Instead, the result should be the same as the default compiler result. I have nothing to do with UTF-8, it needs to get out of my way and does not belong in char type, I requested the compiler to do cp437 and it glitched. Because CP437 is already a fixed width char type, strings should pass the higher bytes directly to the byte stream, not garble them.
Here is the code I have, in a CP437 file.
When I use default settings, it properly makes it print the characters in the native codepage:
However, when I use -finput-charset=cp437 , it completely garbles the output.
Instead, the result should be the same as the default compiler result. I have nothing to do with UTF-8, it needs to get out of my way and does not belong in char type, I requested the compiler to do cp437 and it glitched. Because CP437 is already a fixed width char type, strings should pass the higher bytes directly to the byte stream, not garble them.