

Julius は音声認識システムの開発・研究のためのオープンソースの高性能な汎用大語彙連続音声認識エンジンです。数万語彙の連続音声認識を一般のPC上でほぼ実時間で実行でき,認識率は90%以上です。言語モデル・音響モデルを任意に入れ替えられ,高い汎用性を持ちます.



リリース時刻: 2002-11-19 00:25
julius free-3.3p2 multipath (1 個のファイル 非表示)


[free version: does not contain grammar-based engine Julian]

In addition to the fixes in normal version of 3.3p2,
This multi-path version newly supports handling of model-skip
transition in any HMM. So, from this version, you can
use "any" type of state transition in HTK format
for acoustic model.


[free version: does not contain grammar-based engine Julian]

Changes in 3.3p1-3.3p2 (multipath):
- newly supports handling of model-skip transition in any HMM.
- add new feature: "-record dir" records speech inputs sucessively into the specified directory.
- fix segfault on Solaris with "-input mfcfile".
- fix adin-cut bug when using module mode and adinnet together.
- add output flush after last recognition output.

Changes in 3.3-3.3p1 (multipath):
- (BIG!) fix misconfigure of default language model weights.
- fix output of wrong value in "-separatescore".
- fix dictionary reading (allow double space)