[Slashdotjp-dev 729] [239] merged from branch


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2007年 11月 2日 (金) 16:59:48 JST

Revision: 239
Author:   tach
Date:     2007-11-02 16:59:46 +0900 (Fri, 02 Nov 2007)

Log Message:
merged from branch

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: slashjp/trunk/Bundle/Slash.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/Bundle/Slash.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/Bundle/Slash.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -134,6 +134,6 @@
 and thus not installed by default, but which may become required as
 you edit your site configuration, are: Cache::Memcached Silly::Werder
 GD GD::Text GD::Graph Apache::SSI Apache::RegistryFilter GraphViz
-Net::IRC Proc::ProcessTable Net::Jabber
+Net::IRC Proc::ProcessTable Net::Jabber File::Type

Modified: slashjp/trunk/Slash/DB/MySQL/MySQL.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/Slash/DB/MySQL/MySQL.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/Slash/DB/MySQL/MySQL.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -5368,18 +5368,26 @@
 sub checkAL2 {
 	my($self, $srcids, $type) = @_;
+	my $type_ar = ref($type) ? $type : [ $type ];
 	# If the caller is querying about a type that does not
 	# exist for this site, that's OK, it just means that no
-	# srcid can have it.  So we can return without querying
-	# the DB.
+	# srcid can have it.  If none of the types given exist,
+	# we can return without querying the DB.
 	my $types = $self->getAL2Types();
-	return 0 if !exists $types->{$type};
+	my $any_exist = 0;
+	for my $t (@$type_ar) {
+		$any_exist = 1, last if exists $types->{$t};
+	}
+	return 0 unless $any_exist;
-	# It's at least possible that the srcids have this type,
-	# so run the check.
+	# It's at least possible that the srcids have one or more
+	# of these types, so run the check.
 	my $data = $self->getAL2($srcids);
-	return $data->{$type} ? 1 : 0;
+	for my $t (@$type_ar) {
+		return 1 if exists $types->{$t} && $data->{$type};
+	}
+	return 0;
 sub getAL2List {
@@ -12499,9 +12507,10 @@
 	$self->sqlCount("file_queue", "stoid=$stoid_q");
-sub addStoryStaticFile {
+sub addStaticFile {
 	my($self, $data) = @_;
-	$data ||= "";
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	$data ||= {};
 	# Guess at file type if it isn't set
 	if ($data->{name} =~ /\.(jpg|gif|png)$/) {
@@ -12509,16 +12518,28 @@
 	} elsif ($data->{name} =~ /\.(jpg|gif|png)$/) {
 		$data->{filetype} ||= "audio";
+	$data->{name} =~ s/^\Q$constants->{basedir}\E\/images//g;
-	$self->sqlInsert("story_static_files", $data);
+	$self->sqlInsert("static_files", $data);
+	my $sfid = $self->getLastInsertId;
+	return $sfid;
 sub getStaticFilesForStory {
 	my($self, $stoid) = @_;
 	my $stoid_q = $self->sqlQuote($stoid);
-	return $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("*", "story_static_files", "stoid=$stoid_q");
+	return $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("*", "static_files", "stoid=$stoid_q");
+sub getStaticFile {
+	my $answer = _genericGetCache({
+		table		=> 'static_files',
+		table_prime	=> 'sfid',
+		arguments	=> \@_,
+	});
+	return $answer;
 sub DESTROY {
 	my($self) = @_;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/Slash/Slash.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/Slash/Slash.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/Slash/Slash.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@
 	my($min, $max) = ($constants->{comment_minscore}, 
 	my $num_scores = $max - $min + 1;
+# print STDERR scalar(gmtime) . " selectComments cid undef for $discussion\n" if !defined($cid);
+	$cid ||= 0;
 	my $discussion2 = discussion2($user);
@@ -139,8 +141,8 @@
 		# I'm still looking into how to get parent links and
 		# children to show up properly in flat mode. - Jamie 2002/07/30
 #		$user->{state}{noreparent} = 1 if $commentsort > 3;
-		$C->{points} = _get_points($C, $user, $min, $max, $max_uid, $reasons);
+#my $errstr = "selectComments discid=$discussion->{id} cid=$cid options=" . Dumper($options); $errstr =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+		$C->{points} = _get_points($C, $user, $min, $max, $max_uid, $reasons); # , $errstr
 	my $d2_comment_q = $user->{d2_comment_q};
@@ -518,7 +520,8 @@
 sub _get_points {
-	my($C, $user, $min, $max, $max_uid, $reasons) = @_;
+	my($C, $user, $min, $max, $max_uid, $reasons, $errstr) = @_;
+#use Data::Dumper; print STDERR scalar(gmtime) . " _get_points errstr='$errstr' C: " . Dumper($C) if !defined($C->{pointsorig}) || !defined($C->{tweak_orig}) || !defined($C->{points}) || !defined($C->{tweak});
 	my $hr = {
 		score_start => constrain_score($C->{pointsorig} + $C->{tweak_orig}),
 		moderations => constrain_score($C->{points} + $C->{tweak}) - constrain_score($C->{pointsorig} + $C->{tweak_orig}),
@@ -720,7 +723,8 @@
 		# But, if all its (great-etc.) grandparents are either invisible
 		# or chronologically precede the root comment, don't reparent it
 		# at all.
-		if ($user->{reparent} && $comments->{$x}{points} >= $threshold) { # XXX either $comments->{$x}{points} or $threshold is undefined here, not sure which or why
+		# XXX either $comments->{$x}{points} or $threshold is sometimes undefined here, not sure which or why
+		if ($user->{reparent} && $comments->{$x}{points} >= $threshold) {
 			my $tmppid = $pid;
 			while ($tmppid
 				&& $comments->{$tmppid} && defined($comments->{$tmppid}{points})
@@ -1621,14 +1625,14 @@
 		# Only do the following if force_cache_freshen is not set:
 		# as it is by freshenup.pl when (re)building the 'rendered'
 		# cached data for a story.
-		my $df = ($user->{mode} eq "archive" || ($story->{is_archived} eq "yes" && $user->{is_anon}))
-			? $constants->{archive_dateformat} : "";
-		my $storytime = timeCalc($story->{'time'}, $df);
+		my $is_old = $user->{mode} eq 'archive' || ($story->{is_archived} eq 'yes' && $user->{is_anon});
+		my $df = $is_old ? $constants->{archive_dateformat} : '';
 		my $atstorytime;
 		if ($options->{is_future} && !($user->{author} || $user->{is_admin})) {
 			$atstorytime = $constants->{subscribe_future_name};
 		} else {
-			$atstorytime = $user->{aton} . " " . timeCalc($story->{'time'}, $df);
+			$atstorytime = $user->{aton} . ' '
+				. timeCalc($story->{'time'}, $df, 0, { is_old => $is_old });
 		$return =~ s/\Q__TIME_TAG__\E/$atstorytime/;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/admin.pl	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@
 	my $time = findTheTime();
-	for my $field (qw( introtext bodytext )) {
+	for my $field (qw( introtext bodytext media)) {
 		local $Slash::Utility::Data::approveTag::admin = 2;
 		$form->{$field} = cleanSlashTags($form->{$field});
 		$form->{$field} = strip_html($form->{$field});
@@ -2060,8 +2060,10 @@
 		commentstatus	=> $form->{commentstatus},
 		bodytext	=> $form->{bodytext},
 		introtext	=> $form->{introtext},
+		media		=> $form->{media},
 		relatedtext	=> $form->{relatedtext},
 		related_sids	=> $related_sids,
+		thumb		=> $form->{thumb},
 		-rendered	=> 'NULL', # freshenup.pl will write this
 		is_dirty	=> 1
@@ -2147,7 +2149,7 @@
 			if ($savefile) {
 				close $ofh;
-			my $action = $form->{media_action} eq "thumbnails" ? "thumbnails" : "upload";
+			my $action = "upload";
 			my $file = {
 				stoid	=> $stoid,
 				action 	=> $action,
@@ -2458,9 +2460,11 @@
 		bodytext	=> $form->{bodytext},
 		introtext	=> $form->{introtext},
 		relatedtext	=> $form->{relatedtext},
+		media		=> $form->{media},
 		subid		=> $form->{subid},
 		fhid		=> $form->{fhid},
 		commentstatus	=> $form->{commentstatus},
+		thumb		=> $form->{thumb},
 		-rendered	=> 'NULL', # freshenup.pl will write this

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/templates/editStory;admin;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/templates/editStory;admin;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/templates/editStory;admin;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -248,26 +248,39 @@
 					Upload an image/audio file for this story [% IF pending_file_count %]([% pending_file_count %] awaiting processing)[% END %]
-				<input type="file" name="media_file"><select name="media_action"><option value="upload">upload</option><option value="thumbnails">thumbnails</option></select>
+				<input type="file" name="media_file">
 				[% IF story_static_files && story_static_files.size  %]
 						<a href="[% constants.rootdir %]/admin.pl?op=static_files&amp;sid=[% sid %]">Media Files associated with this story</a>
 					<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
+					<tr><td>Select <br>Thumb</td><td colspan="3"></td><td>Click to <br>add to body</td></tr>
 					[% FOREACH mfile = story_static_files %]
-					[% trunc_name = mfile.name %]
-					[% trunc_name = trunc_name.replace('^\d+',"") %]
-					<tr><td>[% mfile.sfid %]</td><td><a href="[% constants.imagedir %]/articles/[% sid %][% trunc_name %]" style="color:#fff">[% mfile.name %]</td><td>[% constants.imagedir %]/articles/[% sid %][% trunc_name %]</td>
-					<td>[% mfile.width %]</td>
+					[% filename = mfile.name %]
+					[% filename = filename.replace(".*\/", ""); %]
+					<tr><td><input type="radio" name="thumb" value="[% mfile.sfid %]" [% IF storyref.thumb == mfile.sfid; constants.markup_checked_attribute; END %]></td><td>[% filename %]</td><td>[% mfile.width %]</td>
 					<td>[% mfile.height %]</td>
 [% IF mfile.filetype == "image" %]
-<img src="[% constants.imagedir %]/articles/[% sid %][% trunc_name %]" width="25%" height="25%">
+[% height = mfile.height; width = mfile.width %]
+[% IF width && height %]
+	[% WHILE (height > 225 || width > 225) %]
+		[% height = height / 1.3  %]
+		[% width = width / 1.3 %]
+	[% END %]
+	[% width = width.int %]
+	[% height = height.int %]
 [% END %]
+<a href="#bodytext" onclick="appendToBodytext('\n<img src=\'[% constants.imagedir %][% mfile.name %]\' width=\'[% mfile.width %]\' height=\'[% mfile.height %]\'>')"><img src="[% constants.imagedir %][% mfile.name %]" width="[% width %]" height="[% height %]"></a>
+[% ELSE %]
+<a href="#bodytext" onclick="appendToBodytext('\n<a href=\'[% constants.imagedir %][% mfile.name %]\'>[% filename %]</a>')">Add [% filename %]</a>
+[% END %]
 					[% END %]
+					<tr><td><input type="radio" name="thumb" value="0"></td><td>None</td><td colspan="1"></td></tr>
 				[% END %]
@@ -275,10 +288,15 @@
 					Upload a file for bodytext
 				<input type="file" name="bodytext_file">
+				<a name="bodytext"></a>
-					Extended Copy[% IF storyref.bodytext_wordcount %] <em>([% storyref.bodytext_wordcount %] word[% IF storyref.bodytext_wordcount != 1; "s"; END %])</em>[% END %]
+					<a href="#" onclick="toggleId('admin-bodytext','hide','show'); return false">Extended Copy</a>[% IF storyref.bodytext_wordcount %] <em>([% storyref.bodytext_wordcount %] word[% IF storyref.bodytext_wordcount != 1; "s"; END %])</em>[% END %]
-				<textarea name="bodytext" rows="[% user.textarea_rows || constants.textarea_rows %]" cols="[% user.textarea_cols || constants.textarea_cols %]" wrap="virtual">[% storyref.bodytext | strip_literal %]</textarea>
+				<textarea name="bodytext" rows="[% user.textarea_rows || constants.textarea_rows %]" cols="[% user.textarea_cols || constants.textarea_cols %]" wrap="virtual" id="admin-bodytext" class="[% storyref.bodytext ? "show" : "hide" %]">[% storyref.bodytext | strip_literal %]</textarea>
+				<label>
+					<a href="#" onclick="toggleId('admin-media','hide','show'); return false">Media</a>
+				</label>
+				<textarea name="media" rows="[% user.textarea_rows || constants.textarea_rows %]" cols="[% user.textarea_cols || constants.textarea_cols %]" wrap="virtual" id="admin-media" class="[% storyref.media ? "show" : "hide" %]">[% storyref.media | strip_literal %]</textarea>
 				<div class="notes">[% ispell_comments.bodytext %]</div>
 				[% PROCESS editbuttons %]

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/templates/static_files;admin;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/templates/static_files;admin;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Admin/templates/static_files;admin;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -15,11 +15,9 @@
 <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
 [% FOREACH mfile = story_static_files %]
-	[% trunc_name = mfile.name %]
-	[% trunc_name = trunc_name.replace('^\d+',"") %]
-	<tr><td>[% mfile.sfid %]</td><td><a href="[% constants.imagedir %]/articles/[% sid %][% trunc_name %]">[% mfile.name %]</td><td>[% constants.imagedir %]/articles/[% sid %][% trunc_name %]</td><td>[% mfile.width %]</td><td>[% mfile.height %]</td></tr>
+	<tr><td>[% mfile.sfid %]</td><td><a href="[% constants.imagedir %][% mfile.namename %]">[% mfile.name %]</td><td>[% constants.imagedir %][% mfile.name %]</td><td>[% mfile.width %]</td><td>[% mfile.height %]</td></tr>
 	[% IF mfile.filetype == "image" %]
-	<tr><td colspan="t"><img src="[% constants.imagedir %]/articles/[% sid %][% trunc_name %]"></td></tr>
+	<tr><td colspan="t"><img src="[% constants.imagedir %][% mfile.name %]"></td></tr>
 	[% END %]
 [% END %]

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/PLUGIN
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/PLUGIN	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/PLUGIN	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -34,3 +34,4 @@

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -520,16 +520,38 @@
         my $url = URI->new('//e.a/?' . $form->{'data'});
         my %params = $url->query_form;
-        # Specific to D2 for the time being
-        my $user_edits_table = {
-                d2_comment_q     => $params{'d2_comment_q'}     || undef,
-                d2_comment_order => $params{'d2_comment_order'} || undef,
-                nosigs           => ($params{'nosigs'}          ? 1 : 0),
-                noscores          => ($params{'noscores'}            ? 1 : 0),
-                domaintags        => ($params{'domaintags'} != 2     ? $params{'domaintags'} : undef),
-                m2_with_comm_mod  => ($params{'m2_with_mod_on_comm'} ? 1 : undef),
-        };
+	# Specific to D2 display and posting prefs for the time being.
+	my $user_edits_table;
+	if ($params{'formname'} eq 'd2_display') {
+		$user_edits_table = {
+			discussion2       => ($params{'discussion2'})        ? 'slashdot' : 'none',
+			d2_comment_q      => $params{'d2_comment_q'}         || undef,
+			d2_comment_order  => $params{'d2_comment_order'}     || undef,
+			nosigs            => ($params{'nosigs'}              ? 1 : 0),
+			noscores          => ($params{'noscores'}            ? 1 : 0),
+			domaintags        => ($params{'domaintags'} != 2     ? $params{'domaintags'} : undef),
+			m2_with_comm_mod  => ($params{'m2_with_mod_on_comm'} ? 1 : undef),
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		my $karma_bonus      = ($params{'karma_bonus'}      !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? "+1" : $params{'karma_bonus'};
+		my $subscriber_bonus = ($params{'subscriber_bonus'} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? "+1" : $params{'subscriber_bonus'};
+		$user_edits_table = {
+			emaildisplay      => $params{'emaildisplay'} || undef,
+			karma_bonus       => ($karma_bonus ne '+1' ? $karma_bonus : undef),
+			nobonus           => ($params{'nobonus'} ? 1 : undef),
+			subscriber_bonus  => ($subscriber_bonus || undef),
+			nosubscriberbonus => ($params{'nosubscriberbonus'} ? 1 : undef),
+			posttype          => $params{'posttype'},
+			textarea_rows     => ($params{'textarea_rows'} != $constants->{'textarea_rows'}
+				? $params{'textarea_rows'} : undef),
+			textarea_cols     => ($params{'textarea_cols'} != $constants->{'textarea_cols'}
+				? $params{'textarea_cols'} : undef),
+			postanon          => ($params{'postanon'} ? 1 : undef),
+			no_spell          => ($params{'no_spell'} ? 1 : undef),
+		};
+	}
         $slashdb->setUser($params{uid}, $user_edits_table);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/admin.js
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/admin.js	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/admin.js	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -301,3 +301,11 @@
 	ajax_update(params, 'postform-'+id, handlers); 
+function appendToBodytext(text) {
+	var obj = $('admin-bodytext');
+	if (obj) {
+		obj.className = "show";
+		obj.value = obj.value  + text;
+	}

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/images/common.js	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -139,6 +139,17 @@
 	obj.className = "";
+function toggleId(id, first, second) {
+	var obj =$(id);
+	if (obj.className == first) {
+		obj.className = second;
+	} else if (obj.className == second) {
+		obj.className = first;
+	} else {
+		obj.className = first;
+	}
 function toggleIntro(id, toggleid) {
 	var obj = $(id);
 	var toggle = $(toggleid);
@@ -1432,6 +1443,12 @@
 	params['op'] = 'saveModalPrefs';
 	params['data'] = Form.serialize(document.forms['modal_prefs']);
 	params['reskey'] = reskey_static;
-	var handlers = {onComplete:hide_modal_box};
+	var handlers = {
+		onComplete: function() {
+			hide_modal_box();
+			if (document.forms['modal_prefs'].refreshable.value)
+				document.location=document.forms['modal_prefs'].refreshable.value;
+		}
+	};
 	ajax_update(params, '', handlers);

Added: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2_posting;ajax;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2_posting;ajax;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Ajax/templates/prefs_d2_posting;ajax;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+[% hi = constants.comment_maxscore - constants.comment_minscore %]
+[% lo = '-' _ hi %]
+[% range = [ lo .. hi ] %]
+<form id ="modal_prefs" method="post">
+<input type="hidden" name="formname" value="d2_posting">
+<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="[% user.uid %]">
+<table width="100%">
+	<tr>
+	<td valign="middle">
+	&nbsp;<p>
+	<b>Email Display</b>
+        (currently
+        [%- IF !user.fakeemail; " not displayed";
+        ELSE; ": <tt>"; user.fakeemail | strip_literal; "</tt>";
+        END %])<br>
+        [% IF !user.emaildisplay.defined;
+        	IF user.fakeemail %]
+        	<i>(Your current email address was apparently set before
+                users' email addresses were forced to one of the below
+                choices. Please pick one and click Save.)</i><br>
+                [% END;
+                user.emaildisplay = 0;
+        END;
+        IF user.emaildisplay.defined;
+        	emaildisplay.${user.emaildisplay} = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
+        END %]
+        <blockquote><div>
+        <input type="radio" name="emaildisplay" [% emaildisplay.0 %] value=0> Do not display an e-mail address.<br>
+        <input type="radio" name="emaildisplay" [% emaildisplay.1 %] value=1> Show your email address with weekly updating spam armoring.<br>
+        <input type="radio" name="emaildisplay" [% emaildisplay.2 %] value=2> Show your real email address without cowering behind childish anonymity or obfuscation.
+        </div></blockquote>
+	<b><a name="karma_bonus">Karma Bonus</a></b> (modifier assigned to posts where the user has good karma)<br>
+	[% karma_bonus = 0;
+	IF user.karma_bonus;
+		karma_bonus = user.karma_bonus;
+	END %]
+	[% Slash.createSelect('karma_bonus', range, karma_bonus, 1, 1) %]
+	&nbsp;<p>
+	[% IF user.karma > constants.goodkarma;
+		b_check = '';
+		IF user.nobonus;
+			b_check = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
+		END %]
+		<input type="hidden" name="nobonus_present" value="1">
+		<label><input type="checkbox" name="nobonus"[% b_check %]> No Karma Bonus</label>
+		&nbsp;<p>
+	[% END %]
+	<b><a name="subscriber_bonus">Subscriber Bonus</a></b> (modifier assigned to posts where the user was a subscriber)<br>
+	[% subscriber_bonus = 0;
+	IF user.subscriber_bonus;
+		subscriber_bonus = user.subscriber_bonus;
+        END %]
+	[% Slash.createSelect('subscriber_bonus', range, subscriber_bonus, 1, 1) %] 
+	&nbsp;<p>
+	[% IF user.is_subscriber;
+		sb_check = '';
+		IF user.nosubscriberbonus;
+			sb_check = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
+		END %]
+                <input type="hidden" name="nosubscriberbonus_present" value="1">
+                <label><input type="checkbox" name="nosubscriberbonus"[% sb_check %]> No Subscriber Bonus</label>
+	[% END %]
+	<label>Comment Box Size</label>
+	[% textarea_cols = constants.textarea_cols;
+	IF user.textarea_cols;
+		textarea_cols = user.textarea_cols;
+	END;
+	textarea_rows = constants.textarea_rows;
+	IF user.textarea_rows;
+		textarea_rows = user.textarea_rows;
+	END %]
+	Columns: <input type="text" name="textarea_cols" size="4" value="[% user.textarea_cols || constants.textarea_cols %]">
+        Rows: <input type="text" name="textarea_rows" size="4" value="[% user.textarea_rows || constants.textarea_rows %]">
+        [% PROCESS formNote note="Also applies to other large text boxes" %]
+	<label>Comment Post Mode</label>
+	[%
+	formats = Slash.db.getDescriptions('postmodes');
+	Slash.createSelect('posttype', formats, user.posttype, 1);
+	%]
+	&nbsp;<p>
+	[%
+	p_check = '';
+       	IF user.postanon;
+        	p_check = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
+	END;
+	%]
+	[% IF constants.allow_anonymous && (user.karma > -1 || p_check) %]
+		<input type="hidden" name="postanon_present" value="1">
+		<label><input type="checkbox" name="postanon"[% p_check %]> Post Anonymously</label>
+		</label>
+	[% END %]
+	[% IF user.is_admin;
+		nospell_check = '';
+		IF user.no_spell;
+			nospell_check = constants.markup_checked_attribute;
+		END %]
+		<label><input type="checkbox" name="no_spell"[% nospell_check %]> Disable Spellchecker</label>
+	[% END %]
+	</td>
+	</tr>
+<input type="button" value="Save" onclick="saveModalPrefs()">
+$Id: $

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Blob/Blob.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Blob/Blob.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Blob/Blob.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
 sub get {
 	my($self, $sig) = @_;
 	my $sig_q = $self->sqlQuote($sig);
-	return $self->sqlSelectHashref($self->{_table}, "id = $sig_q");
+	return $self->sqlSelectHashref("*", $self->{_table}, "id = $sig_q");
 sub getFilesForStories {

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/bookmark.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/bookmark.pl	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/bookmark.pl	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@
 		url_id 		=> $url_id,
 		uid    		=> $user->{uid},
 		title		=> strip_notags($form->{title}),
+		srcid_32	=> get_srcid_sql_in($user->{srcids}{32}),
+		srcid_24	=> get_srcid_sql_in($user->{srcids}{24}),
 	my $bookmark_id;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/mysql_dump.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/mysql_dump.sql	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/mysql_dump.sql	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 INSERT IGNORE INTO reskey_vars VALUES (8, 'duration_max-uses', '30', 'how many uses per timeframe');
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks (rkrcid, rkrid, type, class, ordernum) VALUES (NULL, 8,'use','Slash::ResKey::Checks::Post',151);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks (rkrcid, rkrid, type, class, ordernum) VALUES (NULL, 8,'all','Slash::ResKey::Checks::Spammer',531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks (rkrcid, rkrid, type, class, ordernum) VALUES (NULL, 8,'all','Slash::ResKey::Checks::Duration',601);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks (rkrcid, rkrid, type, class, ordernum) VALUES (NULL ,8,'all','Slash::ResKey::Checks::User',101);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/mysql_schema.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/mysql_schema.sql	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Bookmark/mysql_schema.sql	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@
 	createdtime DATETIME NOT NULL,
 	title VARCHAR(255),
 	PRIMARY KEY(bookmark_id),
-	UNIQUE url_id_uid (url_id, uid)
+	UNIQUE url_id_uid (url_id, uid),
+	INDEX srcid_32 (srcid_32),
+	INDEX srcid_24 (srcid_24)
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bookmark_feeds;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/FireHose.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 	$text_data->{title} = delete $data->{title};
 	$text_data->{introtext} = delete $data->{introtext};
 	$text_data->{bodytext} = delete $data->{bodytext};
+	$text_data->{media} = delete $data->{media};
 	$self->sqlDo('SET AUTOCOMMIT=0');
 	my $ok = $self->sqlInsert("firehose", $data);
@@ -156,7 +157,9 @@
 			tid			=> $journal->{tid},
 			srcid			=> $id,
 			discussion		=> $journal->{discussion},
-			type			=> $type
+			type			=> $type,
+			ipid			=> $user->{ipid},
+			subnetid		=> $user->{subnetid},
 		if ($publicize && !isAnon($journal->{uid})) {
@@ -302,6 +305,7 @@
 				createtime	=> $story->{time},
 				introtext	=> parseSlashizedLinks($story->{introtext}),
 				bodytext	=> parseSlashizedLinks($story->{bodytext}),
+				media		=> $story->{media},
 				primaryskid	=> $story->{primaryskid},
 				tid 		=> $story->{tid},
 				public		=> $public,
@@ -309,6 +313,7 @@
 				discussion	=> $story->{discussion},
 				body_length	=> $story->{body_length},
 				word_count	=> $story->{word_count},
+				thumb		=> $story->{thumb},
 			$self->setFireHose($id, $data);
@@ -338,6 +343,7 @@
 			createtime	=> $story->{time},
 			introtext	=> parseSlashizedLinks($story->{introtext}),
 			bodytext	=> parseSlashizedLinks($story->{bodytext}),
+			media		=> $story->{media},
 			popularity	=> $popularity,
 			editorpop	=> $popularity,
 			primaryskid	=> $story->{primaryskid},
@@ -347,6 +353,7 @@
 			public		=> $public,
 			dept		=> $story->{dept},
 			discussion	=> $story->{discussion},
+			thumb		=> $story->{thumb},
@@ -1128,6 +1135,7 @@
 					slashDisplay("formatHoseIntro", { introtext => $introtext, url => $url, $item => $item }, { Return => 1 });
 					$html->{"text-$_->{id}"} = $introtext;
 					$html->{"fhtime-$_->{id}"} = timeCalc($item->{createtime});
+					$html->{"topic-$_->{id}"} = slashDisplay("dispTopicFireHose", { item => $item, adminmode => $adminmode }, { Return => 1});
 					# updated
@@ -1461,6 +1469,7 @@
 	$text_data->{title} = delete $data->{title} if defined $data->{title};
 	$text_data->{introtext} = delete $data->{introtext} if defined $data->{introtext};
 	$text_data->{bodytext} = delete $data->{bodytext} if defined $data->{bodytext};
+	$text_data->{media} = delete $data->{media} if defined $data->{media};
 	$self->sqlUpdate('firehose', $data, "id=$id_q");
 	$self->sqlUpdate('firehose_text', $text_data, "id=$id_q") if keys %$text_data;
@@ -2382,6 +2391,13 @@
 	slashDisplay("firehose_usage", $data, { Return => 1 });
+sub getNextItemsForThumbnails {
+	my($self, $lastid, $limit) = @_;
+	$limit = " LIMIT $limit" if $limit;
+	$lastid = " AND firehose.id > $lastid" if defined $lastid;
+	return $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("firehose.id,urls.url", "firehose,urls", "firehose.type='submission' AND firehose.url_id=urls.url_id AND mediatype='video' $lastid", "ORDER BY firehose.id ASC $limit");

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/PLUGIN
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/PLUGIN	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/PLUGIN	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
@@ -32,5 +33,6 @@

Added: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/firehose_get_thumbnails.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/firehose_get_thumbnails.pl	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/firehose_get_thumbnails.pl	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# This code is a part of Slash, and is released under the GPL.
+# Copyright 1997-2005 by Open Source Technology Group. See README
+# and COPYING for more information, or see http://slashcode.com/.
+# $Id: $
+use strict;
+use Time::HiRes;
+use Slash;
+use Slash::Constants ':slashd';
+use Slash::Display;
+use Slash::Utility;
+use LWP::Simple;
+use URI::Split qw(uri_split);
+use File::Type;
+use File::Temp;
+use vars qw(
+	%task	$me	$task_exit_flag
+$task{$me}{timespec} = '0-59/2 * * * *';
+$task{$me}{fork} = SLASHD_NOWAIT;
+$task{$me}{code} = sub {
+	my($virtual_user, $constants, $slashdb, $user, $info, $gSkin) = @_;
+	my $fh_last = $slashdb->getVar("firehose_last_thumbnail_id", "value", 1);
+	if (!defined($fh_last)) {
+		$fh_last = 0;
+		$slashdb->createVar("firehose_last_thumbnail_id", 0);
+	}
+	my $firehose = getObject("Slash::FireHose");
+	my $items = $firehose->getNextItemsForThumbnails($fh_last, 10);
+	foreach (@$items) {
+		$fh_last = $_->{id} if $_->{id} > $fh_last;
+		my $thumb;
+		my ($scheme, $domain, $path, $query, $frag) = uri_split($_->{url});
+		my $page = get $_->{url};
+		slashdLog("$_->{id}: $_->{url}\n");
+		my @pairs = split(/&/, $query);
+		my $params = {};
+		foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
+			my ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
+			$params->{$name}= $value;
+		}
+		if ($page) {
+			if ($domain =~ /youtube\.com/ && $params->{v}) {
+				$thumb = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/$params->{v}/0.jpg";
+			} elsif ($domain =~ /video.google.com/ && $params->{docid}) {
+				my $feed = get "http://video.google.com/videofeed?docid=$params->{docid}";
+				$feed =~/<media:thumbnail url="([^"]+)"/;
+				$thumb = $1;
+				$thumb =~ s/amp;//g;
+			} elsif ($page =~ /link\s+rel="videothumbnail"\s+href="([^"]*)"/) {
+				$thumb = $1;
+			} elsif ($page =~ /link\s+rel="image_src"\s+href="([^"]*)"/) {
+				$thumb = $1;
+			}
+			if ($thumb) {
+				slashdLog("Thumb url: $thumb");
+				my $ft = File::Type->new();
+				my $thumb_data = get $thumb;
+				my $mimetype = $ft->mime_type($thumb_data);
+				if ($mimetype =~ /^image/) {
+					if (length($thumb_data) < 600000 ) {
+						my $tmpfile = dataToTmpFile($thumb_data, $thumb);
+						my $file = {
+							fhid   => $_->{id},
+							file   => $tmpfile,
+							action => "thumbnails"
+						};
+						$slashdb->addFileToQueue($file);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	slashdLog("Last id: $fh_last");
+	$slashdb->setVar('firehose_last_thumbnail_id', $fh_last);
+sub dataToTmpFile {
+	my($data, $url) = @_;
+	my ($suffix) = $url =~ /(\.\w+$)/;
+	$suffix = lc($suffix);
+	my ($ofh, $tmpname) = mkstemps("/tmp/upload/fileXXXXXX", $suffix );
+	print $ofh $data;
+	close $ofh;
+	return $tmpname;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/mysql_schema.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/mysql_schema.sql	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/mysql_schema.sql	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 	srcname VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 	mediatype enum("text", "none", "video", "image", "audio") default "none" NOT NULL,
 	UNIQUE globjid (globjid),
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
 	title VARCHAR(80),
 	introtext text,
 	bodytext text,
+	media text,
 ) TYPE=InnoDB;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/dispFireHose;firehose;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/dispFireHose;firehose;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/dispFireHose;firehose;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -75,21 +75,14 @@
 	[% IF bodywrapper;
 		Slash.getData('byline', { adminmode => adminmode, item => item, the_user => the_user }, 'firehose');
-	<div class="[% IF bodycontent && mode == "fulltitle" %]hide[% ELSIF bodycontent %]body[% ELSE %]empty[% END %]" id="fhbody-[% item.id %]"  [% IF !topic.image %]style="min-height: auto !important; "[% END %]>
+	[% hasimage = item.tid || (item.thumb && item.type == "story") || (adminmode && item.type == "submission") %]
+	<div class="[% IF bodycontent && mode == "fulltitle" %]hide[% ELSIF bodycontent %]body[% ELSE %]empty[% END %]" id="fhbody-[% item.id %]"  [% IF !hasimage  %]style="min-height: auto !important; "[% END %]>
 	[% END %]
-		[% IF item.tid %]
-		<div class="topic">
+		[% IF hasimage %]
+		<div class="topic" id="topic-[% item.id %]">
 			[% IF bodycontent %]
-			[% topic = Slash.db.getTopic(item.tid) %]
-			[% IF user.noicons || user.simpledesign || user.lowbandwidth %]
-				[ <a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/search.pl?tid=[% topic.tid %]">[% topic.textname %]</a> ]
-			[% ELSIF topic.image %]
-				<a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/search.pl?tid=[% topic.tid %]">
-				<img src="[% constants.imagedir %]/topics/[% topic.image %]" width="[% topic.width %]" height="[% topic.height %]" alt="[% topic.textname %]" title="[% topic.textname %]" >
-			</a>
+			[% PROCESS dispTopicFireHose item = item %]
 			[% END %]
-			[% END %]
 		[% END %]
 		<div id="text-[% item.id %]" class="intro">
@@ -99,6 +92,11 @@
 			   PROCESS formatHoseIntro; 
 			END %]
 			[% introtext %]
+			[% IF item.media %]
+			<div class="media">
+			[% item.media %]
+			</div>
+			[% END %]
 	[% IF bodywrapper %]

Added: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/dispTopicFireHose;misc;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/dispTopicFireHose;misc;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/dispTopicFireHose;misc;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+You should describe stuff here.
+Useless title to template
+[% topic = Slash.db.getTopic(item.tid) %]
+[% IF (item.thumb && (item.type == "story" || (item.type == "submission" && adminmode))) %]
+	[% file = Slash.db.getStaticFile(item.thumb); %]
+	[% link_url = "";
+	   IF item.type == "story";
+ 		story_link_ar = Slash.linkStory ({
+		 	sid	=> story.sid,
+			link	=> story.title,
+			tid	=> story.tid
+			skin	=> story.primaryskid
+		 }, 0);
+		 link_url = story_link_ar.0;
+		link_url = constants.rootdir _ "/firehose.pl?op=view&amp;id=" _ item.id;
+	END %]
+	<a href="[% link_url %]"><img src="[% constants.imagedir %][% file.name %]" alt="thumbnail" [% IF file.width; "width='$file.width'"; END; IF file.height; " height='$file.height'"; END; %]></a>
+[% ELSIF user.noicons || user.simpledesign || user.lowbandwidth %]
+	[ <a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/search.pl?tid=[% topic.tid %]">[% topic.textname %]</a> ]
+[% ELSIF topic.image %]
+	<a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/search.pl?tid=[% topic.tid %]">
+	<img src="[% constants.imagedir %]/topics/[% topic.image %]" width="[% topic.width %]" height="[% topic.height %]" alt="[% topic.textname %]" title="[% topic.textname %]" >
+	</a>
+[% END %]

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/nodnix_menus;firehose;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/nodnix_menus;firehose;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/FireHose/templates/nodnix_menus;firehose;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-You should describe stuff here.
+If the list of these tags is changed, consider also updating the var
 Useless title to template

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/HumanConf/Static/Static.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/HumanConf/Static/Static.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/HumanConf/Static/Static.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
 	my $filename_mp3 = sprintf("%02d/%s%s", $hcpid % 100, $encoded_name, '.mp3');
 	my $full_filename_mp3 = "$dir/$filename_mp3";
-	my $ssml_text = join('<break time=\"1s\">',
+	my $ssml_text = join(' ',
 		map { "\u$_." } split //, $answer);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Journal/Journal.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Journal/Journal.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Journal/Journal.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -191,14 +191,16 @@
 	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
-	my $uid = getCurrentUser('uid');
+	my $user = getCurrentUser();
 	$self->sqlInsert("journals", {
-		uid		=> $uid,
+		uid		=> $user->{uid},
 		description	=> $description,
 		tid		=> $tid,
-		-date		=> 'now()',
+		-date		=> 'NOW()',
 		posttype	=> $posttype,
-		promotetype	=> $promotetype
+		promotetype	=> $promotetype,
+		srcid_24	=> get_srcid_sql_in($user->{srcids}{24}),
+		srcid_32	=> get_srcid_sql_in($user->{srcids}{32}),
 	my($id) = $self->getLastInsertId({ table => 'journals', prime => 'id' });
@@ -211,7 +213,7 @@
 	my($date) = $self->sqlSelect('date', 'journals', "id=$id");
 	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	$slashdb->setUser($uid, { journal_last_entry_date => $date });
+	$slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, { journal_last_entry_date => $date });
 	if ($constants->{plugin}{FireHose}) {
 		my $reskey = getObject('Slash::ResKey');
 		my $rkey = $reskey->key('submit', { nostate => 1 });

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Journal/mysql_schema
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Journal/mysql_schema	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Journal/mysql_schema	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -13,10 +13,14 @@
 	promotetype ENUM ("publicize","publish", "post") NOT NULL DEFAULT "publish",
 	last_update timestamp NOT NULL,
 	KEY uid_date_id (uid,date,id),
 	KEY IDandUID (id,uid),
-	KEY tid (tid)
+	KEY tid (tid),
+	KEY srcid_32 (srcid_32),
+	KEY srcid_24 (srcid_24)
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS journals_text;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Login/login.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Login/login.pl	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Login/login.pl	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -250,9 +250,7 @@
 		@srcids{keys %{$user->{srcids}}} = values %{$user->{srcids}};
 		delete $srcids{uid};
-		if ($reader->checkAL2(\%srcids, 'nopost')
-			|| $reader->checkAL2(\%srcids, 'nopostanon')
-		) {
+		if ($reader->checkAL2(\%srcids, [qw( nopost nopostanon spammer )])) {
 			push @note, getData('mail_readonly');
 			$error = 1;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Metamod/templates/dispTheComments;metamod;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Metamod/templates/dispTheComments;metamod;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Metamod/templates/dispTheComments;metamod;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 [% STOP %]
 [% END %]
 [% user.noscores = 1; # Do not show scores in comment display. %]
-[% constants.siteadmin_name.uc %]!</b> <p>What follows are random
+<p>What follows are random
 moderations performed on comments in the last few weeks on [% constants.sitename %].
 You are asked to <b>honestly</b> evaluate the actions of the moderator of each
 comment. Moderators who are ranked poorly will cease to be eligible for

Added: slashjp/trunk/plugins/ResKey/ResKey/Checks/AL2/Spammer.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/ResKey/ResKey/Checks/AL2/Spammer.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/ResKey/ResKey/Checks/AL2/Spammer.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# This code is a part of Slash, and is released under the GPL.
+# Copyright 1997-2005 by Open Source Technology Group. See README
+# and COPYING for more information, or see http://slashcode.com/.
+# $Id: $
+package Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2;
+use Slash::Utility;
+use Slash::Constants ':reskey';
+use base 'Slash::ResKey::Key';
+our($VERSION) = ' $Revision: $ ' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/;
+sub doCheck {
+	my($self) = @_;
+	return AL2Check($self, 'spammer');

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/ResKey/mysql_dump.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/ResKey/mysql_dump.sql	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/ResKey/mysql_dump.sql	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 1, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::AnonNoPost',     301);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 1, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPostAnon',     401);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 1, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPost',         501);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 1, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer',        531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 1, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::Duration',            601);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 1, 'use', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::ProxyScan',          1001);
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 2, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::AnonNoPost',     301);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 2, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPostAnon',     401);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 2, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPost',         501);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 2, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer',        531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 2, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::Duration',            601);
 ### vars
@@ -101,6 +103,7 @@
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 3, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::AnonNoPost',     301);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 3, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPostAnon',     401);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 3, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPost',         501);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 3, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer',        531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 3, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::Duration',            601);
 ### vars
@@ -120,6 +123,7 @@
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 4, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::AnonNoPost',     301);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 4, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPostAnon',     401);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 4, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPost',         501);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 4, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer',        531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 4, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::Duration',            601);
 ### vars
@@ -157,6 +161,7 @@
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 5, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::AnonNoPost',     301);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 5, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPostAnon',     401);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 5, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPost',         501);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 5, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer',        531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 5, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::Duration',            601);
 ### vars
@@ -177,6 +182,7 @@
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 6, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::AnonNoPost',     301);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 6, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPostAnon',     401);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 6, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPost',         501);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 6, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer',        531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 6, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoSubmit',       551);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 6, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::Duration',            601);
@@ -198,6 +204,7 @@
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 9, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::AnonNoPost',     301);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 9, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPostAnon',     401);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 9, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPost',         501);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 9, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer',        531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 9, 'use', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::Moderate',            601);
 ### vars
@@ -219,7 +226,7 @@
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 10, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::ACL',                 201);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 10, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::AnonNoPost',     301);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 10, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPostAnon',     401);
-INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 10, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoPost',         501);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 10, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer',        531);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 10, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::NoSubmit',       551);
 INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 10, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::Duration',            601);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/Tags.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 use Slash::Display;
 use Slash::Utility;
 use Slash::DB::Utility;
-use Slash::Clout;
+#use Slash::Clout;
 use Apache::Cookie;
 use vars qw($VERSION);
 use base 'Slash::DB::Utility';

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/tagsstorydivadmin;misc;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/tagsstorydivadmin;misc;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/tagsstorydivadmin;misc;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 [% IF user.is_admin %]
 [% PROCESS ajax_reskey_tag reskey_label => 'admin_commands-reskey-' _ sidenc, reskey_name => 'ajax_admin' %]
-<input type="text" id="tags_admin_commands-[% sidenc %]" name="tags_admin_commands-[% sidenc %]" value="" size=50 maxlength=60 onkeyup="handleEnter(event, adminTagsCommands, '[% sidenc %]')">
+<input type="text" id="tags_admin_commands-[% sidenc %]" name="tags_admin_commands-[% sidenc %]" value="" size=50 maxlength=150 onkeyup="handleEnter(event, adminTagsCommands, '[% sidenc %]')">
 <input type="button" value="Admin" onclick="adminTagsCommands('[% sidenc %]','stories')" class="button"> <span id="taghist-[% sidenc %]"><a href="#" onclick="tagsHistory('[% sidenc %]','stories'); return false">[History]</a></span>
 <div>[% tags_admin_str %]</div>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/tagsurldivadmin;misc;default
--- slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/tagsurldivadmin;misc;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/plugins/Tags/templates/tagsurldivadmin;misc;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 [% IF user.is_admin %]
 [% PROCESS ajax_reskey_tag reskey_label => 'admin_commands-reskey-' _ id, reskey_name => 'ajax_admin' %]
-<input type="text" id="tags_admin_commands-[% id %]" name="tags_admin_commands-[% id %]" value="" size=50 maxlength=60>
+<input type="text" id="tags_admin_commands-[% id %]" name="tags_admin_commands-[% id %]" value="" size=50 maxlength=150>
 <input type="button" value="Admin" onclick="adminTagsCommands('[% id %]','urls')" class="button"> <span id="taghist-[% id %]"><a href="#" onclick="tagsHistory('[% id %]','urls'); return false">[History]</a></span>
 <div>[% tags_admin_str %]</div>

Modified: slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/defaults.sql	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (8, 6, 'trusted', 'Trusted');
 INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (9, 7, 'proxy', 'Valid Proxy');
 INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (10, 8, 'nopostanon', 'No Comment Post Anon');
+INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (11, 9, 'binspam', 'Binspammer');
@@ -830,7 +831,7 @@
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cur_performance_stats_lastid', '0', 'accesslogid to start searching at');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cur_performance_stats_weeks', '8', 'number of weeks back to compare current stats to');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('currentqid',1,'The Current Question on the homepage pollbooth');
-INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode','T_2_5_0_181','The current cvs tag that the code was updated to - this does not affect site behavior but may be useful for your records');
+INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode','T_2_5_0_182','The current cvs tag that the code was updated to - this does not affect site behavior but may be useful for your records');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('datadir','/usr/local/slash/www.example.com','What is the root of the install for Slash');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('db_auto_increment_increment','1','If your master DB uses auto_increment_increment, i.e. multiple master replication, echo its value into this var');
 INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('dbsparklines_disp','0','Display dbsparklines in the currentAdminUsers box?');

Modified: slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/slashschema_create.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/slashschema_create.sql	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/slashschema_create.sql	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -1065,13 +1065,14 @@
-# Table structure for table 'story_static_files'
+# Table structure for table 'static_files'
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS story_static_files;
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS static_files;
 CREATE TABLE story_static_files(
 	sfid mediumint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 	stoid mediumint unsigned NOT NULL,
+	fhid mediumint unsigned NOT NULL,
 	filetype ENUM("file", "image", "audio") not null default "file",
 	name varchar(255) default '' NOT NULL,
 	width smallint unsigned not null default 0,

Modified: slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades
--- slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/sql/mysql/upgrades	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -4916,17 +4916,16 @@
 # For tagboxes/Top
 INSERT INTO tagbox_userkeyregexes VALUES ('Top', '^tag_clout$');
 CREATE TABLE file_queue (
         fqid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
         stoid mediumint(8) unsigned default NULL,
         fhid mediumint(8) unsigned default NULL,
         file varchar(255) default NULL,
         action enum('upload','thumbnails') default NULL,
-        PRIMARY KEY  (fqid)
+        PRIMARY KEY (fqid)
-CREATE TABLE story_static_files(
+CREATE TABLE story_static_files (
         sfid mediumint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
         stoid mediumint unsigned NOT NULL,
         filetype ENUM("file", "image", "audio") not null default "file",
@@ -4935,12 +4934,9 @@
         INDEX stoid(stoid)
 # 2007-10-16
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_180' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
 INSERT INTO string_param (type, code, name) VALUES ('mediatypes','none','None');
 INSERT INTO string_param (type, code, name) VALUES ('mediatypes','video','Video');
 INSERT INTO string_param (type, code, name) VALUES ('mediatypes','image','Image');
@@ -4964,7 +4960,45 @@
 # 2007-10-25
 UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_181' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';
+# For plugins/FireHose
+# Install CPAN module File::Type for plugins/FireHose 
+ALTER TABLE firehose_text ADD COLUMN media TEXT;
+RENAME TABLES story_static_files to static_files;
+ALTER TABLE static_files ADD COLUMN fhid mediumint unsigned NOT NULL;
+# for plugins/Journal
+ALTER TABLE journals ADD INDEX srcid_32 (srcid_32), ADD INDEX srcid_24 (srcid_24);
+# for plugins/Bookmark
+ALTER TABLE bookmarks ADD INDEX srcid_32 (srcid_32), ADD INDEX srcid_24 (srcid_24);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 8, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+SELECT @maxbitpos := MAX(bitpos) FROM al2_types;
+INSERT INTO al2_types VALUES (NULL, @maxbitpos+1, 'spammer', 'Spammer');
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 1, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 2, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 3, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 4, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 5, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 6, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL, 9, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+INSERT INTO reskey_resource_checks VALUES (NULL,10, 'all', 'Slash::ResKey::Checks::AL2::Spammer', 531);
+# For tagboxes/Top
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_top_excludetagnames', 'yes no binspam dupe notthebest offtopic stupid slownewsday interesting funny insightful', 'Minimum score a tag must have to make it into the top tags for a story or firehose item');
+# 2007-11-01
+UPDATE vars SET value = 'T_2_5_0_182' WHERE name = 'cvs_tag_currentcode';

Added: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Despam.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Despam.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Despam.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# This code is a part of Slash, and is released under the GPL.
+# Copyright 1997-2005 by Open Source Technology Group. See README
+# and COPYING for more information, or see http://slashcode.com/.
+# $Id: $
+package Slash::Tagbox::Despam;
+=head1 NAME
+Slash::Tagbox::Despam - Reduce (firehose) spam
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	my $tagbox_tcu = getObject("Slash::Tagbox::Despam");
+	my $feederlog_ar = $tagbox_tcu->feed_newtags($users_ar);
+	$tagbox_tcu->run($affected_globjid);
+use strict;
+use Slash;
+use Slash::DB;
+use Slash::Utility::Environment;
+use Slash::Tagbox;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use vars qw( $VERSION );
+$VERSION = ' $Revision: $ ' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/;
+use base 'Slash::DB::Utility';	# first for object init stuff, but really
+				# needs to be second!  figure it out. -- pudge
+use base 'Slash::DB::MySQL';
+sub new {
+	my($class, $user) = @_;
+	return undef if !$class->isInstalled();
+	# Note that getTagboxes() would call back to this new() function
+	# if the tagbox objects have not yet been created -- but the
+	# no_objects option prevents that.  See getTagboxes() for details.
+	my($tagbox_name) = $class =~ /(\w+)$/;
+	my %self_hash = %{ getObject('Slash::Tagbox')->getTagboxes($tagbox_name, undef, { no_objects => 1 }) };
+	my $self = \%self_hash;
+	return undef if !$self || !keys %$self;
+	bless($self, $class);
+	$self->{virtual_user} = $user;
+	$self->sqlConnect();
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $tagsdb = getObject('Slash::Tags');
+	$self->{spamid}          = $tagsdb->getTagnameidCreate('binspam');
+	$self->{upvoteid}        = $tagsdb->getTagnameidCreate($constants->{tags_upvote_tagname} || 'nod');
+	return undef unless $self->{spamid};
+	return $self;
+sub isInstalled {
+	my($class) = @_;
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my($tagbox_name) = $class =~ /(\w+)$/;
+	return $constants->{plugin}{Tags} && $constants->{tagbox}{$tagbox_name} || 0;
+sub feed_newtags {
+	my($self, $tags_ar) = @_;
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	if (scalar(@$tags_ar) < 9) {
+		main::tagboxLog("Despam->feed_newtags called for tags '" . join(' ', map { $_->{tagid} } @$tags_ar) . "'");
+	} else {
+		main::tagboxLog("Despam->feed_newtags called for " . scalar(@$tags_ar) . " tags " . $tags_ar->[0]{tagid} . " ... " . $tags_ar->[-1]{tagid});
+	}
+	# The algorithm of the importance of tags to this tagbox is simple
+	# (at least for now).  'binspam' from an admin on a firehose item
+	# is important.  Other tags are not.
+	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
+	my $admins = $slashdb->getAdmins();
+	my $ret_ar = [ ];
+	for my $tag_hr (@$tags_ar) {
+		next unless $tag_hr->{tagnameid} == $self->{spamid} && $admins->{ $tag_hr->{uid} };
+		my $ret_hr = {
+			affected_id =>	$tag_hr->{globjid},
+			importance =>	1,
+		};
+		# We identify this little chunk of importance by either
+		# tagid or tdid depending on whether the source data had
+		# the tdid field (which tells us whether feed_newtags was
+		# "really" called via feed_deactivatedtags).
+		if ($tag_hr->{tdid})	{ $ret_hr->{tdid}  = $tag_hr->{tdid}  }
+		else			{ $ret_hr->{tagid} = $tag_hr->{tagid} }
+		push @$ret_ar, $ret_hr;
+	}
+	return [ ] if !@$ret_ar;
+	# Tags applied to globjs that have a firehose entry associated
+	# are important.  Other tags are not.
+	my %globjs = ( map { $_->{affected_id}, 1 } @$ret_ar );
+	my $globjs_str = join(', ', sort keys %globjs);
+	my $fh_globjs_ar = $self->sqlSelectColArrayref(
+		'globjid',
+		'firehose',
+		"globjid IN ($globjs_str)");
+	return [ ] if !@$fh_globjs_ar; # if no affected globjs have firehose entries, short-circuit out
+	my %fh_globjs = ( map { $_, 1 } @$fh_globjs_ar );
+	$ret_ar = [ grep { $fh_globjs{ $_->{affected_id} } } @$ret_ar ];
+	main::tagboxLog("Despam->feed_newtags returning " . scalar(@$ret_ar));
+	return $ret_ar;
+sub feed_deactivatedtags {
+	my($self, $tags_ar) = @_;
+	main::tagboxLog("Despam->feed_deactivatedtags called: tags_ar='" . join(' ', map { $_->{tagid} } @$tags_ar) .  "'");
+	my $ret_ar = $self->feed_newtags($tags_ar);
+	main::tagboxLog("Despam->feed_deactivatedtags returning " . scalar(@$ret_ar));
+	return $ret_ar;
+sub feed_userchanges {
+	my($self, $users_ar) = @_;
+	main::tagboxLog("Despam->feed_userchanges called (oddly): users_ar='" . join(' ', map { $_->{tuid} } @$users_ar) .  "'");
+	return [ ];
+sub run {
+	my($self, $affected_id, $options) = @_;
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $tagsdb = getObject('Slash::Tags');
+	my $tagboxdb = getObject('Slash::Tagbox');
+	my $firehose_db = getObject('Slash::FireHose');
+	my $affected_id_q = $self->sqlQuote($affected_id);
+	my $fhid = $self->sqlSelect('id', 'firehose', "globjid = $affected_id_q");
+	warn "Slash::Tagbox::Despam->run bad data, fhid='$fhid' db='$firehose_db'" if !$fhid || !$firehose_db;
+	my $fhitem = $firehose_db->getFireHose($fhid);
+	my $submitter_uid = $fhitem->{uid};
+	my $admins = $tagsdb->getAdmins();
+	my $admin_in_str = join(',',
+		sort { $a <=> $b }
+		grep { $admins->{$_}{seclev} >= 100 }
+		keys %$admins);
+	return unless $admin_in_str;
+	my $slashdb = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $binspam_count = $slashdb->sqlCount(
+		'tags, firehose',
+		"tags.uid IN ($admin_in_str)
+		 AND tags.inactivated IS NULL
+		 AND tags.tagnameid = $self->{spamid}
+		 AND tags.globjid = firehose.globjid
+		 AND firehose.uid = $submitter_uid");
+	if ($binspam_count > $constants->{tagbox_despam_binspamsallowed}) {
+		main::tagboxLog(sprintf("%s->run marking uid %d for %d admin binspam tags, latest %d (%d)",
+			ref($self), $submitter_uid, $binspam_count, $fhid, $affected_id));
+		$self->despam_uid($submitter_uid, $binspam_count);
+	}
+sub despam_uid {
+	my($self, $uid, $count) = @_;
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
+	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
+	my $tagboxdb = getObject('Slash::Tagbox');
+	# First, set the user's 'spammer' AL2.
+	$slashdb->setAL2($uid, { spammer => 1, comment => "Despam $count" });
+	# Next, set the user's clout manually to 0.
+	$slashdb->setUser($uid, { tag_clout => 0 });
+	# Next, if $count is high enough, set the 'spammer' AL2 for all
+	# the IPID's the user has submitted from.
+	my $days = defined($constants->{tagbox_despam_ipdayslookback})
+		? $constants->{tagbox_despam_ipdayslookback} : 60;
+	my %srcid_used = ( );
+	if ($days) {
+		my $sub_ipid_ar = $reader->sqlSelectColArrayref(
+			'DISTINCT ipid',
+			'submissions',
+			"uid=$uid AND time >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days DAY)");
+		my $journal_srcid_ar = $reader->sqlSelectColArrayref(
+			'DISTINCT ' . get_srcid_sql_out('srcid_32'),
+			'journals',
+			"uid=$uid AND date >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days DAY)");
+		my $book_srcid_ar = $reader->sqlSelectColArrayref(
+			'DISTINCT ' . get_srcid_sql_out('srcid_32'),
+			'bookmarks',
+			"uid=$uid AND time >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $days DAY)");
+		for my $ipid (@$sub_ipid_ar) {
+			my $srcid = convert_srcid(ipid => $ipid);
+			$srcid_used{$srcid} = 1;
+		}
+		for my $srcid (@$journal_srcid_ar) {
+			$srcid_used{$srcid} = 1;
+		}
+		for my $srcid (@$book_srcid_ar) {
+			$srcid_used{$srcid} = 1;
+		}
+		my @srcids = sort keys %srcid_used;
+		for my $srcid (@srcids) {
+			$slashdb->setAL2($srcid, { spammer => 1, comment => "Despam $count" });
+		}
+	}
+	# Next, reject everything the user's submitted.
+	$slashdb->sqlUpdate('firehose', { rejected => 'yes' },
+		"accepted != 'no' AND uid=$uid");
+	# Next, declout everyone who's upvoted any of the user's
+	# recent submissions (except bookmarks, because those are
+	# generic enough).
+	my $daysback = $constants->{tagbox_despam_decloutdaysback} || 7;
+	my $upvoter_ar = $slashdb->sqlSelectColArrayref(
+		'DISTINCT tags.uid',
+		'tags, firehose',
+		"tags.globjid = firehose.globjid
+		 AND firehose.uid = $uid
+		 AND type IN ('submission', 'journal')
+		 AND createtime >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $daysback DAY)
+		 AND tagnameid = $self->{upvoteid}");
+	my $max_clout = defined($constants->{tagbox_despam_upvotermaxclout})
+		? $constants->{tagbox_despam_upvotermaxclout} : '0.85';
+	for my $upvoter (@$upvoter_ar) {
+print STDERR "Despam setting user $upvoter clout to $max_clout\n";
+		$slashdb->setUser($upvoter, {
+			-tag_clout => "MAX(tag_clout, $max_clout)"
+		});
+	}
+	# Next, insert tagboxlog_feeder entries to tell the relevant
+	# tagboxes to recalculate those scores.
+	my $tagboxes = $tagboxdb->getTagboxes();
+	my @tagboxids = map { $_->{tbid} } grep { $_->{name} =~ /^(FHEditorPop|FireHoseScores)$/ } @$tagboxes;
+	my $globjid_tagid = $slashdb->sqlSelectAllKeyValue(
+		'firehose.globjid, tagid',
+		'firehose, tags',
+		"firehose.uid=$uid
+		 AND firehose.globjid=tags.globjid
+		 AND tags.uid=$uid
+		 AND tagnameid=$self->{upvoteid}",
+		'GROUP BY firehose.globjid');
+	for my $globjid (sort keys %$globjid_tagid) {
+		for my $tbid (@tagboxids) {
+			$tagboxdb->addFeederInfo($tbid, {
+				affected_id => $globjid,
+				importance => 1,
+				tagid => $globjid_tagid->{ $globjid },
+			});
+		}
+	}
+	sleep 10;

Added: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Makefile.PL
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Makefile.PL	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/Makefile.PL	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+# $Id: $
+    'NAME'	=> 'Slash::Tagbox::Despam',
+    'VERSION_FROM' => 'Despam.pm', # finds $VERSION
+    'PM'	=> { 'Despam.pm' =>   '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Despam.pm' },

Added: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/TAGBOX
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/TAGBOX	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/TAGBOX	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# $Id: $
+description=Reduce (firehose) spam

Added: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/mysql_dump.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/mysql_dump.sql	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Despam/mysql_dump.sql	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# $Id: $
+INSERT INTO tagboxes (tbid, name, affected_type, clid, weight, last_run_completed, last_tagid_logged, last_tdid_logged, last_tuid_logged) VALUES (NULL, 'Despam', 'globj', 1, 1, '2000-01-01 00:00:00', 0, 0, 0);
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_despam_binspamsallowed', '1', 'Number of binspam tags allowed before action is taken');
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_despam_ipdayslookback', '60', 'Number of days to look back in tables to mark IPs, 0 disables IP marking');
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_despam_upvotermaxclout', '0.85', 'Maximum tag_clout for any user who upvotes a submission from a spammer user');

Modified: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/Top.pm
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/Top.pm	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/Top.pm	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -200,6 +200,16 @@
 		$a cmp $b
 	} keys %scores;
+	# Eliminate tagnames in a given list, and their opposites.
+	my %nontop = ( map { ($_, 1) }
+		grep { $_ }
+		map { ($_, $tags_reader->getOppositeTagname($_)) }
+		split / /, ($constants->{tagbox_top_excludetagnames} || '')
+	);
+	# Eliminate tagnames that are just the author's name.
+	my @names = map { lc } @{ $tags_reader->getAuthorNames() };
+	for my $name (@names) { $nontop{$name} = 1 }
 	# Eliminate tagnames below the minimum score required, and
 	# those that didn't make it to the top 5
 	# XXX the "4" below (aka "top 5") is hardcoded currently, should be a var
@@ -212,7 +222,8 @@
 		my $fhid = $firehose->getFireHoseIdFromGlobjid($affected_id);
 		my @top = ( );
 		if ($fhid) {
-			@top = grep { $scores{$_} >= $minscore1 }
+			@top =  grep { $scores{$_} >= $minscore1 }
+				grep { !$nontop{$_} }
 				sort {
 					$scores{$b} <=> $scores{$a}
@@ -227,6 +238,7 @@
 	if ($type eq 'stories') {
 		my @top = grep { $scores{$_} >= $minscore2 }
+			grep { !$nontop{$_} }
 			sort {
 				$scores{$b} <=> $scores{$a}

Modified: slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/mysql_dump.sql
--- slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/mysql_dump.sql	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/tagboxes/Top/mysql_dump.sql	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_top_minscore_stories', '2', 'Minimum score a tag must have to make it into the top tags for a story');
 INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_top_minscore_urls', '2', 'Minimum score a tag must have to make it into the top tags for a URL');
+INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_top_excludetagnames', 'yes no binspam dupe notthebest offtopic stupid slownewsday interesting funny insightful', 'Minimum score a tag must have to make it into the top tags for a story or firehose item');
 INSERT INTO tagbox_userkeyregexes VALUES ('Top', '^tag_clout$');

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/comments.css
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/comments.css	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/comments.css	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -144,10 +144,6 @@
 .newcomment {
-.currcomment {
-	opacity: .50;
-	filter: alpha(opacity=50);
 .comment > .hidden  {
 	display: none;
@@ -171,6 +167,10 @@
 	overflow: hidden;
+.comment > .currcomment {
+	border: 1px dotted #666;
 /* lots of space between lines */
 .comment > .oneline .commentTop, .comment > .oneline .commentBody {
 	border: none;

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/images/comments.js
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/images/comments.js	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/images/comments.js	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 var commentelements = {};
 var thresh_totals = {};
+var ajaxCommentsWaitQueue = [];
 var boxStatusQueue = [];
 var comment_body_reply = [];
 var root_comment = 0;
@@ -652,6 +653,9 @@
 	if (cids && !cids.length)
+	if (!cids && ajaxCommentsWait())
+		return;
 	if (option)
 		thresh = 1;
@@ -699,7 +703,7 @@
 			var response = eval_response(transport);
 			if (!response) {
-				boxStatus(0);
+				ajaxCommentsStatus(0);
@@ -766,8 +770,6 @@
 						if (this_id)
 							this_id.className = this_id.className.replace(' newcomment', ' oldcomment');
-					last_updated_comments = [];
-					last_updated_comments_index = -1;
 				for (var i = 0; i < update.new_cids_order.length; i++) {
@@ -808,9 +810,9 @@
 			if (do_update && highlight && last_updated_comments.length) {
 				last_updated_comments_index = last_updated_comments_index + 1;
-				setFocusComment(last_updated_comments[0], 1);
+				setFocusComment(last_updated_comments[last_updated_comments_index], 1);
-			boxStatus(0);
+			ajaxCommentsStatus(0);
 			if (0 && adTimerInsert) {
 				var tree = $('tree_' + adTimerInsert);
@@ -828,7 +830,7 @@
-	boxStatus(1);
+	ajaxCommentsStatus(1);
 	ajax_update(params, '', handlers);
 	if (cids) {
@@ -1082,6 +1084,21 @@
+function ajaxCommentsWait() {
+	return ajaxCommentsWaitQueue.length ? 1 : 0;
+function ajaxCommentsStatus(bool) {
+	boxStatus(bool);
+	if (bool)
+		ajaxCommentsWaitQueue.push(1);
+	else
+		ajaxCommentsWaitQueue.shift();
+	return true;
 function boxStatus(bool) {
 	var box = $('commentControlBoxStatus');
 	if (bool) {
@@ -1647,19 +1664,25 @@
 function setCurrentComment (cid) {
+	var this_id;
 	if (current_cid) {
-		var this_id  = fetchEl('comment_top_' + current_cid);
-		if (this_id) {
+		if (cid == current_cid)
+			return;
+		this_id  = fetchEl('comment_top_' + current_cid);
+		if (this_id)
 			this_id.className = this_id.className.replace(' newcomment', ' oldcomment');
+		this_id  = fetchEl('comment_' + current_cid);
+		if (this_id)
 			this_id.className = this_id.className.replace(' currcomment', '');
-		}
-	var this_id  = fetchEl('comment_top_' + cid);
-	if (this_id) {
+	this_id  = fetchEl('comment_' + cid);
+	if (this_id)
 		this_id.className = this_id.className + ' currcomment';
-	}
 	current_cid = cid;
@@ -1682,12 +1705,15 @@
 					var update = 0;
 					if (key == 'J' || key == 'S') {
 						update = 1;
-						if (i <= 0)
-							i = l;
-						else
+						if (i <= 0) {
+							// this did go back to end; nothing, for now
+							//i = l;
+						} else
 							i = i - 1;
 					} else if (key == 'K' || key == 'W') {
 						if (i >= l) {
+							if (ajaxCommentsWait())
+								return;
 							update = 2;
 							ajaxFetchComments(0, 1, '', 1);
 						} else {

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users.pl	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/htdocs/users.pl	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -696,10 +696,11 @@
 		# user, to determine whether this IP is OK'd to
 		# send the mail to the target user.
 		# XXXSRCID This should check a separate field like
-		# 'openproxy' instead of piggybacking off of 'nopost'
+		# 'openproxy' instead of piggybacking off of the
+		# existing nopost and spammer
 		my $srcids_to_check = $user->{srcids};
 		$err_name = 'mailpasswd_readonly_err'
-			if $reader->checkAL2($srcids_to_check, 'nopost');
+			if $reader->checkAL2($srcids_to_check, [qw( nopost spammer )]);
 	if (!$err_name) {
 		$err_name = 'mailpasswd_toooften_err'
@@ -3179,7 +3180,7 @@
 sub listReadOnly {
 	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
-	my $readonlylist = $reader->getAL2List('nopost');
+	my $readonlylist = $reader->getAL2List([qw( nopost spammer )]);
 	slashDisplay('listReadOnly', {
 		readonlylist => $readonlylist,

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/tasks/process_file_queue.pl
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/tasks/process_file_queue.pl	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/tasks/process_file_queue.pl	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
 # This code is a part of Slash, and is released under the GPL.
 # Copyright 1997-2005 by Open Source Technology Group. See README
 # and COPYING for more information, or see http://slashcode.com/.
@@ -29,10 +29,13 @@
 			$file_queue_cmds = $slashdb->getNextFileQueueCmds();
 		$cmd = shift @$file_queue_cmds;
-		if ($cmd->{blobid}) {
-			$cmd->{file} = blobToFile($cmd->{blobid});
-		}
-		if($cmd) {
+		if ($cmd) {
+			if ($cmd->{blobid}) {
+				$cmd->{file} = blobToFile($cmd->{blobid});
+			}
+			if ($cmd->{action} eq 'upload' && $cmd->{file} =~ /\.(jpg|gif|png)/i) {
+				$cmd->{action} = "thumbnails";
+			}
 		last if $task_exit_flag;
@@ -55,20 +58,29 @@
 			my $thumb = $namebase . "-thumb." . $suffix;
 			my $thumbsm = $namebase . "-thumbsm." . $suffix;
 			slashdLog("About to create thumb $path$thumb");
-			system("convert -size 100x100 $path$name $path$thumb");
+			system("/usr/bin/convert -size 260x194  $path$name  -resize '130x97>'  -bordercolor transparent  -border 48 -gravity center -crop 130x97+0+0 -page +0+0 $path$thumb");
 			my $data = {
-				stoid => $cmd->{stoid},
-				name => $thumb
+				stoid => $cmd->{stoid} || 0,
+				fhid  => $cmd->{fhid} || 0 ,
+				name => "$path$thumb"
-			addStoryFile($data, $path);
+			my $sfid = addFile($data);
+			if ($cmd->{fhid}) {
+				my $firehose = getObject("Slash::FireHose");
+				if ($firehose) {
+					$firehose->setFireHose($cmd->{fhid}, { thumb => $sfid });
+				}
+			}
 			slashdLog("About to create thumbsms $path$thumbsm");
-			system("convert -size 50x50 $path$name $path$thumbsm");
+			system("/usr/bin/convert -size 100x74 $path$name  -resize '50x37>'  -bordercolor transparent -border 18 -gravity center -crop 50x37+0+0 -page +0+0 $path$thumbsm");
 			$data = {
-				stoid => $cmd->{stoid},
-				name => $thumbsm
+				stoid => $cmd->{stoid} || 0,
+				fhid  => $cmd->{fhid} || 0,
+				name => "$path$thumbsm"
-			addStoryFile($data, $path);
+			addFile($data);
 	if ($cmd->{action} eq "upload") {
@@ -77,7 +89,7 @@
 	if (verifyFileLocation($cmd->{file})) {
-		unlink $cmd->{file};
+		# unlink $cmd->{file};
@@ -118,8 +130,10 @@
 	my($suffix) = $blob_ref->{filename} =~ /(\.\w+$)/;
 	$suffix = lc($suffix);
 	my ($ofh, $tmpname) = mkstemps("/tmp/upload/fileXXXXXX", $suffix );
+	slashdLog("Writing file data to $tmpname\n");
 	print $ofh $blob_ref->{data};
 	close $ofh;
+	$blob->delete($blobid);
 	return $tmpname;
@@ -144,11 +158,12 @@
 			push @files, $destfile if $destfile;
 			my $name = fileparse($destfile);
 			my $data = {
-				stoid => $cmd->{stoid},
-				name => $name
+				stoid => $cmd->{stoid} || 0,
+				fhid => $cmd->{fhid} || 0,
+				name => "$destpath/$name"
-			addStoryFile($data, "$destpath/");
+			addFile($data);
@@ -158,8 +173,18 @@
 		my $numdir = sprintf("%09d",$cmd->{fhid});
 		my ($prefix) = $numdir =~ /\d\d\d\d\d\d(\d\d\d)/;
-		my $destfile = copyFileToLocation($cmd->{file}, $destpath, $prefix);
-		push @files, $destfile if $destfile;
+		if (verifyFileLocation($file)) {
+			my $destfile = copyFileToLocation($file, $destpath, $prefix);
+			my $name = fileparse($destfile);
+			push @files, $destfile if $destfile;
+			my $data = {
+				stoid => $cmd->{stoid} || 0,
+				fhid => $cmd->{fhid} || 0,
+				name => "$destpath/$name"
+			};
+			slashdLog("Add firehose item: $data->{name}");
+			addFile($data);
+		}
 	return \@files;
@@ -192,16 +217,16 @@
 	return $ret_val;
-sub addStoryFile {
-	my($data, $path) = @_;
+sub addFile {
+	my($data) = @_;
 	print "Add story file\n";
 	my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
-	slashdLog("addStoryFile $path $data->{name}");
-	if ($data->{name} =~ /\.(png|gif|jpg)$/i && $path) {
-		($data->{width}, $data->{height}) = imgsize("$path$data->{name}");
-		slashdLog("addStoryFile $data->{width} $data->{height}");
+	slashdLog("addFile $data->{name}");
+	if ($data->{name} =~ /\.(png|gif|jpg)$/i) {
+		($data->{width}, $data->{height}) = imgsize("$data->{name}");
+		slashdLog("addFile $data->{width} $data->{height}");
-	$slashdb->addStoryStaticFile($data);
+	return $slashdb->addStaticFile($data);

Modified: slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/edit_comment;comments;default
--- slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/edit_comment;comments;default	2007-11-02 07:51:54 UTC (rev 238)
+++ slashjp/trunk/themes/slashcode/templates/edit_comment;comments;default	2007-11-02 07:59:46 UTC (rev 239)
@@ -156,8 +156,18 @@
 		<a href="[% gSkin.rootdir %]/users.pl">Create an Account!</a>
 		[% END %]
+[% IF !user.is_anon && user.discussion2 && user.discussion2 == "slashdot";
+        prefslink = "<a href=\"" _ gSkin.rootdir _ "/my/comments\" target=\"_blank\"";
+        IF constants.modal_prefs_active;
+                prefslink = prefslink _ "  onclick=\"getModalPrefs('d2_posting', 'Discussion 2')\; return false\"";
+        END;
+        prefslink = prefslink _ ">Customize Posting Preferences</a><p>&nbsp;<br>";
+        prefslink;
+END %]
 [% IF !user.is_anon && user.karma > constants.goodkarma %]
 		<input type="hidden" name="nobonus_present" value="1">
 		<input type="checkbox" name="nobonus"[% IF form.nobonus; constants.markup_checked_attribute ; END %]> No Karma Bonus
@@ -245,6 +255,14 @@
+<div id="modal_cover" style="display:none" onclick="hide_modal_box()"></div>
+<div id="modal_box" style="display:none">
+        <div class="generaltitle" >
+                <div class="title"><h3><div id="preference_title"></div> <a href="#" onclick="hide_modal_box(); return false"><img src="[% gSkin.imagedir %]/images/sic_close.png" alt="Close"></a></h3></div>
+        </div>
+        <div id="modal_box_content"></div>

Slashdotjp-dev メーリングリストの案内