フォーラム: MIDITrail Message board (スレッド #208062)

Colour change instructions on MIDITrail App ios (2023-06-03 17:41 by Jwander #254266)

Hi ive followed a previous thread on how to change individual note colours and done this with success on Windows.
Can i please enquire as to whether this is possible on the current ios app and if so how can this be done?
Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Re: Colour change instructions on MIDITrail App ios (2023-06-03 22:03 by yknk #255145)


*** MIDITrail for Windows ***
You can customize the colors on MIDITrail for Windows.
Please check following manual for Windows version.

(13) Color Configuration

*** MIDITrail for iOS ***
You can customize the colors on MIDITrail for iOS.
(Color settings available on iOS 14 and later)

Screen shot

Please check following manual for iOS version.

5. Setting
(8) Graphic
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Re: Colour change instructions on MIDITrail App ios (2023-06-04 17:59 by jwander #259871)

Thank you for your reply - to be specific i am referring to the the use of the individual note color change on the current iphone app. I have the most recent ios 16. I can change the pallette colors as described in the link however it inevitably only applies the first color to all notes (ie., channel 1)?
I do not see any options to change the scale feature as required for .ini modification on both the windows/mac descriptions.
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Re: Colour change instructions on MIDITrail App ios (2023-06-04 21:13 by yknk #260686)

If you want to change the note color for twelve-tone scale, you have to edit *.ini file of MIDITrail.
There is no GUI to change that setting yet.

Please check following manual for Windows and macOS version.

7. How to customize
(c) Color

7. How to customize
(c) Color

Unfortunately you can not change the note color for twelve-tone scale in iOS version.
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