';
+					$r_args .= "&logtoken=$logtoken" if $try_login;
+					$r_args .= "&content_type=$1";
-				$r->args($args);
-				$r->uri('/messages.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/messages.pl');
 			} elsif ($logged_in) {
-				$found_the_op = 1;
 				if ($op eq 'journal') {
-					my $args;
-					if ($extra =~ /^\d+$/) {
-						$args = "id=$extra&op=edit";
-					} elsif ($extra eq 'friends') {
-						$args = "op=friendview";
-					} else {
-						$args = "op=list";
+					$extra .= '/';
+					if ($extra =~ /^(\d+)\/$/) {
+						$r_args = "id=$1&op=edit";
+					} elsif ($extra =~ s/^friends\///) {
+						$r_args = "op=friendview";
-					$r->args($args);
-					$r->uri('/journal.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/journal.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'discussions') {
-					$r->args("op=personal_index");
-					$r->uri('/comments.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/comments.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'messages') { # XXX change to be same as /inbox, move this to /my/preferences/messages
-					$r->args("op=display_prefs");
-					$r->uri('/messages.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/messages.pl');
 				} elsif ($op =~ /^(?:friends|fans|freaks|foes|zoo)$/) {
-					my $args = "op=$op";
 					$extra .= '/';
-					if ($op eq 'friends' && $extra =~ s/^friends\///) {
-						$args =~ s/friends/fof/;
-					} elsif ($op eq 'friends' && $extra =~ s/^foes\///) {
-						$args =~ s/friends/eof/;
-					} elsif ($op eq 'zoo') {
-						$args =~ s/zoo/all/;
+					if ($op eq 'friends') {
+						if ($extra =~ s/^friends\///) {
+							$r_args =~ s/friends/fof/;
+						} elsif ($extra =~ s/^foes\///) {
+							$r_args =~ s/friends/eof/;
+						}
-					$r->args($args);
-					$r->uri('/zoo.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/zoo.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'comments') {
-					$r->args("op=editcomm");
-					$r->uri('/users.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'homepage') {
-					$r->args("op=edithome");
-					$r->uri('/users.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'password') {
-					$r->args("op=changeprefs");
-					$r->uri('/login.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/login.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'logout') {
-					$r->args("op=userclose");
-					$r->uri('/login.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/login.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'misc') {
-					$r->args("op=editmiscopts");
-					$r->uri('/users.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'amigos') {
-					$r->args("op=friendview");
-					$r->uri('/journal.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/journal.pl');
 				} elsif ($op eq 'tags') {
-					my $args = 'op=showtags';
 					# XXX "!" is a 'reserved' char in URI, escape it here?
-					$args .= "&tagname=$extra" if $extra;
-					$r->args($args);
-					$r->uri('/users.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'bookmarks') {
-					$r->args("op=showbookmarks");
-					$r->uri('/users.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'firehose') {
-					my $filter = fixparam("user:");
-					$r->args("op=userfirehose");
-					$r->uri('users.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-				} elsif ($op eq 'preferences') {
-					$r->args("op=displayprefs");
-					$r->uri('/preferences.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/preferences.pl');
-				} else {
-					$r->args("op=edituser");
-					$r->uri('/users.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
+					$r_args .= "&tagname=$extra" if $extra;
+		} else {
+			undef $r_args;
+			$r_uri = 'login.pl';
-		if (!$found_the_op) {
-			$r->uri('/login.pl');
-			$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/login.pl');
-		}
+		$r->args($r_args) if defined($r_args);
+		$r->uri('/' . $r_uri);
+		$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/' . $r_uri);
 		return OK;
 	} elsif ($uri =~ m[^/bookmarks (?: /(.*) | /? ) $]x) {
@@ -770,207 +763,84 @@
 		my $nick_orig = $nick;
 		$nick = fixparam($nick);	# make safe to pass back to script
-		# maybe we should refactor this code a bit ...
-		# have a hash that points op to args and script name -- pudge
-		# e.g.:
-		# my %ops = ( journal => ['/journal.pl', 'op=display'], ... );
-		# $r->args($ops{$op}[1] . "&nick=$nick");
-		# $r->uri($ops{$op}[0]);
-		# $r->filename($constants->{basedir} . $ops{$op}[0]);
+		my($r_args, $r_uri);
 		if (!$uid) {
-			$r->args("op=no_user");
-			$r->uri('/users.pl');
-			$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
+			$r_args = 'op=no_user';
+			$r_uri  = 'users.pl';
-		} elsif ($op eq 'journal') {
-			$extra .= '/' . $more;
+		} else {
+			my $r_op = $ops_u{$op};
+			my $u2 = 0;
+			if ($constants->{u2} || $saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)]) {
+				$r_op = $ops_u2{$op} if $ops_u2{$op};
+				$u2 = 1;
+			}
+			$r_op ||= $u2 ? $ops_u2{default} : $ops_u{default};
+			($r_args, $r_uri) = @{$r_op}{qw(args uri)};
-			if (
-				($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2})
-						&&
-				!($extra =~ m{^ (rss|atom) /?$}x || $extra =~ /^(\d+)\/$/)
-			) {
-				my $args = "nick=$nick&uid=$uid&dp=journal";
+			# special cases for handling $extra
+			if ($op eq 'journal') {
+				$extra .= '/' . $more;
+				if ($u2 && !($extra =~ m{ (?:rss|atom) /?$}x || $extra =~ /^(\d+)\/$/)) {
+					# show hose in friend view (op=journalfriends)
+					$r_args .= 'friends' if $extra =~ /^friends\//;
+				} else {
+					 # override u2 for rss|atom and \d
+					($r_args, $r_uri) = @{ $ops_u{journal} }{ qw(args uri) };
-				if ($extra =~ s/^friends\///) { # show hose in friend view
-					$args .= 'friends';
-				}
+					if ($extra =~ /^(\d+)\/$/) {
+						$r_args .= "&id=$1";
+					} elsif ($extra =~ s/^friends\///) {
+						$r_args =~ s/display/friendview/;
+					}
+					if ($extra =~ m{^ (rss|atom) / ? $}x) {
+						$r_args .= "&logtoken=$logtoken" if $logtoken;
+						$r_args .= "&content_type=$1";
+					}
-				$r->args($args);
-				$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
-			} else {
-				my $args = "op=display&nick=$nick&uid=$uid";
-				if ($extra =~ /^(\d+)\/$/) {
-					$args .= "&id=$1";
-				} elsif ($extra =~ s/^friends\///) {
-					$args =~ s/display/friendview/;
+					$r_args .= "&$query";
-				if ($extra =~ m{^ (rss|atom) / ? $}x) {
-					$args .= "&logtoken=$logtoken" if $logtoken;
-					$args .= "&content_type=$1";
-				}
-				$args .= "&$query";
-				$r->args($args);
-				$r->uri('/journal.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/journal.pl');
-			}
-		} elsif ($op eq 'discussions') {
-			$r->args("op=creator_index&nick=$nick&uid=$uid");
-			$r->uri('/comments.pl');
-			$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/comments.pl');
-		} elsif ($op eq 'pubkey') {
-			$r->args("nick=$nick&uid=$uid");
-			$r->uri('/pubkey.pl');
-			$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/pubkey.pl');
-		} elsif ($op eq 'submissions') {
-			if ($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2}) {
-				$r->args("nick=$nick&dp=submissions&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
-			} else {
-				$r->args("nick=$nick&op=usersubmissions&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-			}
-		} elsif ($op eq 'comments') {
-			if ($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2}) {
-				$r->args("nick=$nick&dp=comments&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
-			} else {
-				$r->args("nick=$nick&op=usercomments&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-			}
-		} elsif ($op =~ /^(?:friends|fans|freaks|foes|zoo)$/) {
-			if ($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2}) {
-				my $args = "nick=$nick&uid=$uid&dp=";
+			} elsif ($op =~ /^(?:friends|fans|freaks|foes|zoo)$/) {
 				$extra .= '/' . $more;
-				if ($op eq 'friends' && $extra =~ s/^friends\///) {
-					$op =~ s/friends/fof/;
-				} elsif ($op eq 'friends' && $extra =~ s/^foes\///) {
-					$op =~ s/friends/eof/;
-				} elsif ($op eq 'zoo') {
-					$op =~ s/zoo/all/;
+				if ($u2 && $extra =~ m{ (?:rss|atom) /?$}x) {
+					 # override u2 for rss|atom and \d
+					($r_args, $r_uri) = @{ $ops_u{journal} }{ qw(args uri) };
-				if ($extra =~ m{^ (rss|atom) /?$}x) {
-					my $args = "nick=$nick&uid=$uid&op=$op";
-					$args .= "&content_type=$1";
-					$r->args($args);
-					$r->uri('/zoo.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/zoo.pl');
-				} else {
-					$r->args($args . $op);
-					$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-					$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
+				if ($op eq 'friends') {
+					if ($extra =~ s/^friends\///) {
+						$r_args =~ s/friends/fof/;
+					} elsif ($extra =~ s/^foes\///) {
+						$r_args =~ s/friends/eof/;
+					}
-			} else {
-				my $args = "op=$op&nick=$nick&uid=$uid";
-				$extra .= '/' . $more;
-				if ($op eq 'friends' && $extra =~ s/^friends\///) {
-					$args =~ s/friends/fof/;
-				} elsif ($op eq 'friends' && $extra =~ s/^foes\///) {
-					$args =~ s/friends/eof/;
-				} elsif ($op eq 'zoo') {
-					$args =~ s/zoo/all/;
-				}
 				if ($extra =~ m{^ (rss|atom) /?$}x) {
-					$args .= "&content_type=$1";
+					$r_args .= "&content_type=$1";
-				$r->args($args);
-				$r->uri('/zoo.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/zoo.pl');
-			}
-		} elsif ($op eq 'amigos') {
-			if ($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2}) {
-				$r->args("nick=$nick&uid=$uid&dp=journalfriends");
-				$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
-			} else {
-				$r->args("op=friendview&nick=$nick&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/journal.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/journal.pl');
-			}
-		} elsif ($op eq 'tags') {
-			if ($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2}) {
-				$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
-				my $args;
-				if ($extra) {
-					$args = "op=userinfo&nick=$nick&dp=usertag&uid=$uid";
-					$args .= "&tagname=$extra" if $extra;
-				} else {
-					$args = "op=userinfo&uid=$uid&nick=$nick&dp=tags";		
-				}
-				$r->args($args);
-			} else {
-				my $args = "op=showtags&nick=$nick&uid=$uid";
+			} elsif ($op eq 'tags') {
+				$r_args =~ s/dp=tags/dp=usertag/ if $u2 && $extra;
 				# XXX "!" is a 'reserved' char in URI, escape it here?
-				$args .= "&tagname=$extra" if $extra;
-				$r->args($args);
-				$r->uri('/users.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
+				$r_args .= "&tagname=$extra" if $extra;
+		}
-		} elsif ($op eq 'bookmarks') {
-			if ($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2}) {
-				$r->args("nick=$nick&dp=bookmarks&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
-			} else {
-				$r->args("op=showbookmarks&nick=$nick&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-			}
-		} elsif ($op eq 'firehose') {
-			if ($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2}) {
-				my $filter = fixparam("\"user:$nick_orig\"");
-				$r->args("dp=firehose&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
-			} else {
-				my $filter = fixparam("\"user:$nick_orig\"");
-				$r->args("op=userfirehose&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-			}
-		} elsif (($op eq 'admin' && $constants->{u2}) ||
-			 ($op eq 'admin' && $saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)])) {
-			$r->args("nick=$nick&dp=admin&uid=$uid");
-                        $r->uri('/users2.pl');
-                        $r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
+		$r_args =~ s/__NICK__/$nick/;
+		$r_args =~ s/__UID__/$uid/;
-		} else {
-			if ($saveuri =~ m[^/(?:%5[eE]|\^)(.+)] || $constants->{u2}) {
-				$r->args("nick=$nick&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users2.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users2.pl');
-			} else {
-				$r->args("nick=$nick&uid=$uid");
-				$r->uri('/users.pl');
-				$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/users.pl');
-			}
-		}
+		$r->args($r_args) if defined($r_args);
+		$r->uri('/' . $r_uri);
+		$r->filename($constants->{basedir} . '/' . $r_uri);
 		return OK;
 	return DECLINED;
+} }

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/Slash/Tools/Tools.pm
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/Slash/Tools/Tools.pm	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/Slash/Tools/Tools.pm	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 our @EXPORT = qw(
 	pmpath pathpm pmpathsrc counterpart srcfile installfile basefile
 	basefile basename dirname
-	syntax_check %CONFIG
+	syntax_check %CONFIG $MAIN_REPO
 	myprint myexit mysystem myask
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 our @BIN_EXT = qw(gz tgz bz2 gif jpg png ico);
 our $BIN_EXT = join '|', @BIN_EXT;
 our $BIN_RE  = qr/\.(?:$BIN_EXT)$/;
+our $MAIN_REPO = 'master';
 # if cache gets stale, you can use force => 0, or heck, just

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
   firehose_settings.section = 0;
   firehose_settings.more_num = 0;
   firehose_settings.metamod = 0;
+  firehose_settings.admin_filters = 0;
 // Settings to port out of settings object
   firehose_item_count = 0;
@@ -447,6 +448,10 @@
+	if (name == "view" || name == "tab") {
+		$('#firehoselist').html("<h1 class='loading_msg'>Loading New Items</h1>");
+	}
 	if (name == "color" || name == "tab" || name == "pause" || name == "startdate" || name == "duration" || name == "issue" || name == "pagesize") {
 		params[name] = value;
 		if (name == "startdate") {
@@ -952,6 +957,9 @@
 	var saved_selection = new $.TextSelection(gFocusedText);
 	var $menu = $('.ac_results:visible');
+	var add_behind_scenes = $("#firehoselist .loading_msg").length;
+	if (add_behind_scenes) { $('.busy').show(); }
 	if (firehose_updates.length > 0) {
 		var el = firehose_updates.pop();
 		var fh = 'firehose-' + el[1];
@@ -968,7 +976,14 @@
 					need_animate = 0;
 			} else if (firehose_after[el[1]] && $('#firehose-' + firehose_after[el[1]]).size()) {
-				$('#firehose-' + firehose_after[el[1]]).before(el[2]);
+				// don't insert a new article between the floating slashbox ad and its article
+				var $landmark = $('#firehose-' + firehose_after[el[1]]), $prev = $landmark.prev();
+				if ( $prev.is('#floating-slashbox-ad') ) {
+					$landmark = $prev;
+				}
+				$landmark.before(el[2]);
 				if (!isInWindow($dom('title-'+ firehose_after[el[1]]))) {
 					need_animate = 0;
@@ -981,6 +996,10 @@
+			if (add_behind_scenes) {
+				need_animate = 0;
+			}
 			var toheight = 50;
 			if (fh_view_mode == "full") {
 				toheight = 200;
@@ -1055,7 +1074,7 @@
 					need_animate = 0;
-				if ((firehose_removals < 10 ) || !need_animate) {
+				if ((firehose_removals < 10 ) && !add_behind_scenes ) {
 					myAnim.onComplete.subscribe(function() {
 						var elem = this.getEl();
 						if (elem && elem.parentNode) {
@@ -1073,12 +1092,23 @@
-		if(!need_animate) {
-			wait_interval = 10;
+		if(!need_animate || add_behind_scenes) {
+			wait_interval = 0;
+		//console.log("Wait: " + wait_interval);
 		setTimeout(firehose_handle_update, wait_interval);
 	} else {
+		if (add_behind_scenes) {
+			$('#firehoselist .loading_msg').each(function() { if(this && this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.removeChild(this);} });
+			if (elem && elem.parentNode) {
+				elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
+			}
+			$('#firehoselist').show('slow');
+			$('.busy').hide();
+		}
@@ -1189,6 +1219,10 @@
 		firehose_updates_size = firehose_updates.length;
 		firehose_removed_first = 0;
 		processed = processed + 1;
+		if ($('#firehoselist .loading_msg').length) {
+			$('#firehoselist').hide();
+			$('#firehoselist .loading_msg').show();
+		}
@@ -1885,7 +1919,7 @@
 		return 0;
 	if ($article)
-		$article = Slash.Firehose.at_or_below_ad_space($article);
+		$article = Slash.Firehose.ready_ad_space($article);
 		$article = Slash.Firehose.choose_article_for_next_ad();
@@ -1931,171 +1965,149 @@
-var	AD_HEIGHT = 300, AD_WIDTH = 300, FOOTER_PADDING = 5,
+var	AD_HEIGHT = 300, AD_WIDTH = 300,
-	current_mode = { has_content: false },
 	$ad_position,		// 300x300 div that holds the current (if any) ad
-	$current_article,	// the article to which that ad is attached
-	$slashboxes,		// the container in which the ad floats
-	$footer;
+	ad_target_article,	// the article to which that ad is attached
+	$ad_offset_parent,	// the container in which the ad _position_ floats (between articles)
+	$slashboxes,		// the container (sort of) in which the ad content actually appears (though not as a child) 
+	$footer,
+	is_ad_locked;		// ad must be shown for at least 30 seconds
+	is_ad_locked = false;
+	$ad_position = $([]);
+	ad_target_article = null;
 	$footer = $('#ft');
-	$slashboxes = $('#slashboxes, #userboxes').
-		eq(0).
-		append('<div id="floating-slashbox-ad" />');
-	$ad_position = $slashboxes.find('#floating-slashbox-ad');
+	$slashboxes = $('#slashboxes, #userboxes').eq(0);
-	$(window).scroll(fix_ad_position);
 		bind('articlesMoved', fix_ad_position).
 		bind('beforeArticleRemoved', notice_article_removed);
-	$ad_position.
-		bind('adArticleRemoved', function(){
-			set_current_ad($current_article.next(':visible'));
-		});
 function notice_article_removed( event, removed_article ){
-	if ( current_mode.has_content && $current_article[0]===removed_article ) {
-		$ad_position.trigger('adArticleRemoved');
+	if ( ad_target_article === removed_article ) {
+		remove_ad();
-function if_same_mode( a, b ){
-	return	(!a.has_content && !b.has_content) ||
-		(
-			(a.has_content == b.has_content) &&
-			(a.is_in_window == b.is_in_window) &&
-			(a.pinned == b.pinned)
-		);
+function remove_ad(){
+	ad_target_article = null;
-function set_mode( next ){
-	var cur = current_mode;
+	if ( is_ad_locked ) {
+		return false;
+	}
-	// if it's actually a change...
-	if ( ! if_same_mode(cur, next) ) {
-		if ( ! next.has_content ) {
-			$ad_position.hide();
-		} else if ( cur.pinned != next.pinned ) {
-			$ad_position.hide();
+	$ad_position.remove();
+	$ad_position = $([]);
+	return true;
-			var next_class = next.pinned || '';
-			if ( next.pinned == 'Article' ) {
-				$current_article.
-					prepend($ad_position).
-					css('overflow', 'visible');
-			} else if ( next.pinned == 'Bottom' ) {
-				$slashboxes.after($ad_position);
-				next_class += ' yui_b';
-			} else {
-				$slashboxes.append($ad_position);
-			}
+function insert_ad( $article, ad ){
+	if ( !ad || !$article || $article.length != 1 || !remove_ad() ) {
+		return;
+	}
-			$ad_position.setClass(next_class);
+	ad_target_article = $article[0];
+	$ad_position = $article.
+		before('<div id="floating-slashbox-ad" class="No" />').
+		prev().
+			append(ad);
-			if ( !cur.has_content ) {
-				$ad_position.fadeIn('fast');
-			} else {
-				$ad_position.show();
-			}
+	setTimeout(function(){
+		is_ad_locked = false;
+		if ( ! ad_target_article ) {
+			remove_ad();
+	}, 30000);
+	is_ad_locked = true;
-		var event_name;
-		if ( cur.has_content != next.has_content ) {
-			event_name = next.has_content ? 'adInserted' : 'adRemoved';
-		} else if ( cur.pinned != next.pinned ) {
-			event_name = 'adPinnedTo' + next.pinned;
-		} else if ( cur.is_in_window != next.is_in_window ) {
-			event_name = next.is_in_window ? 'adMovedIntoWindow' : 'adMovedOutOfWindow';
-		} else if ( cur.top != next.top ) {
-			event_name = 'adMoved';
-		}
+	if ( ! $ad_offset_parent ) {
+		$ad_offset_parent = $article.offsetParent();
+	}
-		current_mode = next;
-		if ( event_name ) {
-			$ad_position.trigger(event_name);
-		}
-	}
+	fix_ad_position();
+	$ad_position.fadeIn('fast');
-function set_current_ad( $new_article, new_ad ){
-	var	have_new_article	= $new_article && $new_article.length,
-		clear_all		= !have_new_article && !new_ad;
+function nearest_article_edge(){
+	// Why not just ask for the offset of $ad_position?
+	// ...because $ad_position may be absolutely positioned already
-	if ( !current_mode.has_content && !new_ad ) {
-		return;
+	var $article = $ad_position.next();
+	var pos = $article.offset();
+	if ( pos !== undefined ) {
+		return pos.top;
-	if ( clear_all || new_ad ) {
-		set_mode({ has_content: false });
-		$ad_position.empty();
+	$article = $ad_position.prev();
+	pos = $other.offset();
+	if ( pos !== undefined ) {
+		return pos.top + $article.height();
-	if ( !clear_all ) {
-		if ( new_ad ) {
-			current_mode.will_have_content = true;
-			$ad_position.append(new_ad);
-		}
-		if ( have_new_article ) {
-			$current_article = $new_article.eq(0);
-		}
-		fix_ad_position();
-	} else {
-		$current_article = null;
-	}
+	return 0;
+function pin( lo, n, hi ){
+	// return n', the nearest value to n such that lo<=n'<=hi
+	if ( hi < lo ) return { value: undefined, description: 'Empty' };	// pin-range is empty, there is no n' such that lo<=n'<=hi
+	if ( n <= lo ) return { value: lo, description: 'Min' };
+	if ( n <= hi ) return { value: n, description: 'No' };
+	return { value: hi, description: 'Max' };
 function fix_ad_position(){
-	if ( current_mode.has_content || current_mode.will_have_content ) {
+	if ( $ad_position.length ) {
 		var	footer		= $footer.offset(),
-			slashboxes	= $slashboxes.offset(),
-			article		= $current_article.offset();
+			slashboxes	= $slashboxes.offset();
-		if ( ! footer || ! slashboxes || ! article ) {
+		if ( ! footer || ! slashboxes ) {
-		var	space_top	= slashboxes.top + $slashboxes.height(),
-			space_bottom	= footer.top - FOOTER_PADDING,
-			window_top	= window.pageYOffset,
-			window_bottom	= window_top + window.innerHeight,
-			ad_top		= Math.max(space_top, Math.min(article.top, space_bottom-AD_HEIGHT)),
-			next_mode	= {	has_content:	true,
-						is_in_window:	!( ad_top > window_bottom || ad_top + AD_HEIGHT < window_top ),
-						top:		ad_top - slashboxes.top
-					};
+		var	min_top		= slashboxes.top + $slashboxes.height(),
+			max_top		= footer.top - AD_HEIGHT,
+			pinned_top	= pin(min_top, nearest_article_edge(), max_top),
-		if ( space_bottom - space_top < AD_HEIGHT ) {
-			next_mode.pinned = 'SqueezedOut';
-		} else if ( ad_top == article.top ) {
-			next_mode.pinned = 'Article';
-		} else if ( ad_top < article.top ) {
-			next_mode.pinned = 'Bottom';
-		} else if ( ad_top > (article.top + $current_article.height()) ) {
-			next_mode.pinned = 'TopDisconnected';
-		} else {
-			next_mode.pinned = 'Top';
+			prev_top	= $ad_position.offset().top,
+			prev_class	= $ad_position.attr('className'),
+			prev_pinned	= prev_class !== 'No',
+			next_top	= pinned_top.value,
+			next_class	= pinned_top.description,
+			next_pinned	= next_class !== 'No',
+			next_css	= {};
+		if ( prev_pinned > next_pinned ) {
+			// if we're un-pinning the ad, clear our explicit 'top' setting
+			next_css.top = '';
+		} else if ( next_pinned && (!prev_pinned || prev_top!=next_top) ) {
+			// else if we're becoming pinned or are already pinned, but need a different top
+			next_css.top = '' + (next_top - $ad_offset_parent.offset().top) + 'px';
-		set_mode(next_mode);
+		if ( next_css.top !== undefined ) {
+			$ad_position.css(next_css);
+		}
+		if ( prev_class != next_class ) {
+			$ad_position.setClass(next_class);
+		}
 Slash.Util.Package({ named: 'Slash.Firehose.floating_slashbox_ad',
 	api: {
-		is_visible:		function(){ return current_mode.has_content && current_mode.is_in_window; },
-		remove:			function(){ set_current_ad() },
-		current_article:	function(){ return $current_article; },
-		is_pinned_to:		function(){ return current_mode.pinned; },
-		bind:			function(){ return $ad_position.bind.apply($ad_position, arguments); },
-		unbind:			function(){ return $ad_position.unbind.apply($ad_position, arguments); }
+		is_visible:		function(){ return isInWindow($ad_position.children().get(0)); },
+		remove:			function(){ remove_ad() },
-	stem_function: set_current_ad
+	stem_function: insert_ad
 Slash.Firehose.articles_on_screen = function(){
@@ -2146,21 +2158,26 @@
-Slash.Firehose.at_or_below_ad_space = function( $articles ){
+// filter $articles to only those adjacent to available space for an ad
+// return empty list if none, or if not enough time has yet passed to place a new ad
+Slash.Firehose.ready_ad_space = function( $articles ){
+	var $result = $([]);
 	try {
-		var min_top = Math.max(window.pageYOffset, $slashboxes.offset().top + $slashboxes.height());
-		return $articles.filter(function(){
-			return $(this).offset().top >= min_top;
-		});
+		if ( !is_ad_locked ) {
+			var min_top = Math.max(window.pageYOffset, $slashboxes.offset().top + $slashboxes.height());
+			$result = $articles.filter(function(){
+				return $(this).offset().top >= min_top;
+			});
+		}
 	} catch ( e ) {
 		// don't throw
 		// just tell the caller no articles supplied are at or below ad-space
-	return $([]);
+	return $result;
 Slash.Firehose.choose_article_for_next_ad = function(){
-	var Fh=Slash.Firehose, $articles=Fh.at_or_below_ad_space(Fh.articles_on_screen());
+	var Fh=Slash.Firehose, $articles=Fh.ready_ad_space(Fh.articles_on_screen());
 	return $articles.eq( Math.floor(Math.random()*$articles.length) );

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/jquery/jquery.autocomplete.css
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/jquery/jquery.autocomplete.css	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/jquery/jquery.autocomplete.css	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 	in relative units scroll will be broken in firefox
 	line-height: 16px;
+	text-align: left;
 	overflow: hidden;

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/tag-ui.css
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/tag-ui.css	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/tag-ui.css	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -138,11 +138,12 @@
 /* no mouse over highlight for datatypes */
 .tag-display li.d:hover span.tag {
 	color: inherit;
-	background-color: inherit;
+	background-color: inherit !important;
-div.tag-display > h1.legend {
+div.tag-display > h1.legend,
+div.tag-display > ul {
 	width: auto !important;
@@ -314,9 +315,10 @@
 div.tag-display {
-	display: inline !important;
+	display: inline;
 	position: relative;
 	margin-left: 0 !important;
+	overflow: hidden;
 	/*	border:1px dotted #000;	*//*	troubleshooting safari		*/
@@ -539,3 +541,14 @@
 div.tag-display ul, div.tag-display li {display: inline-block;}
+/*Opera tag bugs*/
+div.tag-widget.opera div.tag-display li {/*ensures the damn pop up things stay with its parents and don't "run away"*/
+display: inline-block
+div.tag-widget.opera {/*fixing spacing between this widget and article*/

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/tag-ui.js
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/tag-ui.js	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/tag-ui.js	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -571,68 +571,8 @@
-function $position_context_display( $display ){
-	if ( ! $related_trigger || ! $related_trigger.length ) {
-		return $display;
-	}
-	var RIGHT_PADDING = 18;
-	var $entry = $display.nearest_parent('[tag-server]');
-	var left_edge = $entry.offset().left;
-	var right_edge = left_edge + $entry.width() - RIGHT_PADDING;
-	var global_align = $related_trigger.offset().left;
-	global_align = Math.max(left_edge, global_align);
-	var need_minimal_fix = true;
-	if ( $display.is(':visible') ) {
-		try {
-			var display_width = $display.children('ul:first').width();
-			$display.css({
-				right: ''
-			});
-			global_align = Math.max(
-				left_edge,
-				Math.min(right_edge-display_width, global_align) );
-			var distance = global_align - $display.offset().left;
-			if ( distance ) {
-				$display.animate({left: '+='+distance});
-			}
-			need_minimal_fix = false;
-		} catch (e0) {
-		}
-	}
-	if ( need_minimal_fix ) {
-		try {
-			// we may not be visible, so can't trust offsetParent() on ourself
-			// better get it from our parent
-			var x_adjust = -$display.parent().offsetParent().offset().left;
-			$display.css({
-				left: global_align + x_adjust + BROKEN_NEGATIVE_MARGIN_CALCULATION,
-				right: right_edge + x_adjust
-			});
-		} catch (e1) {
-		}
-	}
-	return $display;
-function $queue_reposition( $display, if_only_width ){
-	return $display.queue(function(){
-		$position_context_display($display, if_only_width);
-		$(this).dequeue();
-	});
 var gFocusedText;
-var $previous_context_trigger = $().filter();
+var $previous_context_trigger = $([]);
 var tag_widget_fns = {
@@ -684,11 +624,13 @@
 	set_context: function( context, force ){
 		var widget = this;
+		var new_trigger = !$previous_context_trigger.length || ($previous_context_trigger[0] !== $related_trigger[0]);
+		var new_context = context != this._current_context;
 		if ( context ) {
-			if ( context == this._current_context &&
-				(!$previous_context_trigger.length ||
-					$related_trigger[0] === $previous_context_trigger[0]) && !force ) {
+			if ( !new_context && !new_trigger && !force ) {
 				context = '';
+				new_context = true;
 			} else {
 				if ( !(context in suggestions_for_context) && context in context_triggers ) {
 					context = (this._current_context != 'default') ? 'default' : '';
@@ -703,52 +645,65 @@
 			this._context_timeout = null;
-		// only have to set_tags on the display if the context really is changing
-		if ( context != this._current_context ) {
+		// only have to set_tags on the display if the something really changed
+		if ( new_context || new_trigger ) {
 			var context_tags = [];
 			if ( context && context in suggestions_for_context ) {
 				context_tags = list_as_array(suggestions_for_context[context]);
-			var has_tags = context_tags.length !== 0;
 			$('.ready[context=related]', this)
 					var display = this;
 					var $display = $(display);
-					var had_tags = $display.find('span.tag').length !== 0;
-					// animations are automatically queued...
-					if ( had_tags < has_tags ) {
-						$display.css('display', 'none');
-					} else if ( had_tags > has_tags ) {
+					if ( $display.find('span.tag').length ) {
-					// ...when regular code needs to synchronize with animation
-					$display.queue(function(){
-						// I have to queue that code up myself
-						display.set_tags(context_tags, { classes: 'suggestion' });
-						if ( has_tags && widget.modify_context ) {
-							widget.modify_context(display, context);
-						}
-						$display.dequeue();
-					});
-					if ( has_tags ) {
-						$queue_reposition($display);
-						if ( !had_tags ) {
-							$queue_reposition($display.slideDown(400));
-						}
+					if ( context_tags.length ) {
+						var	$parent		= $display.parent(),
+							global_left	= $related_trigger.offset().left,
+							parent_left	= $parent.offset().left,
+							best_left	= global_left - parent_left;
+						$display.queue(function(){
+							// ...when regular code needs to synchronize with animation
+							// I have to queue that code up myself
+							// if display had no tags before, $display.hide() would silently fail, because it's already hidden
+							// so hide the widget itself while we make the changes
+							$parent.hide();
+							display.set_tags(context_tags, { classes: 'suggestion' });
+							if ( widget.modify_context ) {
+								widget.modify_context(display, context);
+							}
+							// now hide() will work, so hide the display (child) instead of the widget (parent)
+							// but we can't _really_ hide it, because we need to ask its width
+							$display.show().css('height', '0');
+							$parent.show();
+							try {
+								var max_left = $parent.width() - $display.find('ul').width();
+								best_left = Math.min(best_left, max_left);
+							} catch ( e0 ) {
+							}
+							$display.hide();
+							$display.css({
+								height:		'',
+								left:		best_left
+							});
+							$display.slideDown(400);
+							$display.dequeue();
+						});
 			this._current_context = context;
-		} else if ( context &&
-			$related_trigger.length &&
-			$previous_context_trigger.length &&
-			$previous_context_trigger[0] !== $related_trigger[0] ) {
-			$position_context_display($('.ready[context=related]', this));
 		$previous_context_trigger = $related_trigger;
@@ -1076,10 +1031,14 @@
 	update_class_map(well_known_tags, 't2', YAHOO.slashdot.topicTags);
 	update_class_map(well_known_tags, 'y p', ['nod', 'metanod']);
 	update_class_map(well_known_tags, 'x p', ['nix', 'metanix']);
+	update_class_map(well_known_tags, 'p', ['mainpage']);	// Rob requests 'mainpage' never show its face
 	update_class_map(well_known_tags, 'd', data_types);
 	if ( fh_is_admin ) {
 		update_class_map(well_known_tags, 'w p', ['signed', 'unsigned', 'signoff']);
+		update_class_map(well_known_tags, 'd', ['unknown']);	// Tags.pm debugging
+	} else {
+		update_class_map(well_known_tags, 'd p', ['unknown']);	// Tags.pm debugging, non-admins don't get to see

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/templates/tag_ui_widget;misc;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/templates/tag_ui_widget;misc;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Ajax/templates/tag_ui_widget;misc;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -17,9 +17,17 @@
-[% IF user.tags_canread_stories %]
-[%  tags_reader = Slash.getObject('Slash::Tags'); tags = tags_reader.setGetCombinedTags(key, key_type); %]
-[%# the tag-widget itself %]
+[% IF user.tags_canread_stories -%]
+[%	tags_reader = Slash.getObject('Slash::Tags'); tag_info = tags_reader.setGetCombinedTags(key, key_type); -%]
+[%	IF tag_info.datatype == 'story'			-%]
+[%		IF key_type == 'stoid'			-%]
+[%			tag_info.stoid = key		-%]
+[%		ELSE					-%]
+[%			tag_info.stoid = item.srcid	-%]
+[%		END					-%]
+[%	END						-%]
+[%# the tag-widget itself -%]
 <div class="tag-widget-stub body-widget" init="context_timeout:15000">
 	[%# the disclosure triangle %]
@@ -31,31 +39,31 @@
 		<span class="button collapse"></span>
-	[% IF user.tags_canwrite_stories %]
-	[%# the tag input field %]
+	[% IF user.tags_canwrite_stories -%]
+	[%# the tag input field -%]
 	<form class="tag-editor" onsubmit="form_submit_tags(this, {fade_remove: 400, order: 'prepend', classes:'not-saved'}); return false">
 		<input class="tag-entry" type="text" size="10">
 		<span class="tag-server-busy"><img src="[% constants.imagedir %]/spinner[% IF !featured %]2[% END %].gif"></span>
-	[% END %]
+	[% END -%]
-	[%# the tag 'bars' %]
-	[% IF user.tags_canwrite_stories %]
+	[%# the tag 'bars' -%]
+	[% IF user.tags_canwrite_stories -%]
 	<div class="tag-display-stub" context="user" init="legend:'my&nbsp;tags'"></div>
 	[% END %]
-	<div class="tag-display-stub" context="top" init="legend:'top&nbsp;tags'">[% tags.top %]</div>
-	<div class="tag-display-stub" context="system" init="legend:'system&nbsp;tags'">[% tags.system %]</div>
-	[%- IF item.type == "story" &&
+	<div class="tag-display-stub" context="top" init="legend:'top&nbsp;tags'">[% tag_info.top %]</div>
+	<div class="tag-display-stub" context="system"">[% tag_info.system %]</div>
+	[% IF tag_info.datatype == "story" &&
 		constants.signoff_use &&
 		((user.is_admin && !user.firehose_usermode) || user.acl.signoff_allowed) &&
-		! Slash.db.hasUserSignedStory(item.srcid, user.uid) -%]
-		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="signoff" init="legend:'signoff', menu:false">unsigned</div>
+		! Slash.db.hasUserSignedStory(tag_info.stoid, user.uid) -%]
+		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="signoff" init="menu:false">unsigned</div>
 	[%- END -%]
-	<div class="tag-display-stub" context="datatype" init="legend:'type&nbsp;tag'">[% tags.datatype %]</div>
-	[% IF user.tags_canwrite_stories %]
-	[%# the suggestions bar %]
+	<div class="tag-display-stub" context="datatype" init="menu:false">[% tag_info.datatype %]</div>
+	[% IF user.tags_canwrite_stories -%]
+	[%# the suggestions bar -%]
 	<div class="related">
-		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="related" init="legend:'suggestions', menu:false"></div>
+		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="related" init="menu:false"></div>
 	[% END %]

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -266,6 +266,13 @@
+sub getUserBookmarkForUrl {
+	my($self, $uid, $url_id) = @_;
+	my $uid_q = $self->sqlQuote($uid);
+	my $url_id_q = $self->sqlQuote($url_id);
+	return $self->sqlSelectHashref("*", "bookmarks", "uid=$uid_q and url_id=$url_id_q");
 sub createUpdateItemFromBookmark {
 	my($self, $id, $options) = @_;
 	$options ||= {};
@@ -297,7 +304,8 @@
 			activity 	=> $activity,
 			public 		=> "yes",
 			type		=> $type,
-			srcid		=> $id
+			srcid		=> $id,
+			createtime	=> $bookmark->{createdtime},
 		$data->{introtext} = $options->{introtext} if $options->{introtext};
 		if ($type eq "feed") {
@@ -838,7 +846,7 @@
 		push @where, 'rejected = ' . $self->sqlQuote($options->{rejected});
-	if (defined $options->{category} || $user->{is_admin}) {
+	if (defined $options->{category} || ($user->{is_admin} && $options->{admin_filters})) {
 		$options->{category} ||= '';
 		push @where, 'category = ' . $self->sqlQuote($options->{category});
@@ -882,8 +890,13 @@
 	my $rows = $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("count(*)", $tables, $where, $count_other);
-	my $count = @$rows;
+	my $row_num = @$rows;
+	my $count = $row_num;
+	if ($row_num == 1 && !$count_other) {
+		$count = $rows->[0]->{"count(*)"};
+	}
 	my $page_size = $ps || 1;
 	$results->{records_pages} ||= ceil($count / $page_size);
 	$results->{records_page}  ||= (int(($options->{offset} || 0) / $options->{limit}) + 1) || 1;
@@ -942,8 +955,13 @@
 	my $where = join ' AND ', @$where_ar, "createtime $it_cmp $i_time_q", "createtime $bt_cmp $border_time_q";
-	my $rows = $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("count(*)", $tables, $where, $other);
-	my $day_count = @$rows;
+	my $rows = $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("firehose.id", $tables, $where, $other);
+	my $row_num = @$rows;
+	my $day_count = $row_num;
+	if ($row_num == 1 && !$other) {
+		$day_count = $rows->[0]->{'count(*)'};
+	}
 	my $day_labels = getOlderDaysFromDay($item_day, 0, 0, { skip_add_today => 1, show_future_days => 1, force => 1 });
@@ -1489,7 +1507,14 @@
 				if (!$item->{day}) {
 					my $url 	= $slashdb->getUrl($item->{url_id});
 					my $the_user  	= $slashdb->getUser($item->{uid});
-					$html->{"title-$_->{id}"} = slashDisplay("formatHoseTitle", { adminmode => $adminmode, item => $item, showtitle => 1, url => $url, the_user => $the_user, options => $opts }, { Return => 1 });
+					$item->{atstorytime} = '__TIME_TAG__';
+					my $title = slashDisplay("formatHoseTitle", { adminmode => $adminmode, item => $item, showtitle => 1, url => $url, the_user => $the_user, options => $opts }, { Return => 1 });
+					my $atstorytime;
+					$atstorytime = $user->{aton} . ' ' . timeCalc($item->{'createtime'});
+					$title =~ s/\Q__TIME_TAG__\E/$atstorytime/;
+					$html->{"title-$_->{id}"} = $title;
 					my $introtext = $item->{introtext};
 					slashDisplay("formatHoseIntro", { introtext => $introtext, url => $url, $item => $item }, { Return => 1 });
 					$html->{"text-$_->{id}"} = $introtext;
@@ -1831,7 +1856,7 @@
 	if (!exists($data->{last_update}) && !exists($data->{-last_update})) {
-		my @non_trivial = grep {!/^(activity|toptags)$/} keys %$data;
+		my @non_trivial = grep {!/^activity$/} keys %$data;
 		if (@non_trivial > 0) {
 			$data->{-last_update} = 'NOW()';
 		} else {
@@ -1910,12 +1935,14 @@
 	return '' if $gSkin->{skid} != $constants->{mainpage_skid};
 	return '' if !$constants->{firehose_mcd_disp};
+	my $index = $form->{index} ? 1 : 0;
 	if ($mcd
 		&& !$options->{nodates} && !$options->{nobylines} && !$options->{nocolors}
 		&& !$options->{nothumbs} && !$options->{vote}
-		&& !$form->{skippop} && !$form->{index}
+		&& !$form->{skippop} 
 		&& !$user->{is_admin}) {
-		$mcdkey = "$self->{_mcd_keyprefix}:dispfirehose-$options->{mode}:$id";
+		$mcdkey = "$self->{_mcd_keyprefix}:dispfirehose-$options->{mode}:$id:$index";
 	return $mcdkey;
@@ -1926,9 +1953,12 @@
 	return [ ] if !$constants->{firehose_mcd_disp};
 	my $keys = [ ];
 	my $mcd = $self->getMCD();
 	if ($mcd) {
 		foreach my $mode (qw(full fulltitle)) {
-			push @$keys, "$self->{_mcd_keyprefix}:dispfirehose-$mode:$id";
+			foreach my $index (qw(0 1)) {
+				push @$keys, "$self->{_mcd_keyprefix}:dispfirehose-$mode:$id:$index";
+			}
 	return $keys;
@@ -1937,38 +1967,48 @@
 sub dispFireHose {
 	my($self, $item, $options) = @_;
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $user = getCurrentUser();
 	$options ||= {};
 	my $mcd = $self->getMCD();
 	my $mcdkey;
+	my $retval;
 	if ($mcd) {
 		$mcdkey = $self->genFireHoseMCDKey($item->{id}, $options);
-		my $cached;
 		if ($mcdkey) {
-			$cached = $mcd->get("$mcdkey");
+			$retval = $mcd->get("$mcdkey");
-		return $cached if $cached;
-	my $retval = slashDisplay('dispFireHose', {
-		item			=> $item,
-		mode			=> $options->{mode},
-		tags_top		=> $options->{tags_top},	# old-style
-		top_tags		=> $options->{top_tags},	# new-style
-		system_tags		=> $options->{system_tags},	# new-style
-		options			=> $options->{options},
-		vote			=> $options->{vote},
-		bodycontent_include	=> $options->{bodycontent_include},
-		nostorylinkwrapper	=> $options->{nostorylinkwrapper},
-		view_mode		=> $options->{view_mode}
-	}, { Page => "firehose",  Return => 1 });
+	$item->{atstorytime} = "__TIME_TAG__"; 
-	if ($mcd) {
-		$mcdkey = $self->genFireHoseMCDKey($item->{id}, $options);
-		if ($mcdkey) {
-			my $exptime = $constants->{firehose_memcached_disp_exptime} || 180;
-			$mcd->set($mcdkey, $retval, $exptime);
+	if (!$retval) {  # No cache hit
+		$retval = slashDisplay('dispFireHose', {
+			item			=> $item,
+			mode			=> $options->{mode},
+			tags_top		=> $options->{tags_top},	# old-style
+			top_tags		=> $options->{top_tags},	# new-style
+			system_tags		=> $options->{system_tags},	# new-style
+			options			=> $options->{options},
+			vote			=> $options->{vote},
+			bodycontent_include	=> $options->{bodycontent_include},
+			nostorylinkwrapper	=> $options->{nostorylinkwrapper},
+			view_mode		=> $options->{view_mode}
+		}, { Page => "firehose",  Return => 1 });
+		if ($mcd) {
+			$mcdkey = $self->genFireHoseMCDKey($item->{id}, $options);
+			if ($mcdkey) {
+				my $exptime = $constants->{firehose_memcached_disp_exptime} || 180;
+				$mcd->set($mcdkey, $retval, $exptime);
+			}
+	my $atstorytime;
+	$atstorytime = $user->{aton} . ' ' . timeCalc($item->{'createtime'});
+	$retval =~ s/\Q__TIME_TAG__\E/$atstorytime/;
 	return $retval;
@@ -2248,6 +2288,8 @@
 	my $form 	= getCurrentForm();
 	my $gSkin	= getCurrentSkin();
+	my $mainpage = 0;
 	my ($f_change, $v_change, $t_change);
 	if (!$opts->{initial}) {
@@ -2530,6 +2572,9 @@
 		} elsif ($user->{is_admin} && $validator->{categories}{$_} && !defined $fh_options->{category}) {
 			$fh_options->{category} = $_;
 		} elsif ($skin_nexus{$_}) {
+				if (!$not && $skin_nexus{$_} == $constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid}) {
+					$mainpage = 1;
+				}
 				push @{$fh_options->{$not."nexus"}}, $skin_nexus{$_};
 		} elsif ($user->{is_admin} && $_ eq "rejected") {
 			$fh_options->{rejected} = "yes";
@@ -2586,8 +2631,7 @@
 	# push all necessary nexuses on if we want stories show as brief
-	if ($constants->{brief_sectional_mainpage} && $the_skin->{nexus} == $constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid} &&
-		$options->{fhfilter} eq "$the_skin->{name} story") {
+	if ($constants->{brief_sectional_mainpage} && $the_skin->{nexus} == $constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid} && $mainpage) {
 		my $nexus_children = $self->getMainpageDisplayableNexuses();
 		push @{$fh_options->{nexus}}, @$nexus_children;
@@ -2629,19 +2673,23 @@
 	$options->{public} = "yes";
+	if ($options->{view} eq "daddypants" || $form->{admin_filters}) {
+		$options->{admin_filters} = 1;
+	}
 	if ($adminmode) {
 		# $options->{attention_needed} = "yes";
-		if ($firehose_page ne "user") {
+		if ($options->{admin_filters}) {
 			$options->{accepted} = "no" if !$options->{accepted};
 			$options->{rejected} = "no" if !$options->{rejected};
 		$options->{duration} ||= -1;
 	} else  {
 		if ($firehose_page ne "user") {
-			$options->{accepted} = "no" if !$options->{accepted};
+			# $options->{accepted} = "no" if !$options->{accepted};
-		$options->{duration} ||= 1;
 		if ($user->{is_subscriber} && (!$no_saved || $form->{index})) {
 			$options->{createtime_subscriber_future} = 1;
 		} else {
@@ -2918,7 +2966,7 @@
 	my $featured;
 	if ($gSkin->{name} eq "idle" && !$user->{firehose_nomarquee}) {
-		my $featured_ops ={ primaryskid => $gSkin->{skid}, type => "story", limit => 1, orderby => 'createtime', orderdir => 'DESC'};
+		my $featured_ops = { primaryskid => $gSkin->{skid}, type => "story", limit => 1, orderby => 'createtime', orderdir => 'DESC'};
 		if ($user->{is_subscriber}) {
 			$featured_ops->{createtime_subscriber_future} = 1;

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/firehose.pl
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/firehose.pl	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/firehose.pl	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
 	xmlDisplay($form->{content_type} => {
 		channel => {
-			title		=> "$constants->{sitename} Firehose",
+			title		=> "$constants->{sitename} Firehose - Filtered to  '$options->{fhfilter}'",
 			'link'		=> "$gSkin->{absolutedir}/firehose.pl",
 			descriptions 	=> "$constants->{sitename} Firehose"

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/mysql_dump.sql
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/mysql_dump.sql	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/mysql_dump.sql	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 INSERT INTO firehose_view (id, uid, viewname, useparentfilter, filter, orderby, orderdir, color, duration, mode, mixedmode, tab_display, options_edit, admin_maxitems, maxitems, seclev, pause) VALUES (NULL, 0, "usersubmission", "no", '"author:{nickname}" submission', "createtime", "DESC", "black", "-1", "full", "0", "no", "no", 20, 20, 0,"1");
-INSERT INTO firehose_view (id, uid, viewname, useparentfilter, filter, orderby, orderdir, color, duration, mode, mixedmode, tab_display, options_edit, admin_maxitems, maxitems, seclev, pause) VALUES (NULL, 0, "userbookmark", "no", '"author:{nickname}" bookmark', "createtime", "DESC", "black", "-1", "full", "0", "no", "no", 20, 20, 0,"1");
+INSERT INTO firehose_view (id, uid, viewname, useparentfilter, filter, orderby, orderdir, color, duration, mode, mixedmode, tab_display, options_edit, admin_maxitems, maxitems, seclev, pause) VALUES (NULL, 0, "userbookmark", "no", '"user:{nickname}" bookmark', "createtime", "DESC", "black", "-1", "full", "0", "no", "no", 20, 20, 0,"1");
 INSERT INTO firehose_view (id, uid, viewname, useparentfilter, filter, orderby, orderdir, color, duration, mode, mixedmode, tab_display, options_edit, admin_maxitems, maxitems, seclev, pause) VALUES (NULL, 0, "userfirehose", "no", '"user:{nickname}"', "createtime", "DESC", "black", "-1", "full", "0", "no", "no", 20, 20, 0,"1");

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/mysql_schema.sql
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/mysql_schema.sql	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/mysql_schema.sql	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
 	KEY popularity (popularity),
 	KEY neediness (neediness),
 	KEY url_id (url_id),
-	KEY uid (uid)
+	KEY uid (uid),
+	KEY last_update (last_update)
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;
 # The table giving an Object's Generally Accepted Story Publication Time

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/formatHoseTitle;misc;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/formatHoseTitle;misc;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/formatHoseTitle;misc;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -26,6 +26,14 @@
 fh_page = fh_page || "firehose.pl";
 title = item.title;
+IF item.type == "bookmark" && options.view == "userbookmark";
+	fh = Slash.getObject("Slash::FireHose");
+	ub = fh.getUserBookmarkForUrl(options.user_view_uid, item.url_id);
+	IF ub && ub.title;
+		title = ub.title;
+	END;
 IF item.primaryskid && item.primaryskid != form.primaryskid && item.primaryskid != constants.mainpage_skid && item.type == "story";
 	the_skin = Slash.db.getSkin(item.primaryskid);
 	IF user.is_anon;
@@ -86,7 +94,7 @@
 IF options.nodates; 
 	title = title _ " hide"; 
-title = title _ '">' _ Slash.timeCalc(item.createtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") _  "</span> <span class=\"nickname";
+title = title _ '">' _ item.atstorytime _  "</span> <span class=\"nickname";
 IF options.nobylines; 
 	title = title _ " hide"; 

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 		submission_hash.${submission.subid} = submission;
 	submission_accept = submission_count - (submission_reject + submission_pend) %]
-<div id="message"><div class="content"><p>Submission Summary:
+<div id="message"><div class="content"><p class="submissions">Submission Summary:
 [% submission_pend %] pending,
 [% submission_reject %] rejected,
 [% submission_accept %] accepted ([%
@@ -42,10 +42,13 @@
 %]% accepted)</p></div></div>
-[% ELSIF options.view == "userjournal" AND (user.uid == options.user_view_uid) %]
+[% ELSIF options.view == "userjournal" %]
 <div id="message"><div class="content">
-	<a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/journal.pl?op=list">Manage Journal Entries</a> |
-	<a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/journal.pl?op=editprefs">Edit Journal Preferences</a>
+	[% IF user.uid == options.user_view_uid -%]
+	<a href="[% constants.real_rootdir %]/journal.pl?op=list">Manage Journal Entries</a> |
+	<a href="[% constants.real_rootdir %]/journal.pl?op=editprefs">Edit Journal Preferences</a> |
+	[%- END %]
+	<a href="[% constants.real_rootdir %]/~[% user.nickname | strip_paramattr %]/journal/friends">[% user.nickname | strip_literal %]'s Friends' Journals</a>
 [% END %]
@@ -202,6 +205,9 @@
 	[% IF options.index %]
 		firehose_settings.index = 1;
 	[% END %]
+	[% IF options.admin_filters %]
+		firehose_settings.admin_filters = 1;
+	[% END %]
 	var firehose_action_time = 0;
 	var firehose_user_class = [% user.is_anon ? 0 : 1 %];
@@ -249,17 +255,6 @@
 			if ( gFocusedText === this ) {
 				gFocusedText = null;
-		}).
-		autocomplete('/ajax.pl', {
-			loadingClass:		'working',
-			multiple:		true,
-			multipleSeparator:	' ',
-			minChars:		3,
-			autoFill:		true,
-			max:			25,
-			extraParams: {
-				op:	'tags_list_tagnames'
-			}

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/tag_widget;firehose;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/tag_widget;firehose;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/FireHose/templates/tag_widget;firehose;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 		[%# the tag 'bars' %]
 		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="user" init="legend:'my&nbsp;tags'"></div>
 		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="top" init="legend:'top&nbsp;tags'">[% tags.top %]</div>
-		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="system" init="legend:'system&nbsp;tags'">[% tags.system;
+		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="system">[% tags.system;
 IF options.view == "usersubmission";
 	this_submission = Slash.db.getSubmission(item.srcid);
 	SWITCH this_submission.del;
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@
 			constants.signoff_use &&
 			((user.is_admin && !user.firehose_usermode) || user.acl.signoff_allowed) &&
 			! Slash.db.hasUserSignedStory(item.srcid, user.uid) -%]
-			<div class="tag-display-stub" context="signoff" stoid="[% item.srcid %]" init="legend:'signoff', menu:false">unsigned</div>
+			<div class="tag-display-stub" context="signoff" stoid="[% item.srcid %]" init="menu:false">unsigned</div>
 		[%- END -%]
-		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="datatype" init="legend:'type&nbsp;tag'">[% tags.datatype %]</div>
+		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="datatype" init="menu:false">[% tags.datatype %]</div>
 		[%# the suggestions bar %]
 		<div class="related">
-			<div class="tag-display-stub" context="related" init="legend:'suggestions', menu:false"></div>
+			<div class="tag-display-stub" context="related" init="menu:false"></div>
 	[% ELSE %]
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 		[%- END %]><span class="button collapse"></span></a>
 		[%# the tag 'bars' %]
 		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="top" init="legend:'top&nbsp;tags'">[% tags.top %]</div>
-		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="system" init="legend:'system&nbsp;tags'">[% tags.system;
+		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="system">[% tags.system;
 IF options.view == "usersubmission";
 	this_submission = Slash.db.getSubmission(item.srcid);
 	SWITCH this_submission.del;
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 		CASE 2; ' accepted';
 END %]</div>
-		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="datatype" init="legend:'type&nbsp;tag'">[% tags.datatype %]</div>
+		<div class="tag-display-stub" context="datatype" init="menu:false">[% tags.datatype %]</div>
 	[% END %]
 [% END %]

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Submit/submit.pl
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Submit/submit.pl	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Submit/submit.pl	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -699,54 +699,6 @@
 	yourPendingSubmissions($constants, $slashdb, $user, $form, { skip_submit_body => 1 });
 	print getData("submit_body_close");
-        if (!$user->{is_anon}) {
-                my $events = $slashdb->sqlSelectAllHashref(
-                        'eid', 'eid, date', 'user_events', "uid = $uid and code = 3");
-                # Delete the oldest event for this user if they already have 5 events.
-                if ((scalar keys %$events) == 5) {
-                        my $eid = [sort keys %$events]->[0];
-                        $slashdb->sqlDelete('user_events', "uid = $uid and code = 3 and eid = $eid");
-                }
-                my $submission_id =
-                        $slashdb->sqlSelect("id", "firehose", "uid = $uid and srcid = " . $messagesub->{subid} . " and type = 'submission'");
-                # Insert event
-                $slashdb->sqlInsert('user_events', {
-                        code  => 3,
-                        uid   => $uid,
-                        event => $submission_id,
-                        -date  => 'NOW()',
-                });
-                # Create/update event block
-                my $event_blocks = $slashdb->sqlSelectAllHashref(
-                        'uid', 'bid, uid, block', 'user_event_blocks', "uid = $uid and code = 3");
-                # New block
-                if (!%$event_blocks) {
-                        $slashdb->sqlInsert('user_event_blocks', {
-                                code  => 3,
-                                uid   => $uid,
-                                block => $submission_id,
-                         });
-                } else {
-                        my @blocks = split(/,/, $event_blocks->{$uid}->{block});
-                        # Remove oldest event from this block
-                        if (scalar @blocks == 5) {
-                                @blocks = @blocks[1 .. 4];
-                        }
-                        # Append new event
-                        $blocks[$#blocks + 1] = $submission_id;
-                        my $new_blocks = join(",", @blocks);
-                        $slashdb->sqlUpdate('user_event_blocks', { block => $new_blocks }, "uid = $uid and code = 3");
-                }
-        }

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@
 	my $system_tags = $section_tag . ' ' . $topic_tags;
-	my $response = '<datatype>' . $datatype_tag . '<system>' . $system_tags . '<top>'. $top_tags;
+	my $response = '<datatype>' . ($datatype_tag || 'unknown') . '<system>' . $system_tags . '<top>'. $top_tags;
 	$response .= '<user>' . $user_tags unless $form->{global_tags_only};
 	return $response;

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/archive_globjs_viewed.pl
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/archive_globjs_viewed.pl	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/archive_globjs_viewed.pl	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	my $min_gvid = $slashdb->sqlSelect('MIN(gvid)', 'globjs_viewed');
 	my $max_gvid = $min_gvid + 50_000;
-	my $where_clause = "gvid < $max_gvid AND viewed_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)";
+	my $where_clause = "gvid < $max_gvid AND viewed_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)";
 	my $old_arch_size = $slashdb->sqlSelect('COUNT(*)', 'globjs_viewed_archived');
 	$slashdb->sqlDo("INSERT IGNORE INTO globjs_viewed_archived

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/tagbox.pl
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/tagbox.pl	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/tagbox.pl	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
 	tagboxLog('tagbox.pl starting');
+	my $sleeps_in_a_row = 0;
 	my $exclude_behind = 1;
 	my $max_activity_for_run = 10;
 	my $feederlog_largerows = $constants->{tags_feederlog_largerows} || 50_000;
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@
 			# obsolete the results we'd get by calling run() right now.
 			if ($activity_feeder > 10) {
 				tagboxLog("tagbox.pl re-updating feederlog, activity $activity_feeder");
+				$sleeps_in_a_row = 0;
@@ -149,8 +151,11 @@
 		# If nothing's going on, ease up some (not that it probably
 		# matters much, since if nothing's going on both of the
 		# above should be doing reasonably fast SELECTs).
-		if (!$activity_feeder && !$activity_run) {
-			tagboxLog('tagbox.pl sleeping 3');
+		if ($activity_feeder || $activity_run) {
+			$sleeps_in_a_row = 0;
+		} else {
+			++$sleeps_in_a_row;
+			tagboxLog('tagbox.pl sleeping 3') if $sleeps_in_a_row % 100 == 1;
 			sleep 3;
 		last if $task_exit_flag;

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/tags_udc.pl
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/tags_udc.pl	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/tags_udc.pl	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -94,12 +94,14 @@
 	my $hour = $cur_hour - 3600*$hoursback;
 	my $hour_next = $hour + 3600;
 	my $tags_reader = getObject('Slash::Tags', { db_type => 'reader' });
+	my $comments_gtid = $tags_reader->getGlobjTypes()->{comments} || 5;
 	my $tags_ar = $tags_reader->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray(
-		'*',
-		'tags',
+		'tags.*',
+		'tags NATURAL JOIN globjs',
 		 AND tagnameid IN ($dnid, $upid)
-		 AND inactivated IS NULL");
+		 AND inactivated IS NULL
+		 AND gtid != $comments_gtid");
 	$tags_reader->addCloutsToTagArrayref($tags_ar, 'vote');
 	my $cloutsum = 0;

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertagnames;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertagnames;users;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertagnames;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
    UNLESS notitle; PROCESS user_titlebar tab_selected='tags'; END; %]
 [% IF user.tags_canread_stories && tagnames.size %]
-<div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="tagslist">
+<div><table class="tagslist">
 [% FOREACH tagname = tagnames %]
 	<tr><td class="tagname" valign="top"><a href="[% url_base %]tags/[% tagname | strip_paramattr %]">[% tagname | strip_html %]</a></td></tr>
 [% END %]

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertags;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertags;users;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertags;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
    PROCESS user_titlebar tab_selected='tags' %]
 [% IF user.tags_canread_stories && tags_grouped.keys.size %]
-<div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="tagslist">
+<div><table class="tagslist">
 [% FOREACH tagname = tags_grouped.keys.sort;
         tagname_shown = 0;
 	FOREACH tag = tags_grouped.$tagname %]

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertagsforname;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertagsforname;users;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Tags/templates/usertagsforname;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
    UNLESS notitle; PROCESS user_titlebar tab_selected='tags'; END; %]
 [% IF user.tags_canread_stories && tags.size %]
-<div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="tagslist">
+<div><table class="tagslist">
 [% FOREACH tag = tags %]
 	[% UNLESS tag.globj_type == "submissions" %]

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Users2/Users2.pm
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Users2/Users2.pm	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Users2/Users2.pm	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
 sub truncateMarquee {
-        my($self, $marquee, $len) = @_;
+        my($self, $marquee) = @_;
         my $text;
         my $linebreak = qr{(?:
@@ -340,22 +340,30 @@
                         div | (?:block)?quote | [oud]l
-        my $min_chars = 50;
-        my $max_chars = $len || 1000;
+	my $min_chars = 50;
+        my $max_chars = 1500;
+        my $orig_len = length($marquee->{body});
-        if (length($marquee) < $min_chars) {
-                $text = $marquee;
+	if (length($marquee->{body}) < $min_chars) {
+                $text = $marquee->{body};
         } else {
-                $text = $1 if $marquee =~ m/^(.{$min_chars,$max_chars})?$linebreak/s;
+                $text = $1 if $marquee->{body} =~ m/^(.{$min_chars,$max_chars})?$linebreak/s;
-        $text ||= chopEntity($marquee, $max_chars);
+        $text ||= chopEntity($marquee->{body}, $max_chars);
         local $Slash::Utility::Data::approveTag::admin = 1;
         $text = strip_html($text);
         $text = balanceTags($text, { admin => 1 });
         $text = addDomainTags($text);
-        return $text;
+        $marquee->{body} = $text;
+        if ($orig_len > length($text)) {
+                $marquee->{truncated} = 1;
+        }
+        return $marquee;
 sub DESTROY {

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Zoo/templates/plainlist;zoo;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Zoo/templates/plainlist;zoo;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/plugins/Zoo/templates/plainlist;zoo;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+<table class="zooList">
     <tr><th align="left">User</th>
 	<th align="left" colspan="2">User's...</th>
 	<th align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;Last Journal</th></tr>

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/sql/mysql/defaults.sql
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/sql/mysql/defaults.sql	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/sql/mysql/defaults.sql	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cur_performance_stats_lastid', '0', 'accesslogid to start searching at');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cur_performance_stats_weeks', '8', 'number of weeks back to compare current stats to');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('currentqid',1,'The Current Question on the homepage pollbooth');
-INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode','T_2_5_0_233','The current cvs tag that the code was updated to - this does not affect site behavior but may be useful for your records');
+INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode','T_2_5_0_235','The current cvs tag that the code was updated to - this does not affect site behavior but may be useful for your records');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('datadir','/usr/local/slash/www.example.com','What is the root of the install for Slash');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('db_auto_increment_increment','1','If your master DB uses auto_increment_increment, i.e. multiple master replication, echo its value into this var');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('dbsparklines_disp','0','Display dbsparklines in the currentAdminUsers box?');

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/sql/mysql/upgrades
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/sql/mysql/upgrades	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/sql/mysql/upgrades	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -5686,8 +5686,6 @@
 # 2008-11-20
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_231' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
 UPDATE firehose SET public="yes" WHERE type="journal";
 create temporary table firehose_deletedjournal (id int unsigned not null primary key);
@@ -5704,8 +5702,6 @@
 # 2008-11-25
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_232' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
 # for plugins/FireHose
 ALTER TABLE firehose ADD INDEX uid (uid);
@@ -5717,3 +5713,18 @@
 # 2008-11-26
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_233' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
+UPDATE firehose_view SET filter='"user:{nickname}" bookmark' WHERE viewname="userbookmark";
+# 2008-12-04
+UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_234' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
+# for plugins/FireHose
+ALTER TABLE firehose ADD INDEX last_update (last_update);
+# 2008-12-11
+UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_235' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/tagboxes/CommentScoreReason/CommentScoreReason.pm
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/tagboxes/CommentScoreReason/CommentScoreReason.pm	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/tagboxes/CommentScoreReason/CommentScoreReason.pm	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 sub run_process {
-	my($self, $affected_id, $tags_ar) = @_;
+	my($self, $affected_id, $tags_ar, $options) = @_;
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
 	my $tagsdb = getObject('Slash::Tags');
 	my $tagboxdb = getObject('Slash::Tagbox');
@@ -206,6 +206,15 @@
 	my $new_score = $points_orig + $mod_score_sum;
 	my $new_karma_bonus = ($karma_bonus eq 'yes' && $keep_karma_bonus) ? 1 : 0;
+	if ($options->{return_only}) {
+		return {
+			score =>	$new_score,
+			karma_bonus =>	$new_karma_bonus,
+			reason =>	$current_reason_mode,
+			neediness =>	$neediness,
+		};
+	}
 	$self->info_log("cid %d to score: %d, %s kb %d->%d, neediness %.1f",
 		$cid, $new_score, $reasons->{$current_reason_mode}{name}, ($karma_bonus eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0), $new_karma_bonus, $neediness);

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/THEME
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/THEME	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/THEME	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users2.pl
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users2.pl	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users2.pl	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -68,20 +68,6 @@
 			tab_selected_1	=> 'me',
 			tab_selected_2	=> 'firehose'
-		usersubmissions	=>  {
-			function	=> \&showSubmissions,
-			#I made this change, not all sites are going to care. -Brian
-			seclev		=> $constants->{users_show_info_seclev},
-			checks		=> [],
-			tab_selected_1	=> 'me',
-		},
-		usercomments	=>  {
-			function	=> \&showComments,
-			#I made this change, not all sites are going to care. -Brian
-			seclev		=> $constants->{users_show_info_seclev},
-			checks		=> [],
-			tab_selected_1	=> 'me',
-		},
 		display	=>  {
 			function	=> \&showInfo,
 			#I made this change, not all sites are going to care. -Brian
@@ -91,16 +77,6 @@
 			tab_selected_1	=> 'me',
 			tab_selected_2	=> 'info',
-#		savepasswd	=> {
-#			function	=> \&savePasswd,
-#			seclev		=> 1,
-#			post		=> 1,
-#			formname	=> $formname,
-#			checks		=> [ qw (max_post_check valid_check
-#						formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
-#			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
-#			tab_selected_2	=> 'password',
-#		},
 		saveuseradmin	=> {
 			function	=> \&saveUserAdmin,
 			seclev		=> 10000,
@@ -108,26 +84,6 @@
 			formname	=> $formname,
 			checks		=> [],
-		savehome	=> {
-			function	=> \&saveHome,
-			seclev		=> 1,
-			post		=> 1,
-			formname	=> $formname,
-			checks		=> [ qw (valid_check
-						formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
-			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
-			tab_selected_2	=> 'home',
-		},
-		savecomm	=> {
-			function	=> \&saveComm,
-			seclev		=> 1,
-			post		=> 1,
-			formname	=> $formname,
-			checks		=> [ qw (valid_check
-						formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
-			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
-			tab_selected_2	=> 'comments',
-		},
 		saveuser	=> {
 			function	=> \&saveUser,
 			seclev		=> 1,
@@ -138,15 +94,6 @@
 			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
 			tab_selected_2	=> 'user',
-#		changepasswd	=> {
-#			function	=> \&changePasswd,
-#			seclev		=> 1,
-#			formname	=> $formname,
-#			checks		=> $savepass_flag ? [] :
-#						[ qw (generate_formkey) ],
-#			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
-#			tab_selected_2	=> 'password',
-#		},
 		editmiscopts	=> {
 			function	=> \&editMiscOpts,
 			seclev		=> 1,
@@ -177,29 +124,6 @@
 			formname	=> $formname,
 			checks		=> [],
-		edithome	=> {
-			function	=> \&editHome,
-			seclev		=> 1,
-			formname	=> $formname,
-			checks		=> [ qw (generate_formkey) ],
-			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
-			tab_selected_2	=> 'home',
-		},
-		editcomm	=> {
-			function	=> \&editComm,
-			seclev		=> 1,
-			formname	=> $formname,
-			checks		=> [ qw (generate_formkey) ],
-			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
-			tab_selected_2	=> 'comments',
-		},
-#		newuser		=> {
-#			function	=> \&newUser,
-#			seclev		=> 0,
-#			formname	=> "${formname}/nu",
-#			checks		=> [ qw (max_post_check valid_check
-#						formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
-#		},
 		newuseradmin	=> {
 			function	=> \&newUserForm,
 			seclev		=> 10000,
@@ -212,71 +136,12 @@
 			formname	=> $formname,
 			checks		=> [],
-#		mailpasswd	=> {
-#			function	=> \&mailPasswd,
-#			seclev		=> 0,
-#			formname	=> "${formname}/mp",
-#			checks		=> [ qw (max_post_check valid_check
-#						interval_check formkey_check ) ],
-#			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
-#			tab_selected_2	=> 'password',
-#		},
 		validateuser	=> {
 			function	=> \&validateUser,
 			seclev		=> 1,
 			formname	=> $formname,
 			checks		=> ['regen_formkey'],
-		showtags => {
-			function	=> \&showTags,
-			seclev		=> 1,
-			formname	=> $formname,
-			checks		=> [],
-			tab_selected	=> 'tags',
-		},
-		showbookmarks => {
-			function	=> \&showBookmarks,
-			seclev		=> 0,
-			formname	=> $formname,
-			checks		=> [],
-			tab_selected	=> 'bookmarks',
-		},
-		edittags => {
-			function	=> \&editTags,
-			seclev		=> 1,
-			formname	=> $formname,
-			checks		=> [],
-			tab_selected	=> 'tags',
-		},
-		savetags => {
-			function	=> \&saveTags,
-			seclev		=> 1,
-			formname	=> $formname,
-			checks		=> [],
-			tab_selected	=> 'tags',
-		},
-#		userclose	=>  {
-#			function	=> \&displayForm,
-#			seclev		=> 0,
-#			formname	=> $formname,
-#			checks		=> [],
-#		},
-#		newuserform	=> {
-#			function	=> \&displayForm,
-#			seclev		=> 0,
-#			formname	=> "${formname}/nu",
-#			checks		=> [ qw (max_post_check
-#						generate_formkey) ],
-#		},
-#		mailpasswdform 	=> {
-#			function	=> \&displayForm,
-#			seclev		=> 0,
-#			formname	=> "${formname}/mp",
-#			checks		=> [ qw (max_post_check
-#						generate_formkey) ],
-#			tab_selected_1	=> 'preferences',
-#			tab_selected_2	=> 'password',
-#		},
 		displayform	=> {
 			function	=> \&displayForm,
 			seclev		=> 0,
@@ -761,119 +626,6 @@
-sub showSubmissions {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my($uid, $nickname);
-	print createMenu("users", {
-		style		=> 'tabbed',
-		justify		=> 'right',
-		color		=> 'colored',
-		tab_selected	=> $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",
-	});
-	if ($form->{uid} or $form->{nick}) {
-		$uid		= $form->{uid} || $reader->getUserUID($form->{nick});
-		$nickname	= $reader->getUser($uid, 'nickname');
-	} else {
-		$nickname	= $user->{nickname};
-		$uid		= $user->{uid};
-	}
-	my $storycount = $reader->countStoriesBySubmitter($uid);
-	my $stories = $reader->getStoriesBySubmitter(
-		$uid,
-		$constants->{user_submitter_display_default}
-	) unless !$storycount;
-	slashDisplay('userSub', {
-		nick			=> $nickname,
-		uid			=> $uid,
-		nickmatch_flag		=> ($user->{uid} == $uid ? 1 : 0),
-		stories 		=> $stories,
-		storycount 		=> $storycount,
-	}, { Page => 'users' });
-sub showComments {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $commentstruct = [];
-	my($uid, $nickname);
-	my $user_edit;
-	if ($form->{uid} || $form->{nick}) {
-		$uid = $form->{uid} || $reader->getUserUID($form->{nick});
-		$user_edit = $reader->getUser($uid);
-	} else {
-		$uid = $user->{uid};
-		$user_edit = $user;
-	}
-	$nickname = $user_edit->{nickname};
-	print createMenu("users", {
-		style		=> 'tabbed',
-		justify		=> 'right',
-		color		=> 'colored',
-		tab_selected	=> $user_edit->{uid} == $user->{uid} ? 'me' : 'otheruser',
-	});
-	my $min_comment = $form->{min_comment} || 0;
-	$min_comment = 0 unless $user->{seclev} > $constants->{comments_more_seclev}
-		|| $constants->{comments_more_seclev} == 2 && $user->{is_subscriber};
-	my $comments_wanted = $user->{show_comments_num}
-		|| $constants->{user_comment_display_default};
-	my $commentcount = $reader->countCommentsByUID($uid);
-	my $comments = $reader->getCommentsByUID(
-		$uid, $comments_wanted, $min_comment
-	) if $commentcount;
-	if (ref($comments) eq 'ARRAY') {
-		my $kinds = $reader->getDescriptions('discussion_kinds');
-		for my $comment (@$comments) {
-			# This works since $sid is numeric.
-			$comment->{replies} = $reader->countCommentsBySidPid($comment->{sid}, $comment->{cid});
-			# This is ok, since with all luck we will not be hitting the DB
-			# ...however, the "sid" parameter here must be the string
-			# based SID from either the "stories" table or from
-			# pollquestions.
-			my $discussion = $reader->getDiscussion($comment->{sid});
-			if ($kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } =~ /^journal(?:-story)?$/) {
-				$comment->{type} = 'journal';
-			} elsif ($kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } eq 'poll') {
-				$comment->{type} = 'poll';
-			} else {
-				$comment->{type} = 'story';
-			}
-			$comment->{disc_title}	= $discussion->{title};
-			$comment->{url}	= $discussion->{url};
-		}
-	}
-	my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
-	slashDisplay('userCom', {
-		nick			=> $nickname,
-		useredit		=> $user_edit,
-		nickmatch_flag		=> ($user->{uid} == $uid ? 1 : 0),
-		commentstruct		=> $comments,
-		commentcount		=> $commentcount,
-		min_comment		=> $min_comment,
-		reasons			=> $mod_reader->getReasons(),
-		karma_flag		=> 0,
-		admin_flag		=> $user->{is_admin},
-	}, { Page => 'users' });
 sub noUser {
 	print getData("no_user");
@@ -1432,6 +1184,7 @@
                         $form->{dp} = 'firehose';
 			# Marquee is the "latest thing"
 			$marquee = $users2->getMarquee($latest_comments, $latest_journals, $latest_submissions);
+			#$marquee = $users2->truncateMarquee($marquee);
 			$not_fhid = $users2->getMarqueeFireHoseId($marquee);
@@ -1645,137 +1398,6 @@
-sub editTags {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser(); 
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $note = $hr->{note} || "";
-	return if $user->{is_anon}; # shouldn't be, but can't hurt to check
-	print createMenu("users", {
-		style		=> 'tabbed',
-		justify		=> 'right',
-		color		=> 'colored',
-		tab_selected	=> $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",
-	});
-	my $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($user->{uid});
-	my $title = getTitle('editTags_title');
-	slashDisplay('editTags', {
-		user_edit	=> $user_edit,
-		title		=> $title,
-		note		=> $note,
-	});
-sub saveTags {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	return if $user->{is_anon}; # shouldn't be, but can't hurt to check
-	$slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, {
-		tags_turnedoff =>	$form->{showtags} ? '' : 1 });
-	editTags({ note => getMessage('savetags_msg') });
-sub showTags {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $tags_reader = getObject('Slash::Tags', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my $tagname = $form->{tagname} || '';
-	$tagname = '' if !$tags_reader->tagnameSyntaxOK($tagname);
-	my($uid, $user_edit);
-	if ($form->{uid} || $form->{nick}) {
-		$uid = $form->{uid} || $tags_reader->getUserUID($form->{nick});
-		$user_edit = $tags_reader->getUser($uid);
-	}
-	if (!$user_edit || $user_edit->{is_anon}) {
-		$uid = $user->{uid};
-		$user_edit = $user;
-	}
-	my $nickname = $user_edit->{nickname};
-	if (!$constants->{plugin}{Tags}) {
-		print getError('bad_op', { op => $form->{op}});
-		return;
-	}
-	my $tagnameid = $tags_reader->getTagnameidFromNameIfExists($tagname);
-	if ($tagnameid) {
-		# Show all user's tags for one particular tagname.
-		my $tags_hr = $tags_reader->getGroupedTagsFromUser($user_edit->{uid},
-			{ tagnameid => $tagnameid });
-		my $tags_ar = $tags_hr->{$tagname} || [ ];
-		return slashDisplay('usertagsforname', {
-			useredit	=> $user_edit,
-			tagname		=> $tagname,
-			tags		=> $tags_ar,
-			notitle		=> 1,
-		}, { Page => 'users', Return => 1 });
-	} else {
-		my $tags_hr = $tags_reader->getGroupedTagsFromUser($user_edit->{uid});
-		my $num_tags = 0;
-		for my $tn (keys %$tags_hr) {
-			$num_tags += scalar @{ $tags_hr->{$tn} };
-		}
-		# Show all user's tagnames, with links to show all
-		# tags for each particular tagname.
-		my $tagname_ar = [ sort keys %$tags_hr ];
-		return slashDisplay('usertagnames', {
-			useredit	=> $user_edit,
-			tagnames	=> $tagname_ar,
-			notitle		=> 1,
-		}, { Page => 'users', Return => 1 });
-	}
-sub showBookmarks {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $tags_reader = getObject('Slash::Tags', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my($uid, $user_edit);
-	if ($form->{uid} || $form->{nick}) {
-		$uid = $form->{uid} || $tags_reader->getUserUID($form->{nick});
-		$user_edit = $tags_reader->getUser($uid);
-	}
-	if (!$user_edit || $user_edit->{is_anon}) {
-		$uid = $user->{uid};
-		$user_edit = $user;
-	}
-	my $nickname = $user_edit->{nickname};
-	if (!$constants->{plugin}{Tags}) {
-		print getError('bad_op', { op => $form->{op}});
-		return;
-	}
-	my $tags_ar = $tags_reader->getGroupedTagsFromUser($user_edit->{uid}, { type => "urls", only_bookmarked => 1 });
-	slashDisplay('userbookmarks', {
-		useredit	=> $user_edit,
-		tags_grouped	=> $tags_ar,
-	});
 sub editKey {
 	my($uid) = @_;
@@ -1814,12 +1436,6 @@
 		if ($form->{edituser}) {
-		} elsif ($form->{edithome}) {
-			editHome($hr);
-		} elsif ($form->{editcomm}) {
-			editComm($hr);
 		} elsif ($form->{changepasswd}) {
@@ -2011,78 +1627,6 @@
-sub changePasswd {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	print createMenu("users", {
-		style		=> 'tabbed',
-		justify		=> 'right',
-		color		=> 'colored',
-		tab_selected	=> $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",
-	});
-	my $user_edit = {};
-	my $title;
-	my $suadmin_flag = ($user->{seclev} >= 10000) ? 1 : 0;
-	my $admin_flag = ($user->{is_admin}) ? 1 : 0;
-	my $admin_block = '';
-	my $id = '';
-	if ($admin_flag) {
-		if ($form->{userfield}) {
-			$id ||= $form->{userfield};
-			if ($id =~ /^\d+$/) {
-				$user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
-			} else {
-				$user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($slashdb->getUserUID($id));
-			}
-		} else {
-			$user_edit = $id eq '' ? $user : $slashdb->getUser($id);
-			$id = $user_edit->{uid};
-		}
-	} else {
-		$id = $user->{uid};
-		$user_edit = $user;
-	}
-	$admin_block = getUserAdmin($id, 'uid', 1) if $admin_flag;
-	# print getMessage('note', { note => $form->{note}}) if $form->{note};
-	$title = getTitle('changePasswd_title', { user_edit => $user_edit });
-	my $session = $slashdb->getDescriptions('session_login');
-	my $session_select = createSelect('session_login', $session, $user_edit->{session_login}, 1);
-	my $clocation = $slashdb->getDescriptions('cookie_location');
-	my @clocation_order = grep { exists $clocation->{$_} } qw(none classbid subnetid ipid);
-	my $clocation_select = createSelect('cookie_location', $clocation,
-		$user_edit->{cookie_location}, 1, 0, \@clocation_order
-	);
-	my $got_oldpass = 0;
-	if ($form->{oldpass}) {
-		my $return_uid = $slashdb->getUserAuthenticate($id, $form->{oldpass}, 1);
-		$got_oldpass = 1 if $return_uid && $id == $return_uid;
-	}
-	slashDisplay('changePasswd', {
-		useredit 		=> $user_edit,
-		admin_flag		=> $suadmin_flag,
-		title			=> $title,
-		session 		=> $session_select,
-		clocation 		=> $clocation_select,
-		admin_block		=> $admin_block,
-		got_oldpass		=> $got_oldpass
-	});
 sub editUser {
 	my($hr) = @_;
 	my $id = $hr->{uid} || '';
@@ -2146,253 +1690,6 @@
-sub editHome {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $id = $hr->{uid} || '';
-	my $note = $hr->{note} || '';
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	print createMenu("users", {
-		style		=> 'tabbed',
-		justify		=> 'right',
-		color		=> 'colored',
-		tab_selected	=> $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",
-	});
-	my($formats, $title, $tzformat_select);
-	my $user_edit = {};
-	my $fieldkey;
-	my $admin_flag = ($user->{is_admin}) ? 1 : 0;
-	my $admin_block = '';
-	if ($admin_flag && $form->{userfield}) {
-		$id ||= $form->{userfield};
-		if ($form->{userfield} =~ /^\d+$/) {
-			$user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
-			$fieldkey = 'uid';
-		} else {
-			$user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($slashdb->getUserUID($id));
-			$fieldkey = 'nickname';
-		}
-	} else {
-		$user_edit = $id eq '' ? $user : $slashdb->getUser($id);
-		$fieldkey = 'uid';
-	}
-#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " user_edit: " . Dumper($user_edit);
-	return if isAnon($user_edit->{uid}) && ! $admin_flag;
-	$admin_block = getUserAdmin($id, $fieldkey, 1) if $admin_flag;
-	$title = getTitle('editHome_title');
-	return if $user->{seclev} < 100 && isAnon($user_edit->{uid});
-	$formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('dateformats');
-	$tzformat_select = createSelect('tzformat', $formats, $user_edit->{dfid}, 1);
-	my $lb_check = $user_edit->{lowbandwidth} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $sd_check = $user_edit->{simpledesign} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $i_check = $user_edit->{noicons}	? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $w_check = $user_edit->{willing}	? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $tilde_ed = tildeEd($user_edit);
-	slashDisplay('editHome', {
-		title			=> $title,
-		admin_block		=> $admin_block,
-		user_edit		=> $user_edit,
-		tzformat_select		=> $tzformat_select,
-		i_check			=> $i_check,
-		w_check			=> $w_check,
-		lb_check		=> $lb_check,
-		sd_check		=> $sd_check,
-		tilde_ed		=> $tilde_ed,
-		note			=> $note,
-	});
-sub editComm {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $id = $hr->{uid} || '';
-	my $note = $hr->{note} || '';
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $user_edit = {};
-	my($formats, $commentmodes_select, $commentsort_select, $title,
-		$uthreshold_select, $highlightthresh_select, $posttype_select,
-		$bytelimit_select);
-	my $admin_block = '';
-	my $fieldkey;
-	print createMenu("users", {
-		style		=> 'tabbed',
-		justify		=> 'right',
-		color		=> 'colored',
-		tab_selected	=> $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",
-	});
-	my $admin_flag = $user->{is_admin} ? 1 : 0;
-	if ($admin_flag && $form->{userfield}) {
-		$id ||= $form->{userfield};
-		if ($form->{userfield} =~ /^\d+$/) {
-			$user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
-			$fieldkey = 'uid';
-		} else {
-			$user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($slashdb->getUserUID($id));
-			$fieldkey = 'nickname';
-		}
-	} else {
-		$user_edit = $id eq '' ? $user : $slashdb->getUser($id);
-		$fieldkey = 'uid';
-	}
-	my $hi = $constants->{comment_maxscore} - $constants->{comment_minscore};
-	my $lo = -$hi;
-	my @range = map { $_ > 0 ? "+$_" : $_ } ($lo .. $hi);
-	my @reasons = ( );
-	my %reason_select = ( );
-	if ($constants->{m1}) {
-		my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
-		my $reasons = $mod_reader->getReasons();
-		for my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$reasons) {
-			push @reasons, $reasons->{$id}{name};
-		}
-		# Reason modifiers
-		for my $reason_name (@reasons) {
-			my $key = "reason_alter_$reason_name";
-			$reason_select{$reason_name} = createSelect(
-				$key, \@range, 
-				$user_edit->{$key} || 0, 1, 1
-			);
-		}
-	}
-	# Zoo relation modifiers
-	my %people_select;
-	my @people =  qw(friend foe anonymous fof eof freak fan);
-	for (@people) {
-		my $key = "people_bonus_$_";
-		$people_select{$_} = createSelect($key, \@range, 
-			$user_edit->{$key} || 0, 1, 1
-		);
-	}
-	# New-user modifier
-	my $new_user_bonus_select = createSelect('new_user_bonus', \@range, 
-			$user_edit->{new_user_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);
-	my $new_user_percent_select = createSelect('new_user_percent',
-			[( 1..15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55,
-			  60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 )], 
-			$user_edit->{new_user_percent} || 100, 1, 1);
-	# Karma modifier
-	my $karma_bonus = createSelect('karma_bonus', \@range, 
-			$user_edit->{karma_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);
-	# Subscriber modifier
-	my $subscriber_bonus = createSelect('subscriber_bonus', \@range, 
-			$user_edit->{subscriber_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);
-	# Length modifier
-	my $small_length_bonus_select = createSelect('clsmall_bonus', \@range, 
-			$user_edit->{clsmall_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);
-	my $long_length_bonus_select = createSelect('clbig_bonus', \@range, 
-			$user_edit->{clbig_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);
-	return if isAnon($user_edit->{uid}) && ! $admin_flag;
-	$admin_block = getUserAdmin($id, $fieldkey, 1) if $admin_flag;
-	$title = getTitle('editComm_title');
-	$formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('commentmodes');
-	$commentmodes_select=createSelect('umode', $formats, $user_edit->{mode}, 1);
-	$formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('sortcodes');
-	$commentsort_select = createSelect(
-		'commentsort', $formats, $user_edit->{commentsort}, 1
-	);
-	$formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('threshcodes');
-	$uthreshold_select = createSelect(
-		'uthreshold', $formats, $user_edit->{threshold}, 1
-	);
-	$formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('threshcodes');
-	$highlightthresh_select = createSelect(
-		'highlightthresh', $formats, $user_edit->{highlightthresh}, 1
-	);
-	$user_edit->{bytelimit} = $constants->{defaultbytelimit}
-		if $user_edit->{bytelimit} < 0 || $user_edit->{bytelimit} > 7;
-	my $bytelimit_desc = $user_edit->{is_subscriber} ? 'bytelimit' : 'bytelimit_sub';
-	$formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions($bytelimit_desc);
-	$bytelimit_select = createSelect(
-		'bytelimit', $formats, $user_edit->{bytelimit}, 1
-	);
-	my $h_check  = $user_edit->{hardthresh}		 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $r_check  = $user_edit->{reparent}		 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $n_check  = $user_edit->{noscores}		 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $s_check  = $user_edit->{nosigs}		 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $b_check  = $user_edit->{nobonus}		 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $sb_check = $user_edit->{nosubscriberbonus}	 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $p_check  = $user_edit->{postanon}		 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $nospell_check = $user_edit->{no_spell}	 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $s_mod_check = $user_edit->{mod_with_comm}	 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $s_m2_check = $user_edit->{m2_with_mod}	 ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	my $s_m2c_check = $user_edit->{m2_with_comm_mod} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
-	$formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('postmodes');
-	$posttype_select = createSelect(
-		'posttype', $formats, $user_edit->{posttype}, 1
-	);
-	slashDisplay('editComm', {
-		title			=> $title,
-		admin_block		=> $admin_block,
-		user_edit		=> $user_edit,
-		h_check			=> $h_check,
-		r_check			=> $r_check,
-		n_check			=> $n_check,
-		s_check			=> $s_check,
-		b_check			=> $b_check,
-		sb_check		=> $sb_check,
-		p_check			=> $p_check,
-		s_mod_check		=> $s_mod_check,
-		s_m2_check		=> $s_m2_check,
-		s_m2c_check		=> $s_m2c_check,
-		nospell_check		=> $nospell_check,
-		commentmodes_select	=> $commentmodes_select,
-		commentsort_select	=> $commentsort_select,
-		highlightthresh_select	=> $highlightthresh_select,
-		uthreshold_select	=> $uthreshold_select,
-		posttype_select		=> $posttype_select,
-		reasons			=> \@reasons,
-		reason_select		=> \%reason_select,
-		people			=> \@people,
-		people_select		=> \%people_select,
-		new_user_percent_select	=> $new_user_percent_select,
-		new_user_bonus_select	=> $new_user_bonus_select,
-		note			=> $note,
-		karma_bonus		=> $karma_bonus,
-		subscriber_bonus	=> $subscriber_bonus,
-		small_length_bonus_select => $small_length_bonus_select,
-		long_length_bonus_select => $long_length_bonus_select,
-		bytelimit_select	=> $bytelimit_select,
-	});
 sub saveUserAdmin {
 	my($hr) = @_;
 	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
@@ -2549,92 +1846,6 @@
-sub savePasswd {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $note = $hr->{noteref} || undef;
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $error_flag = 0;
-	my $user_edit = {};
-	my $uid;
-	my $user_edits_table = {};
-	if ($user->{is_admin}) {
-		$uid = $form->{uid} || $user->{uid};
-	} else {
-		$uid = ($user->{uid} == $form->{uid}) ? $form->{uid} : $user->{uid};
-	}
-	$user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($uid);
-	if (!$user_edit->{nickname}) {
-		$$note .= getError('cookie_err', { titlebar => 0 }, 0, 1)
-			if $note;
-		$error_flag++;
-	}
-	if ($form->{pass1} ne $form->{pass2}) {
-		$$note .= getError('saveuser_passnomatch_err', { titlebar => 0 }, 0, 1)
-			if $note;
-		$error_flag++;
-	}
-	if (!$form->{pass1} || length $form->{pass1} < 6) {
-		$$note .= getError('saveuser_passtooshort_err', { titlebar => 0 }, 0, 1)
-			if $note;
-		$error_flag++;
-	}
-	if (!$user->{is_admin}){
-		# not an admin -- check old password before changing passwd
-		my $return_uid = $slashdb->getUserAuthenticate($uid, $form->{oldpass}, 1);
-		if (!$return_uid || $return_uid != $uid) {
-			$$note .= getError('saveuser_badoldpass_err', { titlebar => 0 }, 0, 1) 
-				if $note;
-			$error_flag++;
-		}
-	}
-	if (! $error_flag) {
-		$user_edits_table->{passwd} = $form->{pass1} if $form->{pass1};
-		$user_edits_table->{session_login} = $form->{session_login};
-		$user_edits_table->{cookie_location} = $form->{cookie_location};
-		# changed pass, so delete all logtokens
-		$slashdb->deleteLogToken($form->{uid}, 1);
-		if ($user->{admin_clearpass}
-			&& !$user->{state}{admin_clearpass_thisclick}) {
-			# User is an admin who sent their password in the clear
-			# some time ago; now that it's been changed, we'll forget
-			# about that incident, unless this click was sent in the
-			# clear as well.
-			$user_edits_table->{admin_clearpass} = '';
-		}
-		getOtherUserParams($user_edits_table);
-		$slashdb->setUser($uid, $user_edits_table) ;
-		$$note .= getMessage('saveuser_passchanged_msg',
-			{ nick => $user_edit->{nickname}, uid => $user_edit->{uid} },
-		0, 1) if $note;
-		# only set cookie if user is current user
-		if ($form->{uid} eq $user->{uid}) {
-			$user->{logtoken} = bakeUserCookie($uid, $slashdb->getLogToken($form->{uid}, 1));
-			setCookie('user', $user->{logtoken}, $user_edits_table->{session_login});
-		}
-	}
-	return $error_flag;
 sub saveUser {
 	my($hr) = @_;
 	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
@@ -2794,409 +2005,6 @@
-sub saveComm {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my($uid, $user_fakeemail);
-	if ($user->{is_admin}) {
-		$uid = $form->{uid} || $user->{uid};
-	} else {
-		$uid = ($user->{uid} == $form->{uid}) ?
-			$form->{uid} : $user->{uid};
-	}
-	# Do the right thing with respect to the chosen email display mode
-	# and the options that can be displayed.
-	my $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($uid);
-	my $new_fakeemail = '';		# at emaildisplay 0, don't show any email address
-	if ($form->{emaildisplay}) {
-		$new_fakeemail = getArmoredEmail($uid)		if $form->{emaildisplay} == 1;
-		$new_fakeemail = $user_edit->{realemail}	if $form->{emaildisplay} == 2;
-	}
-	my $name = $user->{seclev} && $form->{name} ?
-		$form->{name} : $user->{nickname};
-	my $note = getMessage('savenickname_msg',
-		{ nickname => $name });
-	print getError('cookie_err') if isAnon($uid) || !$name;
-	# Take care of the lists
-	# Enforce Ranges for variables that need it
-	$form->{commentlimit} = 0 if $form->{commentlimit} < 1;
-	my $cl_max = $constants->{comment_commentlimit} || 0;
-	$form->{commentlimit} = $cl_max if $cl_max > 0 && $form->{commentlimit} > $cl_max;
-	$form->{commentspill} = 0 if $form->{commentspill} < 1;
-	# For some of these values, namely the ones that we happen to
-	# know get stored in users_param, we change them to 'undef'
-	# if they are the default value.  This deletes them from the
-	# users_param table, which has the same effect as storing the
-	# default except it's faster all around.  If we ever change
-	# the schema to promote these fields from params into a
-	# proper users_* table, then this will no longer be correct.
-	# See prepareUser().
-	my $max = $constants->{comment_maxscore} - $constants->{comment_minscore};
-	my $min = -$max;
-	my $karma_bonus = ($form->{karma_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? "+1" : $form->{karma_bonus};
-	my $subscriber_bonus = ($form->{subscriber_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? "+1" : $form->{subscriber_bonus};
-	my $new_user_bonus = ($form->{new_user_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? 0 : $form->{new_user_bonus};
-	my $new_user_percent = (($form->{new_user_percent} <= 100 && $form->{new_user_percent} >= 0) 
-			? $form->{new_user_percent}
-			: 100); 
-	my $clsmall_bonus = ($form->{clsmall_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? 0 : $form->{clsmall_bonus};
-	my $clbig_bonus = ($form->{clbig_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? 0 : $form->{clbig_bonus};
-	my $user_edits_table = {
-		discussion2		=> $form->{discussion2} || undef,
-		d2_comment_q		=> $form->{d2_comment_q} || undef,
-		d2_comment_order	=> $form->{d2_comment_order} || undef,
-		clsmall			=> $form->{clsmall},
-		clsmall_bonus		=> ($clsmall_bonus || undef),
-		clbig			=> $form->{clbig},
-		clbig_bonus		=> ($clbig_bonus || undef),
-		commentlimit		=> $form->{commentlimit},
-		bytelimit		=> $form->{bytelimit},
-		commentsort		=> $form->{commentsort},
-		commentspill		=> $form->{commentspill},
-		domaintags		=> ($form->{domaintags} != 2 ? $form->{domaintags} : undef),
-		emaildisplay		=> $form->{emaildisplay} || undef,
-		fakeemail		=> $new_fakeemail,
-		highlightthresh		=> $form->{highlightthresh},
-		maxcommentsize		=> $form->{maxcommentsize},
-		mode			=> $form->{umode},
-		posttype		=> $form->{posttype},
-		threshold		=> $form->{uthreshold},
-		nosigs			=> ($form->{nosigs}     ? 1 : 0),
-		reparent		=> ($form->{reparent}   ? 1 : 0),
-		noscores		=> ($form->{noscores}   ? 1 : 0),
-		hardthresh		=> ($form->{hardthresh} ? 1 : 0),
-		no_spell		=> ($form->{no_spell}   ? 1 : undef),
-		nobonus			=> ($form->{nobonus} ? 1 : undef),
-		nosubscriberbonus	=> ($form->{nosubscriberbonus} ? 1 : undef),
-		postanon		=> ($form->{postanon} ? 1 : undef),
-		new_user_percent	=> ($new_user_percent && $new_user_percent != 100
-						? $new_user_percent : undef),
-		new_user_bonus		=> ($new_user_bonus || undef),
-		karma_bonus		=> ($karma_bonus ne '+1' ? $karma_bonus : undef),
-		subscriber_bonus	=> ($subscriber_bonus || undef),
-		textarea_rows		=> ($form->{textarea_rows} != $constants->{textarea_rows}
-						? $form->{textarea_rows} : undef),
-		textarea_cols		=> ($form->{textarea_cols} != $constants->{textarea_cols}
-						? $form->{textarea_cols} : undef),
-		user_comment_sort_type	=> ($form->{user_comment_sort_type} != 2
-						? $form->{user_comment_sort_type} : undef ),
-		mod_with_comm		=> ($form->{mod_with_comm} ? 1 : undef),
-		m2_with_mod		=> ($form->{m2_with_mod} ? 1 : undef),
-        	m2_with_comm_mod		=> ($form->{m2_with_mod_on_comm} ? 1 : undef),
-	};
-	# set our default values for the items where an empty-string won't do 
-	my $defaults = {
-		posttype        => 2,
-		highlightthresh => 4,
-		maxcommentsize  => 4096,
-		reparent        => 1,
-		commentlimit    => 100,
-		commentspill    => 50,
-		mode            => 'thread'
-	};
-	my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my @reasons = ( );
-	my $reasons = $mod_reader->getReasons();
-	for my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$reasons) {
-		push @reasons, $reasons->{$id}{name};
-	}
-	for my $reason_name (@reasons) {
-		my $key = "reason_alter_$reason_name";
-		my $answer = $form->{$key} || 0;
-		$answer = 0 if !$answer || $answer !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/;
-		$user_edits_table->{$key} = ($answer == 0) ? '' : $answer;
-	}
-	for (qw| friend foe anonymous fof eof freak fan |) {
-		my $answer = $form->{"people_bonus_$_"};
-		$answer = 0 if $answer !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/;
-		$user_edits_table->{"people_bonus_$_"} = ($answer == 0) ? '' : $answer;
-	}
-	getOtherUserParams($user_edits_table);
-	setToDefaults($user_edits_table, {}, $defaults) if $form->{restore_defaults};
-	$slashdb->setUser($uid, $user_edits_table);
-	editComm({ uid => $uid, note => $note });
-sub saveHome {
-	my($hr) = @_;
-	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	my $user = getCurrentUser();
-	my $form = getCurrentForm();
-	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my($uid, $error);
-	if ($user->{is_admin}) {
-		$uid = $form->{uid} || $user->{uid} ;
-	} else {
-		$uid = ($user->{uid} == $form->{uid}) ?
-			$form->{uid} : $user->{uid};
-	}
-	my $edit_user = $slashdb->getUser($uid);
-	my $name = $user->{seclev} && $form->{name} ?
-		$form->{name} : $user->{nickname};
-	$name = substr($name, 0, 20);
-	my $note = getMessage('savenickname_msg',
-		{ nickname => $name });
-	if (isAnon($uid) || !$name) {
-		my $cookiemsg = getError('cookie_err');
-		print $cookiemsg;
-	}
-	# Using the existing list of slashboxes and the set of
-	# what's checked and not, build up the new list.
-	# (New arrivals go at the end.)
-	my $slashboxes = $edit_user->{slashboxes};
-	# Only go through all this if the user clicked save,
-	# not "Restore Slashbox Defaults"!
-	my($boxes, $skinBoxes) = $slashdb->getPortalsCommon();
-	my $default_slashboxes_textlist = join ",",
-		@{$skinBoxes->{$constants->{mainpage_skid}}};
-	if (!$form->{restore_slashbox_defaults}) {
-		$slashboxes = $default_slashboxes_textlist if !$slashboxes;
-		my @slashboxes = split /,/, $slashboxes;
-		my %slashboxes = ( );
-		for my $i (0..$#slashboxes) {
-			$slashboxes{$slashboxes[$i]} = $i;
-		}
-		# Add new boxes in.
-		for my $key (sort grep /^showbox_/, keys %$form) {
-			my($bid) = $key =~ /^showbox_(\w+)$/;
-			next if length($bid) < 1 || length($bid) > 30 || $bid !~ /^\w+$/;
-			if (! exists $slashboxes{$bid}) {
-				$slashboxes{$bid} = 999; # put it at the end
-			}
-		}
-		# Remove any boxes that weren't checked.
-		for my $bid (@slashboxes) {
-			delete $slashboxes{$bid} unless $form->{"showbox_$bid"};
-		}
-		@slashboxes = sort {
-			$slashboxes{$a} <=> $slashboxes{$b}
-			||
-			$a cmp $b
-		} keys %slashboxes;
-		# This probably should be a var (and appear in tilded_customize_msg)
-		$#slashboxes = 19 if $#slashboxes > 19;
-		$slashboxes = join ",", @slashboxes;
-	}
-	# If we're right back to the default, that means the
-	# empty string.
-	if ($slashboxes eq $default_slashboxes_textlist) {
-		$slashboxes = "";
-	}
-	# Set the story_never and story_always fields.
-	my $author_hr = $slashdb->getDescriptions('authors');
-	my $tree = $slashdb->getTopicTree();
-	my(@story_never_topic,  @story_never_author,  @story_never_nexus);
-	my(@story_always_topic, @story_always_author);
-	my(@story_always_nexus, @story_full_brief_nexus, @story_brief_always_nexus, @story_full_best_nexus, @story_brief_best_nexus);
-	my($story_topic_all, $story_author_all, $story_nexus_all) = (0, 0, 0);
-	# Topics are either present (value=2) or absent (value=0).  If absent,
-	# push them onto the never list.  Otherwise, do nothing.  (There's no
-	# way to have an "always" topic, at the moment.)  If the hidden
-	# field topictids_present is false, then there are no topic tids,
-	# skip this.
-	if ($form->{topictids_present}) {
-		for my $tid (
-			sort { $a <=> $b }
-			grep { !$tree->{$_}{nexus} }
-			keys %$tree
-		) {
-			my $key = "topictid$tid";
-			$story_topic_all++;
-			if (!$form->{$key}) {		push @story_never_topic, $tid	}
-		}
-	}
-	# Authors are either present (value=2) or absent (value=0).  If
-	# absent, push them onto the never list.  Otherwise, do nothing.
-	# (There's no way to have an "always" author, at the moment.)
-	for my $aid (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$author_hr) {
-		my $key = "aid$aid";
-		$story_author_all++;
-		if (!$form->{$key}) {			push @story_never_author, $aid	}
-	}
-	# Nexuses can have value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  
-	# 0 means the never list,
-	# 1 means brief view of mainpage articles only
-	# 2 means full view of mainpage articles only
-	# 3 means brief view of all content
-	# 4 means full view of mainpage content, brief view of sectional
-	# 5 means full view of all content
-	for my $tid (
-		sort { $a <=> $b }
-		map { /^nexustid(\d+)$/; $1 }
-		grep { /^nexustid\d+$/ }
-		keys %$form
-	) {
-		my $key = "nexustid$tid";
-		next unless $tid && $tree->{$tid} && $tree->{$tid}{nexus};
-		$story_nexus_all++;
-		   if (!$form->{$key}) {		push @story_never_nexus, $tid	}
-		elsif ($form->{$key} == 5 ) {		push @story_always_nexus, $tid	}
-		elsif ($form->{$key} == 4 ) {		push @story_full_brief_nexus, $tid }
-		elsif ($form->{$key} == 3 ) {		push @story_brief_always_nexus, $tid }
-		elsif ($form->{$key} == 2 ) {		push @story_full_best_nexus, $tid }
-		elsif ($form->{$key} == 1 ) {		push @story_brief_best_nexus, $tid }
-	}
-#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " s_n_t '@story_never_topic' s_n_a '@story_never_author' s_n_n '@story_never_nexus' s_a_n '@story_always_nexus' form: " . Dumper($form);
-	# Sanity check.
-	$#story_never_topic		= 299 if $#story_never_topic   > 299;
-	$#story_never_author		= 299 if $#story_never_author  > 299;
-	$#story_never_nexus 		= 299 if $#story_never_nexus   > 299;
-	$#story_always_topic		= 299 if $#story_always_topic  > 299;
-	$#story_always_author 		= 299 if $#story_always_author > 299;
-	$#story_always_nexus 		= 299 if $#story_always_nexus  > 299;
-	$#story_full_brief_nexus 	= 299 if $#story_full_brief_nexus > 299;
-	$#story_brief_always_nexus	= 299 if $#story_brief_always_nexus > 299;
-	$#story_brief_best_nexus 	= 299 if $#story_brief_best_nexus > 299;
-	$#story_full_best_nexus		= 299 if $#story_full_best_nexus > 299;
-	my $story_never_topic   = join ",", @story_never_topic;
-	$story_never_topic = ($constants->{subscribe} && $user->{is_subscriber})
-		? checkList($story_never_topic, 1024)
-		: checkList($story_never_topic);
-	my $story_never_author  	= checkList(join ",", @story_never_author);
-	my $story_never_nexus   	= checkList(join ",", @story_never_nexus);
-	my $story_always_topic  	= checkList(join ",", @story_always_topic);
-	$story_always_topic = ($constants->{subscribe} && $user->{is_subscriber})
-		? checkList($story_always_topic, 1024)
-		: checkList($story_always_topic);
-	my $story_always_author 	= checkList(join ",", @story_always_author);
-	my $story_always_nexus  	= checkList(join ",", @story_always_nexus);
-	my $story_full_brief_nexus	= checkList(join ",", @story_full_brief_nexus);
-	my $story_brief_always_nexus    = checkList(join ",", @story_brief_always_nexus);
-	my $story_brief_best_nexus	= checkList(join ",", @story_brief_best_nexus);
-	my $story_full_best_nexus	= checkList(join ",", @story_full_best_nexus);
-	my $user_edits_table = {
-		story_never_topic		=> $story_never_topic,
-		story_never_author		=> $story_never_author,
-		story_never_nexus		=> $story_never_nexus,
-		story_always_topic		=> $story_always_topic,
-		story_always_author		=> $story_always_author,
-		story_always_nexus		=> $story_always_nexus,
-		story_brief_always_nexus	=> $story_brief_always_nexus,
-		story_full_brief_nexus 		=> $story_full_brief_nexus,
-		story_full_best_nexus		=> $story_full_best_nexus,
-		story_brief_best_nexus		=> $story_brief_best_nexus,
-		slashboxes	=> checkList($slashboxes, 1024),
-		maxstories	=> 30, # XXXSKIN fix this later
-		noboxes		=> ($form->{useslashboxes} ? 0 : 1),
-		lowbandwidth	=> ($form->{lowbandwidth} ? 1 : 0),
-		simpledesign	=> ($form->{simpledesign} ? 1 : 0),
-		noicons		=> ($form->{noicons} ? 1 : 0),
-		willing		=> ($form->{willing} ? 1 : 0),
-	};
-	if (defined $form->{tzcode} && defined $form->{tzformat}) {
-		$user_edits_table->{tzcode} = $form->{tzcode};
-		$user_edits_table->{dfid}   = $form->{tzformat};
-		$user_edits_table->{dst}    = $form->{dst};
-	}
-	# Force the User Space area to contain only known-good HTML tags.
-	# Unfortunately the cookie login model makes it just too risky
-	# to allow scripts in here;  CSS's steal passwords.  There are
-	# no known vulnerabilities at this time, but a combination of the
-	# social engineering taking place (inviting users to put Javascript
-	# from websites in here, and making available script URLs for that
-	# purpose), plus the fact that this could be used to amplify the
-	# seriousness of any future vulnerabilities, means it's way past
-	# time to shut this feature down.  - Jamie 2002/03/06
-	# it's a VARCHAR ...
-	my $mylinks_limit = 255;
-	$user_edits_table->{mylinks} = balanceTags(strip_html(
-		chopEntity($form->{mylinks} || '', $mylinks_limit)
-	), { deep_nesting => 2, length => $mylinks_limit });
-	$user_edits_table->{mylinks} = '' unless defined $user_edits_table->{mylinks};
-	$error = 1;
-	# must select at least 1/4 of nexuses, topics, authors
-	if      ( scalar(@story_never_author) > ($story_author_all * 3/4) ) {
-		$note = getError('editHome_too_many_disabled');
-	} elsif ( scalar(@story_never_nexus) > ($story_nexus_all * 3/4) ) {
-		$note = getError('editHome_too_many_disabled');
-	} elsif ( scalar(@story_never_topic) > ($story_topic_all * 3/4) ) {
-		$note = getError('editHome_too_many_disabled');
-	} else {
-		$error = 0;
-	}
-	unless ($error) {
-		# If a user is unwilling to moderate, we should cancel all points, lest
-		# they be preserved when they shouldn't be.
-		if (!isAnon($uid) && !$form->{willing}) {
-			$slashdb->setUser($uid, { points => 0 });
-		}
-		getOtherUserParams($user_edits_table);
-		if ($form->{restore_defaults}) {
-			setToDefaults($user_edits_table, {}, {
-				maxstories	=> 30,
-				tzcode		=> "EST",
-				# XXX shouldn't this reset ALL the defaults,
-				# not just these two?
-			});
-		}
-		if ($form->{restore_slashbox_defaults}) {
-			setToDefaults($user_edits_table, {
-				'story_never_topic' => 1,
-				'story_never_author' => 1,
-				'story_never_nexus' => 1,
-				'story_always_topic' => 1,
-				'story_always_author' => 1,
-				'story_always_nexus' => 1,
-				'story_full_brief_nexus' => 1,
-				'story_brief_always_nexus' => 1,
-				'story_full_best_nexus' => 1,
-				'story_brief_best_nexus' => 1,
-				'maxstories' => 1,
-				'noboxes' => 1,
-				'light' => 1,
-				'noicons' => 1,
-				'willing' => 1
-			}, { slashboxes => "" });
-	}
-#print scalar(localtime) . " uet: " . Dumper($user_edits_table);
-		$slashdb->setUser($uid, $user_edits_table);
-	}
-	editHome({ uid => $uid, note => $note });
 # A generic way for a site to allow users to edit data about themselves.
 # Most useful when your plugin or theme wants to let the user change
 # minor settings but you don't want to write a whole new version

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2AdminListComments;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2AdminListComments;users;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2AdminListComments;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 		[% PROCESS titlebar width="100%" title = commenttitle max_min_button = extra -%]
 		[% max_min_button = "" %]
 	[% END %]
-	<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="data">
+	<table width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="data listComments">
 	<tr class="data_head">
 		[% IF type=="netid"; total_cols = total_cols + 1; %]<th>User</th>[% END %]
 		<th>Subject[% IF admin_flag %]<span class="admin_data_label"> / Moderator</span>[% END %]</th>

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2ListComments;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2ListComments;users;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2ListComments;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 		[% max_min_button = "" %]
 	[% END %]
-	<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="data">
+	<table class="data listComments">
 		[% IF type=="netid"; total_cols = total_cols + 1; %]<th>User</th>[% END %]
 		<th>Subject[% IF admin_flag %]<span class="admin_data_label"> / Moderator</span>[% END %]</th>

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2MainView;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2MainView;users;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2MainView;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -16,16 +16,35 @@
 [% IF main_view %]
 <div class="head">
-        <div class="yui-b">
-                [% PROCESS u2UserBio useredit=useredit %]
-        </div>
+	<div class="yui-b">
+		[% PROCESS u2UserBio useredit=useredit %]
+	</div>
-        <div class="article" id="marquee_content">
-                <h3>[% marquee.subject %]</h3>
-                <div class="body">
-                        [% marquee.body %]
-                </div>
-        </div>
+	<div class="article" id="marquee_content">
+	[% IF !marquee.body %]
+		<h3>[% useredit.nickname | strip_literal %] doesn't seem to be particularly active.</h3>
+	[% ELSE %]
+		<h3>[% marquee.subject %]</h3>
+		<div class="body">
+			[% marquee.body %]
+			[% IF marquee.truncated %]&nbsp;...<p>[% END %]
+		</div>
+	[% END %]
+	[%
+	'<br><a href="';
+	IF marquee.type == 'journal';
+		constants.real_rootdir; '/~'; useredit.nickname | strip_paramattr; '/journal/'; marquee.id;
+	ELSIF marquee.type == 'submission';
+		gSkin.rootdir; '/firehose.pl?op=view&id='; marquee.id;
+	ELSIF marquee.type == 'comment';
+		gSkin.rootdir; '/comments.pl?sid='; marquee.sid; '&cid='; marquee.id;
+	END;
+	'">Read More</a>';
+	%]
+	</div>
 [% END %]

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2Menu;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2Menu;users;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2Menu;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
 [% tilde = '^'; IF constants.u2; tilde = '~'; END; %]
 <div class="nav">
 <ul class="menu" id="tablist">
-<li[% IF main_view %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]">[% nickname | strip_literal %]</a></li>
-<li[% IF data_pane == 'firehose' && !main_view %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/firehose">Firehose</a></li>
+<li[% IF main_view %] class="active"[% active = 1; ELSE; active = 0; END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]">[% nickname | strip_literal %]</a>[% IF active; PROCESS u2_rsslink useredit=useredit name="firehose"; END %]</li>
+<li[% IF data_pane == 'firehose' && !main_view %] class="active"[% active=1; ELSE; active = 0; END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/firehose">Firehose</a>[% IF active; PROCESS u2_rsslink useredit=useredit name="firehose"; END;%]</li>
 [% IF comments_size != 0 %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'comments' %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/comments">Comments</a></li>[% END %]
-[% IF journals_size != 0 %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'journal' %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/journal">Journals</a></li>[% END %]
-[% IF submissions_size != 0 %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'submissions' %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/submissions">Submissions</a></li>[% END %]
-[% IF bookmarks_size != 0 %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'bookmarks' %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/bookmarks">Bookmarks</a></li>[% END %]
+[% IF journals_size != 0 %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'journal' %] class="active"[% active = 1; ELSE; active=0; END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/journal">Journals</a> [% IF active; PROCESS u2_rsslink useredit=useredit name="journal"; END; %]</li>[% END %]
+[% IF submissions_size != 0 %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'submissions' %] class="active"[% active = 1; ELSE; active=0; END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/submissions">Submissions</a>[% IF active; PROCESS u2_rsslink useredit=useredit name="submissions"; END %]</li>[% END %]
+[% IF bookmarks_size != 0 %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'bookmarks' %] class="active"[% active = 1; ELSE; active=0; END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/bookmarks">Bookmarks</a>[% IF active; PROCESS u2_rsslink useredit=useredit name="bookmarks"; END %]</li>[% END %]
 <li[% IF data_pane == 'friends' %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/friends">Friends</a></li>
-[% IF tagshist_size > 2 || data_pane == "usertag" %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'tags' || data_pane == 'usertag' %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/tags">Tags</a></li>[% END %]
+[% IF tagshist_size > 2 || data_pane == "usertag" %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'tags' || data_pane == 'usertag' %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/tags">Tags</a>[% IF data_pane == 'usertag'; PROCESS u2_rsslink useredit=useredit name="usertag"; END; %]</li>[% END %]
 [% IF is_admin %]<li[% IF data_pane == 'admin' %] class="active"[% END %]><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/[% tilde; nickname | strip_paramattr %]/admin">Admin</a></li>[% END %]

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2UserBoxes;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2UserBoxes;users;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2UserBoxes;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
         <div class="content" id="latest_comments_content">
-                [% FOREACH cid = latest_comments.keys.sort %]
+                [% FOREACH cid = latest_comments.keys.sort.reverse %]
                         reason_num = '';
                         reason_text = '';
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
         <div class="content" id="latest_journals_content">
-                [% FOREACH jid = latest_journals.keys.sort %]
+                [% FOREACH jid = latest_journals.keys.sort.reverse %]
                         <li><a href="[% constants.real_rootdir %]/~[% useredit.nickname | strip_paramattr %]/journal/[% latest_journals.$jid.id %]">[% latest_journals.$jid.description %]</a><br></li>
                 [% END %]
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
         <div class="content" id="latest_submissions_content">
-                [% FOREACH sid = latest_submissions.keys.sort %]
+                [% FOREACH sid = latest_submissions.keys.sort.reverse %]
                         <li><a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/firehose.pl?op=view&id=[% latest_submissions.$sid.id %]">[% latest_submissions.$sid.title %]</a></li>
                 [% END %]

Added: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2_rsslink;users;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2_rsslink;users;default	                        (rev 0)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/u2_rsslink;users;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+You should describe stuff here.
+Useless title to template
+[% IF !user.is_anon;
+	filter_str = "";
+	IF name == "journal";
+		filter = '"author: ' _ useredit.nickname _ '" journal';
+	ELSIF name == "journalfriends";
+		filter = '"authorfriend: ' _ useredit.nickname _ '" journal';
+	ELSIF name == "submissions";
+		filter = '"author: ' _ useredit.nickname _ '" submission';
+	ELSIF name == "bookmarks";
+		filter = '"user: ' _ useredit.nickname _ '" bookmark';
+	ELSIF name == "firehose";
+		filter = '"user: ' _ useredit.nickname _ '"';
+	ELSIF name == "usertag";
+		filter = '"user: ' _ useredit.nickname _ '" "tag:' _ form.tagname _ '"';
+	END;
+	filter_str = "fhfilter=" _ Slash.strip_paramattr(filter);
+	rss_param_str = "&amp;orderdir=DESC&amp;orderby=createtime&amp;color=black&amp;duration=-1&amp;startdate=";
+	rss_param_str = filter_str _ rss_param_str;
+	rss_link = Slash.root2abs() _ "/firehose.pl?op=rss&amp;content_type=rss&amp;" _ rss_param_str _ "&amp;logtoken=" _ Slash.strip_paramattr(Slash.getPublicLogToken());
+	%]
+	<a href="[% rss_link %]"><img src="[% constants.imagedir %]/feed.png" alt="RSS for [% alt %]"></a>
+[% END %]

Modified: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/user_titlebar;misc;default
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/user_titlebar;misc;default	2008-12-15 09:15:10 UTC (rev 883)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/themes/slashcode/templates/user_titlebar;misc;default	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 		{ link = "$constants.real_rootdir/my/freaks/",		label = "Freaks",	sel_label = "freaks" },
 	); END;
 	IF constants.plugin.Tags; tabs.push(
-		{ link = "$constants.real_rootdir/my/tags/",		label = "Tags",		sel_label = "tags" },
+		{ link = "$constants.real_rootdir/~$url_nick/tags/",		label = "Tags",		sel_label = "tags" },
 	); END;
 	IF constants.plugin.Bookmark; tabs.push(
 		{ link = "$constants.real_rootdir/my/bookmarks/",	label = "Bookmarks",	sel_label = "bookmarks" },

Added: slashjp/branches/upstream/current/utils/import_comments_firehose
--- slashjp/branches/upstream/current/utils/import_comments_firehose	                        (rev 0)
+++ slashjp/branches/upstream/current/utils/import_comments_firehose	2008-12-16 03:30:11 UTC (rev 884)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Slash::Test shift || 'slash';
+my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
+my $firehose = getObject("Slash::FireHose");
+my $tags = getObject("Slash::Tags");
+my $log_loc; 		#  set to something to log  inserts
+my $sleep = 0; 		# time to pause between inserts
+my $v = 0; 		# Switch to true for verbose output
+my $calc_pause = 0;	# Switch to true to recalculate sleep interval by tagbox backlog
+my $days_back = 30;	# Number of days of history to import
+my $cids = $slashdb->sqlSelectColArrayref("cid","comments","uid!=666 AND date >DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days_back DAY)", "ORDER BY DATE DESC");
+print "Total cids left: " . scalar(@$cids) ."\n";
+my ($lastlog, $comments_added) = (0,0);
+foreach my $cid(@$cids) {
+	my ($added_tag, $added_comment);
+	my $comment = $slashdb->getComment($cid);
+	my $item = $firehose->getFireHoseByTypeSrcid("comment", $cid);
+	if($item && $item->{id}) {
+		my $up_id = $tags->getTagnameidFromNameIfExists("nod");
+		my $has_nod = $slashdb->sqlCount("tags", "uid=$comment->{uid} AND tagnameid=$up_id AND globjid=$item->{globjid}");
+		print "HAS NOD: $has_nod $comment->{date}\n" if $v;
+		if (!$has_nod) {
+			my $tagid = $tags->createTag({
+				uid             => $comment->{uid},
+				name            => "nod",
+				globjid         => $item->{globjid},
+				private         => 1,
+			});
+			print "ADDING NOD $item->{globjid} TAGID: $tagid\n" if $v;
+			$added_tag = 1;
+		}
+	} else {
+		print "ADDING COMMENT $comment->{date}\n" if $v;
+		$added_comment = 1;
+		$comments_added++;
+		$firehose->createUpdateItemFromComment($comment->{cid});
+		if ($log_loc) {
+			open LOG, ">>$log_loc";
+			print LOG "$comment->{cid} $comment->{date}\n";
+			close LOG;
+		}
+	}
+	if (time - $lastlog > 60) {
+		$lastlog = time;
+		my $new_sleep = $sleep;
+		my $secs_back = get_secs_back();
+		my $feeder_back = get_feeder_back();
+		$feeder_back = int($feeder_back / 1000);
+		print "SECS BACK: $secs_back\n" if $v;
+		print "FEEDER BACK: $feeder_back\n" if $v;
+		if($calc_pause) {
+			if ($secs_back < 2) {
+				$new_sleep = 0
+			} elsif($secs_back < 2 ) {
+				$new_sleep = 1 
+			} elsif($secs_back < 4 ) {
+				$new_sleep = 3 
+			} elsif($secs_back < 6 ) {
+				$new_sleep = 4 
+			} elsif($secs_back < 10 ) {
+				$new_sleep = 5 
+			} else {
+				if ($sleep <= 10) {
+					$new_sleep = 10
+				} else {
+					$new_sleep = $sleep +1 if $sleep < 20;
+				}
+			}
+			my $feeder_penalty = 0;
+			if ($feeder_back > 25) {
+				$feeder_penalty = int(($feeder_back - 25) / 5);
+				print "FEEDER PENALTY: $feeder_penalty\n" if $v;
+			}
+			$new_sleep += $feeder_penalty;
+		}
+		print "$comment->{date} ADDED $comments_added BEHIND = $secs_back FB= $feeder_back SLEEP $sleep -> $new_sleep\n";
+		$sleep = $new_sleep;
+	}
+	if($added_tag || $added_comment) {
+		print "SLEEPING $sleep\n" if $v;
+		sleep $sleep;
+	}
+sub get_secs_back {
+	return $slashdb->sqlSelect("(select unix_timestamp(created_at) from tags where tagid=(select max(tagid) from tags))     - (select unix_timestamp(created_at) from tags where tagid=(select min(last_tagid_logged) from tagboxes))");
+sub get_feeder_back {
+	return $slashdb->sqlCount("tagboxlog_feeder");

Slashdotjp-dev メーリングリストの案内