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Molby: コミット

Molecular Modeling Software


リビジョン00005e8cde17a696a8d2dc1704974d3de3a12bd9 (tree)
日時2022-01-27 21:53:32
作者Toshi Nagata <alchemist.2005@nift...>
コミッターToshi Nagata


Concatenate frames command is implemented.



--- a/Scripts/commands.rb
+++ b/Scripts/commands.rb
@@ -121,6 +121,108 @@ class Molecule
121121 end
122122 end
124+ def cmd_concat_frames
125+ n = nframes
126+ return if n == 0
127+ if Molecule.list.length == 1
128+ message_box("No other molecule.", "", :ok)
129+ return
130+ end
131+ ls = (0...Molecule.list.length).select { |i|
132+ m = Molecule[i]
133+ if m == self || m.natoms != self.natoms
134+ false
135+ else
136+ if nil != (0...m.natoms).find { |n| m.atoms[n].atomic_number != self.atoms[n].atomic_number }
137+ false
138+ else
139+ true
140+ end
141+ end
142+ }
143+ if ls.length == 0
144+ message_box("No molecule has the same atomic sequence as the present one.", "", :ok)
145+ return
146+ end
147+ labels = []
148+ label_hash = Hash.new # Check if documents with the same name are present
149+ ls.each_with_index { |i, idx| # i is an index to Molecule, idx is an index to ls
150+ m = Molecule[i]
151+ label = m.name
152+ idx_h = label_hash[label] # If non-nil, then duplicate name
153+ label_hash[label] = idx
154+ if idx_h
155+ if labels[idx_h] == label
156+ labels[idx_h] = label + " (" + Molecule[ls[idx_h]].dir + ")"
157+ end
158+ label = label + " (" + Molecule[i].dir + ")"
159+ end
160+ labels.push(label)
161+ }
162+ nf = Molecule[ls[0]].nframes
163+ hash = Dialog.run("Concatenate Frames") {
164+ layout(2,
165+ item(:text, :title=>"From Molecule:"),
166+ item(:popup, :subitems=>labels, :tag=>"mol", :width=>240,
167+ :action=>lambda { |it|
168+ nf = Molecule[ls[it[:value]]].nframes
169+ set_attr("start_title", :title=>"Start (0-#{nf})")
170+ set_attr("end_title", :title=>"End (0-#{nf})")
171+ }),
172+ item(:radio, :title=>"All Frames", :tag=>"all_frames", :value=>1,
173+ :action=>lambda { |it|
174+ flag = (it[:value] == 0)
175+ set_attr("start_frame", :enabled=>flag)
176+ set_attr("end_frame", :enabled=>flag)
177+ }), -1,
178+ item(:radio, :title=>"Select Frames", :tag=>"select_frames",
179+ :action=>lambda { |it|
180+ flag = (it[:value] != 0)
181+ set_attr("start_frame", :enabled=>flag)
182+ set_attr("end_frame", :enabled=>flag)
183+ }), -1,
184+ item(:text, :title=>"Start (0-#{nf})", :tag=>"start_title"),
185+ item(:textfield, :value=>"0", :tag=>"start_frame", :enabled=>false),
186+ item(:text, :title=>"End (0-#{nf})", :tag=>"end_title"),
187+ item(:textfield, :value=>"0", :tag=>"end_frame", :enabled=>false))
188+ radio_group("all_frames", "select_frames")
189+ }
190+ if hash[:status] == 0
191+ idx_h = Integer(hash["mol"])
192+ m = Molecule[ls[idx_h]]
193+ f = m.frame # Save the current frame number
194+ nf = m.nframes
195+ if hash["all_frame"] != 0
196+ f1 = 0
197+ f2 = nf - 1
198+ else
199+ f1 = Integer(hash["start_frame"])
200+ f2 = Integer(hash["end_frame"])
201+ f1 = 0 if f1 < 0
202+ f1 = nf - 1 if f1 > nf - 1
203+ f2 = 0 if f2 < 0
204+ f2 = nf - 1 if f2 > nf - 1
205+ end
206+ if f1 <= f2
207+ a = (f1..f2).to_a
208+ else
209+ a = (f2..f1).to_a.reverse
210+ end
211+ prop = m.property_names
212+ na = m.natoms
213+ a.each { |n|
214+ self.create_frame()
215+ m.select_frame(n)
216+ na.times { |i|
217+ self.atoms[i].r = m.atoms[i].r
218+ }
219+ prop.each { |pr|
220+ self.set_property(pr, m.get_property(pr))
221+ }
222+ }
223+ end
224+ end
124226 def cmd_extra_properties
125227 mol = self
126228 get_count = lambda { |it| mol.nframes }
@@ -591,6 +693,7 @@ register_menu("Sort by residue", :cmd_sort_by_residue, :non_empty)
591693 register_menu("", "")
592694 register_menu("Delete Frames...", :cmd_delete_frames, lambda { |m| m && m.nframes > 1 } )
593695 register_menu("Reverse Frames...", :cmd_reverse_frames, lambda { |m| m && m.nframes > 1 } )
696+register_menu("Concatenate Frames...", :cmd_concat_frames, lambda { |m| m && m.nframes > 1 } )
594697 register_menu("", "")
595698 register_menu("Show Energy Window...", :cmd_show_energy, lambda { |m| m && m.property_names.include?("energy") } )
596699 register_menu("Show MO Surface...", :cmd_create_surface, lambda { |m| m && m.get_mo_info(:type) != nil } )