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(最終更新 2014-03-13 08:08)

GHDL is the leading open source VHDL simulator. However it has had little development in recent years, until now. This project aims to keep it up to date with gcc - initially gcc4.8, then newer releases as they come along. Also to allow fixes and enhancements to be made. The original ghdl website at http://home.gna.org/ghdl/ remains in operation but may lag behind this project.

At the moment, we have binary distributions for Debian Linux, Mac OSX and Windows. On other systems, getting GHDL from here means downloading the current source package and building GHDL from source. Alternatively you can get the latest source version (warning : occasionally unstable!) by pulling a snapshot from the Mercurial repository. As other binary builds become available, we will add those too.

For more details, please visit the Wiki : https://sourceforge.net/p/ghdl-updates/wiki/

The user and developer mailing list is: https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/ghdl-discuss/
