[Slashdotjp-dev 749] [261] merge from upstream


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2007年 11月 19日 (月) 16:39:37 JST

Revision: 261
Author:   tach
Date:     2007-11-19 16:39:36 +0900 (Mon, 19 Nov 2007)

Log Message:
merge from upstream

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: slashjp/trunk/Slash/DB/MySQL/MySQL.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/Slash/DB/MySQL/MySQL.pm	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/Slash/DB/MySQL/MySQL.pm	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -5078,6 +5078,28 @@
 } # end closure
 { # closure
+my $_al2_type_aliases = undef;
+sub _load_al2_type_aliases {
+	my($self) = @_;
+	my $alias_text = getCurrentStatic('al2_type_aliases') || '';
+	$_al2_type_aliases = { };
+	return if !$alias_text;
+	my @aliases = grep { $_ } split /\s+/, $alias_text;
+	for my $alias (@aliases) {
+		my($src, $implied) = $alias =~ /^(\w+)->(\w+)$/;
+		$_al2_type_aliases->{$src} = $implied if $src && $implied;
+	}
+sub getAL2TypeAliases {
+	my($self) = @_;
+	$self->_load_al2_type_aliases if !defined($_al2_type_aliases);
+	# Return a copy of the cache, just in case anyone munges it up.
+	my $aliases = {( %$_al2_type_aliases )};
+	return $aliases;
+} # end closure
+{ # closure
 my %_al2_types_by_id = ( );
 sub getAL2TypeById {
 	my($self, $al2tid) = @_;
@@ -5261,11 +5283,8 @@
 	# XXXSRCID Try to use memcached to retrieve this data.
-#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
-#print STDERR "getAL2 srcids: " . Dumper($srcids);
 	my($where) = $self->_get_where_and_valuelist_al2($srcids);
 	my $values = $self->sqlSelectColArrayref('value', 'al2', $where);
-#print STDERR "getAL2 where: '$where' values: " . Dumper($values);
 	# The al2.value column ORs together for all the AL2 rows that
 	# apply for a user.  E.g. if the subnet has 'nopost' set, the
@@ -5285,9 +5304,18 @@
 		) {
 			$retval->{$name} = $al2types->{$name};
-#print STDERR "getAL2 name=$name bv=$bitvector bp=$al2types->{$name}{bitpos}\n";
-#if ($retval && keys %$retval) { print STDERR "getAL2 retval keys: '" . join(" ", sort keys %$retval) . "'\n"; }
+	# If there are any al2 type aliases, return dummy hashref fields
+	# for them too.
+	my $aliases = $self->getAL2TypeAliases();
+	for my $src (keys %$aliases) {
+		if ($retval->{$src}) {
+			my $implied = $aliases->{$src};
+			$retval->{$implied} = { implied_by => $src };
+		}
+	}
 	return $retval;
@@ -5301,8 +5329,6 @@
 	if (!ref($srcid)) {
 		$srcid = { get_srcid_type($srcid) => $srcid };
-#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
-#print STDERR "getAL2Log srcid: " . Dumper($srcid);
 	my($where) = $self->_get_where_and_valuelist_al2($srcid);
 	# Do the main select on al2_log to pull in all the changes made
@@ -6644,7 +6670,7 @@
 	} else {
 		$is_future_column = '0 AS is_future';
-		$where = "$column_name < $now";
+		$where = "$column_name <= $now";
 	return ($is_future_column, $where);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 use Image::Size;
 use Time::HiRes;
 use LWP::UserAgent;
-use URI::URL;
+use URI;
 use XML::Simple;
 use Slash;
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@
 	my $yoogli_similar_stories = {};
 	if ($constants->{yoogli_oai_search}) {
 		my $query = $constants->{yoogli_oai_query_base} .= '?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&rescount=';
-		$query .= $constants->{yoogli_oai_result_count} . '&identifier=' . URI::URL->new($storyref->{introtext});
+		$query .= $constants->{yoogli_oai_result_count} . '&identifier=' . URI->new($storyref->{introtext});
 		my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
 		$ua->timeout($constants->{yoogli_oai_result_count} + 2);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -518,6 +518,11 @@
 					delete $bvmessagecodes->{$bvmessagecode};
+                                # build our list of valid delivery modes
+                                if (($bvdeliverymodes->{$bvdeliverymode}->{'bitvalue'} & $bvmessagecodes->{$bvmessagecode}->{'delivery_bvalue'}) ||
+                                    ($bvdeliverymodes->{$bvdeliverymode}->{'bitvalue'} == 0)) {
+                                        push(@{$bvmessagecodes->{$bvmessagecode}->{'valid_bvdeliverymodes'}}, $bvdeliverymodes->{$bvdeliverymode}->{'code'});
+                                }

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 var firehose_removed_first = '0';
 var firehose_future;
 var firehose_removals;
+var firehose_is_embedded = 0;
 var fh_colorslider; 
 var fh_ticksize;
 var fh_pageval = 0;
@@ -1078,6 +1079,9 @@
 	params['duration'] = firehose_duration;
 	params['issue'] = firehose_issue;
 	params['page'] = page;
+	if ( firehose_is_embedded ) {
+		params['embed'] = 1;
+	}
 	params['fh_pageval'] = fh_pageval;
 	$('busy').className = "";
 	ajax_update(params, '', handlers);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2;ajax;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2;ajax;default	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2;ajax;default	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -31,15 +31,13 @@
 		[% IF user.discussion2 && user.discussion2 == "slashdot" %]
-			How Many Comments
-			[% comment_q_name = (user.is_subscriber || user.is_admin) ? 'd2_comment_q_all' : 'd2_comment_q';
+			Retrieve [% comment_q_name = (user.is_subscriber || user.is_admin) ? 'd2_comment_q_all' : 'd2_comment_q';
 			   comment_q = Slash.db.getDescriptions(comment_q_name);
-			   Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_q', comment_q, user.d2_comment_q, 1) %]<br>
+			   Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_q', comment_q, user.d2_comment_q, 1) %] Comments<br>
-			Comment Retrieval Order
-			[% comment_order = Slash.db.getDescriptions('d2_comment_order');
+			Get [% comment_order = Slash.db.getDescriptions('d2_comment_order');
 			   comment_order_def = user.d2_comment_order || 0; # score
-			   Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_order', comment_order, comment_order_def, 1) %]
+			   Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_order', comment_order, comment_order_def, 1) %] Comments First
                 [% END %]

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 use Date::Calc qw(Days_in_Month Add_Delta_YMD);
 use POSIX qw(ceil);
 use LWP::UserAgent;
-use URI::URL;
+use URI;
 use XML::Simple;
 use base 'Slash::DB::Utility';
@@ -761,6 +761,38 @@
+sub getURLsForItem {
+	my($self, $item) = @_;
+	my $url_id = $item->{url_id};
+	my $url =         $url_id ? $self->getUrl($url_id)->{url} : undef;
+	my $url_prepend =    $url ? qq{<a href="$url">$url</a>}   : '';
+	my $text = qq{$url_prepend $item->introtext $item->{bodytext}};
+	my %urls = ( );
+	my $tokens = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$text);
+	return ( ) unless $tokens;
+	while (my $token = $tokens->get_tag('a')) {
+		my $linkurl = $token->[1]{href};
+		next unless $linkurl;
+		my $canon = URI->new($linkurl)->canonical()->as_string();
+		$urls{$canon} = 1;
+	}
+	return sort keys %urls;
+sub itemHasSpamURL {
+	my($self, $item) = @_;
+	my @spamurlregexes = grep { $_ } split /\s+/, ($self->getBlock('spamurlregexes') || '');
+	return 0 unless @spamurlregexes;
+	my @urls = $self->getURLsForItem($item);
+	for my $url (@urls) {
+		for my $regex (@spamurlregexes) {
+			return 1 if $url =~ $regex;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
 sub getPrimaryFireHoseItemByUrl {
 	my($self, $url_id) = @_;
 	my $ret_val = 0;
@@ -1566,7 +1598,7 @@
 	return 0 unless $user->{is_admin} && $constants->{yoogli_oai_query_base} && $constants->{yoogli_oai_result_count};
 	my $query = $constants->{yoogli_oai_query_base} .= '?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&rescount=';
-	$query .= $constants->{yoogli_oai_result_count} . '&identifier=' . URI::URL->new($item->{introtext});
+	$query .= $constants->{yoogli_oai_result_count} . '&identifier=' . URI->new($item->{introtext});
 	my $yoogli_similar_stories = {};
 	my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/firehose.css
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/firehose.css	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/firehose.css	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -434,6 +434,10 @@
 #nixmenu ul {margin: 0 0 0 43px; background: #222; opacity: .9; border: 1px solid #111;}
 #nodmenu li:hover, #nixmenu li:hover, #nodmenu li.selected, #nixmenu li.selected  {background: #000; color: #fff;}
+.embed #nodmenu .menu, #console #nodmenu .menu {left: 20px !important; background: url('//images.slashdot.org/popup_nix.png') no-repeat;}
+.embed #nixmenu .menu, #console #nixmenu .menu {left: 25px !important;}
+.embed #nodmenu ul, #console #nodmenu ul {margin: 0 0 0 43px; background: #222; opacity: .9; border: 1px solid #111;}
 .article .title, .article h3, .article .generaltitle {border: none !important}
 .article .generaltitle, #firehoselist .article .title, .article h3 {line-height: 170% !important;}
 .briefarticle .generaltitle, .briefarticle .title, .briefarticle h3 {line-height: 160% !important;}

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/list;firehose;default	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -175,6 +175,9 @@
 	var fh_view_mode = '[% options.mode %]';
 	var page = '[% page %]';
+	[% IF form.embed %]
+	firehose_is_embedded = 1; // defined in common.js
+	[% END %]
 	fh_is_admin = [% IF user.is_admin && !user.firehose_usermode %]1[% ELSE %]0[% END %];
 	var updateIntervalType = [% IF user.is_admin && !user.firehose_usermode %]1[% ELSE %]2[% END %];
 	var inactivity_timeout = [% IF user.is_admin && !user.firehose_usermode %]10800[% ELSE %]3600[% END %];

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Clout/Vote.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Clout/Vote.pm	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Clout/Vote.pm	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 	# rare choice (for either user) is considered more indicative.
 	my($su,  $nu)  = ($hr->{sourcetag_uid},       $hr->{newtag_uid});
 	my($stn, $ntn) = ($hr->{sourcetag_tagnameid}, $hr->{newtag_tagnameid});
-	my($nodid, $nixid) = ($stn == $self->{nodid}, $stn == $self->{nixid});
+	my($nodid, $nixid) = ($self->{nodid}, $self->{nixid});
 	if (    ( $stn == $nodid || $stn == $nixid )
 	&&      ( $ntn == $nodid || $ntn == $nixid ) ) {
 		my($su, $nu) = ($hr->{sourcetag_uid}, $hr->{newtag_uid});

Modified: slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (8, 6, 'trusted', 'Trusted');
 INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (9, 7, 'proxy', 'Valid Proxy');
 INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (10, 8, 'nopostanon', 'No Comment Post Anon');
-INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (11, 9, 'binspam', 'Binspammer');
+INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (11, 9, 'spammer', 'Spammer');
@@ -746,6 +746,7 @@
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('adminmail_check_replication', 0, 'Check replication if is caught up before starting adminmail');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('adminmail_mod','admin****@examp*****','All admin mail about moderation goes here');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('adminmail_post','admin****@examp*****','All admin mail about comment posting goes here');
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('al2_type_aliases', 'spammer->nosubmit spammer->nopost nopost->nopostanon', 'List of AL2s that imply other AL2s, in a whitespace-delimited list of A->B format');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('allow_anonymous','1','allow anonymous posters');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('allow_nonadmin_ssl','0','0=users with seclev <= 1 cannot access the site over Secure HTTP; 1=they all can; 2=only if they are subscribers');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('anonymous_coward_uid', '1', 'UID to use for anonymous coward');
@@ -831,7 +832,7 @@
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cur_performance_stats_lastid', '0', 'accesslogid to start searching at');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cur_performance_stats_weeks', '8', 'number of weeks back to compare current stats to');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('currentqid',1,'The Current Question on the homepage pollbooth');
-INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode','T_2_5_0_183','The current cvs tag that the code was updated to - this does not affect site behavior but may be useful for your records');
+INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode','T_2_5_0_184','The current cvs tag that the code was updated to - this does not affect site behavior but may be useful for your records');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('datadir','/usr/local/slash/www.example.com','What is the root of the install for Slash');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('db_auto_increment_increment','1','If your master DB uses auto_increment_increment, i.e. multiple master replication, echo its value into this var');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('dbsparklines_disp','0','Display dbsparklines in the currentAdminUsers box?');

Modified: slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades
--- slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -5000,8 +5000,6 @@
 # 2007-11-01
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_182' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
 # for plugins/Falk
@@ -5038,3 +5036,19 @@
 # 2007-11-08
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_183' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
+INSERT INTO blocks (bid, block, seclev, type, description, skin, ordernum, title, portal, url, rdf, retrieve) VALUES ('spamurlregexes','',100,'static','Whitespace-delimited list of regexes which indicate a spammer URL.','mainpage',5,'Spam URL Regexes',0,NULL,NULL,0);
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('al2_type_aliases', 'spammer->nosubmit spammer->nopost nopost->nopostanon', 'List of AL2s that imply other AL2s, in a whitespace-delimited list of A->B format');
+UPDATE code_param SET name = 'Few' WHERE type = 'd2_comment_q' AND name = 'Tiny';
+UPDATE code_param SET name = 'More' WHERE type = 'd2_comment_q' AND name = 'Medium';
+UPDATE code_param SET name = 'Many' WHERE type = 'd2_comment_q' AND name = 'Large';
+UPDATE code_param SET name = 'Oldest' WHERE type = 'd2_comment_order' AND name = 'Date';
+UPDATE code_param SET name = 'Highest Rated' WHERE type = 'd2_comment_order' AND name = 'Score';
+UPDATE al2_types SET name='spammer',title='Binspammer' WHERE name='binspam';
+# 2007-11-14
+UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_184' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';

Modified: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Despam.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Despam.pm	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Despam.pm	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 			if ($binspam_count > $constants->{tagbox_despam_binspamsallowed_ip}) {
 				main::tagboxLog(sprintf("%s->run marking srcid %s for %d admin binspam tags, based on %d (%d)",
 				ref($self), $submitter_srcid, $binspam_count, $fhid, $affected_id));
-				$self->despam_srcid($fhitem, $binspam_count);
+				$self->despam_srcid($submitter_srcid, $binspam_count);
 	} else {
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
 		if ($binspam_count > $constants->{tagbox_despam_binspamsallowed}) {
 			main::tagboxLog(sprintf("%s->run marking uid %d for %d admin binspam tags, based on %d (%d)",
 				ref($self), $submitter_uid, $binspam_count, $fhid, $affected_id));
-			$self->despam_uid($fhitem, $binspam_count);
+			$self->despam_uid($submitter_uid, $binspam_count);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/FHEditorPop/FHEditorPop.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/FHEditorPop/FHEditorPop.pm	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/FHEditorPop/FHEditorPop.pm	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@
 	my $tagboxdb = getObject('Slash::Tagbox');
 	my $firehose = getObject('Slash::FireHose');
-	my $fhitem = $firehose->getFireHose($affected_id);
+	my $fhid = $firehose->getFireHoseIdFromGlobjid($affected_id);
+	my $fhitem = $firehose->getFireHose($fhid);
 	# All firehose entries start out with popularity 1.
 	my $popularity = 1;
@@ -225,8 +226,6 @@
 	# Set the corresponding firehose row to have this popularity.
-	my $affected_id_q = $self->sqlQuote($affected_id);
-	my $fhid = $self->sqlSelect('id', 'firehose', "globjid = $affected_id_q");
 	my $firehose_db = getObject('Slash::FireHose');
 	warn "Slash::Tagbox::FHEditorPop->run bad data, fhid='$fhid' db='$firehose_db'" if !$fhid || !$firehose_db;
 	if ($options->{return_only}) {

Modified: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/FireHoseScores/FireHoseScores.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/FireHoseScores/FireHoseScores.pm	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/FireHoseScores/FireHoseScores.pm	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -166,8 +166,7 @@
 	my $tagsdb = getObject('Slash::Tags');
 	my $tagboxdb = getObject('Slash::Tagbox');
 	my $firehose_db = getObject('Slash::FireHose');
-	my $affected_id_q = $self->sqlQuote($affected_id);
-	my $fhid = $self->sqlSelect('id', 'firehose', "globjid = $affected_id_q");
+	my $fhid = $firehose_db->getFireHoseIdFromGlobjid($affected_id);
 	warn "Slash::Tagbox::FireHoseScores->run bad data, fhid='$fhid' db='$firehose_db'" if !$fhid || !$firehose_db;
 	my $fhitem = $firehose_db->getFireHose($fhid);
@@ -235,8 +234,8 @@
 		$popularity += $extra_pop;
-	# If this is spam, its score goes way down.
-	if ($fhitem->{is_spam} eq 'yes') {
+	# If this is spam, or contains a spam URL, its score goes way down.
+	if ($fhitem->{is_spam} eq 'yes' || $firehose_db->itemHasSpamURL($fhitem)) {
 		my $max = defined($constants->{firehose_spam_score})
 			? $constants->{firehose_spam_score}
 			: -50;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users.pl	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users.pl	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@
 		# existing nopost and spammer
 		my $srcids_to_check = $user->{srcids};
 		$err_name = 'mailpasswd_readonly_err'
-			if $reader->checkAL2($srcids_to_check, [qw( nopost spammer )]);
+			if $reader->checkAL2($srcids_to_check, 'nopost');
 	if (!$err_name) {
 		$err_name = 'mailpasswd_toooften_err'
@@ -3180,7 +3180,7 @@
 sub listReadOnly {
 	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my $readonlylist = $reader->getAL2List([qw( nopost spammer )]);
+	my $readonlylist = $reader->getAL2List('nopost');
 	slashDisplay('listReadOnly', {
 		readonlylist => $readonlylist,

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/sql/mysql/datadump.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/sql/mysql/datadump.sql	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/sql/mysql/datadump.sql	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 INSERT INTO blocks (bid, block, seclev, type, description, skin, ordernum, title, portal, url, rdf, retrieve) VALUES ('newestthree','<!-- newestthree -->',100,'static','','',0,'Newest Three',1,NULL,NULL,0);
 INSERT INTO blocks (bid, block, seclev, type, description, skin, ordernum, title, portal, url, rdf, retrieve) VALUES ('recenttopics','none yet',500,'static','Recent Topics','mainpage',0,'Recent Topics',1,'',NULL,0);
 INSERT INTO blocks (bid, block, seclev, type, description, skin, ordernum, title, portal, url, rdf, retrieve) VALUES ('friends_journal','',1,'portald','This adds a box where all of your friend\'s latest journal entries will be displayed.','mainpage',5,'Friend\'s Journal Entries',1,NULL,NULL,0);
+INSERT INTO blocks (bid, block, seclev, type, description, skin, ordernum, title, portal, url, rdf, retrieve) VALUES ('spamurlregexes','',100,'static','Whitespace-delimited list of regexes which indicate a spammer URL.','mainpage',5,'Spam URL Regexes',0,NULL,NULL,0);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/tasks/freshenup.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/tasks/freshenup.pl	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/tasks/freshenup.pl	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 	# runtask -u slashusername -o run_all=1,timeout_shtml=300 freshenup
 	$do_all = 1 
 		if $constants->{task_options}{run_all};
-	my $timeout_render = 30;
+	my $timeout_render = $constants->{task_options}{timeout_render} || 30;
 	my $timeout_shtml = $constants->{task_options}{timeout_shtml} || 90;
 	my $max_stories = defined($constants->{freshenup_max_stories})
@@ -410,7 +410,8 @@
 		if ($constants->{plugin}{FireHose}) {
 			gen_firehose_static($virtual_user, "index_firehose.shtml", $gSkin->{name}, "", {  skipmenu => 1, skippop => 1, fhfilter=> "story", duration => "7", mode => 'fulltitle', mixedmode => '1', setfield => '1', color => "black", index => "1", nocolors => 1  }); 
-			gen_firehose_static($virtual_user, "firehose.shtml", $gSkin->{name}, "", { duration => "7", mode => 'fulltile', mixedmode => '1', setfield => '1', color => "blue", nodates => '1'  }); 
+			gen_firehose_static($virtual_user, "firehose.shtml", $gSkin->{name}, "", { duration => "7", mode => 'fulltitle', mixedmode => '1', setfield => '1', color => "blue", nodates => '1'  }); 
+			gen_firehose_static($virtual_user, "embed_firehose.shtml", $gSkin->{name}, "", { embed => '1', smalldevices => '1', duration => "7", mode => 'fulltitle', setfield => '1', color => "blue", nodates => '1'  }); 
 		delete $dirty_skins{$mp_skid};
@@ -441,6 +442,7 @@
 			if ($constants->{plugin}{FireHose}) {
 				gen_firehose_static($virtual_user, "index_firehose.shtml", $skin->{name}, $skinname, { skipmenu => 1, skippop => 1, fhfilter=> "'story $skin->{name}'", duration => "7", mode => 'fulltitle', mixedmode => '1', setfield => '1', color => "black", index => "1", nocolors => "1"  }); 
 				gen_firehose_static($virtual_user, "firehose.shtml", $skin->{name}, $skinname, { duration => "7", mode => 'fulltitle', mixedmode => '1', setfield => '1', color => "blue", nodates => '1', fhfilter => "'$skin->{name}'" }); 
+				gen_firehose_static($virtual_user, "embed_firehose.shtml", $skin->{name}, $skinname, { embed => '1', smalldevices => '1', duration => "7", mode => 'fulltitle', setfield => '1', color => "blue", nodates => '1', fhfilter => "'$skin->{name}'" }); 

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/editComm;users;default
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/editComm;users;default	2007-11-19 07:28:24 UTC (rev 260)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/editComm;users;default	2007-11-19 07:39:36 UTC (rev 261)
@@ -63,15 +63,13 @@
 		[% IF user_edit.discussion2 && user_edit.discussion2 == "slashdot" %]
-		How Many Comments
-		[% comment_q_name = ( Slash.isSubscriber(user_edit) || (user_edit.seclev >= 100) ) ? 'd2_comment_q_all' : 'd2_comment_q';
+		Retrieve [% comment_q_name = ( Slash.isSubscriber(user_edit) || (user_edit.seclev >= 100) ) ? 'd2_comment_q_all' : 'd2_comment_q';
 		   comment_q = Slash.db.getDescriptions(comment_q_name);
-		   Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_q', comment_q, user_edit.d2_comment_q, 1) %]<br>
+		   Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_q', comment_q, user_edit.d2_comment_q, 1) %] Comments<br>
-		Comment Retrieval Order
-		[% comment_order = Slash.db.getDescriptions('d2_comment_order');
+                Get [% comment_order = Slash.db.getDescriptions('d2_comment_order');
 		   comment_order_def = user_edit.d2_comment_order || 0;
-		   Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_order', comment_order, comment_order_def, 1) %]
+		   Slash.createSelect('d2_comment_order', comment_order, comment_order_def, 1) %] Comments First
 		[% END %]

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