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jeanscms: コミット


リビジョン364 (tree)
日時2017-10-24 09:10:04




  • delete: jeanscms/branches/jeans7/jeans/libs/error.php


--- jeanscms/branches/jeans7/jeans/libs/error.php (revision 363)
+++ jeanscms/branches/jeans7/jeans/libs/error.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
3- * Jeans CMS (GPL license)
4- * $Id$
5- */
8-class error extends jeans {
9- static private function debug_mode(){
10- if (!defined('_CONF_DEBUG_MODE')) return false;
11- if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']=='') return true;
12- if (_CONF_DEBUG_MODE==='admin') return member::is_admin();
13- return true;
14- }
15- static public function quit($text,$data=array()){
16- self::show($text,$data,'quit');
17- exit;
18- }
19- static public function show($text,$data=array(),$log='show'){
20- if (preg_match('/^_([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)_([A-Z0-9]*)(?:_[A-Z0-9]*)*$/',$text,$m)) $text=self::translate($text);
21- // Leave log
22- $row=sql::query("SELECT count(*) as result FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='jeans_log'")->fetch();
23- if ($row['result']==1) core::log(self::fill_html($text,$data),__CLASS__,$log);
24- // Redirect, if possible
25- if (!self::debug_mode()) {
26- if (error_reporting() & E_WARNING) {
27- $text=self::fill_html($text,$data);
28- if (headers_sent() || isset($_GET['error'])) {
29- self::echo_html('<!--\'"--><%0%>',$text);
30- } else {
31- core::set_cookie('note_text',$text);
32- core::redirect_local('?error');
33- }
34- }
35- return;
36- }
37- if (!is_array($data)) $data=array($data);
38- self::echo_html('<!--\'"-->'.$text,$data);
39- $db=debug_backtrace();
40- self::echo_html('<!--');
41- ob_start();
42- print_r($db);
43- self::p(ob_get_clean());
44- self::echo_html('-->');
45- for ($i=0;$i<count($db);$i++) {
46- if ($db[$i]['class']=='error') continue;
47- $db=$db[$i-1];
48- break;
49- }
50- $db['file']=@preg_replace('/^.*[\/\\\\]([a-z0-9_]+\.php)$/i','$1',$db['file']);
51- self::echo_html("<br />\r\nError occured at line <%line%> in <%file%>",$db);
52- }
53- static private $note=array();
54- static public function note($text,$data=false){
55- if ($data===false) {
56- self::$note[]=self::quote_html($text);
57- } else {
58- if (preg_match('/^_([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)_([A-Z0-9]*)(?:_[A-Z0-9]*)*$/',$text)) $text=self::translate($text);
59- self::$note[]=self::fill_html($text,$data);
60- }
61- }
62- static public function fatal($text=false,$data=false){
63- static $fatal=false;
64- if ($text===false) return $fatal;
65- $fatal=true;
66- self::note($text,$data);
67- }
68- static public function get_note(){
69- foreach (self::$note as $key=>$error) {
70- if (preg_match('/^_([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)_([A-Z0-9]*)(?:_[A-Z0-9]*)*$/',$error)) self::$note[$key]=self::translate($error);
71- }
72- return self::$note;
73- }
74- static public function tag_note(&$data,$skin){
75- $array=array();
76- foreach (self::get_note() as $error) {
77- $array[]=array('error'=>$error);
78- }
79- view::show_using_array($data,$array,$skin);
80- }
81- // From view.php
82- static public function compile_error($source,$compiled){
83- if (self::debug_mode()) {
84- $array=array(&$source,&$compiled);
85- foreach($array as &$temp) {
86- $temp=preg_split('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/',$temp);
87- foreach($temp as $key=>$line) $temp[$key]=substr(' '.($key+1).':',-4).$line;
88- $temp=implode("\n",$temp);
89- }
90- self::echo_html('<hr /><pre><%0%><hr /><%1%></pre><hr />',array($source,$compiled),'hsc');
91- }
92- return create_function('','return false;');
93- }
94- // From core.php
95- static public function set_error($mode,$error,$array=array()){
97- }
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