[Slashdotjp-dev 668] [171] remove obsolete light mode templates


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2007年 9月 26日 (水) 19:17:31 JST

Revision: 171
Author:   tach
Date:     2007-09-26 19:17:30 +0900 (Wed, 26 Sep 2007)

Log Message:
remove obsolete light mode templates

Removed Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispComment;misc;light
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispComment;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:04:20 UTC (rev 170)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispComment;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:17:30 UTC (rev 171)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-Display comment for light mode.
-[% USE Slash %]
-	<TR>
-		<TD>
-		<BR><A NAME="[% cid %]"><B>[% subject %]</B></A>
-[% UNLESS user.noscores %] (Score:[% IF points.defined; points; ELSE; "?"; END %][% IF reason %], [% reasons.$reason.name %][% END %])[% END %]
-		<BR>by
-[% IF !is_anon %]<A HREF="[% constants.real_rootdir %]/~[% nickname | fixparam %]">[% END %][% nickname | strip_literal %][% IF !is_anon %] ([% uid %])</A>[% END %]
-[% IF !is_anon && subscriber_bonus == "yes"; " *"; END %]
-[% IF !is_anon %][% PROCESS zoo_icons person=uid bonus=1 %][% END %]
-[% IF !is_anon && fakeemail %]&lt;<A HREF="mailto:[% fakeemail | fixparam %]">[% fakeemail_vis | strip_literal %]</A>&gt;[% END %]
-on [% Slash.timeCalc(time) %]
-[% IF sid && cid %] (<A HREF="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/comments.pl?sid=[% sid %]&amp;cid=[% cid %]">#[% cid %]</A>)</FONT>[% END %]
-[% has_homepage = homepage && homepage.length > 8;
-   has_journal = journal_last_entry_date.search('[1-9]');
-   IF !is_anon && (has_homepage || has_journal) %]
-	<BR><FONT FACE="[% constants.mainfontface %]" SIZE="1">(
-	[% IF has_homepage %]
-		<A HREF="[% homepage %]">[% homepage | strip_literal %]</A>
-		[% IF has_journal %] | [% END %]
-	[% END %]
-	[% IF has_journal %]
-		Last Journal:
-		<A HREF="[% constants.real_rootdir %]/~[% nickname | fixparam %]/journal/">[%
-			Slash.timeCalc(journal_last_entry_date) %]</A>
-	[% END %]
-	)</FONT>
-[% END %]
-		[% ipid_display %]
-		<P>[% comment %]
-		[% UNLESS user.nosigs %]
-			<BR>[% sig %]
-		[% END %]
-		[% IF comment_shrunk;
-			linkComment = Slash.linkComment({
-				sid     => sid,
-				cid     => cid,
-				pid     => cid,
-				subject => 'Read the rest of this comment...',
-				subject_only => 1
-			}, 1) %]
-		<P><B>[% linkComment %]</B>
-		[% END %]
-		</TD>
-	</TR>
-[% PROCESS dispLinkComment %]

Deleted: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispStory;misc;light
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispStory;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:04:20 UTC (rev 170)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/dispStory;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:17:30 UTC (rev 171)
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Display story for light mode.
-[% IF magic;
-	thisskin = Slash.db.getSkin(story.primaryskid);
-	IF thisskin.rootdir;
-		title = "<A HREF=\"$thisskin.rootdir/\">";
-		IF user.is_anon;
-			title = "<A HREF=\"$gSkin.rootdir/$thisskin.name/\">";
-		ELSE;
-			title = "<A HREF=\"$gSkin.rootdir/index.pl?section=$story.primaryskid\">";
-		END;
-	END;
-	title = "$title$thisskin.title</A>: $story.title";
-	title = story.title;
-END %]
-[% PROCESS titlebar future=story.is_future %]
-<A HREF="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/search.pl?tid=[% topic.tid %]">[% topic.textname %]</A> | 
-<B>Posted by [% author.nickname | strip_literal %] [% story.atstorytime %]</B><BR>
-[% IF constants.use_dept && story.dept %]
-<FONT SIZE="2"><B>from the [% story.dept %] dept.</B></FONT><BR>
-[% END %]
-[% mypagemenu = PROCESS pagemenu; IF mypagemenu %]<FONT SIZE="2">[% mypagemenu %]</FONT><BR>[% END %]
-[% story.introtext %]
-[% IF full && user.is_admin && !preview %]<P><A HREF="[% gSkin.rootdir -%]/admin.pl?op=edit&amp;sid=[% story.sid %]">[ Edit ]</A>[% END %]
-[% IF story.is_future && !user.is_admin %]<P><FONT SIZE="-1">See any serious problems with this story?
-[% IF constants.ircslash_remarks %]
-	Paste a short message here (if it's a dupe, the URL would be great)
-	<form action="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/index.pl" method="POST">
-	<input type="TEXT" name="remark" size="20" maxlength="100">
-	<input type="HIDDEN" name="sid" value="[% story.sid | strip_attribute %]">
-	</form>
-	or email
-[% ELSE %]
-	Email
-[% END %]
-<A HREF="mailto:[% constants.adminmail %]?subject=[DP]%20[% story.title | strip_paramattr %]">our on-duty editor</A>.</FONT>
-[% END %]
-[% IF full && (story.bodytext || story.books_publisher) %]
-<P>[% IF constants.run_ads && constants.ad_messaging_num; Slash.getAd(constants.ad_messaging_num); END %]
-[% story.bodytext %]
-[% ELSE %]
-[% IF constants.run_ads && constants.ad_messaging_num; Slash.getAd(constants.ad_messaging_num); END %]
-[% END %]

Deleted: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/fancybox;misc;light
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/fancybox;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:04:20 UTC (rev 170)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/fancybox;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:17:30 UTC (rev 171)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Fancybox for light mode.
-<H3>[% title %]</H3><P>[% contents %]</P>

Deleted: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/footer;misc;light
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/footer;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:04:20 UTC (rev 170)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/footer;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:17:30 UTC (rev 171)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Footer for light mode.
-[% USE Slash %]
-<P>[% Slash.horizmenu() %]
-<P><A HREF="[% PROCESS rsslink %]">RSS</A>
-<FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/search.pl">
-  <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="query" VALUE="" SIZE="20">
-  <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search [% constants.sitename %]">
-[% PROCESS motd %]
-<P> All trademarks and copyrights on this
-  page are owned by their respective companies.  Comments
-  are owned by the Poster.

Deleted: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/header;misc;light
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/header;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:04:20 UTC (rev 170)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/header;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:17:30 UTC (rev 171)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Header for light mode.
-[% INCLUDE linkrel %]
-<H1>[% constants.sitename %]</H1>
-<H2>[% constants.slogan %]</H2>
-<A HREF="[% constants.real_rootdir %]/"><IMG SRC="[% constants.rdfimg %]" BORDER="0"></A>
-<P>[% Slash.horizmenu() %]</P>
-[% IF user.is_admin %]
-	<P>[% Slash.createMenu(adminmenu) %]</P>
-[% END %]

Deleted: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/index;index;light
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/index;index;light	2007-09-26 10:04:20 UTC (rev 170)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/index;index;light	2007-09-26 10:17:30 UTC (rev 171)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Index for light mode.
-[% PROCESS indexhead %]
-[% stories %]
-[% UNLESS user.noboxes; boxes; END %]

Deleted: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/storylink;index;light
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/storylink;index;light	2007-09-26 10:04:20 UTC (rev 170)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/storylink;index;light	2007-09-26 10:17:30 UTC (rev 171)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Story link for light mode.
-[% FOREACH storylinks = links; IF storylinks.ref == 'ARRAY' %]
-<A HREF="[% storylinks.0 | strip_attribute %]"[% IF storylinks.2 %] TITLE="[% storylinks.2 | strip_attribute %]"[% END %]>[% storylinks.1 | strip_html %]</A>
-[% ELSE; storylinks; END %]
-[% UNLESS loop.last %] | [% END %]
-[% END %]

Deleted: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/titlebar;misc;light
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/titlebar;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:04:20 UTC (rev 170)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/titlebar;misc;light	2007-09-26 10:17:30 UTC (rev 171)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Titlebar for light mode.
-* future = boolean: whether story is in the future
-	(currently not used)
-<H2>[% title %]</H2>
-[% future = 0 %]

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